The Motorcyclist


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"Why don't you ask me again in three months time?" Sally at last suggested. "When you've had time to think about it."

"How about I leave the question on the table and you give me your answer in three months?" I countered. "Before if you want."

And that's how we left it. I wanted her to say yes, but deep down I had to admit that I had reservations. I really, really wanted a child of my own. More than one to be honest, and adoption and all that stuff left me feeling a little uncertain. So uncertain unfortunately that tiny cracks began appearing in our relationship where none had been before, and where there simply didn't need to be any. There was no question of us breaking up or anything, and we were still very happy together, but there were doubts, and the marriage question got put quietly on the back burner.


Every cloud has a silver lining they say. Maybe that's true, and maybe not. I certainly wasn't thinking of clouds that morning as I sat in my office wondering how the hell to justify a large expenditure on a new project I was fronting. The last thing I wanted was a phone call to interrupt my chain of thoughts, especially one that had no connection to my pet project.

"Mr Dawson?" asked the unfamiliar and rather officious sounding voice. "Mr. James Dawson?"

"That's me," I replied casually, my concentration still on how I could make a quarter of a million look like pocket money.

"I have to ask you a couple of security questions Mr. Dawson."

"Fine," I went back, still a bit miffed at the interruption. "But first of all, who are you?"

"Sorry," the voice came back, sounding anything but sorry. "My name is Mrs. Murphy from Headingly Social Services. Headingly is a suburb of Leeds."

"I'm perfectly aware of where Headingly is Mrs. Murphy," I replied, my interest suddenly increasing ten fold. "What can I do for you?"

"You are Mr. James Edward Dawson?"

"That's me."

"And you were previously married to Mrs. Madeline Dawson, who subsequently became Mrs. Wellings?"

"That's me," I repeated, getting a little annoyed with her officiousness.

"As a security, could you tell me your ex wife's middle name please?"

"Jean," I replied.

Happy with that she also asked me what her date of birth were, which of course I answered correctly again.

"What's this all about?" I demanded somewhat more forcibly.

"Headingly Social Security Services are charged with sorting out some outstanding matters concerning the late Mrs. Wellings."

"The late Mrs. Dawson," I queried, realising immediately that would have been Tom's mother. "But she died several years ago and I never met the woman. What could that have to do with me?"

"On the contrary Mr Dawson," the voice came back. "Mrs Wellings died six days ago. She was killed in a motorbike accident along with her husband."

"What! ..... She can't have done ..... She .... She .... They ....." My voice petered out as the impact of her words sank in. I nearly dropped the phone.

"I'm sorry Mr Dawson," The social security lady continued. "I thought you would have known."

"What about Beth?" I cried out aloud," as the terrible possibilities shot through my brain. "She's alright isn't she? Please tell me she's OK."

"She's somewhat upset sir," the woman continued, the slightest trace of humanity appearing for the first time. "She wasn't involved in the accident, but she's obviously very upset. She's been asking for you but it's taken us a few days to track you down."

"Where is she?" I all but shouted down the phone. "I'm leaving now. I'll come and get her."

The woman told me that they had her and the address and five minutes later I was in my car and leaving the car park, my oh so important project forgotten.


I was as nervous as hell as I sat in Mrs Murphy's rather dingy office, having convinced her that I really was who I was, and that there was no question whatsoever that I wanted Beth. Somewhat to my surprise I discovered that Tom and Maddy had done nothing to change anything, and of course I'd heard nothing about a request for adoption. As far as the law was concerned, I was still legally Beth's father, as that's what it said on her birth certificate.

Fancy that!

I guess I was upset to hear of Maddy and Tom's demise, even considering what she had done to me, but I was simply so excited to be seeing Beth again, that such thoughts or feelings simply hadn't seeped through yet.

But there was something else that I hadn't thought of as well!

Eventually there was a tap on the door, and another woman walked into the room holding Beth's hand ---- My Beth ----- The first time I'd seen her for nearly four years.

"Daddy. Is that really you?" Beth asked timidly. Not surprisingly as though I'd had photos of her sent to me, she hadn't seen me since she'd been four years old.

"Yes it's me sweetheart," I choked the words out, the first single tear running down my cheek, and holding my arms out to her.

"Daddy, Daddy," she cried out as she ran to me. "I've missed you. I knew you'd come for me."

I told you that there was something else I'd completely forgotten about and it was as I cuddled my daughter in my arms, that that omission suddenly became apparent. As I tried to lift Beth up in my arms, something was not quite right. Looking down, to my surprise I spotted another little chap clinging on grimly to Beth's skirt for all he was worth.

Oh Shit! I'd forgotten. Beth had a little brother!

"This is Jimmy," Beth introduced me, when I let her down again, not wishing to frighten the poor little chap by winning the tug of war. Even so, the poor little fella looked as if he was about to burst into tears. He was about three years old or so, and looked a right little tyke. Dark haired and solidly built, looking like a potential future rugby player. He was obviously frightened to death, but was holding on bravely, unsure what the future held.

"Hello Jimmy," I smiled at him reassuringly, but he glared back still unsure.

"This is Daddy James, Jimmy," Beth encouraged her little brother. "Say hello."

"Daddy James wot used to be your real Daddy?" He asked Beth, but not taking his eyes off me.

