The Motorcyclist

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Accidents cause heartbreaks.
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Quite a long one, and no explicit sex, so don't expect any. Plenty of emotion though and, for some, a happy ending. You've been warned!


I had to get married ---- Now that's a bald statement if ever there was one, isn't it?

Well, takes two to tango I suppose, so I should have said that WE had to get married, Maddy and I, as otherwise it could have been a bit lonely stood up there on my own.

Even that's a bald statement, and is only a half-truth, as if we hadn't wanted to anyway, then it just wouldn't have happened.

"James," Maddy, my regular girlfriend for the last twelve months or so spoke out, one fine Friday Evening. "I've got some news for you."

"Good news or bad?" I smiled back, eyeing up my Five foot sixish, blondish, slimish rather gorgeous significant other.

"Not sure James," Maddy grinned at me a little nervously. "Could be either. Depends on you really."

Don't have to report the rest of the conversation to show you where that conversation was going. Suffice to say that a few moments later we were in one another's arms declaring our love for one another and trying to decide when I would transform my newly pregnant girlfriend into my newly pregnant wife.

"Anytime to suit your family," Maddy offered. "I've not really got any family left now that Auntie Beth has died, and I haven't got anyone back in Leicester that I'm still particularly friendly with."

It was true ----- Sad maybe, but true! Poor Maddy had lost both parents as a child in a motor cycling accident, and after some early fostering, had eventually been raised by 'Auntie Beth', a long-term friend of Maddy's late mother just outside Leeds. Poor Auntie Beth had passed away herself just a few weeks previously before I'd even so much as got to meet her her. I'd been away in Canada on business when she'd died, and by the time I'd got back, Maddy had been up to Leeds for the funeral and everything was done and buried --- Quite literally, as it were!

"What about Beth's son, Maddy?" I asked somewhat reluctantly, the conversation having been cut short by her on previous occasions when his name had come up. "You used to be close to Tom didn't you? Wouldn't you like him there on the day?"

"Tom's in prison James," Maddy shot back at me, her annoyance showing through. "I've told you before. I don't want to talk about him."

Oooops! Should have known better than to mention Tom. I knew he was serving time at her Majesty's pleasure, but I didn't know why, or where for that matter. Touchy subject ---Better do a quick change of tack.

"My parents are both retired so I think any date would suit them."

"The sooner the better then James," my wife-to-be smiled back at me patting her still flat tummy, and her anger forgotten. "Let's ring them now."

And so it came to pass.

Just four weeks later we were joined in matrimony at the registry office in Bedford where we were living, a small group of my family and our mutual friends in attendance. We went off to the West Indies where we had a wonderful honeymoon, but it was still several weeks after returning, that Maddy's tummy began to show evidence of the arrival of our first child.


That's what we called the little bundle of joy that eventually emerged screaming into this world, complete with a full set of fingers and toes and things, and a pair of lungs that promised a few sleepless nights. My Mum's name was too long winded and out of fashion, so our daughter was named after the woman who Maddy had looked upon as her mother. I thought that appropriate and Maddy loved me for it.


Married life was great and though I'm not saying we never had any disagreements, Maddy and I settled down well together, with our lovely little infant daughter. Beth was really quite blonde as she started to grow up, with even a touch of ginger in her hair when you saw it in the right light. Unlike my dark complexion and completely black hair, Maddy was a sort of dirty blonde so Beth took after her side of the family. Little Beth however had more my disposition, seldom getting upset or indeed even crying, unlike Maddy who had always been inclined to be a little emotional. A good mixture some might think, the best of both sides, though I was never quite brave enough to suggest such a thing to my darling wife of course.

