Forbidden India Ch. 02


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"I won't tell you." The man grinned.

"Not even if I threaten to drink the last of your wine?"

"You're my drinking chum now. Drinking chums share their wine."

"But I won't tell anyone!" Pritam sounded frustrated. "Will you tell me or not?"

"You're being persistent precisely because you want to tell others."

"If you don't tell me, I will have to make something up."

"Go ahead and do that. It won't bother me, you know. Women have said all sorts of things about me in the past that weren't true. You won't be the first one."

"I won't leave until you tell me!" Pritam threatened.

"Actually, I'd rather you stick around. If you leave, I'll only have the river and the trees to look at. You're a much better sight than they are."

"I'm am getting nowhere with you!" Pritam snapped. "You are making me angry!"

"Let me have another drink, chum." Windsor said. Once he'd taken it, he looked over Pritam's figure. "Do a turn for me and I'll consider telling you. Go on."

Hoping it would get results, Pritam did as she was told.

"I never liked those sari." Windsor frowned. "You never know what you're going to get until a woman takes the entire thing off. You could be as fat as a cow and I wouldn't know it."

"I'm not as fat as a cow!" Pritam felt insulted.

"Well, how would I know by looking at you in a sari?"

"What is this rumor?" Pritam pushed. "You asked for me to make a turn and I have done it. Tell me what this rumor is that women are in such a hurry to find out if it is true or not!"

"Have a drink and I'll tell you." Windsor held the bottle out.

Pritam complied with this as well. Expectantly, she waited for him.

"Do you see that bottle in your hand? My wanker is nearly as big as that bottle."

Pritam considered the bottle. It was much thicker than her wrist. She glanced over at the man seated on the cot, and specifically at his shorts. If there was such a thing hiding in there, she certainly couldn't see it.

"You've told me a lie." She decided.

"If you take off your sari, I will take off my shorts."

"No, I won't do that. My husband may have run off but I am still married."

"You said you were looking for a new husband, didn't you? That doesn't sound as if you're still married to me. It doesn't matter, actually. I've told you what you wanted to know and so we're done with it. Whether you believe me or not is immaterial. You can stay here and drink with me or you can go if you want. Here, let me have another drink before it is all gone."

Pritam passed the bottle over. "Show me what you have. Pull down your shorts."

Windsor had his drink. "Oh, no. It's tit for tat. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. If you want to see it, it will cost you. If you are not willing to remove your sari for me then perhaps you wouldn't mind giving me a little wank. What do you say?"

Pritam only looked back at him.

"It's a barter between two people." Windsor elaborated. "I do what you want and you do what I want. You don't have to do it, you know. You can simply walk back the same way you came and nothing else will come of this. If you stay, I should tell you that the wine is going to my head now. I've half a mind to pull that sari off myself."

Would she be going back empty-handed, Pritam wondered. Windsor had told her enough, but Savitri would refuse to believe any of it. She would especially not believe if Pritam said that Windsor's cock was the size of a wine bottle. Pritam covered her mouth and giggled, because if she did what Windsor wanted, she wouldn't be empty-handed at all. In fact, her hands would be quite full!

The sisters still had their husbands, while Pritam's husband had gone off with some other woman. Pritam was sure of it; as sure as she was that she'd slept alone for weeks now. This thought that she hadn't been with a man for some time, and would not be with a man for the foreseeable future, was the biggest reason why Pritam did not right away leave.

"If it is as big as you say, I will do as you say." Pritam resolved.

"It isn't as big yet, but it will be if you warm it up."

Windsor raised his lower back, long enough to slip his shorts away from his hips. Pritam watched as the shorts went off his legs, but there was too much movement for the woman to see what sort of cock he had. Only when he'd tossed the shorts to one side and settled back on the cot, did she have a clear view. The specimen was flaccid, but it was still the biggest cock Pritam had ever seen.

"Come and see if it won't become nearly as big as this bottle." Windsor dared.

Pritam did step closer, but only to get a better look. She had no intention of putting her hand on that dormant tool... or did she? There was no one else around to see her and she could keep a secret if she wanted to. The sisters would have their gossip, but she didn't have to tell them everything.

