Touched Pt. 01


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She nearly swooned. Managing to stay upright long enough to focus her mind, comparing the mental memory if the outline she'd seen through Christine's dress, with the fully exposed underwear she was clearly seeing now.

She was pleased to observe that everything was more or less where she had imagined it to be, aside from one minor yet electric detail; most if the front was sheer lace, there were thicker opaque bands, and delicate embroidery, but fundamentally she could see most of Christine's exotic auburn bush.

She snapped her jaw shut when she noticed her mouth had started watering. Christine chuckled, while her mother-in-law had been gawking the younger woman had slipped both of her hands back behind her bottom, holding her dress away from her body like the tail of an exotic bird. At that very moment Gregory appeared in the archway.

Christine turned gracefully on her heels, leaving her hands where they were, looking quite coquettish. Catherine went white, her mind racing. What would happen if Gregory were to come closer, to catch a glimpse of his wife's dress bunched up around her waist, exposing her beautiful panties to his mother?!

Catherine's heart thumped slowly but heavily in her chest, she felt light headed. From where Christine was standing, behind the island Gregory's view was currently blocked. This was the only thing keeping Catherine from having a heart attack on the spot.

The younger woman, perhaps peripherally aware of her mother-in-law's precarious mental state leaned farther forward over the island, preventing her husband from advancing around the side, and holding his attention. Simultaneously and to Catherine's horror her daughter-in-law used her hands to discreetly hoist the back of her dress up her legs.

"Gregory be a dear and go tell your father that dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes." She leaned even farther forward, all the while her busy hands were gathering up the bottom half of her dress, in seconds her entire ass would be exposed. "Wait a second! C'mere." She gestured with one hand, the other now clasped behind her back, holding up the entirety of her skirts.

Catherine blinked, her mind struggling to manage the tension she was feeling, caught between the terror of discovery and the rapture of finally getting to see the other side of Christine's black lace lingerie. Luckily her elation won out, her anxiety ebbed and her eyes roamed freely over the delicious lace and satin covered backside of her daughter-in-law.

Christine took hold of Gregory's collar and pulled him in for a peck on the lips, then she pushed him away just as forcefully. "Go! Go already!" She chided, he smirked and after regaining his footing, turned and headed back out towards the living room.

In one expressive rush Christine heaved herself back and up off the island, throwing down the bottom of her dress with both hands, it jerked and whipped around her calves. She turned her head and grinned toothily. Catherine took several deep breaths and eased herself away from the counter top. Never in her life had she been so scared and excited at the same time.

"Wasn't that exhilarating!?" The younger woman asked, her hands already busy gathering up some of the food to set the table. Once again Catherine found herself nodding dumbly, caught up and carried away by the younger woman's enthusiasm and vigor. Her vision still throbbed with the afterimage of her daughter-in-law's unbelievably sexy underwear starkly offset by her equally striking white skin.

Silently she grabbed the roast platter and followed closely behind Christine. The younger woman's musical voice chimed away from in front if her. "Don't think you're off the hook, I'll expect a full report later tonight." Catherine could hear the grin in her voice and shuddered, her own panties were already so wet, how much more of this could she take?

Dinner was a boisterous affair, the two men had already helped themselves to plenty of scotch while watching TV so with the addition of a few glasses of wine it was all the two women could do to keep things from getting out of hand. There was spillage with staining and tumbling buns, laughter and tears.

The two women kept making occasional eye contact throughout the meal, Christine's mischievous green eyes sparkling, Catherine's baby blues furtively evading. All she could think about was her daughter-in-law's striking red bush and the way the black lace panties had been partially swallowed up by her absolutely incredible ass.

She blushed and tried to think of something else, anything else. Things started to wind down, all the food and drink had miraculously disappeared. Predictably the men left the table first, staggering towards the living room. Christine snorted and Catherine just rolled her eyes. She was used to this kind of thing, she'd been married to Henry for over thirty years after all.

Working together the ladies cleared all the dishes and cleaned up the whole mess, by the time the dining room was restored to its pristine state it was almost nine o'clock. Catherine sighed and walked slowly into the living room, Christine following closely behind. Their two husbands were sound asleep.

