Taking Over The School Pt. 05

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A new victim is found with a body type he's never had.
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Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 02/20/2023
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The following very dark story has themes of raceplay, misogyny, non-consent sex, humiliation, abuse and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of gender, political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality. If you have issues with such kinks, please do not read.

"Look who it is, the little white bitch," a goofy sounding male voice states loudly. It's said in the sort of tone that's meant to get attention, but I'm not sure if it works. I personally would ignore this like most people are doing here, because the voice sounds like a spoiled brat that will run to his mom to tell on you.

As I am the only white guy in this school, I know the taunt is directed right at me. Normally I would just sigh and keep walking, pretending I don't hear it to be the bigger man, but I think those days are over. I'm not sure I could take anyone's abuse over it any longer, no matter who it is.

A rather short, skinny dipshit, escorted by a woman that is almost as small as he is zooms directly in front of me, trying to block me from walking. If the little shit is five foot seven, I'd be surprised. And even wet he would weigh maybe one hundred and fifty pounds. He's the sort of person that many would ask if they are made of toothpicks.

"The lil white bitch," the short man says while looking up at me, trying to clown on me. For the briefest of moments I consider trying to talk to him as an adult. After all, we are all 18 or older in this high school, so fighting could get us arrested. I could try and explain that trying to bully me just shows how much of a little kid he is, and that it won't end well.

Nah. Fuck that.

Wanting to make a point to him and anyone else that might be watching, I don't stop walking. I just keep on walking, not caring he is stopped right in front of me.

The little shit notices this, but I guess he believes I will stop. Either that or he is delusional and thinks his small ass can actually stop me. So even through I'm much larger than he is, he stands his ground.

"Hey!" The little guy protests as I walk right into him, easily pushing his entire body back. Like a bulldozer pushing back a sedan, I move him back even if he tries not to go.

Then to make a point, I put my foot behind one of his and keep walking. This makes him trip and fall where he lands with a hard thud, right on his back. Once he falls, he lets out a pained cry as he's not used to actually taking pain.

Even after he falls, I keep walking, not caring that he is in my way. My right foot then steps on his chest, where he takes all of my body weight for a moment as I walk over him. I do this very calmly, acting as if I'm walking on normal ground. Nor do I curse at him or say anything. I just look forward and keep walking, wanting nothing more than to go to class.

Instantly, the nearby people watching start to laugh. They laugh at the little guy as he cradles himself, groaning and moaning about telling someone on me. I doubt he's hurt, except for his pride. My goal wasn't to hurt him, but to teach a lesson.

Right after stepping off him, I make eye contact with his girl. She was standing behind him and to the side so I am now right next to her. The sneering laughing look she had when he was taunting me has disappeared, and an almost scared look replaces it. It's clear she thought I wasn't going to do anything, like I normally used to. Now she looks like she's prepared to run off if I say "boo."

While looking her in the eyes, I feel that strange tingle in my cock. That dark tingle where it lets me know that it wants to have her, if she wants it or not. Already I'm at half-mast thinking of what her pussy might taste like.

It's been a week since I've gone through "The Great Change" as I've come to call it. The day that I refused to be a victim any longer and have my revenge. Since that day, I've taken a classmate every single day. Each one has been fucked hard, and then made to leave filled with my cum. Hell, some days I took more than one.

Due to this, rumors about me have been going around the school like mad. I'm not sure how far they have gone or who believes them, but I have noticed a change in the girls that go here. So many of them will turn and walk the other way when I enter a hallway. Others will stare at me as if fantasizing what it would feel like for me to have them, as all that have had me, loved it. While some actually look at me ready for a fight, daring me to try anything.

If this chick has heard the rumors, then she will know what it means as I look her up and down. How when I set my eyes on a target, I'm going to have them. That once I'm done, she will never forget the day the white guy fucked her silly.

To make a point, I smirk while looking her up and down, marking her as my next victim. I do this in clear view of everyone, wanting her to feel that humiliated feeling that it should give. The sort of feeling where she is the one that feels like the small little bitch as they were trying to do to me. Where she will have to endure people asking her for weeks if anything happened because of this.

