All Comments on 'The Motorcyclist'

by Britease

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KenfromIndyKenfromIndyabout 13 years ago
Very enjoyable - karma

I liked how it came full circle!! Nicely written even if James was too nice to ex but in the end it had to burn her that her was son was his; otherwise she would not have kept him secret (new husband just as bad). So in your story they got paid for all there lies; revenge without James doing anything just Karma!!!

looking4itlooking4itabout 13 years ago
one question

was Maddie topless when they wrecked the second time?

well, just kidding

a truly unique ending, ty...and once again nice writing.

PostScriptorPostScriptorabout 13 years ago
As always!

Well written, witty, and worthwhile, Brit.

Alas, the female character was monstrously amoral (or worse). Let's see — she doesn't tell our hero about her background (which might have raised some red flags...), fools around on him while they are engaged and he's out of the country, and saddles him with another man's child? Sounds less like love than a woman looking for a meal ticket. Then, when she gets pregnant by our hero, she keeps it from him, in effect cutting off his son from him. Fer gods sake! This sounds like a DQS woman.

Actually, the hardest part of the premise for me to swallow, was that a fairly intelligent, normal guy, would find himself together with a wild, promiscuous biker chick. I suspect the cultural/background differences would clash too much.

Mousse9Mousse9about 13 years ago

Wow, Maddy the monster.

I pretty much agree with Postscriptor.

fern501fern501about 13 years ago
Thanks for a nice story.

To postcriptor re: cultural/social backlash.

She was brought up by an aunt and with Tom in jail she was separated from this environment so she could have evolved quite differently so much so as becoming a different person.

I'm not saying it happens all the time but it happened to me, I got freed from reform school provided I got a job at age fourteen, I changed so much that I was rejected by former friends of which some became pimps and the new "friends" were quite different, I hosted a party and one guest was a juvenile judge and she believed me only after I mentioned names from the juvenile department, since I was twenty I've always been surrounded by people with a higher education. I think it's the environment which is responsible for the social backlash, and a couple's alienation e.g. the rich family not accepting the poor.

He also didn't know her background, he was a gentleman in the sense that he didn't inquire too much, he loved her and he felt she was good enough for him and as for the woman suffice to say that I'm a bit of a misogynist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

wow you write about some pretty dumb people or is it that you think this is normal either way i use to like your stories now i find there just plain stupid.

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 13 years ago
A fine story that touched the heart....

Well written story with a sad but believeable outcome.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 13 years ago
Very good!

I have called motorcycles organ donor specials because head injuries kill the driver but leave the organs. I disagree Maddy was not a monster, just caught by her emotions. Not the first woman in love with two men, or visa versa. When James threw her out, (for what most would say was with cause) where else could she-would she go?

She treated Jim well after that, so what more could she do?

I didn't see the twist coming, but it wasn't too improbable.

A really great story worthy of a five.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 13 years ago
Nice Story; Clever Ending

I saw part of the ending coming but not the twist, which was nicely done. Good character development and flow; interesting plot. Well done!

shangoshangoabout 13 years ago
If you ever learn the differencebetween love and obsession

your stories may become pretty decent.

mike2710mike2710about 13 years ago

Thanks for the entertainment, well done.

RehnquistRehnquistabout 13 years ago

I mean, really. Nothing more to say. Just simply fucking excellent.

Okay, and heartwarming, well-executed, believable. Yeah, those too.

But still: Excellent!

dave_magicdave_magicabout 13 years ago
Wonderful and Exciting

Excellent story and well written, thank you for sharing!

grogers7grogers7about 13 years ago
Living well is the best...

Jim is one very strong dude. He rebuilds his life, tries to give another man's child the most stable life he can -- at great emotional expense to himself -- then accepts both children into his life to raise and nurture them. AND, he had agred to marry a woman he loved even though she belatedly revealed her infertility. Nice guys do finish first. The tortoise did win the race. Thanks.

fregenfregenabout 13 years ago
Well done

But could Maddy have treated James any colder? Not content to destroy his life she also steals his son? Unforgiveable.<P>

Thanks for sharing.

bruce22bruce22about 13 years ago
Yep. Excellent!

