Touched Pt. 01


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Once the girl was gone Christine leaned back and laughed, letting the elastic of her mother-in-law's underwear snap hard against her lower back. The staccato note was swallowed up by the ambient sounds of traffic and dining.

Christine showed her teeth. "Isn't this fun? No one knows that you're my mother-in-law, and now I think that cute waitress thinks that you're my bitch." She mouthed the last word, whispering it quietly in Catherine's face, their lips almost touching.

Catherine grunted, her skin was stinging but it didn't actually hurt, in fact the heat from her inflamed flesh seemed to creep down hotly between her legs. She was starting to wonder if her panties were ever going to dry out. Christine had pulled them deeper into her ass too, the dull pressure was impossible to ignore.

Am I your bitch? Is that how you think of me? Catherine wondered abstractly, anxiously fixing her eyes on her daughter-in-law's face. Christine had a blissful smile, she was just sitting there contentedly observing the people eating around them.

Catherine felt a stab of jealousy, she didn't mind most if the controlling things that her daughter-in-law did to her, but what really got under her skin was being ignored. "Have you always been like this?" She asked, as loudly as she dared.

"Like what?" Christine responded absently, her eyes continuing to rove lazily about. Catherine cleared her throat, trying to steel her nerves so that she could continue their conversation.

"Controlling." She swallowed, willing herself to persist. "Domineering." She squeaked, her voice cracking. Christine's green eyes flashed, her head turned slowly as she fixed Catherine's accusatory stare. The younger woman chuckled.

"Am I, Catherine?" Christine raised her eyebrows, folded her arms elegantly behind her head, and leaned back in her chair. Her legs eased open, Catherine caught a glimpse of her daughter-in-law's luminous inner thighs. "Or..." She breathed, lifting one of her knees and bracing her heel on the edge of her chair.

Catherine now had an unobstructed view of her crotch, she could see right up... or down technically, the younger woman's denim skirt. She swallowed and blinked her eyes quickly, wondering if Christine wanted her to look, or if her daughter-in-law was simply so confident she didn't care who saw her underwear.

She got something of an answer a moment later when the petite waitress returned with a platter that held two baskets of fish and chips and their drinks. She tilted, carefully balancing the tray as she unloaded each item, her eyes shifting uncertainly between the table and Christine's provocative display.

"Or am I actually setting you free?" Christine asked, lolling her legs farther open as she rocked back and forth in her chair. Catherine finally gave up trying to look away and stared blankly at the crotch of her own tan panties, drab, boring, stained as they were, stretched tightly over her daughter-in-law's perfect mound.

Catherine fantasized about the vivid red hair she knew was underneath, it made her belly quiver as muscles seldom used, that she barely knew she had, started to clench and spasm erratically. The young waitress followed the older woman's eyes, pausing as she arranged their silverware, taking an unnecessarily long time setting it out.

It was like just the three of them were alone on the promenade, no one else was looking, they were all happily lost in their own private little worlds. For the first time Catherine felt like she'd had a taste of her daughter-in-law's bread and butter, and she had an inkling of what the younger woman had meant about setting her free.

Christine finally lowered her body, slowly closing her legs and putting her foot back down on the ground. She picked up her glass of wine and raised it in a toast. "The truth is Catherine, if at any time you want me to stop, all you have to do is ask." The words seemed to echo in the older woman's ears.

She didn't want to believe it at first but then realized that she'd never really even tried, then, deeper still it dawned on her that she was afraid her daughter-in-law would stop if she asked her to. Finally there it was, the actual truth, she had no desire whatsoever for any of this to stop. She bit her bottom lip hard, crossing her legs violently, groaning and moaning despondently as an unexpected and inexplicable orgasm surged through her lower half.

Catherine's left leg jerked up and down, bouncing wildly, she tasted blood in her mouth, panting and breathing frantically through her nose as the relentless spasms pounded away the last of her dwindling doubts. Warm pale liquid ran down her legs, dripping and pooling on the Italian tile floor. She thanked her lucky stars that she was wearing dark wash jeans.

Christine just smirked and dropped her white linen napkin discreetly on top of the growing pale amber puddle. She then placed a piece of succulent looking fish in her mouth, fingers coated with glistening oil, crispy golden batter making a satisfying crunch. She moaned theatricality.