We'd been married nearly four years, and Beth had passed her third birthday when suddenly not all was well in the Dawson household. Beth was her normal happy self and I was more than content with life, but Maddy obviously had something on her mind. She had given up work shortly before Beth was born, and since I was making pretty good money had never returned. By then we were living in a pretty little village to the north of Bedford and two or three times a week Maddy took Beth into Bedford to do the shopping, take her to the clinic or just meet up with her friends that she used to work with. Yes, and when I was around, we sometimes met for lunch, which was nice. But just lately she had been coming home in a very pensive mood from her trips into town, and there was obviously something bothering her. Maddy had been subject to moody periods in the first few weeks that we'd been going out together, after a mutual friend had introduced us. It was pretty obviously due to her concern that we were getting serious about one another pretty quickly, but she'd long since got that out of her system. I asked what the problem was of course, but just got the old shake of the head treatment. I considered the possibility that she might be having an affair with some guy, but she always had Beth with her, so that didn't seem even a remote possibility. As it turned out I was correct in that assumption, but maybe it might have been better if it had been just that.

"What on earth is the matter Maddy," I eventually demanded more forcibly when she was really down in the dumps.

She looked up at me and just stared sadly for quite some time before she spoke. "I guess I owe you an explanation James. You're going to find out soon anyway, so I might as well get it over with."

"Find out what?" I asked, her words filling me with dread. Was she ill? Was there something wrong with our beautiful daughter?

"Put Beth to bed honey," she suggested with a sigh. "Then come down and we'll have a talk."

"Right." I bundled little Beth up and took her upstairs; happy for once that she was so sleepy and not insisting on me staying on to read her a story. I wanted to get back down and find out what the problem was. If I'd known at that moment, then I would have stayed longer with Beth. Damn it, if I'd known what was going to happen, then I might never have left her bedroom.


"Come and sit here James," Maddy told me, indicating the chair the opposite side of the table to where she sat rather than alongside her, which was not an encouraging sign.

"James honey, "she started, sighing deeply before continuing. "You've asked about Tom a number of times and I've never told you anything, have I?"

"No," I agreed. "You always shut me down."

"Well it's time that I told you about Tom," Maddy went on in not much more than a whisper. "Tom is a couple of years older than me, and when I was younger he was just like an older brother after I went to live with him and his mother."

"That sounds quite normal," I threw in to encourage her.

"Yes, but as we got older, things changed James," Maddy continued, avoiding my eyes. "We weren't actually related in any way, and we became ..... Well ..... Like boyfriend and girlfriend."

I simply nodded, wondering where this conversation was going, and suspecting that I wasn't going to like it.

"Then as we got into our later teens, we became more than that. A whole lot more."

"What did his mother make of that?" I asked, trying to keep my voice level, and trying not to dwell too much on what 'a whole lot more' might mean.

"She was all in favour. Tom was a bit of a wild boy like his father had been before he died on his motorbike. I've never told you but the reason my parents and Tom's were so friendly was that they were all bikers, Hell's Angels and all ---- The whole lot."

"Hells Angels?" I cried out, totally caught by surprise.

"Yes," Maddy replied. "All four of them."

"But your parents died in a biking accident as well, didn't they?"

"Yes they did," Maddy admitted sadly. "They were in a big group going down to Brighton for a week end when they went round a corner too fast and wrote themselves off."

"And Tom's Dad?" I asked carefully, already knowing the details of her parent's demise, but surprised to hear that there was more to it.

"That was just four months later on his way to work. He ended up under a lorry, and Auntie Beth had lost her husband and two best friends in such a short period that she never got on a bike again. She grew to hate the things."

"Well that's understandable," I sympathised, never having been a fan of the things myself. As far as I was concerned, anything on the road with only two wheels was either a bicycle if it didn't have an engine, or the front or back half of a car if it did.

"That's when Auntie Beth took me in and bought me up as her own daughter," Maddy continued.

"But she was in favour of Tom and you getting involved with one another."

"Yes she was," Maddy went on, her whole manner indicating that half her mind was back in those times. "As I said, Tom was a real wild one and desperately keen on motorbikes and rode them without any fears just like his Dad. Beth hated the thought of what might happen to him, and I guess she thought that I might be a good influence on him."

"And were you?"

"I guess not," Maddy sighed. "In fact quite the reverse, and I ended up as wild as Tom was. We were part of a motorbike gang and got up to all sorts of things that we shouldn't be doing. Quite a lot of it things that the law said we shouldn't be doing."