It takes the girl only a second to recognize what I am doing. The scared look she has leaves and an angry and embarrassed one replaces it, letting me know she has heard the rumors. But she knows better than to try and hit me, as it may lead to her being "accidentally" exposed with a ripped shirt or something.

Looking at her, I must admit her body isn't really my type. I like my women with big tits and thick. Where I can be rough and not break them. She's rather small and petite, maybe weighing 110 pounds. And her tits are barely a B cup, if that. But hey, pussy is pussy and I bet her's is very tight.

"Fuck off asshole," the girl curses, now leaning over to help her boyfriend. I hadn't even noticed that my trailing foot is still on his chest, to which I've been half standing on him. To this I resume my walk, still acting like nothing happened.

"See you soon," I whisper to her in such a low tone only she will be able to hear it. After saying this, I immediately look forward and walk, not giving her any sort of acknowledgment of what I just said. I want her to wonder if she really heard it, or if it was in her own mind.

As I walk, the small crowd that's gathered separate to get out of my way. And in a moment that I find ironic, I hear multiple people make a comment about the guy getting punked by the white boy. From this, there are tons of snickers as I'm sure the little man's life is about to change.

I am grateful no one else messes with me as I walk to my next class. It used to be every class change someone would try something, but that's stopped. Sure, there have been a few that try, but it doesn't bother me like it once did. Probably because when they do it, I have my next victim. I'll fuck whomever they want most, leaving them with my seconds.

What I find sort of curious is how much I'm starting to feign needing to fuck someone. It's gotten to the point that I feel like I have to sexually dominate someone every day or something bad may happen. It's become almost like a meditation, making sure that I do it.

The first time I dominated a classmate, it was sort of an impulse move and wasn't planned out. The second time was sort of like that too. But after that, it was planned out with purpose. After I fucked what's-her-butt in the principal's office for trying to lie about me, I told myself I would take a break. That I was playing a very dangerous game. Sure all the girls loved it, and I would stop if they didn't, but what if I take it too far?

But after looking at Lil Miss Petite, the thought of taking a break is laughable. My dick is already hard at seeing the look of pained pleasure on her face as I fuck her, with her not sure if she's supposed to enjoy it or not as she cums. And the best part will be the part I won't see, which is when her skinny boyfriend finds out I came in the bitch. There's even rumors that one of the girls I fucked, Rosche is pregnant.

I walk into my last class of the day where I do begin to wonder about this. On purpose I've been fucking classmates to have revenge for being picked on for so long. To get even for them making my life hell for so long. That list isn't very long, yet, but I've been doing it without a condom. So...I wonder if any of them are pregnant. It hasn't been that long yet, so if they are, they may not know it.

"Hey," a voice says after I've been sitting in my chair for about a minute. Looking up, I see a classmate of mine called Liza. She's an ok sort of person, one that I don't know much about because we don't talk much. She keeps to herself, so I haven't had any real interaction with her. All I can really say about her is that she never joined in with any of the taunts and bullying as she viewed it as very childish.

"Yeah, so you don't walk home do you?" Liza oddly asks. Finding this an odd question, I give her a look that states that I don't get why she is asking.

"Dionte, the boy you just walked on, was talking pretty loudly about trying to jump you. If you walk home, just be on the lookout. He's pretty upset," Liza informs me.

"Oh, really? Ok. Thanks for that," I tell her after a moment, finding this funny. I know I need to take it seriously, especially if the little shit gets himself some friends, but it is still funny.

Liza nods and begins to walk to her seat. Watching her, I sort of feel bad as I've been so hardcore wanting revenge that I forgot that there are good people at this school. Not all of them are assholes or out to get me. Sure, she could have tried to get people to stop messing with me, but that may have made them mess with her, which is why she didn't.

