The First Dare Pt. 02


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"This turn you on, huh? Running around, naked like this? Where anyone might see ya?" He asks as he keeps smacking my ass, making it sting horribly. His blows get so hard my entire body rocks as he spanks.

The two of them must have some secret sex thing, where she goes into the neighborhood...naked. And he must drive around to find her. Dear me. I had no clue he would be that kinky. Or that she would. They go to church every Sunday! Never would take them to have any sex outside of missionary. Never would think anything like this.

I'm learning a damn lot about the world tonight. Am I the only one that doesn't have some super kinky sex thing going on?

He slaps my bare ass again, making me yelp over and over. Then again. He openly spanks me as I'm bent over this bench, thinking that I'm his wife. Granted, we are similar in size, somewhat, but as drunk as he is, I bet if I weighed 500 pounds he would still think I'm his wife.

He isn't scared of getting caught as he fully spanks me hard until my entire ass is red. And each time I try to stand or turn, he forces me to keep bending over the bench. As my hands are tied behind me to my neck, there's not much I can do, so I let him spank me.

I jerk with each hit as it stings so badly. Yet each smack makes me feel good. It makes me feel like I deserve it after all that's happened. After all, if I wasn't being such a dirty girl and wanted to do the dare, none of this would have happened. I would be in bed by now. Yet here I am, high, naked, helpless and gagged while bent over a bench being spanked out in public.

I've said this many times tonight, but this is something I've always wanted to try; being spanked. Just never did it. Seemed corny and stupid to admit, and I knew if I told a lover/boyfriend about it, he would just giggle and goofily do it. Mr. Ralph is serious with it. He's truly spanking me for being such a dirty girl. He's really punishing me, and dear me it is awesome.

"Now...for the real punishment," he drunkenly warns. Keeping a hand on my back, he kicks my legs apart. A moment later, I hear his pants being undone.

My eyes widen as I realize what is about to happen. In response, I try to keep standing up, but am held down. I then start to protest into the gag, telling him how I'm not his wife. That this is a mistake. For him to please not fuck me.

"Oh, wait," he suddenly says and takes his hands off me. When he does, I breath a huge sigh of relief as must finally see I'm not Mary. He even allows me to stand up straight now.

"There it is," he states and hugs me from behind. His large body seems to swallow mine as he wraps his arms around me. Only he's not wrapping around me at all. Instead, he brings something up to my mouth.

"Why you got a dick in your mouth?" He questions with his slurred speech. This dumbfounds me as out of everything, this is what he asks. Not why do I have a blindfold, not why don't I look like his wife, but why is there a fake cock gagging me. Dear me, how drunk is he?

I get the answer to what he found as he brings up a small bottle of liquor to my mouth. Only he sees that the fake cock is in my mouth, so he brings the opening of the bottle over it. As the bottle gets close, I can smell that it is tequila.

The bottle is placed into my mouth. I try to step back to stop this, but he's there and is too large for me to move. I then try to move my head back, but he just stuffs the bottle deeper. He manages to push the bottle in, making it so the tequila only goes to the back of my mouth. In his drunk state, he keeps pushing on the bottle, forcing it in my mouth. It's forced to the point it gets stuck at the neck as it presses against the fake cock, basically jamming the small bottle in my mouth as well.

Instantly tequila starts to flow in my mouth non-stop. My first reaction is to swallow as my mouth starts to get full. I then take another swallow, taking in a good deal more of the stuff. The bottle isn't full but there's a bit of tequila within it, as it seems to keep pouring into my mouth.

Only after my fifth or sixth swallow that it dawns to me what I can do, which is to bend over again. When I do, the rest of the tequila starts to pour out of my mouth and onto the bench. There's not much of it left, maybe two shots at the most, but it's two shots I don't have to drink.

Maybe it is the smell of the liquor, or maybe the effects of being high as well, but I feel my body loosening. It starts to have an effect almost at once from the tequila. As it takes hold, I try to think of how much I drunk. How many shots did I just take? It doesn't help I'm a lightweight.

Staying bent over, I look forward with my own free eye, now seeing the liquor bottle stick out of my mouth. My poor lips are stretched wide over the bottle and cock now, making it impossible for me to say anything at all but grunts.

With practiced ease, Ralph puts his hard cock at my pussy entrance. When I bent over to spit the tequila out, he took it to mean I was ready for him to fuck me. Without waiting, he shoves his cock inside me.

His manhood is so warm that I can't help but moan as it slides into me easy. Then he thrusts forward to ram his cock in me. Again I feel how my tingling womanhood clings to his cock as if trying to milk it. Feeling how powerful it is to have his sex inside me.

