Bishop Takes Knight Ch. 01


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Annette couldn't believe it! She'd taken ALL of him back there, and now he was widening the "tunnel of snug" wonderfully by the feel of things! Her fingers remained a frenzied strum upon her starter button. Her other hand clawed and dug into the leather on the chair back as she now looked out at the tops of the buildings and houses, seeing them and not seeing them; her mind a twisted vortex of pain, pleasurable excitement, and the selfish desire for more of what she was getting! It was so thrilling, wicked, and wonderful!

She looked down from her window at the streets, far....far below them. Nobody looked up. Nobody seemed to notice. She realized this was true freedom and true solitude. To be able to do THIS out in plain sight in a city of 9.7 million people; this was something remarkable! Her pain evaporated and left her as she let the setting sun bath her in warm orange light that began to turn to a deeper orange as the light began to refract through a layer of haze. In its place, she felt a primal carnal thrill being pushed up from her guts by Brad's powerful thrusts; her yelps of pain gone and replaced by a wanton joyous growl in her voice OH YES, YES, YES!

She was still "yes yes yessing," when she turned her eyed downward again to the street. Far below on a sidewalk she saw clearly an old woman walking her dog with another old woman. The lady with the dog had stopped and was now making out something on the building. She even pointed up to the "Shard" and the woman with her looked up to see what it was.

A moment later the two women seemed to have exploded with laughter as now both saw the same thing. They clapped their hands and one patted the other on the back as though one had said something terribly funny. One of the pair even appeared to shake both hands clasped together above her head in a gesture of BRAVO! BRAVO!

Had she been seen? Had they seen him? Had they spied both of them perhaps? The building this time of day should have been a radiant mirror reflecting back evening sun, so they couldn't have seen her. COULD THEY? A second later she got her answer when the two old ladies both waved. She did the only acceptable thing and waved back. She may have been naked and been receiving a lovely buggering fifty-five floors up but she was never rude!

The two women now clapped their hands again as if they'd seen something particularly good. They led the dog down the street waiving again back to her. Annette waived back down to them once more. She was pretty certain the two old women wouldn't report it. They seemed to be laughing and enjoying themselves too much now! She was happy to have put on a good show and probably given the two women something to talk about on the way home!

Now new drama erupted as Annette's cellular began to vibrate and buzz on her desk. She knew who it was and for the moment the raucous mood and the lurid spell was shattered. She looked over her shoulder to Brad and he shrugged his shoulders back.

"Oh just get that Brad," she said with a clear and distinct note of annoyance in her voice, "its, CJ. Act as though I am working and then answer it like an intern who is having to work on a Friday when he could be out painting the town red and getting laid!" Brad smirked at the irony of her words and he picked up the phone, (successfully suppressing a laugh in the process).

"Annette's office this is Brad," he answered still gripping her hips with one hand and plowing deep into her pummeled pooper.

"Brad," the voice on the other end said, "this is Caesar. Could you please put Annette on?"

"RIght away CJ," Brad answered as his loins lurched forward to once again to skewer Annette up through her fiery hot hiney, "she's coming back down from the loo!"

"How is the work coming?" he asked Brad.

"Wha?" Brad asked, surprised the big guy was up for a round of small talk, "Oh I thought I'd run out of steam and was in a bit of a tight spot earlier but now things are moving a bit more easily for me! Not nearly as dark and crappy as I'd feared.!"

"Ah," Caesar replied, "now there's a good chap! Crack on! Nothing I need to push from my end or loosen up for you?"

"Oh not at all," Brad reassured him as he yanked at Annette's hips one-handed and slammed himself up into her again, "I found a little resistance here and there, but things are greased nicely now and I've taken matters in hand."

"Good man!" CJ observed, "I was just like you when I was your age. Not afraid to work late, and not afraid to get myself dirty with things at the office!" Brad suppressed a snicker.

"Oh no CJ," Brad replied, "never afraid of a little dirt at the job!"

"That's the spirit!" the big boss cheered," keep pushing forward! Lean into it and plow with vigor! I'm certain you'll prevail what with all the proper tools you have at your disposal!"