I wonder if anyone else went through a moment of extreme rejection of the story when Maddy came up with line about Tim's cock size?


No one deserved the hand he was dealt! The truth was that he certainly did not have good intuition where women were concerned.

2ndThoughts2ndThoughtsabout 13 years ago
Very, Very Good

A really good story, thanks.

One point, we could all cry over Maddy and suffer the feeling of loss at her demise. We could also hate her for cheating with the ex bf - but...

...she was dishonest with James throughout.

Great story again - Thanks!

curioussscuriousssabout 13 years ago
Very good story

Rehnquist and Grogers summed it up.

5 stars for this Brit - thanks

jasonnhjasonnhabout 13 years ago

Maddy was a real piece of work. A lot of people died on motorcycles in this story. Maddy probably deserved it. She kept Beth's true parentage secret and then kept his son away from him, plus all the screwing around with Tom. She was an A1 bitch. The crash that killed Maddy and Tom was a hugely convenient act of fate. It accomplished revenge and compensation all in one neat act. James gets his daughter back, plus a son he didn't know about, plus it pulled his relationship with Sally together. <br><br>

This was a nice change from your stories where the guy is clueless and ineffectual. James was played by Maddy but I'm not sure what he could have done in the circumstances. He doesn't bend for a second about sharing Maddy with Tom. He did give up visiting his daughter but I get the reason. He doesn't pine away for Maddy but gets close to Sally. The solution miraculously drops into his lap but I suppose it could happen that way. It doesn't make him a wimp, just very, very lucky. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Good things take time

Good things take time,but ur offerings r very few n after very long hibernations,but guy do i love going thru ur stories!5 first ever comment on this forum.keep it up.Thnx.

Mandy01Mandy01about 13 years ago
God Brit, you certainly know how to tug the heart strings!

I felt just about every damn feeling there is...frustration, anger, sorry, regret, surprise, but the ones you left me with was joy and happiness.

As usual, well done drama on the part of a master.

Thanks for the roller coaster ride. Full marks mate, keep'em coming.


cal6009cal6009about 13 years ago
Why you old sly fox!!

This is story-telling at its best. Thank you for sharing.

literot63literot63about 13 years ago
Great Story

I think the best in the LW category since Rehnquist's last. Great story, well written with some nice twists. Sure there are jerks in the story, but all the great stories have them. Thank you.

RHinSCRHinSCabout 13 years ago
Good Story

This is why you have to be very cautious with chicks who have tattoos, you never know where they have been or what they have done or what surprises they might give you. There is allot of death by motorcycle in this story. Most of the rider deaths where I live are caused by other drivers who are not paying attention. So, pay attention and look both ways...twice. I don't want to be next. As it turns out the man has a son to carry on the family name, and once again he was deceived by this lovely woman whom he did not know. Good one.

TXanyTXanyabout 13 years ago
Good, but thin

I enjoyed it, but it was missing depth. It was apparent to me that Beth was not his from the beginning. Nice twist with Jimmy and the motorcycle accident to kill off his exwife and "boyfriend". I woud agree that the story line is real and believable....and with more depth it would have been a real emotional tear-jerker.

Zeb40Zeb40about 13 years ago
Nice twist

Great little story.

I half expected some of the ending, but finding out that Jimmy was his son was a complete surprise.

Maddy's character was a bit bewildering. I could sort of understand how she felt, and considering her history with Tom, and what he did for her, and taking into account James' reaction to her infidelity,she did what I expected her to do. She had already betrayed him while they were engaged, so he was sure to be replaced by the man she knew fathered Beth.

James was a convenient substitute, but I feel that he was never meant to be permanent.

Glad that he was able to reunite with Beth. Jimmy was an unexpected bonus.

One little aside here. I had been thinking of trading my Wrangler for a Harley, but I'm now convinced to stick with four wheels under me.

Thanks for a good read. Paul

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caabout 13 years ago
Genetically bad drivers?

Good tale, however there are other ways to die prematurely, even in the UK. But, Britease, we are left with lack of knowledge regarding why she kept the boy a secret from him??? She was sorry, sad, allowed visitation to the girl that wasn't his, so why hide the boy?? Doesn't fit the character portrayed.... Either that or I missed a line or two.

daveftworthdaveftworthabout 13 years ago
Nice Story

Would have been nice If she had a letter to him, apoligizing for what she did to him and hiding his child -- to bring closure, and perhaps fill in some of the gaps in the story.

