Taking Over The School Pt. 11


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My orgasm feels like it lasts forever while at the same time being over with too soon. The feelings it produces feel like they come from my soul as my entire body cums. My eyes even roll from the overwhelming feeling, which I don't think has ever happened before.

Once I've cummed, it occurs to me that I'm not done. In my mind I pictured her blowing me, to which I would just walk off after I cum, but I can't do that. I know we are flirting with danger as any moment a teacher or janitor could show up, but that powerful arousal hasn't left me. The urge and desire to feel more of that dominating vibe lingers.

The Girlfriend moves her arms, where it's clear she's about to stand up. She's still smiling but clearly thinks we are done, which we are not.

"Did I say you could move?" I ask the Girlfriend. I don't say it in a mocking or mean way, but a tone that is to show that we aren't close to being finished. After all, she said I could fuck her, which hasn't happened yet.

The Girlfriend looks up at me with her cum covered face, confused. This quickly passes and she reassumes her position of kneeling, with her arms behind her back. She then continues to look up at me, my cum all over her face as she waits to see what I want.

I turn to look at Dedion now, who is quickly regaining his wits. Showing no care for him, I punch him in the stomach. Only I do it rather aburtly which makes his girlfriend yep out.

Dedion groans and doubles over, only this time I don't keep holding him up. Instead I let go to let him fall to the ground. There he falls hard, landing on his knees and then moving into a curled type of position. He stays down, groaning as he holds himself, clearly unable do anything but groan.

With my stiff dick still out, I move behind The Girlfriend. She leans over to check on her boyfriend who still just groans. He acts like she isn't even there by not even looking at her. Maybe he wants to pretend he can't see her as she is naked with another man's cum on her face.

"W-Wait...what?!" The Girlfriend exclaims as I kneel down behind her and push her right on her ass. She wasn't expecting this and falls over. But as I planned this, she falls over her boyfriend. Her hands and knees move to either side of her boyfriend where she is basically bent over him.

"You...you can't!" the Girlfriend says in a shocked tone as I use my hand to spread her legs open more. She looks back at me shocked but excited, seemingly surprised that I could be doing this after cumming the way I did.

I position my cock right at her pussy entrance while she continues to look back at me, cum dripping off her face. The Girlfriend moans out as I slide my hard cock inside of that wet, tight pussy of hers. She keeps looking back at me, her face still shocked but now being overtaken with an expression of pleasure. I make sure to go slow as I slide my dick in, wanting this feeling to linger for the both of us as she lays literally on top of her boyfriend.

I pull her hips backward as I move my hips forward until our bodies meet, where my cock goes all the way inside of her. At this, we both moan as it feels so damn good. Her womanhood isn't just inviting, it's welcoming me with all her might. I don't think I've ever felt a pussy that wanted my cock the way this one does.

"But..." the Girlfriend tries to say, her arms trembling as she remains in this doggie style position over her boyfriend.

"Shut up, unless you want me to kick the shit out of your boyfriend," I threaten. The look she gives me after I say this is very telling. Her open mouth closes and she gets a sort of shameful look while her cum-covered face burns red. It's noticeably clear to see that these were the magic words as now she can enjoy herself without having to pretend otherwise. After all, she's only doing this to save her boyfriend.

"Face forward and arch your back," I order as I keep my dick planted in her. Saying nothing she turns to look forward, where she arches her back to make her ass somewhat tilted.

Right after she does this, I use my hands on her hips to move her forward, so she slides down my cock, then pull her back. When her ass makes contact with me, I thrust forward to make her bounce off my cock, like she's being impaled. I make sure to do this slow but steady to make her feel every inch of my manhood.

The Girlfriend moans as I fuck her, where I see her firm breasts bouncing as she does this. Each time I move her, she presses against her boyfriend, making him rock as well. He hasn't moved from his curled up position as he seems to be knocked out, or pretending to be.

Moving her hips faster, I start to fuck her rougher. To this, she does start to make a lot more noise as she begins to moan nonstop. I have a feeling she's trying to be quiet, but is unable to stop herself. If it is anything like what I'm feeling, the entire thing is overwhelming as I'm fucking someone's girlfriend over his own prone body.

