The First Dare Pt. 02

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She experiences more as she is mistaken for yet another girl.
11.1k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/16/2022
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The following story has themes of non-consent sex, humiliation, abuse and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of gender, political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality.

In a daze I stare forward. This is not how I thought the night or my dare would go at all. I pictured it as me going into my dark backyard, flash everything for the world to see, then run back inside while giggling. Yet I find myself naked, my hands stuck over my head to this tree and sexually used. Like...both holes used. Not how I thought it would go at all.

I've long since stopped trying to free myself. My watch strap and Harley Quinn bracelet make sure that I'm stuck as they are tangled in the tree's branches. If I could see the branch I'm sure I would be able to snake myself free, but in the complete dark like this, there's no chance.

I shouldn't say complete darkness. Since the stoners that double teamed me left, they left the back gate open. Due to this, a dim ray of light from the street lamp on the street shines back here and on me. Because of it, I get a nice shot of my bare right boob as well as my right side. At times, just to feel sexy, I turn my hips some to see how that dim light makes my womanhood look.

Oh, how my womanhood aches. The Stoners did double team me good too, as both holes are still very much tingling. My womanhood feels sore from the fucking, but my ass feels still wide open. Both actually feel good, believe it or not. Sure, in the morning I may disagree, but right now in this weird version of the world I am in, it feels good.

The stoners left me with something else, believe it or not, and that's a contact high. I've never been high in my life, but I'm pretty sure I'm high now, or at least partly high. They smoked so many joints near me that it was bound to happen.

Being high is a weird feeling, like time has slowed down, yet my heart has sped up. My thoughts seem slower now, while time matches it. It's a very strange feeling. It feels at times that I have to force my thoughts to move in real time or else they will lag and too much time will escape.

Not to mention that I feel both laid back like I want to go to sleep as well as a bit scared. I'm completely relaxed in the sense that I'm not scared of anything more happening to me. Like normally I would be scared that the murderer from a horror movie would surely find me, but right now, no. Just relaxed and finding all of this a bit...funny.

But I am a bit scared. Not scared but paranoid? Maybe that's the right word I keep turning to look at the back gate as I'm sure there's going to be some 7 foot rapist to come and fuck me in half. That the entire world knows I'm helpless and naked here. Like my helplessness sends signals to all the bad people for them to start searching for me.

Each time I do start to think I may freak out with these thoughts, I'm able to calm myself. Not sure if it is because of the fact that I'm high or that I'm just able to think clearly. For my slow thoughts tell myself that I'm safe. And that it's so late I doubt anyone else is up. The fact that the two stoners came here was a miracle as they got themselves lost, then thought I was a friend who wanted to be fucked. In a weird way, it's sweet what they did, only if it meant they double teamed someone else, and not me. At least I can say I've joined the odd community of those that tried anal sex.

"HEY!" I try to say, but my own necklace is still firmly pulling back the corners of my mouth to gag me. I cry out because someone puts something over my eyes. A large dark cloth is flung around my eyes and pulled.

In my high-mind, it takes me a while to figure that someone has put some sort of soft cloth around me and are tying it to the blindfold me. A strange person is blindfolding me!

I keep trying to tell them to stop, even once they finish trying my blindfold. My fear level shoots to the moon now, as this is bad. Really bad. I didn't even hear whomever this is coming, which means they couldn't have come from the gate, right? I heard the stoners walking on the street, so I would have heard anyone else. The only other option is if the person came from over the fence, but I should have heard that too.

I groan as humiliation pumps in my veins instead of blood as I feel hands on my breasts now. Each breast is grabbed and groped by hands that are rough and wrinkly. Those hands feel totally different than the stoners. It's obvious that whomever this is, it's an older man. Or should I say an old man. I'm being groped by an old man. My tits are being groped by an old, dirty man.

He doesn't say anything as he feels my breasts. He grabs each one, rubs, then lifts. Then he runs his fingers over both nipples, which feels insanely good even if I'm terrified as my nipples are still hard from the cool night air. He runs each finger over the nipple over and over, making sure they aren't going to go soft any time soon.