Risq_001Risq_001about 13 years ago
Say huh?


I'm not trying to be mean here, but let me understand the premise of the story:

1.) Girlfriend says she's pregnant and she gets sucker, uh boyfriend, to marry her.

2.) Girlfriend explains to new husband that she was a bitch and by being a major one she killed a man but her then boyfriend takes the blame for it and he's doing time while she's out.

3.) She does want to be alone so she marries someone else.

4.) Boyfriend gets out of prison and the wife decides to shack up with him while telling husband to go stuff it if he doesn't like it (Still being a bitch)

5.) Husband finds out he wasn't the father of the child.

5.5) Husband also finds out she was cheating on him with her ex-lover during this time.

6.) Husband keeps carrying a torch for this woman, the one who screwed him over, tells him he has a little dick, and the man she re-marries thinks he got a prize while she's doing all this to her husband.

7.) Ex-dies on a motorcycle and the ex-husband is now doing back flips because he got the child he raised earlier back, as well as a second child of the pair who screwed him so badly, also to raise. And this "never" enters his mind???

And this is a "GOOD" story? O.ŏ

*Sigh* I know it sounds like I'm slamming you, but I'm not.

I'm just confused. I mean if someone told me this story and wanted sympathy I'd slap them then laugh at them for how stupid they were to sit pining for a woman who would do this to them, but this is .... I'm not sure "what" this is, but its not romance, or loving wives, or romance, or anything like either.

At "best" it's cuckold because this guy "knew" his wife was cheating on him for days, and having sex with her ex-lover several times during those days, but the best he could do was threaten to leave her while he kept hoping she'd get it out of her system, but she never did and in the end "she" left "him".

This story is the very "definition" of cuckold.

I guess this is just everyone commenting about how great it is because of your name and not really on the story being in the wrong category, because this was a CUCKOLD story through and through, but was called something else in the end.

"His" vindication was raising his ex-wives and her lovers kids after she shafted him for four years while he was raising another man's child so she didn't have to do it while he worked hard to support them both after she quit her job.


demantoiddemantoidabout 13 years ago
Good story

Great drama, great tension and well plotted. The dialogue was stilted, particularly between James and Maddie, which led to a slightly weak build up. Otherwise a very good and original story.

BriteaseBriteaseabout 13 years agoAuthor
Form the author

Well, thanks everyone, good and bad (but especially good --- I am after all biased.) It does still surprise me that some commentators critisize stories because one or more of the characters are very nice, but surely that's what stories are about aren't they? Even kids stories normally have a villian. Those that anyone reads that is.

Thanks again. I'm encouraged to continue.

winterfoxxwinterfoxxabout 13 years ago
Lovely effort ...

In a way I wish you hadn't "warned" us that it has a happy ending. Well ... somewhat happy.

I very much enjoyed the emotional flow. It certainly contains a bit of the "it's darkest just before dawn".

In a way I wish you had developed the story more, there was a lot left in these characters. I enjoyed it that much.

Again ... appreciate your talents and efforts in sharing with us.

thefranzthefranzabout 13 years ago
Nice one

Very nice story with a fitting end: he gets the right girl and thay get the children they want.

Your lingo seemed to be a little Denham-Forrest-ish which is no mean feat. Thanks!

angiquesophieangiquesophieabout 13 years ago
not sure if i should do this...

i was entertained by the story, as it was well-written and had its original moments. what i love about britease's stories is, that they are human. they are nuanced, not the carton cut-outs that do abound in here. but reaching the end i saw this wasn't entirely true for this story. maybe contrived is too harsh a word, but it surely is "plot-ridden". all the twists were just too well composed and directed to feel lifelike. the motor accident, the children, the barren woman he married and so on.

then again, should i make a point of it? it was a nice story as it was. maybe i should have left it at that. thanks, britease.

Boros749Boros749about 13 years ago
I like the ending

i kinda seen it coming, but i liked it. maybe because real life have crap lately and we do need something positive. even if its just from a story. Thanks!