Moving much faster, our bodies start to make a clapping sound. This sound echoes down the empty hallway, along with her moans of pleasure. There's no way of hiding what is happening now, so if there is anyone on this floor, they know two people are having sex. And the worst part is, I don't really care if they investigate. They can come out and see us like this, but I'm not stopping.

The Girlfriend sort of twerks as she rides back, making it feel like I'm going much deeper than normal inside of her. Doing this causes her to moan a remarkably high pitched, feminine moan that is starting to dive me crazy.

I too moan with pleasure as I fuck her, not caring how it hurts my knees to be on this hard floor. In fact, I nearly start laughing as I watch the cum that's on her face fly off of her, much of it going onto her boyfriend. He doesn't react to it, just stays in his passed out manner while I fuck his girlfriend.

"Ouch!" The girlfriend cries out as I reach over and grab a handful of her hair. She wasn't expecting this, but doesn't fight it. In fact, she starts to ram her ass against me once I do.

I shock myself how I'm able to do this. It's as if my body craves this, powered by this new fresh sense of power. Where my plan isn't just to fuck her and cum as fast as possible, which is what I wanted to do, but to display my dominance over this little fucking wimp as I fuck his girlfriend.

"What am I doing, huh? What is happening to you right now?" I growl into the Girlfriend's ear as I continue to pound her, the noise getting so loud.

"Fucking my pussy!" the Girlfriend says in an airy, pleasure-filled tone. When she says this, I swear I feel her start to leak all over me, either getting super wet or downright squirting.

"Who am I fucking you on top of, huh? Who is he?" I then demand, on purpose fucking her harder and faster after I ask. This increased pace makes her start to whimper as well as moan, making it sound as if she can't take much more. I fully use my weight as I do this, wanting her to be sore for days.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" The Girlfriend announces, sounding as if her emotions and brain are overwhelmed.

I keep up the renewed pace, moving damn near as fast as I can as I fuck her. Her poor angelic body bounces off me so fast now that I'll be surprised if she doesn't get whiplash. It's so much that her moans start to quiver from the movement, even if I'm still holding her hair.

"Answer me!" I demand, making her arch her back.

"My boyfriend! You are fucking my pussy on top of my boyfriend!" The Girlfriend announces as she cums. Hearing this sends me over the edge in a way I didn't think possible.

I too orgasm, but unlike all the times before, my body deeply shudders, twitches and jerks as I do. I feel myself unleash everything inside of her, pumping her insides full of my seed. But it feels more than that, as if I fill her with her own boyfriend's pathetic realization and humiliation. Where the two of them will always remember this day. How he was so little of a man that I could fuck her right on top of him without any concern.

For a moment the world disappears as I sink into my intense orgasm. It's the most intense feeling I think I've ever felt. It feels that fucking her is a punishment for him, but a reward for me. That this is the universe setting things right.

Sometime later I come back to reality. I'm not sure how long this takes either. I'm sure it's probably just seconds later, but I wouldn't be surprised to find I've had my dick buried in her for minutes.

When I do come out of my sexual trance, I find I am very sweaty and out of breath as my hard cock still stuffs her pussy. This is actually what pulls me back to reality as I feel her pussy clenching and milking at my cock, making it feel as if she's wanting to take all of my seed. It just adds to the intensity of what's happened.

"Have fun raising my baby," I laugh as I pull my cock out of her. She of course gasps at this, especially as when I pull out there is a light strain of cum that clings to my cock. Since she knows all the rumors, then she knows what I've done to most of the girls I've fucked here. How many of their bellies are already starting to show.

With my cock out of her, the Girlfriend sort of collapses on top of her limp boyfriend. She just plops over, falling on top of him looking almost in the same shape as him, clearly spent and tired. Except for her, she's been fucked hard while he got fucked up.

Standing, I pull my pants up, not believing what I just did. That I fucked the loser's girlfriend on top of him, and he didn't do a thing about it. It makes me feel oddly masculine. I don't want to say it makes me feel like an "alpha male," because guys that say that about themselves are rarely ever alphas. But I feel dominant in a way I've not felt before, and I know it's because the little shit deserved what happened.