"You have to try some of this Catherine." She simpered, dipping another piece in tartar sauce and holding it delicately up to her mother-in-law's trembling mouth. "Open." She coaxed, easing it between the older woman's lips. Catherine didn't even like seafood but she didn't want to disappoint Christine.

She took a tentative bite, moaning herself, but not because of the food. Christine nodded encouragingly, and took another bite of her own, moaning again in concert, only louder this time. Involuntarily Catherine let loose another moan as well. Her mind reeled, this was all so strange.

Orgasming in public, moaning in tandem with her daughter-in-law. Had she gone insane? Their eyes met, and she knew she hadn't. She moaned again, struggling to chew and swallow despite the intense sensations still going on in her lap, Christine devil that she was, just grinned and moaned back, it was almost like she was mocking her.

A few eyes from neighboring tables began to shift in their direction, they were finally getting someone else's attention. Catherine wanted to stop but she was still coming, perhaps it was because of the panties or because of her painfully tight jeans, she didn't know, nor did she care, it felt sooooo good.

She and Christine moaned back and forth for a solid minute, until they finally got so loud that everyone around them had gone silent and was staring. For the second time that day Catherine thought she would die of embarrassment. Finally she managed to shut herself up, even though the orgasms continued, albeit weakly, for several more minutes.

The waitress, Catherine noticed deliriously, was still standing by, clutching the silver platter tightly to her chest. "W-will that be all?" She stuttered lamely, seeming suddenly conspicuous given the circumstances. Christine waved her away, the girl nodded rapidly, turned and ran off.

Catherine had finally caught her breath, and her strength was slowly creeping back, somewhat sullenly she ate the rest of her food in silence.

The surrounding din resumed, and aside from the occasional smile Christine left her in peace. When they were finished the younger woman took Catherine's right hand and started absently fingering her wedding ring. "Do you think our waitress is cute?" She asked casually.

Catherine blushed, it wasn't a habit of hers to look at other women that way, but thanks to Christine's constant sexual harassment, she now found herself picking up on things she wouldn't normally have noticed. "I suppose." She said, trying to sound both bored and aloof.

Her daughter-in-law grinned. "Good." She exclaimed, as though Catherine had said their waitress was the most beautiful girl she'd ever laid eyes on. Christine's right hand joined her left on top of Catherine's, the older woman felt her ring slipping off, and then her daughter-in-law was holding it out of reach.

"Don't worry!" She chuckled, as her mother-in-law tried to snatch it from her. "I'm going to give it back!" She tucked it into her skirt pocket. When her hand withdrew she was holding something else. It was a tiny black booklet with a dark silver sigma on its cover.

She placed it carefully in Catherine's hands. "A little present I got for you at the lingerie shop. This is your 'Good Girl Book', she emphasized those three words. Christine glanced around before leaning in closer to whisper. "When our waitress comes back with the check, I want you to ask her for her number." She smiled wolfishly.

"W-what!" Catherine turned beet-red. "Y-you can't be serious!?" She stuttered. But her daughter-in-law just chuckled and patted her hand condescendingly.

"Every number of a cute girl you put in your book is worth one point." She said jauntily ignoring her mother-in-law's reaction. "Then at the end of the month you tally up your points. If by July first you have at least ten points, I'll give you a very special reward." Catherine started, her mind obtrusively interjecting There are just two weeks left in June...

Somehow Catherine turned even redder, but a spark of defiance caused her to lean forward aggressively. "What kind of reward!?" She hissed. Christine didn't even blink. The younger woman spread her hands expressively.

"Ten points gets you..." She paused, to be dramatic or simply to think something up on the spot, Catherine couldn't be sure. "One action." The older woman tilted her head dubiously.

"A-action? What the hell is that?" She asked angrily, her voice still low and hoarse. Christine just tittered and hid her mouth with her hands, but then she rushed forward, bringing their faces so close that Catherine was momentarily worried that they were going to kiss.

"It can be anything." Her daughter-in-law murmured seductively. "You get to tell me what to do, any one thing, and I have to do it." The younger woman slumped back in her seat, still tittering slightly. She was clearly enjoying this little game she'd devised.