StangStar06StangStar06about 13 years ago
Brilliant story

I wish the cheating ex had lingered in the hospital for a while or had to go to jail herself to pay for the pain she caused him

She needed to suffer some, dying was too easy, but other than that I loved it

RePhilRePhilabout 13 years ago
So was Matty driving when they bought it?

And could she not live with the Jimmy lie and wiped out on purpose? Great read!

deadonedeadoneabout 13 years ago
Damn it hated this story!

I read the first few paragraphs ans skipped to end to see who did what to whom. Well next thing I know i'm reading the bloody thing! I got things to do and places to go. Darn thing was way to engrossing, stop that. I was actually reading that story, and getting into it. (Hope Tommy was pound on her back telling her slow down all the way to the grave.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 13 years ago
A nice sweet story

Surprisingly, even without erotic sex, the story was exceptionally good.

The author created a character to hate and a character to feel sorry for and give sympathy.

What was really good was the way he made a happy ending to this predominantly sad story.

Well done for the way the author pulled it all together.


tarlingtontarlingtonabout 13 years ago
A Great Read

Well put twogether a pleasure to read, keep up the good work.

Huma412Huma412about 13 years ago
Agree with Stangstar06

That wife was just a horrid cunt. In effect she stole 2 children from him. Little Beth in a cruel and spiteful way, and hid another from him for almost 4 years until their deaths. She should have suffered just a bit more pain before the end. Tom comes off like a nice bloke and all, But after already taking his daughter away, kept quiet about Jimmy.

You wrote a great little story which I quite enjoyed reading. Thanks for the great effort, and keep it up, as I look forward to reading more of your work.

SleeplessinMD3SleeplessinMD3about 13 years ago
What a terrible wife!

I have never seen an author treat such a terrible character so lightly. First, Maddy cheats on her fiancee James with Tom lying to both about the other. I am sorry I do not believe that she just fell in love with Tom after spending a few nights at a hotel. She got pregnant by Tom and then married James to secure her future since Tom was going to be in prison a long time. Then after Tom gets out of prison she proposes this three way arrangement where she gets to fuck Tom and have James take care of her financially. When that does not work out she take Beth and then proceed to keep James out of his only child's life. What did James's parent feel about these events? Why would both her and Tom be on a motorcycle given their family's history?

Orionman17Orionman17about 13 years ago
Maybe I just needed to read such a story today . . . I gave it a rare 5, mainly because . . .

of the character that was James. Thoroughly enjoyed it and managed to get through the bittersweet. The twist of Maddy denying James knowing little Jimmy. . . makes Maddy look pretty bad. Wow. Thank you for a gread read today.

jack_strawjack_strawabout 13 years ago
good riddance

This may sound cold, but I can't be the only reader who thought, "good riddance," when I read of the demise of Maddy. This was a selfish, manipulative bitch who played two unsuspecting dupes into doing her bidding. I wanted to dislike Tom, but he was as much a victim as James, more so because he was the dubious "winner" of Maddy's ultimate affections. In the end, though, everything worked out for the best. James got his little girl back, plus he got a child of his own flesh and blood, plus he got a good woman in the bargain. Seems to me like everyone in this story got what they deserved, except maybe Tom.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 13 years ago
Yawn.. what is so great about this Turd of story

was anyone SURPRISED that maddy turned out NOT to be his?

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 13 years ago
James Initial reaction is LAUGHABLE

From page 1 ...James has learned the truth about Maddy.... and THIS is this reaction?

" But Maddy and I had Beth together, so I wasn't worried where her long time commitment l.... "

at THAT point he has found out his wife has been lying to him for YEARS about who TOM was

at THAT point he has found out his wife has been lying to him for YEARS about who TOM was to Maddy

at THAT point he has found out his wife has been lying to him for m YEARS about her background and wild character

at THAT point he has found out his wife has been lying to him for YEARS about her CRIMINAL behavior

at THAT point he has found out his wife has been lying to him for YEARS about her reckless behavior

Yet for some reason James after Learning about all of this is Now NOT WORRIED about Beth's long term committment?? Does JAMES's reaction make an sense ??

