Taking Over The School Pt. 11


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Another punch lands right on Leon's face, truly knocking silly. This time he doesn't grunt or say anything, not even a cry of pain. Instead he sways as I hold him, both arms down and his nose most likely broken. The excitement and poise of the would-be gansta are long gone, where I have a feeling he's probably pissed his pants.

"Shithead," I growl, but at Dedion instead of Leon as I want his attention. Dedion has just stood there, mouth open and wide eyed. The hunched over little shit is holding his stomach but making no effort to help his cousin. In fact, the way he looks I think his entire world just ended.

"Shithead, he have a girlfriend?" I ask Dedion, still holding Leon the best I can. The large fucker is rather heavy and has gone almost limp, making it hard to keep him upright, even if he's on his knees.

Dedion's eyes widen as he knows exactly why I just asked this. Then a look of shock hits him which turns into downright terror. To look at him someone might think I just said I was going to cook his cousin alive and then eat him. It's so bad that Dedion goes so pale he might pass out.

"Fine, I'll keep kicking his ass," I tell Dedion with a shrug, implying this is the only thing that will stop the beating of his cousin.

This time instead of my fist, which sort of hurts now, I hit smack Leon in the side of the face with my forearm/elbow. It's a move I learned a long time ago when I flirted with taking MMA classes. It wasn't for me as I wasn't very good at it, and I thought it was too violent.

"NO! I mean, yeah, yeah! He got a girl! He got a girl!" Dedion frantically pleads after the last blow, not wanting me to hit his cousin any longer. He even holds his hands out in the universal move of "don't shoot."

"Call her," I order Dedion, wanting to talk to Leon's girlfriend. To make sure Dedion knows I'm serious, I cock my elbow back, preparing to hit Leon again.

Dedion frantically pulls his cell out. His entire body shakes as he tries to tap at the screen, looking terrified. The asshole is so shook up he drops his cell and it takes him a while to be able to pick it up. But after a while he does manage and calls whomever.

"H-Here, just...don't hurt him man, don't hurt him," Dedion begs, turning his cell so I see the screen. That's when I see he's calling someone via a videochat of some sort. I'm not surprised when I read the contact's name as "Fat Ass," as Dedion strikes me as having the humor of a five year old.

"Let me guess, ya little shit, you and Leon fucked that white boy up? OH SHIT," a woman says as she appears on the screen. She wasn't looking at her camera at first as she was running a brush through her hair, but then sees the sight of me holding her nearly knocked out boyfriend.

The woman's cell is resting on a sink or something as there's an up-angle of her. Her concerned and shocked face then fills up the screen as she leans over to get a better look at the scene in front of her. From the looks of it, she's in a huge bathroom as I see the high ceiling and cheap industrial lights. Sort of looks like a locker room.

"Wait a minute, I fucking know you," I tell the woman, recognizing her face. At my words she stands up straight, her face moving away from the screen. When she does this, I can see she's in her bra. If I had to guess, she just took a shower and was getting dressed. I do like that bra on her. It's a white bra that looks like it can barely contain her breasts.

The woman doesn't say anything as she looks at the screen, clearly shocked. Can't say I blame her as this isn't the sort of thing you would expect when someone calls you. I bet she thought it was Dedion calling to exclaim how badly they beat me down.

"To answer you, yes, they fucked the white boy up," I mock, throwing her own words back at her. To this she instantly gets tight lipped and serious. She now picks up her cell and holds it out in front of her, revealing that she is in a locker room, maybe even the school's locker room as I see those ugly benches behind her now.

"You're...Betty? Basty? Something like that?" I ask, trying to remember her name. I know her because she's on the volleyball team. The girls on the volleyball team love to talk shit about the football players when we are taking breaks during practice as their volleyball court is on the side of the football field. She in particular loves to make snide comments about me.

"What the fuck is going on?" Betty demands to know. When she asks this, she gets a very strong attitude.

"Loverboy wanted to fight. Look where it got him," I tell her, shaking Leon a bit to show he's damn near passed out. I thought this might wake him up some, but instead he groans in annoyance.

"Alright? What's that got to do with me? I ain't trying to fight you...or nobody," Betty states with attitude.