The younger woman stealthily picked up the remote and turned down the volume, she reached out and took her mother-in-law by the hand. "C'mon." She whispered. "These two louts can sleep it off right here. You and I have some unfinished business." She grinned and started pulling Catherine towards the hallway.

Timidly the older woman let Christine drag her along, she didn't even protest when they passed right by the guest room and headed directly for the master bedroom. She only spoke up when they finally arrived. "W-what are we doing in my room?" She asked quizzically, the afterglow of the wine still filling her belly with warm fuzzy butterflies.

Christine sat down emphatically on the end if her mother-in-law's bed and threw back her head. "You couldn't have had that much wine Catherine! Surely you didn't forget that I asked you for a little help earlier in the evening." Her mother-in-law blinked several times, trying to remember.

Christine giggled girlishly, for the first time sounding closer to her actual age. "Now who's had too much wine?!" Catherine chuckled apprehensively, still wondering what was going to happen. She wasn't afraid of her daughter-in-law exactly, but she was a little intimidated.

"My lingerie." Christine groaned. "Do you think Gregory is going to like it?" She flopped backwards onto the bed and kicked her legs up and down, giving Catherine titillating glimpses of her milky upper thighs, draped in soft yet inscrutable shadows.

Catherine laughed. "Girl, if he doesn't love it, then he's probably dead!" Christine sat up quickly, her mass of curly red hair tumbling over her shoulders.

"Really?" She smiled. "I'm so relieved!" Catherine nodded supportively, even though she was still a little confused, she just couldn't believe that this absolutely stunning young woman with indisputably great taste in underwear could possibly have self confidence issues.

"Girl you're overthinking this, be realistic, it's a man we're talking about here. Poke a hole in a garbage bag for your head and pull it skin tight, he'd be all over you. Guys don't care that much about what you're wearing, honestly they care a lot more about you know... ripping it off." Catherine gestured wildly with her arm, pretending to tear off a pair of invisible panties.

Christine snickered, crossing her arms behind her back and sticking out her chest. Catherine tried not to stare, but it was hard. "You're right you know." Her daughter-in-law mused philosophically. "Men are a lot more simple-minded than us women. I mean I spent so much time picking out this special set for him, but you're absolutely right Catherine, he's just going to want me to take them off." She sulked for a few seconds then her smile returned suddenly.

"I guess I just wanted to share my underwear with someone who could really appreciate it as much as I do, but that's probably never going to be a man, is it?" Catherine laughed and came over to sit down on the bed next to her daughter-in-law.

"Well, I hope it makes you feel just a little bit better to know that when you showed it to me while we were making dinner for those idiot men." She chuckled ruefully. "I couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the night."

Christine looked sidelong at her mother-in-law. "That makes me feel a lot better actually." Despite her better judgment, or perhaps because of the wine, Catherine found herself wanting to say something more.

"To be entirely honest, I was even a bit jealous. My son clearly has no idea how lucky he was to score a babe like you." But it wasn't enough, there was still something she desperately needed to say, and it was going to work its way out of her mouth whether she wanted it to or not. "I don't think of myself as unattractive, but when I was watching your ass do that little shake... I said to myself Catherine you could never pull off panties like that."

She sighed deeply and it sounded just as sad as she felt. Her daughter-in-law bounced up off the bed, stumbled and nearly toppled over, but managed to right herself. She grabbed Catherine by the hands and pulled her up. "Alright!" She huffed. "Enough of that nonsense." She slurred the last word but remained undaunted.

"Darlin' you're drunk!" Catherine tittered, but didn't resist as the younger woman reached down and grabbed her loosely by the hips.

"Let's see what you've got goin' on under there." She grinned indignantly and started to gently, if not somewhat sloppily, hoist up Catherine's dress. The older woman felt her cheeks start to flush but didn't make any move to stop her daughter-in-law.

As if reading her mind the younger woman paused and looked her in the eyes. "Should I stop?" She asked, catching Catherine off guard with the shyness of her voice. The older woman shook her head slowly. Christine continued lifting up her mother-in-law's dress. The hem finally crested her hips. "Hold this." Christine murmured, pushing the rumpled up skirts into Catherine's hands.