BriteaseBriteaseabout 13 years agoAuthor
Harry's back!

Maybe i've missed them but haven't seen comments from Harry lately. I guess me writing one was just too difficult for him to ignore. Glad to see you're still alive and kicking Harry. Generally very pleased by the response, especially seeing so many established writers who I admire commenting favourably. Thanks to all of you. You know how much it counts.

cageyteecageyteeabout 13 years ago

This is an extremely well thought out, well constructed and exceptionally well written story. The complicated plot turns out to be plausible and very entertaining.

It's a good thing I don't write any more as I sure as hell can't keep up with this.

I hope that at least a few of your other readers appreciate the time, energy & talent you put into entertaining us.

Bets wishes,


saratusaratuabout 13 years ago
In the past I've bitched about your stories,

However with this story you have definately proven to me how truely good you are at writing, my compliments to a fine story and to a fine author. By the way my family name is an old anglish name and they were from merry old England.

movermoverabout 13 years ago

Beautiful story very well told. Adds new meaning to 'What goes around comes around' or vice versa.

SuzysboySuzysboyabout 13 years ago

Pretty loose with copyrighted trademarks i.e. in the MC you mention..."gang"?!?

huedogghuedoggabout 13 years ago
I love your writing, BUT

Could you please write story about a true loving wife. And lets be honest there any no way in hell the ex husband would raise those kids. Beth maybe but the son too, bullshit. I liked the story to a point but it must be a UK thing where all the husbands are the cuckold loving guys. Because in the states they both would have been dead the day after.

SELSTIMSELSTIMalmost 13 years ago
Brilliant Story

Obviously, "huedogg" is a skimmer or he would have realized that Jimmy was James's biological son. Wow, what an emotional ride! At first, I was thinking that this was the worst thing that could happen to a guy and then to have it completely turn around. Beth being Tom's daughter was no surprise but you got me with Jimmy being James's son. Which explains Maddy's behavior. I couldn't figure out why she so desparetly wanted to live with both James and Tom. I even thought maybe she was Just using James to support her and Beth until Tom got out. At the time Tom got out she knew she was pregnant with James's child. Brilliant just brilliant. Thank you

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
not a skimmer, but I saw no DNA test done

and if she lied about Beth who know what else she lied about. Also what man would what to raise another man child and that's from either side. So Tom knew the boy wasn't his and raise him as his own....please she was a lying slut and life goes on.

roscovichroscovichalmost 13 years ago
Simpleminded and not very creative.

But (isn't there always?) good read for pre and early teens. Average effort for average mark.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

sometimes get rewarded. TK U MLJ LV NV

TechRaiderTechRaiderover 12 years ago
good story!

in james' place i would have wanted to kill tom and to beat maddy within an inch of death. (lot of lies and betrayal) doubt i would have done it but the thought would have been there for damn sure. keep writing, your really good!

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago

on the ex and Tom and the kids. I'm just a mean spirited old sod. I would have beat the shit out of the two of them and left for parts unknown and let god take care of the rest of it.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago
a bit of a cuck

what? no balls and lost his daughter and his son too. no balls at all. they had to get killed in an accident to get them. and the wife was just a fucking slut - only good part of the story is they fucking died and probably not right away either.

Dubby49Dubby49over 11 years ago

is blameless, but Maddy is a real piece of work.

1. She allows her lover to take the rap and go to jail for her.

2. She has sex with her lover, gets pregnant and marries Jim.

3. She conceals the fact that Beth is not his child from her husband whilst allowing him to bring her up.

4. She continues her affair, mentally if not physically, with Tom whilst claiming to love Jim.

5. She claims that Tom knew nothing of Jim's existence, though she took Beth to visit Tom in jail.

6. She hides the existence of his biological son from Jim, while allowing her second husband to bring him up.

Death in an accident is an easy way out for a lying, conniving, selfish bitch. Abetter ending would be for Tom to pass leaving Maddy on her own without either of her husbands.

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 11 years ago
Poor Bastard !

Mandy was an A1 bitch from slut should expect not many morals from a hells angle chapter.

