Bishop Takes Knight Ch. 01


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The hand concussions to her rump and battering ram thrusts had a cumulative effect. They now spurred her forward towards her climax like a mare being ridden by an expert jockey with a keen whip-hand! "How long has this been going on," her fevered mind wondered, "five minutes? Seven? Ten? .....OH BLOODY HELL WHO FUCKING CARES- HE IS FUCKING WONDERFUL!"

She screwed her eyes shut as the sensations of humiliation, pain, pleasure, and stretching penetration spurred her on into the home stretch and she sobbed and wailed like her heart was breaking! She was there teetering on the edge of it, oh so wonderfully close!......One more plowing thrust and stinging spank and she'd have the finish line. It came... FWAP! and she sucked in her breath with eyes still closed. That did it for her - utter release!

Annette's eyes opened again as the climax rushed through her! Her pussy let go and splashed hot dew down Brad's cock, balls, and legs as her throat set free a joyously tortured howl of OOOOOOHHHH AAAAAAAGGHHH! Another blow hit FWAP! and she shouted a heartfelt OH-OH- OH, OHYESSSSS AAAGGGHHH! from somewhere down in the depths of her belly!

Her legs and buttocks quivered like they were shocked by electric current and more splashes piddled from her sex! Wonderful involuntary shudders ran up her spinal column straight into her scalp to tickle and tingle at the very hair follicles. Oh yes she'd chosen well for damned sure, (her fevered mind and the runny juicing peach between her legs now told her as much)!

Brad slowed his pace as he was not quite there; he knew he had time and he let her have hers first. Meanwhile Annette had made up her mind that there would be more....many more like this; oh so many more! She lay beneath him cooing and moaning softly; allowing little micro quakes and tremors deep inside her to do their dirty work. Her toes and fingers opened and closed as the shakes and shudders continued but lessened until she was only aware that her heart was running a mile a minute and her breathing was now a series of content raspy gasps as if all the air in the room was scarce. She was in the conscious realm of "here and now"; happy content and unburdened by a care in the world!

Brad now reached for the necktie that bound her wrists; gently removing her restraints with deft plucks of his fingers. She continued to lay on her belly with her head to one side; mouth and eyes wide-open.. staring into nothingness, just blinking and experiencing tranquility. He ever-so-carefully rubbed those wrists of hers as he slewed his cock, back and forth....back and forth slowly now; up into her pink flowing box.

He looked down at her. She was beautiful; older than him by twenty-one years but a true black-haired powerful beauty nonetheless and she knew it well! Her breathing finally returned to normal and he saw this was his cue to uncouple his cock from her. He withdrew.

He stepped back and helped her to her feet from the desk. She turned around and threw her arms around the naked man towering in front of her that had just made her feel so wonderfully weak! Her lips found his and she sucked and chewed at his mouth with hungry gratitude for what he'd just given her. Her lips pulled back and she smiled a snorting smirky little minxie smile as her eyes met his.

"What are you thinking about?" he said to her.

"Round two!" she giggled back without hesitation or a note of reservation. It was like she'd just had the most wonderful cocktail and she was ready to hold her glass up to the barkeep for another! He smiled and nodded, he had the fuel in his tank and could go for a little release of his own, but first he wanted to season the meal he'd just tenderized!

Strong hands came up and spun her around. Annette was ready. She started to bend forward over the desk only to have the hands to stop her and straighten her up again.

"No," he said firmly. She stood still. The strong hands came up and reached in-between the opening of her long corporate pin-stripe jacket and found the low-cut blouse top. The fingers now worked the buttons off one by one and then came up to unhook her bra.

She was pleased to see that he popped her lacy little brassiere off with all the confidence of the fashion designer who'd first sketched the damned thing! It felt good to get one's bra off at the end of the day, yes; having it done by this handsome one however ; HOLY SHIT-to her it was simply heavenly!

She'd leave her shoes on for him... (and for her as well). She loved getting "it" in heels! It didn't matter how bad they hurt; if she was lucky he'd be giving her a foot rub tomorrow morning before breakfast!