"You mean like speeding?" I questioned her.

"Oh yes that alright, but an awful lot more as well. We all got quite a reputation with the local police."

"So that's how Tom got put away was it?" I surmised aloud, still trying to take in the news that my darling sweet young wife had once been a biker bird. At least that might explain the tattoo on her bum that she'd never been keen to give an explanation for.

Maddy didn't answer straight away, but just sat there looking as if she was gathering the strength to tell me something.

"Sort of," she mumbled at last, and I waited for her to expand.

"We were out one evening with the bike club, and on our way back from Manchester when we stopped off to meet up with another group that we knew. Tom was on his new Honda with me on the back, and I was desperate for him to let me have a go with it. I didn't actually have a full bike license though I had ridden the less powerful Suzuki that he'd had before, but I'd never tried anything as heavy and powerful as his new bike, so he wasn't keen. That upset me, so like a fool, I started to flirt with another biker called Mike who rode with the other gang. I knew he'd always fancied me and had tried it on a few times. Since I'm being honest here, I'll admit that me and him had had a bit of history when Tom hadn't been around. Never gone too far with him mind you, but we had got way beyond simply kissing a few times."

"I can hardly believe what I'm hearing Maddy," I gasped. I found it almost impossible that the mother of my child could ever have acted like that.

"It was all a few years ago James," she responded with a contrite look. "I'm a few years older and an awful lot wiser than I was then honey. You sure you want me to continue?"

"Yes, carry on Maddy," I told her. "This was all before I knew you. I have to admit I'm surprised by all this, but it doesn't effect how I feel about you."

My wife let out another huge sigh and smiled sadly at me, but otherwise remained silent, and I had to gesture to her again to carry on with her story.

"Well Tom, bless him, got pretty jealous about the way I was carrying on and the two gangs were getting a bit fractious with one another. There was going to be trouble, but me, silly little cow that I was just carried on enjoying the fuss that I was causing. Eventually Tom came and tried to pull me away from Mike, but I wasn't giving in. I told Mike that Tom was being mean to me and wouldn't let me have a go on his Honda, and would he let me try his Kawasaki out. There was no chance really as Mike's bike was even more powerful than the Honda, but he played along with it."

"He let you ride it?"

"No. I said there was no chance, but he wanted me to get on the back with him and take off. Two or three of their friends were sort of backing them both up, but trying to calm them down as well. But then Mike pushed his luck even further and told me that if I'd strip off topless and go for a ride on the back with him, then he'd let me have ago afterwards."

"Topless?" I cried out incredulously. "What made the idiot think you'd do that?"

"Because I'd done it before James ---- several times," she shocked me with. "Only ever on the back with Tom of course, but a couple of times at bike rallies, I'd done the tour round completely naked. It was nothing exceptional in that crowd and quite a few girls did it, flashing everything they had."

"I'm having difficulty in taking all this in Maddy," I told her, shaking my head as my tummy turned somersaults. "This doesn't sound like the girl I met and married."

"I've told you James, I'm older and wiser now, but at the time it was ..... Well ......"

"Fun?" I finished for her, to which she nodded and carried on, trying to keep up the wan smile on her face.

"Tom didn't react till I'd actually got my leather jacket and my tee shirt off, and was reaching behind to undo my bra. Then he grabbed me and screamed that if that's what it took then I could ride his damn Honda.

"You would have taken your bra off?" I asked her in some disbelief. I was shocked by her disclosures, but have to admit that I was more excited by her display than the bike-riding bit, and the picture of Maddy, in my mind, stripping off like that was .... Well, was having some effect on me. You know what I mean, don't you!

"Yes," she answered simply.

"And you would have bared your tits to them all?"


"And gone off with him?"

"Not sure, but probably. But I was hoping Tom would give in first."

"Christ Maddy," I mumbled. "You were a real bitch back then, weren't you?"

"I guess I was," she answered calmly. "But you have to understand that in a crowd like that, then guys are kings and the girls are treated almost like possessions, in public if not in private. When a girl got a chance to lord it over one of the guys, then it was a real rush. I suppose that's one reason why there were so many fights over women."