"Such a dirty little whore, aren't you Maddie?" the voice whispers, but I can tell they are changing their voice. Like when you try to make it deeper or higher sounding. In this case, I can't be sure but I think the guy is trying to

"Going into other's yards now like this? How dirty. How nasty. Love it when you make yourself all bound up for me. Ohhh, you deserve what you are going to get Maddie," the voice continues. It takes my high mind much longer than normal to realize a few things.

The first and most glaring is that he called me "Maddie." That could only be Madeline, who lives two houses down from me. She's a home schoolgirl that celebrated her own eighteenth birthday about 6 months ago. I don't know much about her as I have had much interaction. I just know she is homeschooled and supposedly really good at computer programming.

The man pinches both nipples, hard. Pinches them and makes me go to my tiptoes from the pain. Then he lifts, making me go as far as I can on my tiptoes while whimpering. He's lifting my breasts by the nipples like this, which is extremely painful on my nipples. As if making a point, he holds my tits like this, damn near lifting them to my own face.

I just whimper a soft whimper to show that he is in control. That I'll be good as I have no other choice. That is until I can knee him in the balls and make it count. That if he gets his face within the space of my knees, I'll pound him into monkey-butter. Until I can, I'm sort of helpless and have to play by his rules.

The whimper seems to get the message across as my tits are let go so they can embarrassingly bounce for him. He then goes back to them, groping me more roughly. He digs his fingers in now, giving off a very hungry type vibe. He starts to gnash my tits together now, as if trying to make one super-huge boob.

As he does this, I try to get my high mind to think. If he came via the fence, it means he's a neighbor. So, he has to be the neighbor to the side or behind the house, as those are the only ones I wouldn't see coming. Well, that's not true. It's so dark, someone could have come from the far fence in front of me and I wouldn't have see them. In fact, that makes the most sense as I wouldn't have heard him climbing over the fence since it's so far away.

My high-brain makes a discovery that I think I could have gone my entire life without knowing. One that nearly makes my stomach churn as I think about it. One that could really only happen in a porno, yet happened on my street.

Eighteen-year-old Madeline, aka Maddie, is having some sort of sexual tryst with one of the old men that are my neighbors. I don't want to think about it, but from what he said, I think she ties herself up for him...for them to Only from what he said, I think she has started to go into other people's yards to do this? Oh please, say thing isn't true. And please, please, please, don't let them have done it in my backyard, where I am now.

Feeling humiliated as my breasts are being comically used now as he puts both hands under each boob and then bounces them, I think about who he might be. Who is the old man that is fucking Maddie in secret?

It has to be one of my neighbors, as they are the only ones that could see into my backyard. And that's why he thinks I'm Maddie, because who else would be stuck like this, except the girl that supposedly been doing it for her old lover.

Each neighbor does have an older guy living there, but they always seemed so nice and not a creep. Not the sort that would do anything with a fresh, sweet, young eighteen year old girl that was home schooled. This guy must be a creep down to his bones.

There's a 40-something dad that lives in the house to the left. He's married and has a couple of kids. Could this be him? I dunno.

Then a 60-something (I think) grandfather lives behind us. It's just him and his wife there. Could it be him? Gosh, I hope not. He gives my mom tomatoes from his garden!

In the most embarrassing thought, there's a 70-something that lives to the right. That's the one that makes most sense of doing this, in a way. Not sure a 70 year old could climb over a fence and ninja-sneak like he did, but anything is possible. That guy is a grandpa whom lives with his wife. Surely it can't be him, right? A 70 year old can't be playing with my breasts like this, right? RIGHT?

"NO!" I try and demand him to stop as I feel them press something between my legs. He had stopped groping my breasts, where I heard him grabbing for something. To be honest, I assumed he was just going to pleasure himself while looking at me, as isn't that what dirty old men do? But that hope has faded as I'm pretty sure he and Maddie have fucked...a lot.

Now there's something very hard pressing between my legs, which I've closed together. Oh me oh my, I think he's trying to shove his cock in me. I'm about to be fucked with old man cock. Fucked by old man cock who thinks I'm Maddie. Damn this darkness...and his eyesight. She's white after all!

This can't be happening. It can't. I wanted unique sexual experiences, but this is going a bit too far. Sure, I've flirted with the older man younger woman trope in fantasies, but this is soooo different. This isn't what I was thinking of, at all.