"Just a question. One question. You want this ass whopping to stop? Or you want me to keep beating him down?" I ask her with a smug attitude. To make it look good, I lift my fist as if about to slam it down on his face.

Betty's eyes narrow at this, making me wonder if she's heard the rumors about me as well. If she has, then she should have a feeling of what I'm about to suggest. For all I know, she may want this to happen, just like Dedion's girlfriend.

"What the fuck I care? You know his boys gonna get even," Betty proclaims, but I hear the concern in her voice, masked by that attitude. She's trying to put up a front, but I see through it.

"Oh, you care a lot. You really want to be known as the girlfriend...of a little bitch...that got beat down...by me? The white boy?" I ask slowly, both of us knowing what it means.

I smirk at the woman, knowing that I didn't even need to say that last part because she was already thinking it. Her worry isn't so much for Leon, but for herself. For her reputation of being the girlfriend of not the basketball captain or whatever, but the girlfriend of a little bitch that everyone is going to make fun of.

"You should know baby girl, I will fuck him up, and make sure everyone knows I did it," I warn, my eyes staring at the screen.

Right after saying this, Dedion whimpers a little. Like the little coward he is, he holds the cell so Betty and I can have our conversation. Only now he whimpers as he knows what this will do to Leon's reputation.

A silence begins where that feeling of power rises in me all over again. A power that comes not from physically dominating Leon or his cousin, but from dominating Betty with only words. Betty knows I'm holding her friends and popularity in my hands. That I don't have to touch her to ruin her.

"What you want motherfucka?" Betty then asks, her voice very upset as she basically submits to me. She tries to keep looking strong with attitude, but it's too late.

"Where you at?" I ask her after a long pause. I readjust my grip on Leon's shirt as it's started to tear from his body weight pulling on it. Leon's head lays back now, making it seem like he's passed out.

"In the locker room. Why?" Betty answers, sounding perplexed by this, but also a bit curious.

On purpose I don't say anything. Instead I keep looking at her, wanting this uncomfortable silence to hang in the air. The silence is power, and I want her to feel it because she knows what I am about to say, but has to wait for me to say it.

"Here's the deal. Either I keep beating the shit out of Loverboy here, or I get to fuck you," I tell Betty calmly. I say this without a hint of shame or embarrassment. Instead I make it sound as natural and powerful as possible.

Betty puts her hand to her face as her other hand keeps holding her cell. She puts on an anxious and nervous show, acting as if what I just said is the worst thing ever. The thing is, there are no tears coming from her. No look of fear or disgust. In fact, I'm pretty sure she's trying to hide her face so I don't see the excitement she may have.

"Look, I'll meet you out front by the flagpole in like ten minutes. We can talk about it then," Betty says in a resigned tone as she lowers her hand from her face a few moments later. She says this in a would-be serious way, but I can tell that she's full of it.

"Like hell," I spit back with as much attitude as she gave me earlier. I say this to let her know she isn't making any sort of demands, plans or suggestions. It's my way from now on. Especially as I know she's trying to wiggle out of this.

"Show me your tits, right now. Whip them out to prove you want me to fuck you," I demand, taking full control of the situation.

Betty's mouth drops at this, clearly not expecting me to demand something like this. She probably thought I would drop everything and run to the front of the school in hopes of sex. That I would wait while she ditched me and her loser ex somehow got out of here.

"Alright, bitch, gave you a chance," I shrug after Betty doesn't move a muscle after my demand.

There's a loud grunt from Leon as my elbow makes contact with the side of his face. This time I hit him harder than I mean to where I really do think I knocked him out. He goes extremely limp, causing me to drop him to the floor due to the weight.

"Fine! Shit! Damn!" Betty curses loudly. She yells this so loudly I hear the echoes of her words around her locker room. These curses show how upset she is that she isn't getting away with this.

Staring at the cell that Dedion is holding, I watch as Betty grabs underneath her right bra cup with her free hand and pulls up. She pulls up hard, letting her right bare breast drop free, then her left as the bra moves upward. Both of her rather thick tits are fully exposed now as she aims her camera at them as she moves.