It seems her trips to prison to see tom was to perhaps plan what they were going to do regarding their relationship. From reading between lines I believe tom told maddy to take lover. Then she gets pregnant and they decide to use James to help raise the child till to tom is released. They were essentially building a future post when tom was released of he took the news well about maddy being married as he already knew !

Did she know het son wad James, well yes she did. I am sure she did tell James as she want her daughter to have a brother AMD to make sure James did not take her son away.

Tom seem a decent chap really, as he had everything to gain and not much to lose. As James had wife, daughter, his marriage to loose. Hence the offer maddy have him to share her with tom.

Maddy was a cool calculated bitch to James !

monkcalmmonkcalmabout 11 years ago
chick flick

once again from the brit a wimp cuck story haha, no wonder they cant win a war without help all there men are sissies even in there stories haha.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 11 years ago
Missed a point

He should have sued the two of them in civil court for fraud and destruction of his marriage. Been a great bargaining chip. His lawyer should have known that.

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 11 years ago

not my kids, i dont want them.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 11 years ago
Excellent Tale

I have to say Maddie was the ultimate cheating whore slut skank cunt wife. Everything that came out of her mouth was a total lie. The fact that she died in a motorcycle accident just made it a little ironic. What makes the tale is James got the kids, one biological and one by love. The jailbird was just there. He didn't cause the problem, the whore liar did. But it was a happy ending for the hero of this tale. He got the kids and a loving wife and lived happily ever after.

Jeez, what a cliche.


Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loved it

Brilliant. Five stars. Very heart wrenching and authentic in its details.

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

the ultimate payoff is not to be expected or happen to. TK U MLJ LV NV

OverthefallsOverthefallsover 10 years ago
A good story

But a lot of your male lead characters seem to either be clueless or spineless. I saw it coming a mile away. Beth wasn't his daughter. But he seemed to prefer to stick his head in the sand with regards to that possibility or the fact that his wife was hiding Tom from him for a reason. Interesting twist at the end to magically solve all his problems in one fell swoop. But I'm not sure you're really British. Not too much of a stiff upper lip in your characters. But I did enjoy it.

rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
the best of the lot

was Sally. And she was a solicitor.


KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Maddy and Tim

It couldn't have happened to two more delightful people!

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanabout 9 years ago
Good story

Nice twists, well done.

Torus999Torus999almost 9 years ago
Enjoyed it

Good read, even had to read it a second time

loveoverlustloveoverlustalmost 9 years ago
2 Love-Sick 'PUPPIES' & 1 Selfish 'BITCH' .

That's the sum total of this nicely written tale.

Emotions.The biggest difference between this & many of your other stories.The emotional play between James & Beth 'tugged the strings', a lot.

Although your writing is always good it somehow keeps on lacking emotionally. IMO. But not this one.

In the end, it was satisfying to know that the children would grow up with a better set of parents.

Worth a 5.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

An unusual story line. Very good.

YugiMotoYugiMotoover 8 years ago
I love this story.

Can you make more of this type of story I love stories like this I love your work man.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 8 years ago
The other man shouldn't be portrayed as a sympathetic figure.

Not sure what's up with trying to portray that bastard Tom as a decent guy, or on the whole what's up with authors writing a protagonist that act so amicable with the other man, he's the one that screwed a married woman, he might not have known about it before, but that didn't exactly stop him, as well as helping Maddy take away a daughter another man had raised and considered his own.

And then apparently Maddy and Tom had screwed him over in another way by hiding the parentage of his biological son, he should at least have taken a piss on their graves for yet again stealing years of what should have been his life.

sugnasugnaabout 8 years ago
Strange Twisting Plot

The plot took some twists and held my attention. It was a painful ride as most cheating stories seem to be. Maddy was a real piece of crap, for getting pregnant by another man and not tell her husband, and then keeping the truth of his son's parentage a secret double damned her. I can only hope that her last minutes / hours were miserable as she lay on the pavement broken to pieces thinking about how stupid she was for riding a motorcycle when she had two young children to raise and how many poor decisions she had made in her life. The only thing she had to look forward to was an eternity in hell.

tazz317tazz317about 8 years ago

and what they both dont know or realize and the similarity. TK U MLJ LV NV

telboy17telboy17about 8 years ago
Loved it

Great story - great ending.