Whomever the man is, I have a feeling he and Maddie have had dozens of "meetings" like this as he grabs my right nipple in his hand and pulls in a confident manner. Like pulls until my boob starts to stretch. As pain racks my boob and my body, I whimper again. This whimper is my submission as I show I'll be good if he doesn't hurt me. He understands this and lets go, making me realize another fact; Maddie is a freak. She must get off on BDSM stuff as well.

I part my legs open for him, but I find it's not because I'm scared of the pain. It's actually the opposite...I liked the pain. I liked him doing that. Liked him pulling on my nipple so cruelly, and want more. It's just, that's a crazy thing to like. I can't like something like that. And for sure, can't let this dirty bastard know.

The cock is placed between my spread legs now. It goes right at my opening and moves in between my lips. As all I can see is darkness thanks to the blindfold, I don't bother to close my eyes as I feel the violation. Only as it is slowly inches inside me, I discover it isn't his cock at all.

First, it is far too hard to be a cock. It's like rock solid with no give whatsoever. Second, it's smooth. Like no bumps or anything on it at all. Smooth as silk. Third, the object is large. Much larger than either of the stoner's cocks. It's wide as well, making it feel like an oversized monster cock, even if I know it is not.

With all this coming together in my own stoned mind, I figure that he's inserting a dildo or other sex toy inside me. In a weird moment of feeling let down, I can't believe it's not his real cock. But this passes as the humiliation that an old man is shoving a fake cock in me takes hold.

He firmly keeps pushing it inside me, parting my sore pussy walls as he does. Unable to help it, I do whimper and moan as he keeps pushing it deeper and deeper. On purpose he goes slow to make me feel each tiny bit the toy goes inside my womanhood. Making me feel how it presses on my walls and spreads them in its girth.

I begin to pant as the toy just keeps going. It hits a point that the stoner's cock didn't even reach inside me and still goes, parting me open more. It's reached new territory inside me, which both terrifies and excites me horribly.

The feeling of it makes me start to tremble at it as it goes at least 8 inches in my hoohaw, and is still going. It makes me start to whimper a very high-pitched whimper as nothing has ever been so deep. Not even when, you know, I've done things to myself.

The guy chuckles at my reaction. I hear that faint, old man chuckle as he laughs at me. Laughs at my reaction to his invading my pussy with whatever toy this is. Not sure why, but I damn near orgasm from that laugh. The stoners made me feel helpless, which was a unique thing to feel sexually, but this is different. He makes me feel stupid and humiliated, which is yet another unique sexual feeling I have never felt. It's a new version of feeling helpless, one that is both beautiful and horrible.

The bastard leaves the toy in me. The son of a bitch just ups and let's go, leaving the thing buried deep inside me. His hand is removed, allowing me to feel the few inches the end of the toy sticks out of my entrance.

Unable to take how this feels, I squirm, as if I could get it to come out. Of course I can't, so I protest more as I squirm, showing how embarrassing this is. All this gets me is him downright laughing at me. Laughing enough that it can be heard clearly in the night air as he thinks he's teasing Maddie and not me.

My humiliation grows, which some dark part of me loves. It makes me feel stupid and silly, like I was a sex slave. I know it has to be because I'm high and in a strange sexual state, but it feels so good, even if it is bad. Makes me feel like my sex is just a toy for him to use as he wants, if I like it or not. That I'm just a stupid little 18 year old girl and he's the big smart man that knows all about sex. Oh gosh, is that why Maddie does this?!

Something is pressed against me, right on my clit now. It feels like a round ball, as strange as that sounds. Again, I'm confused by this, as why would he put a ball against my clit? In my head I picture a red plastic ball like in a ball pit, but can't figure why he would put this against me. Then my mind thinks of a stress ball, like the type they give as a freebie for a new doctor, but again, why would he put that there? Oh, being high is so weird.

There's a click and then the ball turns to life. My eyes widen under my blindfold and I immediately start to shake my head NO in protest. It's not a ball. It's a not a fucking ball at all. Oh help me, it's a fucking vibrator or hitachi or wand or whatever the fuck it is. The damn thing is vibrating.