She loved the hands. They were powerful and yet quite articulate. She brought them up and scrutinized them in the light of the descending evening sun, (as if she were looking at a fine jeweled necklace in the orange glow).

Yes, strong and powerful they were; definitely the hands of a man, but there was something else about the long fingers and carefully clipped nails that she couldn't quite describe but she knew it hooked her psyche. Had she seen those hands in a painting by a renaissance master? He could have been a hand-model by her estimation. He could have been doing a lot of things with those looks. What was he doing here?

"WHO CARES GIRL!" her mind stormed back at her with a common sense rebuke, "you get this boy-toy dumped in your lap with a bow tied around that nice fat horse-cock of his, and you want to know why somebody else isn't getting the benefit of HIS HANDS? Seriously woman, are you daft or just stupid?" She realized she shouldn't anger the stars nor the inner gear works of the universe with silly questions; as looking a gift horse-cock in the urethra would be extremely poor form, bad Karma, and ill advised!

She decided now only to be grateful for those two hands and she brought them to her lips to kiss them! She could taste her sex upon them; smell it on them too. The two hands now moved up her jaw and cheeks in a nice facial massage. They tweaked her earlobes, traced the lines of her nose and gently rubbed over her closed eyes. The fingers then moved back down over her beautifully sculpted cheekbones and as they traced along her chin and lips she opened her mouth to suck his fingers hard; one at a time!

Once again, the smell and taste of her own sex registered in her mind and made her pussy tingle. Over two decades before; back in her first year at university she found out just how much she enjoyed that taste. She'd attempted to relieve the stress of a tedious late night/early morning study session marathon by turning out the light and masturbating beneath the covers of her small bed. She brought her fingers up to her lips and nose after a whimpering "self-release" and it was there and then that she first realized she was bisexual. She'd had the clues, thoughts, and suppressed musings for many years but it was at that very moment in time that she knew she truly loved "nookie-nectar" as much as she loved "boy-batter."

A few days later her realization was "etched in stone" as her roommate Yvette came back early from class and caught Annette furiously abusing herself and not having heard the door opening. There was a shriek and an embarrassed cover-up on the part of Annette followed by her nubile French roommate with the neck of a swan pausing, before then spinning around to lock the door and flick off the light switch.

Yvette moved silently across the room as Annette babbled some ridiculously contrived explanation; stepping out of bits of her clothes along the way with the grace of a gazelle. She leaned over Annette putting finger to her lips and silenced her with a soft SHUSSHHH like she was calming her roommate after a bad dream! Yvette then pulled her camisole up over the top of her head and the panties from around her slender hips then joined it on the floor.

"Don't be afraid and or confused Annette," Yvette whispered to her in her squeaky little Edith Piaf voice that tickled Annette's ears, "this is ok; I want this and you want this. I have watched you for weeks! Now please, let me in. I want you to feel good and this will make me feel good!"

She had the caring face of a friendly little pixie that was all happy; filled with love and without a single speck of malice or condemnation. Annette nodded her pretty little head and with that, Yvette pulled back the covers from bed momentarily and their two forms joined together in the darkened tranquility of the room. Within an hour the two young women sobbed and cried together with joy beneath the covers and from there on in; Annette was hooked on it and was avowed to be someone of "dual tastes." She was not merely bisexual, she was a torrid hypersexual and she sought out men and women with equal fervor; often with Yvette at her side as a remora travels alongside a shark to feed off the bits and the leftovers.

In the years that followed she'd had a multitude of men and of women and her appetites for both sexes never subsided. In fact, those very same appetites transformed her over the years into a bit of a connoisseur who knew for damned sure what she liked, and what she simply fucking didn't! Right now at the age of forty-three on the executive floor of the Praetorian Group Corporate Headquarters; she knew for damned sure that what she wanted was running its fingers in and out of her mouth as she sucked each digit as if it were a naughty little penis that tasted of her sex!

Her oral enthusiasms did not go unnoticed by him and as she made it to thumb, his penis throbbed a little jump; bouncing just between the cheeks of her buttocks. The mushroom bell-head of his cock caught the notch of her bum just right, and it rubbed across the pink pucker of her anus. It was a happy accident for both but especially her!