Bent like a whore, he fucks me. Rams his cock over and over against me with a great deal of force. It's so much that the bench moves forward from each thrust. And I admit, I moan. I moan loud as it feels so damn great each time he slams into me.

The stoners earlier were just having sex with me, just like the old man. This guy thinks he's making love with his wife. Rough, nasty love, but love all the same. I can sort of feel it coming off of him as it feels like he wouldn't do this with anyone else. And that sort of transfers into me.

"You want to get caught, right? Why you like this game? Then fine, let's get caught," he drunkenly says into my ear. The next thing I know, he's grabbed my bound wrists and yanks me up. I'm spun about until I am facing the street, which I can see with my one unbound eye.

He keeps fucking me, only he holds onto my wrists to make me arch my back and bend as he does. My entire naked body is clearly seen for the world, to which they can see I'm being fucked. Being fucked like a whore for all to see.

He fucks me so hard my tits bounce wildly, which is plainly seem thanks to the street lights. As there are only about a dozen houses with a view to me, any one could be watching. Anyone could see me like this, and I love it.

Yet again, I cum. Waves of pleasure boil over and I start to moan as he keeps going. When he hears me start to cum, he gets even rougher, ramming me into me so hard that ever so often my own tits hit my chin. It's enough that I start to scream in pleasure, which is blocked due to my gags.

"There we go," he suddenly says, and I feel him cum inside me. He pushes his cock deep inside my pussy, where he unleashes his seed. He shoots stream after stream of his seed inside me, where it feels as if it goes so deep. Like it goes into my stomach sort of deep.

After a couple more thrusts, he stops. Doesn't remove his cock from me, but stops fucking me. Instead, he keeps me like this, on display for the street with his cock in me, as if I was owned. And all in all, I don't mind.

"Oh babe, I love you. Love you so much," He croons as he starts to pet my hair. In a way, it's very sweet. It would be even sweeter if he wasn't showing my naked body off like this, with his cock still buried in me. Even sweeter if I was actually his wife.

A moment later, he pulls out of me, causing both of us to gasp from the feeling. It's very weird to feel this again, as each time my poor womanhood feels so empty. It's getting that my normal state is to have something inside of me.

He then moves me to the side and around so I'm pressed against the bench again with my hips. The two of us breathe hard from the truly great sex, but he's the only one that can say anything. And he just repeats how much he loves me, how hot that was, how one day we will get caught and etc.

Meanwhile, I stay as I am, not sure how to proceed. I would love for him to free me, but what happens when he sees I'm not his wife? Is he going to get mad? Be sorry? And is he going to tell my parents?

"I...I....." he begins, slurring worse. He's not looking at me at the moment but rests his butt against the back of the bench. He's fully dressed so there's no part of him showing, unlike myself. I see the thought of him being naked isn't as strong as wanting his wife to be. Dude could have at least brought a blanket.

"I...I...I have another bottle in the car," he suddenly tells me as if it is the best idea he's ever had, and smacks my ass to make me jerk. He starts to walk off, or should I say stumble off, towards the idled car which is in the street. As he walks away, I bend over the back of the bench again, thinking maybe this could get the bottle out of my mouth as he pushed it in good.

"Ralph! Que haces?!" I hear an upset female voice hiss from down the street. Hearing this, I turn my head so I can look with my one non-blindfolded eye. Down the street there is a naked woman walking fast through someone's yard. She's naked alright, but has an arm over her chest and the other hand cupped between her legs.

I watch as she ducks into some bushes with her head sticking out, much like a cartoon character. She then looks around to see if the coast is clear, then runs out to the next-door neighbor's bushes. Even if I didn't see her face, I know that this is Mary, Ralph's wife.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She half yells, half whispers at Ralph as she nears his car. I can tell she has been drinking a lot as well, as her steps and words are loose as well. Not to mention she's lowered her arm holding her boobs so they are freely seen now, even if she thinks she is still holding them.

He's in the open driver's side door, pulling out another small bottle of booze. He's in the middle of taking a sip when he sees her moving towards him. Again, like a cartoon, he looks at her, then around, as if knowing his wife wasn't there a moment ago. But in his drunk state, I don't think he remembers where he left me.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" She asks him again, sounding annoyed. He looks at her a bit confused, like he doesn't understand what she means.

"What do you mean? Finding you. How...your arms, were they tied?" He answers back. She now runs up to the car, trying to hide behind it with her naked body lit by the streetlights same as me. Yeah, she's drunk as standing there actually makes her even easier to see.