"Yes Jimmy," she told him. "Mummy and Daddy always told us how nice he was and now he's going to be our Daddy and take us away to live with him."

Mrs Murphy opened her mouth to speak, no doubt wishing to correct that innocent statement as nothing had been discussed concerning Jimmy, but I held up my hand to stop her, and she had the good sense to keep quiet.

"My Mummy and Daddy have gone to heaven," little Jimmy spilled out. "Will you really be our new Daddy?"

"How old are you Jimmy?" I asked, a thought suddenly occurring to me as I looked at the little lad. "Free," he told me. "Free and ... and ...." At which point he looked up at his older sister for help.

"He's three and four months," Beth finished for him. "His birthday is on the seventh of November."

"Well bugger me!" I cried out as the truth became clear. The mathematics weren't difficult at all. Three years and four months plus another nine months and that took us back to mid October.

Yes ----- Over a month before Tom was released for prison some four years previously. Coupled with Jimmy's build and complexion, there was no doubt in my mind.

Jimmy was my son!

For Christ's sake they must have known, and even called him Jimmy after me. No wonder Maddy had not been there the single time I'd visited, as she must have been showing by then.

"Come and give your Dad a cuddle little man," I grinned at him a warm feeling coursing through me. He hesitated just a moment and leapt into my arms, closely followed by Beth, and the three of us cuddled and cried, oblivious to the others around us.


It was plain sailing after that. I obviously had the legal right to take Beth away, and it took just ten minutes in front of a hastily sought out Judge to be given the right to take Jimmy as well. Of course there would be paperwork to do later, but I knew a certain solicitor lady who I hoped might be happy to help me with that.

"This is my friend Sally," I introduced my two new charges the very next day, noting that her eyes were already misting up.

"Are you going to be our new Mummy?" piped up little Jimmy.

"Shush Jimmy," Beth admonished her brother. "Daddy said that the lady was a friend of his."

Sally looked at the pair of them for a few moments before saying anything, while I held my breath.

"That's Ok Beth," she eventually managed to get out as her tears started rolling. If your Daddy still wants me, then I think you two are the answer to our prayers and I'd love to be your new Mummy.

Well the offer was still on the table and the three months weren't up, so you can guess how it all ended up, can't you.

That afternoon Sally and I took the two of them out for the day, and we held hands, ran together, played together, laughed together and looked together. Yes that's right, we went to the damn zoo again.


There were of course difficult times in the following months and years, as my two children remembered Tom and Maddy who had been their parents. But time is indeed a healer and those times passed, as our children grew up and Sally and I started to happily grow older together. Beth did become a vet and happily married to a young civil engineer, and we are expectantly waiting for the first grandchildren. Jimmy joined the Royal Air Force and has just got his wings. I wonder if his love of aeroplanes came from the number of times that we dragged one another to Old Warden to see the museum there?


Well that's it and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you did, then please let me know. If not ---- Well, I suppose you'll let me know anyway!

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chasbo38chasbo38about 12 hours ago

Maddy was a self-serving snake. She took surreptitiously Beth to visit Tom in prison because he was Beth's biological father. She committed a fraud when she put James name on Beth's birth certificate. She claimed to have loved both Tom and James but hid the existence of Jame's son from him and would have done it for the rest of his life. What a selfish woman. She winds up with Tom, Tom's daughter and James' son and James winds up with nothing. I hope this woman was a figment of the author's imagination and not some one she k new in real life.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19691 day ago

Maddy was a cruel wife in so many ways, not intentionally Tom was released but the way you wrote her certainly got my blood pressure up. Glad she ended up in a crash, hopefully she was topless as she relived the good old days, reinforcing the fact that she's a terrible motorcyclist.

Bummer for Tom, you made him into a likeable and compassionate character. Kinda wish he realized what a loser Maddy turned out to be and abandoned her.

Jimmy was a cute addition, but it also made Maddy look even more cruel by concealing his paternity.

prato1992prato19926 days ago

Cuando Beth contó a James que la madre la llevaba a la carcel a ver a Tom estaba definido quien era el padre sino que le iba a explicar a Tom sobre quien era el padre.

Muy lento James que no se dio cuenta en ese mismo momento

o fue un error del escritor?🤔

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

Seriously? Are there witches out there like Maddy in real life?

A pox and scourge on all faithless cunts like Maddy. If you read this and have done this to a man you purport to love? Well I hope you get the worst possible strain of venereal disease that rots your vagina from the inside out.

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah26 days ago

This was a tear-jerker; top-shelf and is in my favorites. You can really belt out a tune when you put your mind to it. I’ve been told great authors can start at the conclusion of a plot and work backwards. I can see that here. So many moving parts dovetailed seamlessly.

James held the shitty end of the stick for a long time. It was heartwarming to see his wishes come true.

I’d like to say that some people simply don’t possess a monogamy gene. The cynic in me disagrees. Mandy was a flighty, self-serving old heifer; a blowhole to the finish. Withholding knowledge of James’ son from him was inexcusable.

If you live by the scooter, you may very well die by the scooter. They’re fun as hell and rarely dull.

There’s also a reason some ER nurses call them ‘donorcycles.’ See if you can pop a wheelie. I bet you can.

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