I don't say anything but I want to. Damn, those are some nice tits. They are nice and big, just like I like them, but they are big in a different way. It's silly to admit this, but they are more rounded than most of the tits I've seen. They are full and round, perky yet huge. And her nipples are so very dark, much darker than any I've seen.

"Happy, asshole?!" Betty complains, then does a sort of mocking bounce so her breasts bounce.

The humiliation, embarrassment and excitement on her face when she does this bounce makes my cock so hard that I get scared it may rip out of my pants. She does that silly bounce only for a moment, but those huge tits of hers bounce nice and hard. Those tits nearly put me into a trance.

My cock gets even harder when it occurs to me that I have no clue if she's alone in that locker room. I would think she is, as practice should have long since been over, but shit, I dunno. I don't know anything about volleyball practice or how late women stay here.

"No. I'm not happy. Not yet, anyway," I tell her with a knowing smirk. A smirk that plainly says that my dick is about to be shoved into that cunt of yours.

"I take it you are alone? Or are you giving all your friends a nice show with those fat titties?" I ask Betty, being very crude and lewd on purpose, which is very much unlike myself. Well, that's not really true. When I get in these zones...I change.

"I'm alone, fucker. Practice ended a while ago and I had to stay late to take down the net," Betty reveals, her attitude returning.

Her telling me why she is alone tells me a lot, especially since I didn't ask. It lets me know some part of her is really enjoying this. That she wants this to happen in that locker room, or else she wouldn't let me know how empty it is. I'm also getting the feeling she likes to be dominated, probably because she hasn't really experienced it before. Knowing Leon, he probably treats her like his mom.

"Take everything off. Bra, skirt, panties, whatever you got on. Then take your naked ass and go bend over one of those benches. Don't end the call, either," I order as serious as I can be.

Right after saying this, I push Dedion's hand to the side, making the cell face the wall now as I don't want Betty to say anything. This surprises the little shit because he yelps and he tries to back up as if I'm about to steamroll him. But I manage to grab him by the shirt again and hold him.

"Listen, you little shit. You are going to point that fucking phone right in his face, you got me?!" I threaten Dedion while pointing at the large, knocked out Leon on the floor. When I tell Dedion this, I push him, making him stumble and smack against the wall.

I almost open my mouth to threaten more, telling him how I'll kick the shit out of him if he doesn't do as I say, but I don't. I find that I don't need to. The way Dedion looks at me you would think I'm a huge wolf about to chomp down on a tiny bunny.

Turning away, I walk down the empty hallway. I don't run nor rush, as I want Betty to wait. I want her to be naked and bent over, waiting for me of all people to come in and fuck her. For her to wonder when I'm going to get there and what she will do if someone else comes in.

The school is very empty as I walk down the stairs and to the first floor's hallway. Most of the lights are off and the doors closed. I'm sure there are still some people here, as there's always after-school stuff happening, but damned if I know where they are. It's so damn quiet here.

I make my way to the back of the school, where the gym and locker rooms are. As I walk, my footsteps are the only sounds as there is still no noise of anyone, anywhere. This, in a way, makes sense as most of the non-sport after-school stuff is on the other side of the school, and sports practice is over.

When I reach the door of the women's locker room, I pause. Standing there, I try to listen for anything that shouldn't be. For the sounds of anyone talking, or footsteps, even of a janitor about to empty trash. I listen for anything that may derail my plans.

With the coast clear, that feeling of complete power moves over me. It takes over my body, making me move without thinking, where I push open the women's locker room door. I don't slam it open, nor do I creep in. I push it all the way so I can see everything.

Looking into the girl's locker room puts a huge smile on my face as I remember the last time I was in here. It feels so long ago that it happened. When those asshole boys threw me inside after they stripped me as a means to bully and humiliate me. And if they hadn't, nothing would have changed for me as I fucked the first in an extensive line of women in here that day.

Walking into the locker room, I do spot Betty. A part of me is a bit surprised to find she did exactly what I said. I thought for sure there would be some attitude or pushback, but no. I see her...naked, thick body bent over on top of one of the benches. Her ass is already up in the air with her knees under her and her head pressed against the bench, nearly curled in a ball.

"Good girl," I say in a mocking manner as I walk up to her. I really thought she might try something, like to attack me with a bat or something, but she doesn't. It makes me understand without any doubt that she wants this.