"A-anything..." Catherine breathed, her mind blossoming with countless possibilities, from grand revenge fantasies to petty degradations. Then unbidden, her anger gave way to an almost overwhelming arousal and flowered into the most graphic and confusing image she had ever imagined.

Catherine was picturing herself on her knees, naked, both hands and arms behind her back, her open mouth wedged tightly between her daughter-in-law's inner thighs. Vivid red hair moist with sex tickled and nearly covered her nose. She was looking straight up into Christine's sparkling green eyes, which were staring down at her, imperiously.

Christine clutched a thick black leather leash in her right fist, she gave it a tug and Catherine realized it was attached to a heavy collar around her neck. Her mouth seemed to submerge even further into the younger woman's bush, but it wasn't because of the leash. Catherine was thrusting her tongue as far as she could into her daughter-in-law's warm, wet..."

Christine snapped her fingers, Catherine's eyes refocused, her cheeks burning. "You just kind of spaced out there." The younger woman said, smirking.

"Fine." Catherine snapped, she struggled to stop herself from smiling. "I'll see what I can do." At that very moment their waitress returned with the check. Christine put down Gregory's credit card and nodded slyly at her mother-in-law. Catherine stiffened and made a funny sound, the girl glanced in her direction.

"Umm." Catherine started, flushing and unable to keep her eyes on the girl's smiling face. "Excuse me." She said clearing her throat, finally meeting the waitress's eyes. "I was wondering if I might possibly have your phone number?" It was all she could do to keep herself from bursting hysterically into laughter... and yet in the very same moment she felt an undeniable rush of heat that pooled luxuriously in her lap.

"Ah. Oh." The girl blushed and looked down for a moment. Then her head snapped back up, replete with a big sweet smile. "A-Alright." She breathed awkwardly, nodding her head several times in a row, causing her blonde pony tail to dance behind her head.

"You can write it in here." Catherine said sympathetically, feeling increasingly guilty as she handed the girl her little black book. The waitress took a pen out of her apron and quickly jotted something down inside. She handed it back with a solicitous smile.

They picked up Gregory's card on the way out, Christine once again leading her mother-in-law along by the hand. "That really hit the spot." She said, glancing over her shoulder. "I think I'm ready for that movie now." She took out her phone and checked something before putting it back in her pocket.

"Where are we going?" Catherine asked, her voice tightening as they walked hurriedly past the only movie theater in town she was familiar with. Christine smiled and picked up the pace.

"We really need to hurry if we're going to make the last showing." Catherine grimaced as she struggled to keep up with her daughter-in-law's energetic trot.

Then they suddenly pulled up short, Catherine almost crashed into Christine's back, luckily the younger woman had turned in mid stride and caught her awkwardly in her arms instead. "Woah there Nelly!" She giggled giddily as she untangled their flailing arms. Both women were panting.

"We're here!" Christine stated, sweeping her right arm towards a narrow silver door. It said "Theater" in beautiful yet barely visible spidery script just above it. Christine knocked three times, and one second later a small window slit opened at eye level.

Looking over her daughter-in-law's shoulder Catherine started at the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, they were a pale violet, like the strata of sky between outer space and a spectacular fiery sunset in the dead of winter. Her heart actually skipped a beat. "Password" the disembodied voice belonging to those beguiling eyes asked skeptically.

"We're just here to see the movie." Christine responded smugly, glancing back at her mother-in-law. The window slammed shut, a bolt was drawn back, the door swung open invitingly. The interior was a stunning dark purple velvet offset by periodic knee-high pale yellow sconces shaped like clam shells.

Christine pulled Catherine inside and hurriedly they shuffled down the narrow muffled hallway. At the end they came out inside a typical theater, the lights were out, rows of seats flickered in and out of existence in front of them. Catherine's eyes focused on the large screen at the other end. It seemed like the movie had just started, with unfamiliar names fading in and out.

Christine helped them both find a seat near the front. As her eyes adjusted to the sporadic light, she noticed that the theater was sparsely packed, but there were no solitary patrons. She learned the reason for this a second later when they sat down.

The seats were all built for two, that is to say two people could sit comfortably side by side in each and there was no divider between them. The room flashed crimson, Catherine's eyes were drawn to the screen. "CADUCEUS" It red in brilliant red letters.