"Hey, Liza. Does Dionte walk home? He lives that close?" I ask Liza as she reaches the next row over. At this she pauses in which I can see her thinking.

"Nah, I don't think so. Think he walks Crystal home, and hangs out with her until he gets a ride or something," Liza tells me. I again tell her thanks and hopefully I show with my eyes that I truly mean it.

Once again, a plan forms in my head how to get what I want. Of how to lay claim to Crystal, which I didn't know was her name. And like a puzzle for a toddler, all the pieces snap together so fast and easy that it's scary. It's like my brain has a special skill for planning out how to capture and take what I want.

The bell then rings, starting class. For most of today I have been paying attention and doing my best to be a good student. Afterall, this is my last year and need to do good to make sure I don't end up having a deadend job. But at the moment, I can't concentrate. My mind keeps returning to the plan and trying to plan for little things that may happen. And if it's not that, I think of how Crystal's pussy will feel being that she's so petite.

In what feels like a year later, the bell rings. I immediately get out of my desk and out of the classroom, walking very fast. Normally I would go to my locker to put away my stuff for football practice, but not today. I'm going to skip practice today. Today...I'm going to head straight for the common area/lobby of the school.

As I march there, I know that is probably where Dionte and Crystal will meet. If he walks her home, that is the logical place for them to meet up. From there they could exit out the front of the school which is where the sidewalk begins.

Since I'm headed towards the front of the school and am earlier than I normally would be, there's not many people in the hallway. That will change in a matter of seconds, but at least right now, there's barely anyone around.

Then, in what can only be described as the best luck ever, I see Dionte walking ahead of me. He's by himself, books in hand, to the right of the hallway. I see the way he's walking, which has a little strut, acting as if he's some big dick that owns this place. Seeing this makes me smile because he looks like a small dork instead of the hardcore gansta that he so wants to be.

Unable to help it, my smile gets so very wide. Like before, everything seems to snap into place and the plan I had is updated to an even better plan. The perfect settings are laid down, and I intend to take advantage of them.

So, seizing my chance, I march right behind Dionte. I do this while trying to not cause any attention, as if he sees me, he could easily start a scene. But I move right behind him, making it seem like an 18-wheeler riding up on Mini.

A laugh nearly escapes me when I see something special up ahead. It's something that lets me form a much better plan than I had been thinking of doing. I was just going to kick his ass by punching him hard a few times, then drag him outside where I would dump him in the bushes. But what I see up head is so much better.

Approaching the two of us as we walk is one of the many janitor's closets. Only this one is the one I happened to use not but a couple of days ago. Where I took one of my conquests, fucked her silly and left her dazed. Where I literally fucked her stupid and left her in there, naked and covered in cum for others to see. Hell, the remains may still be on the floor.

"Heya pal," I tell Dionte as I walk next to him, putting my right arm around his neck. Doing this accents how much larger I am than he is as I damn near have to lean over to do this. But I tighten my arm around his neck, making sure to hold him in place as easy as I would a toddler.

Dionte's confusion keeps him from doing anything but looking at me, not realizing who I am yet. The look he then gives is almost comical, such as I'm not supposed to be here doing this. That this isn't part of his plan. That I'm messing everything up.

"What the?!" Dionte finally exclaims, or tries to when the seriousness of the situation dawns on him. He gets maybe one grunt out of this before I bury my fist right into his stomach. To make it even more damaging, I move his body towards the punch by pulling him in.

Being in football, I hear the sound of getting the air knocked out of you a lot. It has a very particular sound to it, along with the panic it sometimes brings. This is what I hear come out of Dionte as I doubt he's ever been hit this hard before. The punch is so hard his entire body goes into the air for a spilt-second.

Dionte doesn't take the blow well at all. He actually leans over, where he puts his face into my chest like he can't control his body. Helpless and stunned, he stops walking completely and starts to sink down my chest. Feeling this, I try to hold him up with my right arm, but am having trouble as I want to laugh.