"Yes sir," Brad answered, "lean into it and plow. Of course! Yes with vigor, quite! My tools are more than proper, thank you!... OH CJ, here she is....Annette, CJ is on the phone for you!" Annette was trying not to shriek with laughter at the choice of words now but she managed to get her composure together as she was handed the phone.

"Hello darling!," Annette said into the phone, "Oh dear I am sorry Caesar. I know how lovely you must look in that new suit of yours! ...No I'm afraid darling I may be here a great deal longer; I have something pressing I am currently stuck on....What? Have I put Brad on it? Oh he is up to his balls in it sweetie I assure you! No, so sorry but this really couldn't wait and I'm so disappointed really that I couldn't be there." She was now pushing her ass back off the chair; meeting Brad's sledgehammer thrusts as she continued to talk to her husband at his stuffy black-tie affair.

"Oh did they present you with a big plaque?" she said, "You know how I simply adore such things! You have do many on your office wall now!...What? No I'm sorry but if we are here much later, I'll simply just go to my flat in town darling and then come home sometime tomorrow. What?....Golfing tomorrow? Oh that really disappoints me but if you must.... you must! So I'll see you Sunday I suppose!" On the other end the unwittingly cuckolded Caesar J. Preston sighed and said,

"Well it will be all the sweeter when Sunday comes my little pussy willow!" Brad rammed himself again up into her dung-chute with another well placed deep drive of his throbber and Annette let loose with an OOOHHHHH!

"Oooh WHAT my kitten?" CJ asked. Annette was paralyzed with fright for a spine chilling second and then thought quickly saying to her husband,

"OHHH CAESAR!" she said, " I meant OOOH, as I just thought of something perfectly wicked. Listen Brad just left the room for something so I'll talk quickly. I just wanted to see if maybe on Sunday you and I could do that THING we did at the cottage on my birthday last year? Yes my captain of industry... can you make a girl feel all randy and naughty, please?" The old cuckholded fool took the bait and grinned like a fox.

"Of course my dear! I'll find the keys those handcuffs and I believe we've still got those two robes we bought in Japan!" He really had no idea how ridiculous he looked with his little bony white knees sticking out from under that robe under his pot belly. Annette rolled her eyes in disgust (remembering something truly revolting and distasteful for her), but hey; it was done now! She'd bought herself tonight and tomorrow night away from the house with CJ. Sunday she'd have to undress that pale little body of his and handcuff it to a bed for ten minutes of wifely duty before she'd then be able to release him and he'd be good for another fortnight hopefully!

"Ohhh dearest," she said into the phone, "I simply cannot tell you how the thought makes me feel!"

"Right!" CJ answered, "listen darling I must get back to the dinner. Please don't stay up too late at the office getting battered and wrecked! You've got Brad there to help push things through! He's a good stout solid fellow!"

"That I can assure you off Darling!" she answered as the top of her head now plowed into the leather upholstered back of the chair.

"Well," CJ answered, "just don't wear that plow horse out, mind you my dear. It is Friday on a lovely evening. If I was him I'd be thinking about getting laid with some woman! I wouldn't want to be the one who keeps him from such activities!"

"Oh yes CJ," she said, "most certainly. I assure you nothing will prevent him from that! In fact I'll see to it personally that he gets off shortly!.....Alright bye now! Good bye darling! Yes...I love you terribly!" She hung up the phone and uttered and irritated YECCCHHHHKKK of disgust and annoyance at having been distracted. The pushin' in her bum cushion brought her out of her funk and she was happy for it!

Now that she'd finished her council with the great Caesar; she was happy to return her attentions to "Brad the Impaler." She turned the phone off and resumed her naughty little anal rutt-fest! The hall outside again rang with unbridled cries of deliriously happy torture!

Brad, had by now after several minutes in Annette's tight back alley found his member restored to its wonderfully painful throbbing glory. It was good that she'd throated him into spending his seed. He doubted he would've been able to last this long in a bum-chute so magnificent, warm, and tight as this! Thanks to Annette's marvelous blowjob earlier; he was now able to operate with more control and really show her what his engine could do as he flirted with his "inner redline!"

Oh.... but she was an exquisite one! He loved the way she shrieked and wailed and now that she began cursing and swearing at each deliciously horny thrust up her arse; it was all the better. To him, it was really a pleasant surprise! She was a regular potty -outh in the heat of passion by the sound of things. He loved that; perfect lady in the boardroom one minute; wanton tart with a nasty mouth over the back of her chair taking it up her naughty pink backdoor the next!