Catherine could hear the murmur of many voices, the excitement of the audience was clearly building. Something was off though... She just couldn't quite put her finger on it. Eyes darting from couple to couple, she finally put all the pieces together.

All the voices were female, all the silhouettes were clearly women. There wasn't a single man in the entire theater, adding in the strange seating there was only one logical conclusion. "Is this an adult theater!?" Catherine hissed in Christine's ear.

The younger woman just chuckled. "Not exactly." She replied in a hush, the screen had changed again, the movie was starting. She placed her finger to her mother-in-law's lips, stopping her from speaking further. "Mouth closed, eyes open." Her expression danced, Catherine went red, feelings of rage and excitement warring in her fluttering stomach.

The movie itself was not what she had been expecting at all. It wasn't pornography but it wasn't a normal movie either. The story was about all the secret love affairs between lesbian nurses during world war two. It was part documentary, part historical reenactment. There was a lot of softcore sex, but most of it was surprisingly tasteful and subtle.

Still that didn't stop a lot of the couples both in front of and behind them from taking advantage of the frequent periods of on-screen titillation. Catherine found the atmosphere of intermittent moaning and other suspect sounds, an annoying mix of distraction and excitement.

The movie was only interrupted once by a tall woman wearing a black top hat, heels, and a royal purple leotard. She patrolled the aisles while waving a dim silver flashlight to and fro. At last she came to their seat, pausing to offer them a small assortment of complimentary aphrodisiacs on a silver tray.

Christine nudged Catherine, who at first though that she was being urged to partake. Her daughter-in-law just laughed and whispered for her to get the girl's number. Scowling, Catherine got out her little book and handed it to the young woman. "I want your number." She said as flatly as possible.

Hoping against hope that the girl would just laugh and hand it back, but instead the rather fetching young woman smiled sweetly, whipped out a silver pen and scribbled away. Catherine was glad that it was too dark for anyone to see how hard she was blushing.

"T-thank you." She said reverently as her book was handed back. The girl just winked and made a low clicking sound with her mouth.

"Ha! You got a live one there!" Christine laughed. "I'll bet she's good in bed." She rested her hand lightly on Catherine's thigh. "This place is awesome. Don't you just love how you can almost smell the sex going on all around us? I mean look at those two over there!" She nearly squealed in her mother-in-law's ear.

Catherine stared at the women in question. The situation was particularly overt because one of them was facing in the opposite direction of the screen, it also looked like she was straddling her partner. Her eyes were closed and her arms were wrapped around the sitting woman's neck. She swayed very slowly up and down, raising and lowering so gradually that it could have almost been heavy breathing.

But somehow Catherine knew it was not. "I didn't think there were any men in here." She whispered hoarsely back. Christine just chuckled.

"There aren't, they're not allowed. Surely you've thought about all the different ways that two women can have sex?" Catherine turned red again, but was emboldened by the fact that her daughter-in-law wouldn't be able to tell in the darkened theater.

"O-of course I have!" She blurted out. Christine laughed warmly, her hand started to travel as she talked, moving in random patterns with just enough pressure that Catherine couldn't tell if she was supposed to like it or not.

"Vibrators, dildos, harnesses, clips and clamps, even plain ordinary rope if it's used right." She made eye contact and held it. Her mother-in-law squirmed uneasily in their seat. "To name but a few... For me personally though, touching is probably my favorite way..." Christine's fingers tilted forward, she dragged her nails up and down Catherine's leg. "To turn myself on." She took a short expressive breath. "As women we're lucky don't you think, there are so many different ways we can experience sexual pleasure, it almost seems like there's no limit."

Catherine grunted. Was her daughter-in-law implying that they were having sex right at that very moment? "You make it sound like everything two women do together is sexual!" She scoffed. Christine's hand froze. Spurred on the older woman continued. "Sometimes a kiss is just a kiss Christine!"

Flustered as she was Catherine felt like she'd scored some kind of point with that remark. Her daughter-in-law on the other hand just smiled softly and started moving her hand again. Lazily dragging it in various directions, sometimes slower sometimes faster, sometimes with her nails sometimes not.