Bishop Takes Knight Ch. 01


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He chuckled wanting know what it was and she shook her head saying that it was not important before she pulled his face to hers and kissed him again. She knew she'd found what she wanted. Letting him know right now and spoiling the moment with words was stupid and unnecessary she told herself. The pair continued to chew lips, rub faces, and each other's shoulders as the office grew redder and darker in the dying purple of a marvelous June sunset. She broke the kiss.

She licked down his chin, down his neck and down his shoulders. She kicked a leg and in one fluid motion the lovely half ballerina- half Siamese cat of a woman draped herself over him like a warm blanket and she continued to kiss upon him; going down down down. She found his chest, and his nipples, and his navel and the corduroy rows of his six-pack. She kissed down his thin happy-trail line of pubic hair from his navel. Making sure to stay on the path of hair so as not to get lost; she arrived at his sleeping cock. She began to kiss and suck, and wank. A strong hand found her hair and fingers gently raked through her scalp in appreciative clutches and tugs of gratitude.

In minutes the sun was down and the sky glowed a glazed fiery purple. In stark contrast, Brad was "up" and the two lovers glowed with passionate anticipation of "one more go" in the darkness of the room. Annette mounted him and eased herself down on that telegraph-pole cock of his with happy gasps smiles and shudders! She lay forward onto him with his cock stabbing up into her sex hole and her clit grinding against him with a friction she was particularly hungry for! Lips collided together once more and his hands parted her bum cheeks to allow a wiggling finger of his into her asshole up to the knuckle.

She squealed a muffled happy call of excitement into his mouth, happy to have all holes "seen to" by him and attended to with such care! The darkness was punctuated by the sound of more wet kisses, flesh moving over flesh, whispers in the shadows, and happy giggles. It had been all hard pounding athletic lust before. Now there in the depths of the twilight it was happy intimate lovemaking. They made each other very happy!

The two forms began to move faster and faster in the dim light of sundown. A pair of unseen eyes stared at them appreciatively, noting their every move and enjoying every sound they made. Below the spying eyes; fingers and hands paused from vigorous self-pleasure to unfasten restrictive clothing for a moment and make garments drop to the floor. The hands then resumed the inspired self-agitation as two nostrils flared and puffed silently before the ever watchful eyes of the voyeur.

The spy now saw Annette hop and bounce upon Brad's cock and ears heard the boss lady tell the stallion underneath that he could "split her" in two with that thing of his for all she cared! The voyeur took a sip of air through quivering lips as hands down below found just the right speed and friction to match what Annette was feeling at the moment! The boss lady now arched her back and allowed Brad to suckle and chew at her nipples; making the heart of the watcher in the darkness skip a beat with envy!

The eyes blinked intently as Brad chewed Annette's gumdrop nipples and made his corporate 'lover in chief" wheeze and gasp. She cooed and whimpered; kissing him on the top of his jet black hair and cradling his head like a mother. The lips of the voyeur matched Annette's raspy wheeze as the spy's pulse raced from the work of the unseen hands and the eyes and ears kept feeding on the beautiful feast of pure love now set upon the table like some beautiful banquet; that they had as yet no invitation to!

The lovers on the table moved faster now as their energy and ardor began to build. Annette's earlier rants of obscene cursing and suggestions of what she wished him to do to her all night long were replaced by the warm velvet words of one lover to another in his ear. The ears of the voyeur strained and picked up each wonderful syllable uttered from Annette's lips and their heart melted with happiness if not with a small twinge of jealousy!

Brad's mouth, lips, teeth, and tongue now had transformed Annette's nipples into what would best be described as a pair of swollen maraschino cherrie. Her breasts heaved and her breath huffed and puffed like a lusty steam engine! Her girly-loins ground and mashed down hard upon him and she wished she could send him up even deeper into her juicing sex; so far up inside her that his he could give her a shoulder rub from the inside with the tip of that cock! Oh he was JUST THAT GOOD! She had everything she needed now; everything except that one beautiful happy feminine something SOMETHING that normally made her feel.......

Brad felt the approach of his ball-gasm but it was still a ways off. It was as if an emergency siren had whistled its approach; he was ready and he wanted it! He also sensed Annette was getting "there" again as well. His lips left her bee stung nipples and made their way up the salty skin of her breasts to her collar bone; before pushing on to her undefended neck!