As I fix my belt, I feel my still hard dick rubbing against my pants. The feeling of it makes me consider how much I've changed. Ever since I turned my life around, I have been taking my revenge. It started as me fucking the women who disrespected me, proving to them how much of a man I really am. From there I started fucking the girlfriends and crushes of assholes who messed with me. Now I see I should have been taking my revenge where they can see me do it.

Feeling something change in me, I know now that from now on, if I do take my revenge, I'll make the asshole watch. I'll make his girlfriend look him right in the eye as she sucking my dick or getting it hard from me. It's by far the best way to take the revenge and justice that I'm owed.

I take one last look at the couple who are still laying in a pile. There I see Dedion open his eyes. He opens them in a way that I can tell he's trying to see if I'm still around. His eyes move just a little where he must feel his naked girlfriend laying on top of him. She's just about passed out as well, which he must feel as all of her weight is on him.

Despite pretending to be passed out, I know now he isn't. He was awake the entire time I fucked his girlfriend, just like he's awake now. I know this because I see his shame and how little he thinks of himself as he didn't do a damn thing to stop it. I normally would feel bad as no decent person should have to feel that, but not for him. Not after what he tried. He fucked around and found out.

With my pants on properly, I walk down the hallway, where I go back into the classroom as if nothing happened. There I make my way back to my chair and resume writing my essay. Oddly enough, I feel more focused now, so when I look over what I've written, I spot several errors I hadn't seen before.

I feel vastly different now as that dominant feeling swirls within me. It pulses and throbs, preventing me from worrying about what may happen. That confident feeling tells me that if some teacher did reappear that neither Dedion nor his girlfriend would say anything about me. Both would keep quiet no matter what, even if it is for different reasons.

Working on my essay, the minutes pass. Unlike before when I felt pressured to get this done as fast as possible, I'm now very calm and collected. I take my time on the essay, where I can just feel that it's going to be good.

After a while, I do hear the two of them move. The Girlfriend speaks first, where she check on her boyfriend, asking if he's ok, if anything is broken. Instead of sounding humbled and show care for her sacrifice, Dedion sounds like a spoiled brat by telling her to shut up and put her whore clothes on. This, of course, starts a hushed fight between them where she fires back that his mouth got both of them into this, pointing out that if she hadn't let me fuck her, that he would probably be in the hospital. She then hits him with the final blow in my opinion when she tells him this is his fault, all of it for worshipping his loser cousin.

"No! Leave it be. Drop it. Don't want any more trouble!" The Girlfriend declares sometime later as the two continue to argue. They sound as if they are at the end of the hallway now, far from this classroom. For a while they were talking soft enough that I couldn't hear them, but now that they are getting angry, they are no longer worried about me hearing.

"You do this, and I'm out. I ain't saving ya ass and we done, for good," the Girlfriend proclaims. The way she says this would make most people say "damn," as you know she's serious. There is real conviction in her voice, making her sound more like a man than Dedion could ever.

"Fuck you, bitch. I don't need ya whore ass!" Dedion fires back. There's a slap sound later, which I take is the Girlfriend slapping him in the face. Right after there's the sound of a heavy door opening and slamming, meaning she must be going down the stairs and left.

At this I listen closely, not really caring that I just broke them up. I'm more interested in what Dedion is planning to do, as he's proven he may sink pretty low. His pride, whatever is left of it, is hurt.

I've thankfully finished my essay, which lets me focus on Dedion as it occurs that I haven't heard him leave. Several minutes have passed since the Girlfriend left, but I haven't heard anything from him. No doors closing, no footsteps, no nothing. That can only mean he's still out there.

Curious about this, I put my finished essay on my teacher's desk as I was instructed to do. Then I quietly go and look out the classroom door. Poking my head just a bit, I try to be as ninja as I can.

I see Dedion standing at the end of the hallway, holding onto the wall, looking hurt. He's looking at the cell in his hand, clearly texting with someone while he is hunched over, clearly still hurting. All of his focus is on his texts. There's no thought of me or of his girlfriend who seems to be long gone.