Maddy is a piece of work - especially hiding the truth about Jimmy. Tom isn't much better. Pity Beth didn't let slip Jimmy's age for James to do the sums during one of his visits. He could really have put some pressure on Maddy and made her squirm.

I don't normally like death as it is usually a cop out but here it worked well.

dyonysosdyonysosabout 8 years ago

I allways wonderd if there will ever be real justice in familylaw,the legalsystem in europe and the usa about children is very complex and depends mainly on social services and the ruling judge

I understand in this case beth wasn't his natural daughter but after rising her for 4 years from birth some kind of contact should have been possible besides the occasional letter,some things about finances aren't vey clear either in this story

But all ends well so no antfucking from me

Good and well written little tale

5 *****

christmas_apechristmas_apeover 7 years ago

loved this story. powerful emotions. thank you!

VapspegeoVapspegeoover 7 years ago
That was screwed up

It might help if you at Least give someone in the story a little common sense. This would never could never happen. This wouldn't happen in Neverland even Peter Pan would have runaway from those stupid people.

Yes, try different things to write about but, how can you think to even waste our time with such drivel. I bet you laughed your ass off that this thing was except by this web site. Thanks😭

IsactaggedIsactaggedover 7 years ago
Very funny

This character isa moron

TwopullTwopullover 7 years ago

If you can't solve it then kill her off... Lazy writing my friend... Expect better from you

zatzoy14zatzoy14over 7 years ago
She needed to be killed off

Maddy was a cold user she took everything dear to the man. She was a calculating heartless thing. Mandy even took the man's own child without a word because the whole world evolved around her! If she lived she would have never told him about his son. I was surprised at Mandy being killed in the motorcycle accident but, that was a blessing for him in three ways:

1, He was lucky Beth remembered him and asked for him.

2, He figured out the little boy was his son.

3, Sally no longer had to worry about him being unfulfilled at not having children.

Now she could adopt his kids on of which is his real child.

3.5 stars

cabbage01132cabbage01132about 7 years ago
great story 5*

what an evil cunt! and tom was no better, hiding his son from him. a great betrayal story. i do hope the cheaters suffered before they died, both bodies twisted and broken in the road, realising they'd never see "their" kids again. im not normally one for death and destruction but she was too evil a bitch to be allowed to live.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 7 years ago
I guess I'm an asshole

because the child would live with an aunt or uncle. when they left it would be for good.

TonyKiwiTonyKiwialmost 7 years ago

about a painful death, eternity burning in hell is a suitable punishment. TK

ErotFanErotFanover 6 years ago
You spin a wicked tale

Glad it had a happy ending. You didn't mention. Was she naked when the accident occurred? 5*

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 6 years ago

The stupid shitty fuckers died. What a crappy waste of skin they both were. The universe 🌌 is certainly better off with the scum removed.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 6 years ago

it all worked out like it should.

johnadpjohnadpalmost 6 years ago
Very Good Story... Commenters As Usual Very One Dimensional

Maddy is orphaned as a young girl. She was raised by wild parents and then moves to live with a wild aunt and uncle (who also died in a motorcycle accident) and she goes through a wild period in her adolescence and young life. Is that a surprise that she will be wild growing up in those circumstances? Then she falls in love with Tom, who at a young age shows what true love is and takes the heat for her and serves time in prison for her.

Tom is imprisoned for a long period, during which she falls in love with another man thinking Tom's prison sentence will be much longer she marries that man and tries to move on with her life. But she does not abandon Tom, as she shouldn't have. Tom ends up being a decent person. Tom gets out of prison, Maddy is confused as she loves two men, cannot end things with Tom or break things off with him, not only because she loves him, but also because she feels she owes him so much. Remember Tom thinks througout his imprisonment that Maddy is waiting for him and that Beth is his daughter (as Maddy must have told him). So Tom was in the exact same position as James when they both found out about one another, and Tom agreed to share Maddy and Beth with James. He could have very easily, and justifiably reacted like James did. He thinks Maddy is his woman in waiting, raising THEIR daughter while he is imprisoned saving her.