As he fed and wolfed at that particularly scrumptious delicacy, she began to moan and sob and laugh all at the same time. The wet meaty sounds of their desktop frolic were music to the ears of the voyeur: who also could tell Brad was close and what's more, could tell Annette was even closer by her impassioned calls and fevered mewing! It was as if all the sensations had thrown Annette's reactor deep over past the redline; making her thrash and buck her hips even harder while her hands now savagely tore at Brad's hair!

His lips and tongue now moved up from her neck to wetly "tongue-fuck" her ear; making her squeak in the shadows of the office with joyful glee, sounding like a rubber balloon that was slowly releasing its air! Her fingernails clawed his scalp and neck with gratitude as she urged her hungry "neck hound" to continue his meal! She'd have willingly been his bit of wet kibble to devour by now! The boss was becoming the slave to this thing between them just as much as the intern was now becoming a steward to it; this molten plasma flame that threatened to burn them both to a pair of cinders, and still she urged him on! Life for her without danger was no life at all and now atop her desk fucking him with reckless abandon, all the danger of the world meant nothing if she could only have HIM..... IT........THIS!

The two mouths now each found another. Teeth chewed and gorged upon puckered swollen lips as tongues tasted and wanted more of this meal! Saliva became mixed in a hearty "him and her" chemical stew and pheromones rushed together in a super-collision again and again at light speed; creating a hypnotic and intoxicating fusion that could best be described now as the essence of "them!" Yes THEM! No longer a "he" and a "she," they'd fused and bonded into a whole new alloy of thousand degree white hot "THEM," sizzling and glowing in what felt like an all-consuming chain reaction deep inside the two...and the one!

Annette pulled her mouth from his to gasp for air as her mind and libido now hurtled forward out of control, frantically humping and grinding Brad as she realized she couldn't stop this if she'd tried or had even wanted to! Her eyes stared at the open door as her core approached meltdown. She saw the figure behind the glass, peering through the office blinds and jerking its limbs against itself in frantic self-abuse! With her last bit of conscious will, Annette made eye contact with the figure and nodded her head as if to acknowledge that it was "alright" and "all would be as planned!" The shadowy figure nodded from behind the blinds in a wheezing hiss as it continued to frig upon itself, now bonded by energy with the lovers on the table!

Meanwhile, Brad now felt "IT's" impending arrival just moments away! Like Annette; he couldn't stop it if he'd desired to, but instead he simply pushed "IT" onward; hurtling down this psycho-sexual super collider pathway to meet whatever it was Annette had sent hurtling from the other side of the course! His fingers (all four), had found their way into her anus and were feverishly hand-buggering her stretched bum-hole while his cock slammed hard up to meet her descending hips in a meaty wet SMACK SMACK SMACK! He glanced up and saw Annette nod her pretty head wide-mouthed and gasping at something unseen and at the office entrance. He looked up and back to the door and saw.

From behind blinds Shelby stepped from her pile of discarded clothes and stood in the office doorway. For a second she stood in the entrance, masturbating and twisting her nipples in her hands; her face a mask of pent up sexual ardor and voyeuristic energy that made her look as if she might explode in a million pieces! She moved straight-on into the room, still abusing herself with frenzied hands.

Shelby now stood directly before them in front of the desk; hovering over them and swept away by the image of the two lovers before her. Two had become one and now a third had joined that one! She reached out a hand to them and grasped Annette's fingers in a gesture of shared sisterhood that appreciated the supreme wonderment of the moment! She leaned forward over Brad and kissed Annette on the mouth and then she kissed Brad! A second later it happened.

Shelby threw back her head to stare up and the ceiling as she released a tortured anguished scream of AAAAAGGGHHHH! OOOHH! AAGGHHHHHHHHH! She splattered the office floor in a quaking series of splashing piddles while her hand feverishly danced in the middle of her cascade! Annette like a sympathetic alpha she-wolf calling to one of her pack; raised her head up and responded with a shaking howl of EEEYYAAAAWWW! OOOOOHHHHHHH! AAAANNNNNHHHHHH! as she gushed a piping hot stream of her own splatter-gasm on Brad's loins. Down below her, Brad's balls went tight as a snare-drum and he released a raging triumphant war-cry of AH! AHHH! AAAAAWWW! AAARGGGHHHHHH!