Knowing I only have seconds left before the hallway is filled and more people see this, I reach over and open the janitor closet door. Then, in a rather cruel move that I would later consider wasn't needed, I pie-face Dionte into the closet. I move my left hand onto his face, then push hard to make his limp body stumble back into the closet.

Dionte still has the amazed panic on his face as I do this. He stumbles back, showing he has no control of his body, allowing me to easily do this. I manage to shut the door and barely get it closed before I hear him smack into the shelves in the room. There I hear the metallic sounds of the crashing shelves as well as the thud of him falling to the ground.

Acting as if everything is normal, I resume my walk, heading for the front of the school. I wait to hear someone say something about what happened, but no one does. There's no gasps, no laugher no nothing. And on purpose I don't look around to check who saw as that would confirm I just did something bad. No, I just walk like I haven't done a damn thing.

Showing that all is great, I even wave at my Biology teacher who has Front of School guard duty today. I wish her well as I leave the school, and then walk down the sidewalk, joining the few people that have made it out before I have.

I personally drive to school as I live pretty far away, so I've never used the sidewalk or path here. But checking this out, I see the sidewalk in front of the school has the street on one side, and a rather large forest on the other. I've heard this forest has a trail where students use to cut down the length of their walk home. The thing is, if you don't use the trail, then the forest is really dense. There's very few clear areas, and most of those were man-made either by students or local homeless.

Walking by myself and hoping I don't look too out of place, I travel the sidewalk. Once I reach a location in which I can still see the school, but it's mostly out of sight, I look around. Pretending to tie my shoe, I keep looking to see who else is around.

I'm by myself at the moment, with the closest person being about 40 feet away. There are a line of students far behind me exiting the school, all walking home. Only, they travel in groups and seem wrapped up in their own conversations.

Taking a chance, I dart into the forest. By another lucky break, I happen to find an opening, as if someone has already used this section to go into the forest. The branches and shrubbery here have been pushed and broken, making for a nice little door into the dense forest.

Not stopping, I walk into the forest, where I find a rather large tree and hide behind it, hoping no one saw me go in here. I position myself perfectly behind the tree where no one should be able to see me if they walk by.

For several minutes I hide like this. I make as little noise as possible while trying to scope out my location. This part of the forest is has tons of trees, sticks, bushes and more. But I do notice that from the opening I went through, there's a small trail. It leads to the far left, where I think I see a very small clearing. It makes me think that someone really did flatten this out.

Finally, I hear voices as the next students arrive. Still hiding behind the tree, I hear the students walk on the sidewalk, expecting them to say something about me darting in the forest. But they don't say anything like that at all. In fact, they are talking about some TikTok challenge they saw at lunch.

Not wanting to take any chances, I stay as I am, waiting to see if one of them pokes their head into the forest to try and find me. But again, no. The small group walks past on the sidewalk, having no clue I'm here. A half minute later, another group walks by who also ignore me.

Smiling, I relax. No one saw me go in here. Now I just have to execute the second part of my plan, which is to drag Crystal in here once she passes. Only, I'm not sure what to do if she's not alone. Maybe today will be the day I get to take two girls at the same time.

I move from my hiding place and find a place to spy on the sidewalk. I spot tons more students walking home, but am not able to see Crystal. So I'm forced to do a sort of hide-and-spy, where I take a glance, then hide before people walk by. Over and over I do this, darting to behind the tree only to come out and try and get a glance before hiding again.

When it feels like most of the students have passed, I get a bad feeling that Crystal found Dionte, or maybe a teacher did. That they are tending to him and that's why she hasn't arrived yet. That right now, he's telling them what I did so they can try and prosecute me. That the little shit just ruined my perfect plan.

And then, I spot Crystal. I spot her leaving the school, all alone. It's her alright. I know because of her petite little body. Even from here I can tell she's tensed up, walking with her textbooks clutched to her chest as if they will protect her.

Moving to the opening into the forest, I hunch down and wait. Each second that passes, I get more and more excited about what I'm going to do. This also makes it feel like it takes forever for her to get here. How slow does she walk?!