A new thought pops in my head to what may be happening. I bet anything the little shit is reaching out to Leon, the cousin. Trying to arrange some sort of beatdown, wanting to see if he or maybe his friends can come here right now to get revenge on me.

Instead of feeling concerned or even scared of this, I feel excited. I even smile. That dominant feeling inside of me takes over at this, letting me know that everything is going to be perfectly fine now that it is in control. That Leon and his idiot cousin are not going to be any trouble. Like that 80's movie said, people that are looking for trouble aren't any issue for someone ready for it.

Smiling, I walk out of the classroom. I make my footsteps light and soft, making little to no noise as I don't want Dedion to hear me. This proves very easy as he's so engrossed in his texting that he doesn't think to look back at all. It's even easier to move into the classroom that is across the hall. It's a darkened room but the door is open, making it very easy to enter. From there I move into the darkness of the room where I can still see the open door.

The heavy door is slammed open, making a loud, crashing noise. The noise of it echoes up and down the hallway, making it sound almost like a movie jump scare.

"Where he at, cuz? Let's beat that lil bitch down!" An angry voice proclaims. My smile gets even wider as I know that voice. That's Leon. And from the sound of it, he's stomping down the hallway, looking for me.

"He dare hit my fucking family? I'll fuck his white ass up!" Leon declares as if he's some sort of gansta, nearly making me burst out laughing. It's the same as if a five year old was saying it.

Of course Dedion would only tell his cousin part of what happened. I bet that little coward would rather die than to admit to anyone that I fucked his girl right on top of him. He'll take that to the grave.

I am rather surprised that Leon came alone. Someone like him normally won't do anything one on one, because that would be too fair. Then again, I guess he thinks with his cousin, he has the edge.

"Hey, white boy!" Leon yells, swooping into the doorway of the classroom where I was. He actually jumps into the frame like he means to surprise me, if I was in that room. The way he does this amazes me as he truly thinks his appearance would be a surprise. That I wouldn't have heard him stomping down the hallway or yelling.

"What the fuck? Where is he?" Leon complains after seeing that I'm not there. He darts his upper body into the classroom while holding onto the frame, acting like he can't believe I'm not there.

"He was right there..." Dedion stammers, acting very surprised himself. Only right after sounding surprised, I hear the fear in his voice.

Leon turns around at the same time as I walk out of my classroom. I walk slowly but steady towards him, my hands already balled into fists. I walk with a purpose, but I don't run. I have no need to run.

"Hey," I say to Leon. I give him time to see me as I walk up to him. For him to register that it's me.

Leon looks overly surprised by my presence. As if coming out of a different classroom wasn't allowed in the rules of life. His eyes even widen to show his shock of this, as if I was just supposed to come up to him and accept my beating.

Despite wanting to kick his ass to the point of tossing him out a window, I actually have second thoughts. Some part of me tells me how he's just insecure and isn't worth giving such a beating too. That what I'm about to do isn't going to help anyone.

But then I see what Leon has in his right hand. It's why he came alone, as he brought himself a weapon. Not that he even knows how to use the brass knuckles he has, as the way he's holding them, he'll break his fingers punching anything. Probably just flashes them around to scare others.

I know the scene plays out in slow motion for Leon by the look on his face. His eyes zero in on my fist, which is already pulled back by the time I reach him. It's cocked back and prepped to unload, right at his face.

The brass knuckles go flying as both of Leon's arms fly backward at being punched in the face. The punch lands perfectly in the middle of his face with the full force of my muscles and anger. It almost looks comical the way both of Leon's arms windmill, acting like a children's cartoon or something.

My left hand grabs hold of the front of Leon's shirt before he can fall backward from the blow. I grab a handful of the fabric and yank him towards me as I throw yet another punch. His large body somewhat ragdolls at this, where my fist makes contact again with his face.

This time when Leon's hit, he doesn't go backward, but down. His legs seem to give out, sending him down while I still hold onto his shirt. This is the only thing that keeps him in a somewhat upright manner as he falls to his knees.

Any real thought of defending himself doesn't seem occur to Leon except to limply lift his hands up. Knowing his type, he thought this was going to be a one sided beating on his part, so he never considered having to defend himself. Like Tyson said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.