He shook his head snarling from side to side and bucked his hips as his very own crescendo sprayed deep into Annette's quim-hole in a torrent of scalding Brad-batter! To complete the performance, the three voices now rose and became one perfectly harmonized note of climactic release and triumphant loving joy! It echoed against the panes of glass, through the office, down the hall, into the break areas and back again in the dim red glow of the London Twilight as it waved good-bye to the day and welcomed the night.

The aftermath was that of devastation amidst quiet. The scene in the dark room resembled the eerie calm of a landscape where two armies had clashed in the early evening until darkness had made the struggling combatants unable to see one another and the fray had ceased. The air was heavy with sex, sweat, and the sound of water running down the hall. Atop a pile of scattered clothes on the floor, lay still another pile of scattered brochures and portfolios that had slid off the edge of the desk but would probably not be looked at that weekend. Another pile of clothes lay in the entryway. On the other side of the desk Annette's cell-phone had been kicked on the floor and lay face down. Dangerously close to the edge of the desk; Annette's monitor, keyboard and desk phone were one nudge away from joining it on the floor and next to them, her half-eaten Duck à l'orange sat cold; its orange sauce having served its diner very well twice that evening!

Down the hallway, the voices of three souls echoed on the tiles of the ladies executive washroom. Inside in the steam and the spritzing hot water, Annette, Brad, and Shelby had crowded into one of the three shower stalls and were soaping each other's bodies. The spirit was that of happy intimacy.

"Well done Shelby," Annette said as Brad stood soaping her breasts from behind and pressing his sudsy penis playfully up the crack of her ass.

"How so Annette?" Shelby replied standing below the shower stream.

"By going down to the next floor," Annette replied playfully wriggling her bum up and down Brad's throbber as it slewed between the soapy crack-channel of her ass cheeks.

"You knew that file was not down there," Annette continued, "and you still went down. You knew it was a wild good chase and yet you hunted and dug around. You then took your time and when you saw what was going on in the room, you stayed outside and watched." Annette turned around and hugged the soapy sudsy Brad-hunk in her arms and kissed him saying,

"You let me have this one all to myself until I called you in at the end! As I said before...well done!" She then turned her face up to Brad and congratulated him.

"And you! You had the common sense and the bravery to get up and leave my office when you realized I was treating you like a doormat! You have fight and you stick up for yourself! I like that in a man....and a lover!" She kissed him again and then opened her arms to pull Shelby in with them for a three-way embrace. Annette now had an announcement.

"Well," she said, "now that Mama Lion has her two cubs all bathed and cleaned, I have another something to tell you. You've seen you last paycheck as interns." Shelby and Brad looked at each other.

"Your next pay period," Annette said grandly, "will be that as full-fledged employees of this corporation. I will announce Monday that your internship is over. You will now have full salary and benefits." Shelby and Brad looked at each other in stunned silence.

"You'll both be my special projects directors," she informed them in the spray of the shower head, "and you will be direct reports - TO ME! I didn't raise two cubs just to have them stray so far from my den. I have ....designs for you both."

The three exchanged soap bubble infused hugs and then Brad and Shelby kissed. Her hand found his cock and wanked it in front of a completely permissive Annette who hadn't slightest pang of jealousy. The three would be sharing a lot in the future and a boy-toy between boss and "female disciple" was nothing to fight over! She'd even told them that she'd share Shelby with Brad despite the fact she absolutely adored the girl's gentle touch! No, there was no room for greed when there was so much wealth, power, sex, and adventure to share!

"Oh and Brad," Annette said," you won't be living much more at that microscopic east end flat of yours." He looked at her in wonderment.

"I am moving you and Shelby into a comfortable little something of mine. It will be where I can know where you are, how you are doing, and how I can keep tabs on my two cubs! I hope you two like each other! It's my conditions. What do you say?"

"What is not to say YES to?" Brad answered as Shelby nodded. The two hugged and kissed again and the hugs and kisses went again to the "lover in chief," Annette. From there on in; they were hers -and the company's! The company could have them through the day. It was at night; after hours where Annette would truly need them anyhow! It was a good thing she could always get a suite in the Shangri-La hotel downstairs with little notice if she so desired; an arrangement she'd worked out with the hotel's owner.