Powerful vibrations hit my clit, sending me into panic. If I hadn't done anything all night, then it wouldn't be so bad, but after being double teamed like I was, I'm very sensitive at the moment. And the vibrations feel very cruel and powerful, like they don't care how I am feeling. They are feel to go as deep as they want into my body.

The man presses it against my clit hard too, making sure to press me against the tree so I can't move. Those vibrations seem to go deep inside me, even inside my damn teeth. As much as I hate it and want it too stop, I can feel how it is making me super aroused again. Maybe if he hadn't stuffed my hoohaw with the damn dildo I wouldn't feel like this, but he did. And knowing he's probably used it on Maddie makes it even more violating.

I whimper loudly, maybe even louder than the humming sound the toy makes, when he starts to move it in circles. My poor clit takes all of it, the vibrations sending it into fits. It feels hammered and beaten, like a crap boxer with the heavyweight champion. The feeling gets stronger, making me move my hips as I squirm, as if this helps at all.

Why is he doing this to me? I think that's the answer. Why not? He saw a young tender thing, helpless. Why not sexually torture and use her? What is she going to be able to do about it? What could she do if you shove a huge dildo inside her and a vibrator on her clit? Why not do it and laugh as she struggles?

My poor clit never stood a chance. My orgasm bursts forward as if it is upset at me. My whimpers long since turned into moans as the waves of pleasure begin. If I wasn't gagged, I'm sure every house would hear me as the waves become damn intense. They feel almost like punches as they move over my body, making sure every inch of me gets to feel that tense pleasure. It's so much that my entire body starts to tremble, even my toes.

I give in and let the pleasure roll over me. As I do, I hear him laughing at how I must look as he makes me cum. If he really is laughing, I don't know, as I know it could be in my mind. Either way, I don't care. I allow whomever this old man is to play with my pussy as if he owned it, allowing my orgasm to be as intense as it wants to be...all while laughing at me.

This orgasm is not just intense but long. Every orgasm I've had lasts a few seconds at most, maybe 10 if it's good. This lingers, making me feel echoes of the pleasure waves. It lasts for well over a minute, making me try to soak every drop of pleasure from it.

When I stop moaning, he turns off the vibrator and removes it. For a while he doesn't do anything else. It's just me, my fast pace breathing, and the night air...and the dildo still shoved in me. It then makes me wonder if he's listening for any other sounds. Like he's checking no one else heard in case he needs to make a break for it.

"Nooooo," I whimper now as he grabs the end of the dildo and starts to push it deeper. My eyes roll a bit as it pushes deeper than ever, which is such a strange violating yet pleasuring feeling. But then he slowly pulls on it, allowing it to move slowly outward. The sex toy moves somewhat easily as I am so very wet at the moment, but at the same time my pussy seems to cling to it, as if not wanting to let it go.

The bastard slides it almost all the way out, only to push it back in, making me whimper, moan and do a host of embarrassing noises. He goes slow with this, as if not wanting to be too rough. Just slides it deep inside me just to pull it back out. I can only imagine how this must look from the outside as an old dirty man is playing with my pussy like this.

I let out a small yelp when he starts to go a bit faster. It's a small change, but a noticeable one. Pulls on the fat toy to push me apart then shoves it all the way in, to that unexplored part of me. Each time I moan, groan or whimper when he reaches the peak. And by this time, my legs are spread very wide of my own doing to make it easier for him.

As I stand like this, my pussy being played with, it occurs to me that he's fucking me with the dildo or whatever it is. I'm being violated by a toy. That an old man is having his way with my sex, using it with a toy and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm letting an old dirty man fuck my pussy with a sex toy.

It's this tidbit that nearly makes me cum on the spot. After a good 5 minutes of him playing with me like this, I'm close already, but the knowledge that it's a toy doing it and not a body part seems to send me over the edge. No one has ever used a sex toy on me. Sure, I've used one myself, but nothing like this. Nothing as violating or intense as what he's doing.

And so, whomever this old bastard is, he makes me cum, again. This time from the toy that he's rapidly fucking me with, as he kept speeding up more and more till the part he's furiously fucking me with it. The wet sounds that come from it sound loud as thunder as there's no hiding what is happening, just like there's no hiding I'm cumming from my reaction. Anyone nearby will hear and know that this is sex. That a pussy is being murdered.