Only she looks cute like this. Don't know why, but it makes me smile, not because of anything sexual I want to do with her, but that she looks so incredibly cute like that. The two of them make me smile. I didn't think people who were married for so long did crazy sex stuff.

"It's been 20 minutes that I've been naked out here!" She yells, but I can see she's not upset at all. She's trying hard not to laugh. His response is to sway and look at her, probably confused to why she's acting like this after he thinks they had sex.

"Mira, we are going a la casa. Move, I'm driving," she proclaims and moves to the driver's side of the car while still clutching her naked body. She pushes him to make him move out of the way, but not in a mean way. He playfully stumbles as he walks to the other side of the car. She then gets in, ducking low as she does. Her eyes scan the area as if checking that no one can see her. Then in her drunk state, she has to sit up tall in the driver's side, where her boobs are plainly seen.

Ralph then gets into the passenger's seat and closes the door. Then they drive away. Mary drives, I guess home, while naked. Their little sexual adventure ends like this. Again, never would have thought it from them of all people. Learning a lot about life tonight.

Stunned and now drunk, I stay bent over, not believing what's just happened. Then I laugh, or try to, as I bet Ralph won't remember any of this. And Mary never even saw me, so she has no clue. Neither will know that he fucked me out in public, after spanking my ass red.

Feeling drunk and that nothing worse could happen, I stand up. I look about at the quiet neighborhood scene in front of me. I honestly have no clue where I am, but it is still my neighborhood. The old man must have led me down a side street that I don't normally go on. So...I can just walk back to the main street and find my way home.

This time as I walk, I have to fight hard to walk straight. Now I'm not just high but drunk as the tequila is really having an effect. It's all I can taste and smell now. I've become super-mega drunk too.

Also, I walk in people's yards now, trying to stay out of the light of the streetlights. Too much has happened tonight, so I don't want anything more. That means no one else will see me like this, no matter what. I don't care if I have to hide in a damn ant hill, no one else gets to see me looking like this.

I walk, my tits still bouncing as my hands are stuck to the back of my neck. My tongue is rather tired as I keep trying to push either the bottle or cock out of my mouth, but can't. Already my jaw is very tired from being forced open so wide.

With the way my holes tingle, I think that this has to be the strangest night ever for anyone. That no one is going to believe it, not even me after a good night's sleep. With that said, I bet it takes a week for the soreness to end.

I come upon the last house on this side street, where I cross over the yard to try and get to the main street. When I do, I stumble and accidentally hit the wooden fence that covers the backyard.

I let out a hurt sound as my arm hit/bumped against a dull nail, which hurts. I'm even forced to check myself that I'm not bleeding or hurt from it, which I'm not, save for a small red mark on my arm.

Looking at the fence, I see there are tons of those dull nails sticking out all over. Not to mention that the wood looks old and weathered. Why don't they replace it? The nails alone could give someone tetanus or something. Surprised the HOA hasn't sent them tons of letters saying to replace this old and nasty fence.

Pushing off the fence, I go back to my drunken walking as I know where I am now. My house is just a little down this road, maybe 4 houses down across the street. I'll be back shortly, in which I'll figure how to free myself. Once I get in the backyard, I'll be able to get inside the house as the sliding door will be unlocked.

"SHIT," I grunt, or try to at least, as I trip over my own drunken feet. I smack the wooden fence with my side again where I slide down from the surprise of the trip. I'm able to land on my knees, which is thankful as I didn't hurt myself. Just a stupid drunk fall, nothing more.

I attempt to stand but get a shock...I'm stuck. I try to move my hands, but I think the belt is stuck on one of the fucking nails sticking out from the fence. Trying harder, I pull forward, but when I do, I choke myself with my panties. Then I try to stand up to the same result. I try harder to the same exact result.

A strange laugh comes out of me now. A laugh born of being stuck as I look out at the street. I'm stuck. Fucking stuck. I'm naked, on my knees and stuck like this on the side of someone's house. Completely helpless and gagged too.

I laugh a bit more as it seems to fit perfect with all that's happened tonight. Seems perfect to have happened to me of all people. How did one simple easy dare turn into this?

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

You have a beautiful light touch here, but so improbable (the stories situations) as to make suspension of disbelief impossible. Sorry. Wonderful effort but the story really does not work for me - at all. In fact, I cannot even begin to get past the myriad improbabilities that you use to unfold the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

O how I love this. So kinky and also possible.i love how you described her getting stuck. Seems so easy. Keep them coming.

BallGaggedSlaveWifeBallGaggedSlaveWifeover 2 years ago

Honestly, I was expecting one of them to be like "How'd you get out the basement?" and then take her to his house and keep her in the basement as a sex slave.

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