She flinched with a decadent little shudder of pleasure; as he'd bumped himself against one of her most sensitively wicked naughty spots! That rude little crater of pink rosebud flesh just happened to be a favorite of hers to be tickled, teased, licked, poked, and most definitely fucked! She'd give it to him shortly, but first she wanted to see what else was on that delightful mind of his!

Apparently his mind was focused on hunger as he craned his head forward and his lips and teeth found her neck. Meanwhile his hands now found the champagne goblet orbs of her breasts and began to squeeze. She tilted her head to the side as his lips, teeth and tongue gnawed and chewed at her neck like a hungry dog thrown a juicy delicacy.

At the same time that pair of hands that she adored so much, teased tweaked and pinched at her gumdrop sized nipples. She closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and ran a tongue across her full bee-stung lips. She sighed, wishing only to make this go on and on -forever!

The hands now left her breasts for as moment and came up to forcefully pull her jacket and blouse from her shoulders and throw them into the pile of clothes on the floor. She stood naked now just like him; an exquisite statue freshly unveiled and wonderful to behold. She loved and marveled at that strong explosive strength with which he'd disrobed her; he was an eloquent gentleman one second, a brutish gladiator with remarkable strength and speed the next...... before then returning back to the gentleman with the touch of feather on a baby's cheek. It happened just that quickly!

Ohhh how he'd made her moist when he removed the last of her clothes! She felt the tingle in her sex when he did it sure enough...but what was his motive she wondered? It puzzled her for a half second before she realized he'd been clearing his plate of all unwanted garnishes so that he might feast on the most prized morsels; as he now seized her by the teats and his lips and teeth found her neck to dine once more upon! A delighted smile spread across her face as she looked off to the descending sun in the window.

His wet nibbling's upon her neck now moved to her neck-spine where he sucked and chewed, sending electric shivers straight down to her bum; her short hair having been ideal for such a maneuver as there was nothing to get in his way! Now he moved on to the other side of her neck while she brought one of his hands down to her clit to strum a tune on her starter button once again. Her hand then came up to her free nipple and as his deft fingers touched her swollen hooded pink bean and piercing. She rocked her hips in a lewd rubbing hip-roll that began to grind the pink crater of her anus around the mushroom head of his cock like a mortar and pestle in a wonderfully wicked friction that screamed for penetration - but not yet. Oh he was good!

He tweaked her teats and diddled her clit for another minute or so while feasting on that long creamy neck that smelled of the most delicate perfume. She was becoming increasingly moist again in that dark lovely truffle patch between her legs. He brought he brought his fingers up from her sex and greedy bitch that she was; she snatched those very same fingers and brought them to her mouth; sucking them clean once more. She was an absolute glutton concerning things most carnal... she just couldn't help it!

"Greedy!" he whispered in her ear as she giggled like a little imp and sucked his fingers. He pulled his digits from her mouth and sent them back down to her sex to stir them around in the musty warmth of her honey pot; bringing them back up again scented with her effluvial essence! He was like a prehistoric hunter who'd successfully retrieved honey from a wild beehive and he would not be denied this time!

He brought the myrrh scented fingers to his own nose and breathed in hard the richness of her pink smoked salmon and truffle croquet. Her fragrance triggered something wonderful in his brain and sent testosterone shooting through his bloodstream! He bucked his hips to soothe the exquisite tension in his balls and his cockhead pushed against her anal pucker. She squealed and giggled with delight from this bestial sensation! He popped his fingers in his mouth and tasted her sex; savory, salty; full of brine. His hunger had now decided for him, it was time he thought as by the taste of things, "Soup's bloody-well on!"

"On your knees up on top of your desk boss!" was all he said to her. He dropped down low for a split-second, and before her mind had time to register what had happened; he'd hoisted her by her hips onto her desk and rested her on her knees with the strength of a colossus packaged in the body of an ancient Greek warrior! He was completely in charge of her affairs once more and he leaned her forward until her face lay on her desk to one side with her ass high in the air; supported by her knees. Whatever it was he'd done; she felt completely weak, helpless, and vulnerable. Oohhh how she loved it!

