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Alle Kommentare zu 'Drei Grazien und Ich'

von Vitavie

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  • 5 Kommentare
AnonymousAnonymvor 11 Monaten

Die Kleider würden wunderbar aussehen. Hatten Sie ein bestimmtes Modell im Sinn?

AnonymousAnonymvor 11 Monaten

Wenn das so kryptisch ist, sollte die Grammatik wenigstens korrekt sein.

Dativ - Akkusativ

Du - Sie

Objekt - Subjekt

So wird’s sehr verwirrend

mcmbmmcmbmvor 10 Monaten

German is a difficult language to write. That is why i write in English. This really requires a sequel i do think.

mcmbmmcmbmvor 10 Monaten

Fascinating asks for a sequel. In German it is more fascinating because of the feeling of being among those that in the known.

Hans58Hans58vor 10 Monaten


Deutsch ist deshalb eine schwere Sprache in Wort und Schrift, weil z.B. der Begriff "sequel" rund 15 Begriffe in der deutschen Sprache/Schrift aufweist.

If the term "sequel" is being used in English a German translator can only conclude what “sequel” means in connexion with the whole sentence or even with the whole paragraph

(ist es die Folge von…ist es eine Fortsetzung von….ist es ein Ablauf).

I rest my case!

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Posten als:
Vitavie is of mixed European extraction. She studied maths and art history in Germany. After a less than glorious employment history, through lack of motivation, but a lively social life, she married a business man and converted to being a socialite. She writes essentially in...
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