"So he let you have a go of the Honda then?" I questioned, though to be honest I was still more interested in whether she'd gone ahead and taken her bra off at that point.

That was soon to change however!

"Yes," she went on. "I put my jacket back on, gave Mike a kiss on the cheek to piss off Tom, but then went with him to his Honda. He was pretty furious with me, but still kept his word, and a few minutes later I was cruising slowly round the car park with Tom on the back. I was loving it, and by then I think even Tom was getting OK with it as I was doing really well. Then everything went to pot!"

"What happened?" I demanded impatiently.

"I guess I'd pissed Mike off as well, and he followed on his Kawasaki and started to cut me up. Tom was getting angry and told me to stop, but of course I knew better and began to go faster. Then Mike left the car park and went roaring off down the road, and despite Tom screaming at me, I took off after him."

At this point I couldn't help but notice that tears were forming in Maddy's eyes, and she looked to be on the point of bursting into tears. I moved around and put my arm around her, telling her to take her time, but she shook her head and carried on, beginning to sob as she finished her story.

"Mike went faster and faster, and like the idiot I was, I chased after it him. It was exhilarating and I ignored Tom shouting at me to stop and carried on."

At this point Maddy did burst into tears, sobbing so pitifully that I couldn't understand what she was telling me, and it took a few more minutes before she could finish her tale. By then I'd guessed that it wasn't going to end happily, and I sure wasn't wrong.

"Mike dropped back and rode alongside us, encouraging me to go faster and faster, while Tom was going crazy on the back, pounding me on the back to get me to slow down. But I didn't. I tried to get past Mike. I didn't make it though. I lost control."

"What happened Maddy?" I asked her gently, holding her as she cried aloud, remembering what was quite obviously an awful experience.

"The Honda slid from under me and crashed into Mike's machine. I wasn't aware what happened then and the next thing I remembered was waking up in hospital some time later having been in a coma of some sort. I had a pretty severe bump on the head, but fortunately for Tom he came off more or less unscathed."

"And This Mike character," I demanded. "What happened to him Maddy?"



"Yes dead!"



"But what happened then sweetheart. I don't understand. You were riding the bike and Tom was just a passenger. How did he end up in prison?"

"He took the blame James," she sobbed. "By the time I came to and became able to realise what was happening around me, it was too late. Tom told the police that it was him in the front seat, and he got the blame."

"But it wasn't him Maddy," I protested. "It was you."

"I know."

"But why would he do that sweetheart," I searched for an explanation. "Why would he take the blame?"

"Because he loved me," she stated simply. "I was his woman and he wanted to protect me."




The pair of us had had enough by then and neither of us wanted to talk about it any further. So we cuddled up on the sofa and said nothing for what seemed an awful long time. Eventually I knew that there was more to this story and I had to know it all.

"What else do you have to tell me Maddy?" I asked at last. "There must be more to Tom's actions than you've told me so far."

"You're right of course," Maddy admitted. "At the time, believe it or not, Tom had a clean sheet with the police. He'd been pulled over a number of times and had speeding fines and things, but nothing more than that. After the accident apparently Mike didn't seem too bad, so Tom didn't think too much would come of it, and told the police that he'd been on the driving seat. Unlike Tom, I did have a couple of convictions and he was worried they'd throw the book at me, so thinking it wasn't too serious, he took the blame."

"You had two convictions?" I blurted out, wondering what other revelations there were going to be. "Christ Maddy, were you a criminal of some kind?"

"Not exactly James," Maddy grinned at me guiltily. "I told you the sort of things I used to get up to. They were both for indecent exposure."


"Riding round in the nude on the back of a bike on a camping site was one thing, but the cops didn't take kindly to us doing it through the middle of town."

"Twice," I queried.

"More than twice," Maddy whispered. "I got caught three times, but they let me off the first time."

I didn't know if I could take much more of this, but she went on to explain how Mike had taken a sudden turn for the worse and unexpectedly pegged out, and Tom had stuck to his story to protect Maddy. His case got bungled when it went to court and he ended up with an unexpectedly long sentence.