The older woman held up her dress, her cheeks turning redder by the second as her daughter-in-law sat back down on the end of the bed. "Mmm." She murmured approvingly, face expressionless as she stared intently at Catherine's plain, tan, full-back, and utterly uninteresting underwear.

"Turn around." She motioned drunkenly with her hand. "Slowly." She emphasized, touching Catherine's right hip, stopping her in mid turn. The woman shivered, although it wasn't very cold inside her bedroom. Christine nudged Catherine to continue her unsteady revolution. Soon they were facing again.

"You have a nice body, those panties just..."

"Suck?" Catherine finished for her.

"Ugh." Christine shuddered. "They have to go, take them off!" Catherine blushed deeper but did as she was told, letting her dress fall back down around her ankles but reaching up underneath to wriggle out of the ugly underwear. Christine snatched them out of her hands before she could toss them away.

Her daughter-in-law carefully located and checked the tag. "You're a medium like me, good." She nodded and smiled to herself. Catherine felt a curious pang of anxiety race through her belly, she hoped that Christine wouldn't notice how wet the crotch of her discarded panties were.

"Let's see what kind of things you have in your drawers." The younger woman said smugly, having jumped up again and rushed over to Catherine's dresser. Unnervingly, just like in the kitchen, Christine immediately selected the correct drawer. Pulling it out she silently inspected all of her mother-in-law's lingerie (if it could be called that).

It wasn't anything to write home about, Catherine knew, it wasn't that she didn't like sexy bras and panties, it was just that she wasn't confident enough to wear them, and there wasn't much of a need for extravagance in her very mundane and ordinary life.

Christine took out a couple of her more colorful pairs and held them up. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head sadly. "No. No no, Catherine this simply will not do." She glanced over at her mother-in-law, her expression comically stern. Catherine stood nearby, swaying nervously on her heels, distinctly aware of the cool breeze that was wafting unobstructed between her tingling thighs.

"Do you really not have a single piece of lace underwear in this entire drawer?" Catherine shrugged sheepishly. "I had no idea that things were quite this dire." She placed one hand on Catherine's shoulder for support and fished around underneath her dress with the other.

A moment later she was stepping out of her black lace panties and tugging them fitfully off of her left foot. She held them up, dangling them in front of her mother-in-law's face. Catherine's heart started to speed up again, she could faintly smell a very pleasant flowery scent.

"Well you do now." Christine said grinning. "Put them on Catherine. You need these a lot more than I do." Her green eyes seemed to glow in the low light. Hand trembling Catherine reached out and took the panties from her daughter-in-law.

"No, I really couldn't." She protested. "No." But for some reason she was already bending down, already stepping into their leg holes, then seemingly unable to stop herself, she was pulling them up underneath her dress. Christine reached down with both hands and lifted her mother-in-law's dress, drawing it all the way up, over her belly then over her head and off.

She tossed it on the bed just as Catherine finished pulling up the black lace underwear. Meanwhile Christine had immediately started unhooking her matching black bra, she pulled it out from under her arm, holding it out for Catherine to take.

"Put this on too." She urged, the bra's scent was even more intoxicating than her panties had been, it made Catherine dizzy and weak in the knees. She sighed blissfully. Her daughter-in-law had already gone to work on Catherine's bra, deftly unhooking it and lifting it away. It joined her dress on the bed.

Catherine blushed furiously as she noticed her bare breasts hanging out for all the world to see, she quickly pulled on the black lace bra and snugged it into position. "We're the same cup size too." Christine commented dryly. "That's a happy coincidence." Catherine blushed even more darkly as she surveyed her bust, offset and enhanced as it were by the scandalous black lace lingerie.

"Fuuuck." She breathed. Christine leaned over her mother-in-law's shoulder, gently guiding her by the hips, shuffling her towards the large mirror on the adjacent wall.

"Just look at you, you sexy thing." Christine gently pushed Catherine's mostly naked bottom, nudging her closer to the mirror. The older woman panted, fogging up the glass, as she placed her hands against it. "I want you to have them." Christine murmured from behind her.

"Gregory hasn't even seen them yet, so he'll never know what he's missing." Catherine just shook her head and tried to frown.