Alright, she wondered; he'd got her up on the desk all head down and arse up, but for what purpose? What was next? What was on his mind?

"Ooooohhh!" she squealed and cooed with delight as she felt those strong hands pull apart her ass cheeks followed by a long tongue snaking into the hole of her quim. Her mouth fell open as she once again gave herself over that mouth of his and let him gobble and gorge at her sex. Her hand came up to touch herself and he slapped it away - if he needed help with the meal, he'd let her know! His own fingers now diddled at her clit; preparing it for what was next. After a few luxurious seconds of snaking out her quim pipe with his tongue, he brought his mouth down to her pierced swollen bean of clitoris to suck her hard with in a good old-fashioned mouth-tugging clitty blowjob!

"AAAGGHH OH DAMN BRAD YES! YES, YOU FUCKER, YES!" Annette gasped urging him on and trying to mash her clit down even harder into his mouth with her hips. She wanted him to suck it and pull and nibble it hard; she couldn't care in the least how rough he was getting - it felt that fuckin' brilliant for her!

His lovely long fingers found her juicy pussy-hole and while he sucked her clit like he was nursing from a nipple he pushed one, then two, then three inside her quim and rooted around, rubbing and frigging her as she wheezed and gasped and whined. She loved the sensation of being sucked and stuffed; absolutely loved it!

Her hands came up underneath her to tweak and pinch at her gumdrop nipples again as she continued to focus on what his mouth was doing. moved. NOW JUST WHERE DID THAT LOVELY SET OF LIPS AND TEETH GET OFF TOO?

As she continued to tweak and pinch she felt the teeth and lips "re-appear" on the cheeks of her ass, biting and teasing and driving her wild as the fingers plunged in and out of her juicing quim-hole. She wanted him to continue to suck her clit but now it seemed his digits were driving events for her and he'd let his mouth take a supporting role. Her sex was beginning to make delightful sloshing sounds as those fingertips of his once again shook hands with her G-spot but at a wickedly wonderful angle and moved back and forth with wonderful rapidity over her lovely little "juice trigger!"

She began making a series of yips and yelps as his fingers and his teasing bites on her bum began to push her slowly to another lovely little juicy cum. One of her hands came up and found her clit, (if he wasn't using it right now, she figured she'd borrow it back for the moment)! But wait! His mouth had stopped biting her bum. Where was it? Where did it g...gooooooo OH FUCK YES!

She wriggled her ass appreciatively and squealed with wicked glee as his tongue now probed at the perfect pink life-saver pucker of her anus; first exploring around the rim and then pushing on through the hole like a delightfully warm wet articulated finger! This added sensation she found especially pleasing as now it blended perfectly with the other naughty agitations provided by her own fingers furiously strumming her clit, his fingers milking her G-spot, and her hand tweaking first one of her nipples; then the other. Now all of her sexual receptor stations seemed to be occupied and "receiving reports" as the "situation developed" in her core.

She felt the tongue push in deeper. GOOD GOD! How much tongue did he have? If it was anything like his cock, he'd probably be tickling her tonsils with it in a few seconds she estimated! The thought made her giggle. It also made her grateful that she'd been to the ladies executive loo at a little after four that day to "clean out and clean up a bit!" Make no mistake, she was no stranger to anal sex but with its possibility (not to mention her strong appetite for it), there came responsibilities and precautions to "make things nice for everyone."

The tongue licked and lapped but it was now joined by ardent teeth and lips that pulled, tugged, and nibbled at the raised flesh of her naughty back door! It was apparent to her that he appreciated the little structure of pink ragged perfection as he now hungrily chewed and noshed at it like a particularly captivating delicacy. It was good that he should like it so and she felt more at ease; even ecstatic with the eagerness that this terribly handsome termite torridly tackled her tight "tushy tunnel" with tongue and teeth! She was proud of her body (as well she should have been), and she was just as proud of her perky little pink bum hole! She'd even devoted time at home when she pampered herself to keep it as well-shaven and tended to as much as her cunny; for as with all lovely places to stay -she never knew just who might "pop in" for a visit!