"I'll take this," I tell Betty as I pull the cell out of her hand. She was still gripping it as it points down at the bench, still on the call from earlier. I look at the screen where I see Leon, who is still passed out, which means Dedion is still pointing it at his cousin.

I prop Betty's cell up against the pole at the end of the bench with the camera pointed at her. When I do, I make sure it can capture Betty in all of her naked, bent glory. This makes me very happy as I love how her face takes up a lot of the frame, even if it is still pressed against the bench.

Feeling ten feet tall, I walk behind Betty and undo my belt. There I look at the camera where I can see myself, but not my head. My head is cut off by the top, but it doesn't matter. Anyone watching will know who I am.

I then lower my pants as I see her fresh looking pussy, letting my hard cock spring out. Despite having sex thirty minutes ago, my cock feels as hard as ever. Like I could play baseball with it.

"You better not be lying about leaving Leon alone," Betty whimpers as she prepares herself for what is about to happen. The way she says this makes me think of a mother offering to have sex so a bully will not messing with her adult son.

"Shut up," I reply and slap her ass. Betty barely cries out at this but shudders, letting me know that she likes things rough.

Slapping her ass again, I realize I agree with Dedion, as strange as that is. Betty does have a really fat ass. I've never really been an ass guy, but hers is very plump yet smooth. It looks made of muscle instead of anything else, making me want to slap it all day long.

Knowing time isn't on my side, I grab hold of my hard cock. I step up to Betty, my legs going on either side of the bench that she's bent on where I put one hand on the small of her back while the other guides my manhood. Here I press the head of my cock against her pussy.

"You better not get me pregnant either," Betty warns, as if she could stop me. My response is to slide my cock in her pussy. I slide it in slow and smooth, letting both of us feel the sensation of my hard cock going deep in her wet, warm womanhood.

"Oh shit, that feels good," Betty moans in a very honest way. She makes a real moan too, making it sound like Leon hasn't been intimate with her in a while. Either that or he's never been kinky or rough with her.

Grabbing her hips with both hands, I pull my crotch back to slide my cock outward before pulling her hips back. When I move her hips back, I thrust at the same time, allowing our bodies to come together. When I do this, Betty moans again, clearly enjoying the feeling as my cock goes deep inside of her, very slow.

"Oh, fuck me, white boy, that feels good," Betty tells me in genuine surprise.

"Oh fuck me, white boy," Betty repeats as I thrust into her pussy again. I'm a bit faster and rougher this time, slamming into that fat ass of hers with some force. She is still curled up in a tight bun, but she arches her back some, as if angling her pussy.

Holding onto her hips I start to fuck her while holding her in place. I thrust forward at an increased pace as she holds onto the bench with her hands, moaning loud each time. My cock easily moves about her womanhood, pushing her open when I enter, feeling how tight she is. I'm able to move so easily because of just how wet she is.

For just a moment, my eyes find the cell where I still see Leon's face. I can tell he's waking up as his eyes are moving under his eyelids. Knowing this makes me move a bit, wanting him to really hear Betty moan as I fuck her. To let him see how sexy she looks with her face pressed against the bench, her tits barely able to be contained by her arms.

"Fuck me white boy," Betty starts to repeat each time I thrust into that silky pussy. This statement changes into something of a command as Betty repeats this over and over. Each time she says it, a moan comes out with it, making it impossible for her to deny or hide the pleasure she's feeling.

After a good few minutes, I get very rough with Betty and actively try to shove my cock as deep as it will go inside her pussy. Instead of just having sex, I try to impale her with my cock, wanting to fuck her raw and stupid. Where I want her pussy to feel sore for weeks to come. I want her to feel like one giant bruise.

Betty feels the change as I get rougher and starts to moan twice as loud. She also changes her position on the bench so instead of staying in a tight ball, she lifts her upper body with her arms, making her back arch and her upper body stick out. This moves her into doggie style, which is damn sexy as her tits start to swing as I keep going.

The clapping sounds our body make and her moans echo around the locker room, showing the world we are having sex. It sounds very loud in here, which means both Leon and Dedion can hear us. Hell, I bet they can both hear her large tits clapping together as I pound her.