"I-I just couldn't!" She pleaded plaintively, almost whining.

"Yes you will." Christine said her voice soft but surprisingly firm. "You're going to wear them for me Catherine. But..." She paused, pulling out another one of her mother-in-law's drawers and fishing for a nightgown. She selected one that was tan, just like Catherine's old underwear, and helped her into it.

It concealed everything, the erotic lingerie was invisible now, Catherine felt a pang of sadness because she couldn't bask in accentuated glory of the unfamiliar goddess she'd been only moments ago. "I don't want you to share my lingerie with anyone else Catherine. I want this to be between you, and me."

Catherine nodded slowly, her mind didn't really understand but her body did. Christine's words filled her with fear, but more than that she felt an all-consuming desire to do whatever her daughter-in-law was suggesting. Immeasurable pleasure seemed to wash over her as she contemplated keeping this enticing and exciting secret from her husband and son.

She turned slowly and locked eyes with Christine. "Yes." She breathed, her voice breaking. The younger woman nodded solemnly. It seemed a deal had been struck.

"Good. That's settled then. I'm very glad that Gregory and I are going to be staying with you and Henry for a couple of weeks. I feel like after tonight there are so many more fun and exciting things that you and I can do together." She tilted her head. "I'm really looking forward to getting to know you better Catherine."

The younger woman turned slowly and walked unsteadily towards the door, a moment later she was gone. Catherine's mind reeled, and the wine wasn't helping matters. She pinched her thigh to make sure she wasn't dreaming. It hurt.

Hands shaking she stood before the mirror once more and gingerly lifted her nightgown, the moment the panties came into view her knees started to wobble. The checking had been pointless really though, because she could feel them, distinctly, intently, hugging and softly invading every curve and crevice her body had to offer.

Silently she dropped the nightgown and hobbled weakly towards her bed. Her dull and disgusting bra and dress were still there, she searched for her tan panties but couldn't find them. Disdainfully she tossed the rest into her closet and slipped under the covers of her bed. Her crotch throbbed, uncomfortably moist, unpredictable spasms made her moan as she struggled to fall asleep.

Then, without warning her alarm was ringing. The morning had already come. Her bed was still empty, Henry never having made it back from the living room. Catherine got up, stretched, walked into the bathroom. Seconds later she was breathing hard, the black lace panties pulled down around her knees. She examined them carefully while she peed.

They were magnificent, the detail and quality was exquisite. The crotch was stained and still wet, because of her or perhaps there was something left of Christine there too, she couldn't be sure. The idea didn't particularly bother her. She pulled them up again, tight, luxuriating in their softness, texture and delicious yet elusive fragrance.

The thick center seam slipped right between her labia and seemed to tickle her clit while she walked. Somehow she made it to the kitchen and started to make breakfast. Not long after Christine joined her, she was wearing a satin negligee, not too revealing, and bunny slippers. Catherine snorted.

Christine poured her coffee then leaned forward. "You're still wearing them aren't you?" Catherine nodded shyly.

"Of course." She mumbled, taking a sip from her own cup, trying not to feel nervous, or to get too excited.

"Good." Christine said her familiar grin returning. "I think you should wear jeans today Catherine. If you don't have any that are low riding, you can borrow some of mine. Catherine blushed, as it turned out she did have one pair that she liked a lot, they were dark blue and fit her remarkably well.

She wondered why Christine wanted her to wear jeans, but the greater mystery was why she, Catherine, wanted to do everything her daughter-in-law told her to do. Part of her was repulsed by the idea of letting the younger woman dictate her clothing choices, but there was another part of her too, one that desperately wanted to run to her bedroom and immediately change into those tight blue jeans.

She just nodded and smiled, she wasn't faking, the thought made her inexplicably happy. She nearly jumped when Christine ran a hand gently down her spine, all the way from the nape of her neck to the small of her back. "I'm still making my mind up about what to do with this." She gestured vaguely towards Catherine's chest.

"You have a wonderful shape, but I won't know what we're working with until we've gone through your closet together." Catherine just nodded dumbly again, drinking more coffee while letting her mind peruse the possibilities. There was a particular red knit sweater she thought would go very well with her navy jeans and the black lace lingerie.