"You're an old man." Pritam said.

"Well, that part is true." Windsor laughed. "You've got good eyes, don't you?"

Pritam suddenly felt shy. She turned her head away, so that old Windsor wouldn't see the way her face flushed. She wanted to put her hands on the man's cock but she was nervous. Scandals came and went with the locals, but if this one were to be found out it would take a long time for the local people to forget. Even then, it would be in the back of people's memories; that Pritam had gone out to the river at night to stroke an old man's cock.

"You must be three times older than I am." Pritam said.

"So not only do you have an eagle's eyes, but you are a mathematician as well. Will wonders ever cease out here in the jungle?"

This time, Pritam laughed along with Windsor. She went over to stand next to the cot, gazing at the old man's body and deciding that it looked nothing like an old man's body. Mature yes, but not old, at least not in the way that other people were old. This old man could still chop down trees and carry logs about like a young man. He could build things and teach, and probably do a number of things Pritam couldn't even imagine. All of these things went through her mind, but they were excuses. What she was really after was that big piece of soft flesh resting against Windsor's thigh.

Pritam used the folds of her sari to create padding for her knees, before she drew lower to the ground. Once kneeled, she looked at Windsor's eyes, which were active and studying her movements. Because she didn't want to look single-minded, the next thing she did was to set her hand on Windsor's belly. She ran her palm up to his chest and back. Then she ran her other hand over Windsor's thighs. Pritam paused, because she was doing these things in incremental steps.

She looked at Windsor's cock. Perhaps because he was so mature, it wouldn't rise up unless it was touched. Finally, she slid her hand over it and then picked it up. Unlike the cock of her husband, Windor's cock had substance to it, and weight. Two of what her husband had could be compared to the one of Windsor.

Pritam was not the sort of woman who liked to pull on a man's penis, not when she could do other things to it. She stood the thing up and felt its sponginess and size. When she brought her head close and took it into her mouth, Windsor's body trembled enough to creak the cot he lay on. At first, her lips managed it, but the more it grew the more Pritam was restricted. The shaft thickened so that her fingers could no longer clasp around it, while the head bulged until her mouth had to let it go. Pritam was reduced to sliding her lips along the sides of it. Only infrequently did she try to engulf the swollen end. She slid her tongue down the underside of the cock, the Windsor Cock, until she came to the man's balls.

It was while she attended to his balls that Windsor placed his hand on Pritam's shoulder. This didn't deter her, as the shaft was pressed lightly against her face. When her tongue found it again, Windsor cupped her breast. This time, Pritam did pause, as the old man fondled her and caused her to tremble the same way he had earlier.

She returned her attention to the end of the cock, hoping it had grown to as large as it could grow. If it were any bigger, she wouldn't be able to get her mouth on it at all. What would the sisters think, if they saw her out here performing such a lewd act on the mysterious Mr. Windsor?

Meanwhile, the old man's hands were still touching her breast, and also her shoulder and back. Pritam felt a lot of heat contained within her blouse, both from the warm night and from her body. She wished there was no blouse at all between her breasts and the old man's hands. The decision was made within her mind, that if Windsor started to remove her clothing she would not resist him.

Windsor, the mighty Windsor, sat up on his cot. This caused Pritam to settle back on her heels. The man's cock could be compared to the size of a small child's forearm, or so it seemed to the woman who was so close to it. Windsor's hands went to the folds of her sari. He knew how to undo her attire, and he did this while Pritam watched. Her sari was lowered to her waist, giving Windsor opportunity to grope her breasts.

Pritam was proud of her breasts, because they were larger than those of other women. She did not hide them in her arms when Windsor pulled away her blouse and bra. She simply allowed them to be seen and touched.

Windsor was gentle, as he pulled the Indian woman to her feet and continued to undress her. Her sari was folded up neatly and set on the cot, to be joined moments later by her bra and her panties. Windsor went into his half-built cabin, returning shortly with a blanket. This he set into the soft dirt by the fire and on top of it he settled Pritam.