Did it matter that she was handing the reins of power so early to ones so young? Did it mattered that she'd disregarded company protocols and circumvented about a score of corporate hiring regulations and policies? Did it matter that a certain amount of her decision had nothing to with their talents and had everything to do with the fact that at a very romantic and polyamorous level they made her wickedly happy? The selfish side of her mind would have simply said, "not in the least!" Let Rome burn, for all she cared.... let the whole thing burn and when she was through, there'd be a new Rome, with HER passing the torch to these two!

The three exited the shower with towels around their waists. They dressed in the office and then picked up the room so as to not make it so obvious what had occurred there. Shelby, eager little helper that she was applied a tower to the piddle spots on the floor and them sopped up the damp bog of wetness in her bosses' chair. It was a start to get the office ship-shape so no-body would be the wiser. As the three headed for the elevator to go down and be done with the "work day," the double doors opened. Out stepped Fahima, the cleaning lady.

"Fahima," Annette Beamed and hugged the thirty-two year old maid, "I am so glad to find you here!"

"Mrs. Bishop?" the Mid-Eastern lady replied as she pulled her trolley of mops and cleaning supplies from the lift , "were you working late?"

"Yes dear," Annette answered speaking low like a cat who had enjoyed a particularly good canary, "I have a Code Blue in my office." Fahima looked at the two young people and then she looked back at the forty-three year old libertine woman standing in front her and smiled. She understood.

"It shall be as if none of you were even there!" she said, knowing that a little extra sum of money would come her way to buy her silence; just as it had been bought before several times! Annette liked to work late. Janitors and maids saw things and when enough gold passed their palms they saw nothing. The three took the lift down to the lobby of the Shard building. In the lift, Annette turned to Brad saying,

"Oh and one more thing work related. Forget what I said about Michael Stevens being an old fossil of Marketing. I was saying it for effect. He is actually the most skilled subject matter expert you could ask for!" Brad stared back at her and comprehended now just how completely she'd gotten inside his head and manipulated him. He nodded as though he'd been given a free lesson in bluffing while Annette continued.

"What were your plans if we had not stayed late Brad?" Annette asked.

"Was going to get a pint with friends. I might still be able to catch them!"

"Forget it," Annette said as they reached the ground floor, "your taste in clothes for heading out is simply awful! You need to be dressed by a woman."

"Besides," she said as the lift doors opened and the three emerged with Annette in the middle striding confidently before phoning for the car to come-around, "I have outfits I've purchased for you tonight at my flat...and my darlings - WE ARE GOING OUT!"

They stepped out across the lobby and then they waited inside the doors for the car to come out in front. Annette, Brad, and Shelby walked to the curb. The driver opened the doors for them and they disappeared inside. The cab with its "coal mine dark" windows drove down the street and off to the West with lurid adventures that evening still ahead for its three occupants. Bishop had taken Knight!

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KeikoAlvarezKeikoAlvarezover 7 years ago
Excellent writing

I love that you took your time laying out the story. It is a rarity on this site as is the use of the word "arcane." :)

A typo: through him into the should be "threw"

But, heck, this was vastly superior to most of what I find on this site (except my work, of course)

Five stars! I will get to the rest, as well as all of your material, as soon as I can.

SoNaughtySoNaughtyover 7 years ago

I am at a loss for words! My body is reacting to this story like you wouldn't believe. And I MEAN REACTING! WOW!

sexynursechefsexynursechefabout 8 years ago
Very Very Erotic.....

It's a reversal in roles, which is nice and I am always a fan of a man who likes to go down lol...but I do think it is a bit too long. The cuckold is always interesting though and I was laughing out loud at some of the humor....the duck sauce! That's awesome lol! Very well done my friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Thank you

I enjoyed very much the character development, the detail and the plot progression of this story. Some shortening of sentences might be helpful to some of the readers, but overall it's an arousing story for a Bi woman like me. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I don't understand what was supposed to be dramatic or interesting about this story.

Some asshole cheat's on their spouse, for whom they have no respect or loyalty, and is really really proud of themselves. Is this supposed to be special because in this story the cheating asshole is a woman? So just change the gender of the characters and see if this is still an interesting story. It snot.

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