So I don't get why so much hate towards Tom and Maddy. Tom was as innocent as Jams and he was actually more generous and understanding than James. Especially considering he was imprisoned and living around animals for years for a crime he did not commit. Maddy was in an impossible situation, at a young age, with divided loyalties. Yes, not telling James about little Jimmy was bad, but remember James agreed to give up Beth to make things easier on her and him, and little Jimmy would have made things even more complicated. And really I'm going to ignore the aberration in the character of Tom and Maddy that little hiding the paternity of Jimmy from James presents, in that the author wanted to surprise a genetic child for James at the end to smooth his marriage to Sally. After all Tom and Maddy named Jimmy after James and Beth says they spoke very positively about James to both children.

Anyway, the main point is that I feel all were good characters and none of them were bad or evil. James did the right thing, unlike many of these commenters would have likely wished him to do, which was tried to destroy Maddy and Tom and in the process likely land him in prison and fuck up Beth's and little Jimmy's future. He lived life right, he stayed positive and moved on and in the end because of that he was in a position to be there for Beth and Jimmy.

If this story was written from Tom's perspective, really he was the hero of this story, the most mature and highest character. He loves a girl, and is willing to serve years in prison to protect her. He finds out that girl hadn't been true to him while he was in prison and was married to another man. After he is told of this other man he doesn't go berserk and want to kill this man who was fucking his woman while he was in prison with her. He doesn't begrudge this man that he was raising his daughter. Instead, he agrees to share his woman and his child with this man. And later he continues to help his daughter write thank you notes to this other man and share pictures of Beth as she is growing up. If the roles were reversed would James have been as gracious with Tom. No! Not that James is a bad guy, just that no way Tom was.

As they say luck is preperation meeting opportunity. James made his own luck, by living right and being in a position to have positive things happen to him (like Sally, Beth and Jimmy). I don't look at it like the "cheaters" had it coming. But that Maddy and Tom spoke positively about Daddy James which led for a smooth transition for them to move in with James. All four (including Sally) acted maturely and with high character, which ultimately benefited the two most important people in this story, Beth and Jimmy.

All these hateful commenters care only about one thing. Not about James, Maddy, Tom, Sally, Beth or Jimmy. All they care about is James' male ego (not even his whole person). Because they are little men with hurt male egos!

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 6 years ago
Not a story, more like a stretched tale

As usual always repetitive from Britease, with extremely stupid characters which I suppose Britease think is humorous. He has some brief ideas for plots which he usually makes into vignettes but when he writes anything longer it is really not any better done other than stretching it into annoying repetitions.

Dude, your writing is really lacking.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago
It's called marriage vows johnadp

Maddy and Tom were scum. Maddy more so. But Tom didn't honor marriage vows either and how nice of the piece of shit to offer to share a man's own wife with him as well as the daughter another man raised.

Keep drinking your penis flavored Kool-Aid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Tom and Maddy got what they deserved, as cruel as that sounds.

calflashcalflashover 5 years ago
live by the sword, die by the sword

Fitting end for the story - I just feel sorry for the kids who have to be somewhat confused.

GrimmerGrimmerover 5 years ago
Not bad but ...

Didn't see the sense in Jimmy (young 'en)

The ending was predictable

The ending seemed contrived hence see the previous

Still, a pretty decent tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Reward from Heaven?

Sometimes it appears that a higher power can work to get revenge but in a very different manner and BTB takes on a very different pathway. Well done and a bit of a surprise ending and beginning of a renewal for James.


jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 5 years ago
And they live happily ever after or do they

Silentsound said it I agree

She ran with hells angels or equivalent and tattoo on butt his head definitely up his ass

Well written for happily ever after

Met some hells angels outlaws etc not a lot I admit but I wouldn't trust them as far as I believe in Reagan's secret war

I know what some of initiation entails

Met some of gangs' girl friends working as strippers money for gang

Really low life

Also have met Christian bike clubs take stranded people home etc even hundreds of miles do runs for charity etc

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Hells angles ?

Hondas and Kaw. Gay bikes "angle and hogs are sin- ominous of the biker clan " you have to be kidding/ she was a shank/and a fitly cheating liar on top of that / and he was a supreme dupe/wimped out and an idiot.....

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