To tell the truth he couldn't have dreamed this! ... Well that's not entirely true; he'd had a dream about this sort of thing a few weeks ago. In the dream, this very powerful boss woman had pulled up in her black company limo behind him as he walked to the tube on his way home. The driver had gotten out and shouted to him, (making him turn to see who it was). The man opened the door to the limo and Annette face peered out at him.

"Get in," she shouted, "there is no time to explain!" Brad turned to the doorway and stepped into the limo. As he did he glanced at the chauffeur's face. He noticed the man had a zipper for a mouth that had been unzipped opened. He seemed not to look at him beneath his sunglasses. Curious, why would he wear sunglasses at night when driving?

Brad shrugged and got in. He should have known it was a dream; his long dead grandfather leading an elephant down the sidewalk past the vehicle should have been a strong clue. Brad and his grandfather made eye contact through the open door and exchanged smiles and waives before he turned to Annette.

"I am so glad I found you Brad!" Annette said as he settled into the back seat next to her as the door closed behind him. She wore a broad ladies hat and a luxuriously long fur coat. She slid dangerously close to him on the seat.

"I've been looking everywhere for you Brad and for so long!" she said.

"How long he," he asked.

"Years," she answered, "Now relax, and let me help you!"

"Help me?" he asked.

"Yes," she said as she opened her fur robe to bare her magnificent naked form to him, "it's obvious to me that we can help each other!" Her hands worked his belt and zipper until his trousers were at his ankles. His erect throbber found its way into her hand and Brad could swear his one eyed trouser snake turned back and winked at him.

"Mrs. Bishop," the chauffeur said peering over the seat with his sunglasses off (showing two opaque eyes that were obviously blind), "where to and for how long?"

"For the rest of the journey Edwin," she answered, "and it could take ten minutes or five decades. I haven't decided yet and neither has fate." Edwin nodded and replaced his glasses before he zipped his mouth shut. He disappeared behind the partition that Annette slowly raised using the console button. The limo began to move out into traffic and in the rear of the car behind coalmine dark windows, both Annette and Brad were now alone.

"Edwin is such a good driver," Annette said as she brought her face down to Brad's lap and looked up at him with a wink, "and you can see from his face that he sees and says nothing!" Her mouth dropped down and sucked his cock for a few marvelous wet strokes before she raised herself up and straddled him saying,

"You'll be magnificently rewarded if you can do the same!" She kissed him and lowered her quim onto his cock. As they began to fuck she opened her furs and completely swallowed him into then. He was suddenly engulfed in the furry robes and at the same time falling, through the seat with her, out of the car, down through the street, and down ..down ..down in a surreal freefall straight through the rabbit hole! The two were locked together in a torrid fuck as she continued to hold him fast in her furry robes as they fell. Grinding on him and laughing liked she was being tickled from a thousand directions. They fucked and fell and fell and ....WHAAAHHHHHH!

Brad awoke that night in his bed; confused and sporting an erection worthy of Stonehenge itself! He looked at the clock. It was two thirty in the morning. He found a tissue by the bedside and killed this troubling erection with a good hard five minute wank and release straight into the Kleenex and then he was asleep again.

The dream had disturbed him that morning, but it had aroused him at the same time; put a weed in the back of his noggin that he couldn't simply pull up by the roots! He couldn't look at Annette in the face that morning at work but he hadn't forgotten that dream, (and that night back at his flat when he was home from work he rubbed one out in her honor). She was the boss, (and a hard one to please at that) but something from his dream stuck in his head and began renting a studio apartment up in there and something about this powerful woman really put the sexual hook in him!

Now it was weeks later. As his cock bobsledded the insides of the boss's beautiful bouncing bum, Brad for the life of him couldn't believe how dreams and the real world had come together so closely! It was eerie, even prophetic. Still he wasn't complaining in the least!

He loved the way she felt inside. He hated using the word "goddess" when describing women he'd "been with" (as he thought the term somewhat overused), but with her; he thought that he might want to make an exception! His cock felt wave upon thrilling wave of pleasure as it pushed up inside the warm exhaust port to her inner core! He also loved that no matter how far and hard he pushed in; like a world class female athlete she rammed herself down upon him, (urging him on and swearing heartfelt foul encouragement all the way)!

He was beginning to feel that old familiar tickle in his cock as the tip plunged deep into the rich hot earthiness of her rear passage; a wonderfully snug tunnel of primal feminine decadence that seemed to never end for him! Her clit was going absolutely mad now from the frenzied ravages of her own fingers as they rapidly plucked and strummed a furious Spanish guitar solo on her battered swollen pink! The cock thrusts increasingly found her G-spot at glancing blows as his penis again and again rushed past and up through her innards like a hurtling subway train!

She began to tremble and he began to twitch. They both picked up the pace. Something was going to happen to them both together right here in the chair and it would seize them both together!

"OH DEAR GOD BRAD LIKE THAT! JUST LIKE THAAAAAAA...UNNHH!" Annette shrieked at the top of her lungs; unable to finish her sentence and losing all control as her trembling voice merely transformed itself into a loud and anguished primitive sobbing EEEEYAAAAAAGGGHHHHH! of supreme joy! Her cunt gaped and splattered a downpour of orgasmic piddle; drenching her chair as her pretty head shook from side to side from the cataclysmic "cum-quake" that seemed to split her apart!

Brand snarled and then roared from deep down inside his belly with a strangled animal call of AAARRRRGGHHHH! UUUHH! UUUUGGGHHHH! AAAHH! as his loins simply exploded! He pulled Annette by the hips straight down onto his monster cock as it now spewed generous jets of hot molten seed deep up into her entrails; spouting and spouting until her insides were completely covered in a thick coat of penis plaster! The jetting "mangasms" seemed to continue forever for the two of them, as did her shaking and dripping but then the two really had no earthly idea how long they'd cum for, nor did they care. They hadn't seized the moment as much BEEN seized by it and now that very same moment was shaking them both like a pair of dice on a green felt table in a Riviera casino!

There was a pregnant pause; much like the silence that follows a colossal train collision as the two caught their breath, covered in sweat and the animalistic smell their post fuck funk. Then there was ...........laughter; huge hearty laughter!

It was laughter that was fueled by the joy of a spectacular release that had shaken them to their very cores and yet had not killed them! It was the laughter of surviving something huge, and of triumph, and of shared experience. Wonderful shared experience!

They uncoupled from one another. Brad pulled his cock from Annette's battered bum and noticed her gaping bottom-hole. His seed ran down from her opening freely and for a moment her bum resembled a stuffed eclair spilling its cream.

In the aftermath of what had happened, neither of them cared about mess, smells, or dribbles as they both were now basking in a joyful collaborative glow of post orgasmic bliss! They were like a team of gladiators who had struck down every foe in the arena and now looked for each other across the gore and sand with arms spread wide in triumph!

She turned and stepped from her chair and she flung her arms up around him. He crushed her in her arms and lifted her until her feet came off the floor and two pairs of wet lips pushed together hard in tender intimacy! He bent forward and swept her off her feet; scooping her up in his arms as though he would carry her across a threshold while both their mouths continued to mash together in frenzied kissing! She felt completely weak in his arms and he truly felt like a conquering warrior who'd swept his prize up from the site of some great field of conflict and was going to toss her up atop his steed before riding off into the setting sun with her!

"Lie with me on my desk. Let's see the sun go down!" she said with a better idea that would not require him learning to horseback riding on such short notice. He kicked the chair out of the way so as not to block their view and then he set her atop her desk, joining her a second later. The two cooed and cuddled and kissed and caressed as the orange-red ball sank lower and lower until it began to melt into the horizon. Her office was a wreck. It was a good thing the executive loo was well stocked with paper towels!

They snuggled close and shared the quiet smiling intimate silence together with her half eaten duck, the monitor, and her keyboard pushed to one-side, the portfolios and proposals shoved to the other, dangerously close to falling to the floor. They were content, they were happy, they were curious. He was amazed at finding such a beauty and she was content to find a strong champion like this one. He made her feel so good; so honestly good! Where had he been all these years! Playing video games and getting out of braces she joked quietly in the back of her mind. She chuckled.