For an instant, the seduced woman knew not what the old man was up to. Windsor climbed over her stomach, and then over her chest. His large cock came to rest between her breasts. Before Pritam understood what would happen next, the old man had pressed her mounds together against his thick flesh. It seemed so unnatural at first, for a man to make love to her breasts this way. The yearning soon took over her body, however. Her breasts were being held by strong hands, which sometimes groped her broadly and at other times played only with her nipples. The Windsor Cock slid gracefully in the soft valley between them, as a ship would travel through a narrow canal. It was a long ship, as at times it would bump on her chin. Pritam thought of how she had set her lips on that ship and her mouth watered.

Windsor's ploy worked well. When he dismounted from Pritam's chest, she was ready to experience that Briton cock to its full extent. The old man prodded her this way and that. In the end, Pritam was positioned on hands and knees. Her breasts hung down like full cow udders, while her backside was in the air. Windsor reached for her breasts, to hold them and cause them to sway against his fingers.

A hard thing pressed against Pritam's backside, causing her to tense. It came, that large Windsor Cock, pushing against her womanly folds until it gained a perch. Pritam heaved out breaths full of bliss and heat, as the cock slid in further and stimulated her. Because of her arranged marriage and dowry, the woman could only boast of having one lover before this, and now a man the age of her grandfather would be her second.

It felt like a grand adventure, to have Windsor doing this to her. His hands were strong against her hips and her backside, and also against her breasts. She hadn't realized how much of a soft woman she was, until now that a hard man took her. A man who was nothing at all like the man she'd married. Her husband had been as soft as she was. This man Windsor was made of steel on the inside.

The squeals of a lover issued from Pritam's mouth, while the old cock slid into her in a constant barrage. Pritam was not a pretty woman, when compared to the sisters who were very pretty. Because of this, she was less vain over her visage and more over her body. Her breasts were large and so was her backside. Now, she was giving her most prized assets over to this man who was so eager to take them.

The man was so large that he touched all of her insides at once. Pritam screamed into the night, as her climax demanded it of her. Behind her, Windsor throttled at her back, pushing her excitement into levels of bliss that Pritam had never reached before. She heard the old man huffing and puffing behind her, knew from the rise of his voice that his place of pleasure was fast coming. When Windsor's fingers became claws of iron, his groan joined those of Pritam and a great heat flooded out of him and into her insides.

This old man, she thought, he had it where it really counted.

"Will you tell us what happened?" Savitri asked, the next morning as the sun climbed into the sky and began burning everything in sight. "You were gone for many hours!"

Pritam only grinned, as she led the sisters to a refreshment stand. It was a small shop with only a narrow porch and a few chairs covered by an awning. Behind it, the vendor, a very dark man, came to ask their order.

"Give us three shaved ices." Pritam replied. Already, she knew what flavors the sisters would choose. "I want mango, coconut and banana."

"Tell us!" Nipa insisted, as their friend only sat there smugly and waited for her treat.

"She is trying to bribe us into secrecy." Savitri deduced. "This is why she has paid for our ice."

"No, sister." Pritam replied. "I paid because it was my turn to pay. Do you want to hear what I've learned about Windsor or not?"

At this, the sisters took chairs next to her, listening attentively to the story of how Windsor had gotten in trouble for plugging the wrong hole.

"It explains everything!" Nipa said, being careful not to speak too loudly so the vendor wouldn't hear the conversation.

"Pritam is hiding more." Savitri theorized. "Tell us the rest."

"I won't." Pritam refused.

"Tell us!" Nipa pressured. "We don't keep any secrets from you! We tell you everything!"

"This is true, Pritam." Savitri added. "We have stood by your side when you have needed us most, and now you have turned your back on the both of us. You are betraying us, Pritam."

"No!" The other woman said. "Never say that! What is this talk of betrayal? Where did it come from? Never say such a thing again!"

"Savitri did not mean it." Nipa said. "She is only as eager to hear more as I am."

Savitri frowned.

"I don't want to say it, but I will show you instead." Pritam decided, as she turned back to the ice vendor. "I wish to buy the biggest banana you have. Bring it to me." Once she had it, she held it out to Savitri. "Hold this in your hand, sister."

"I don't understand." Her confidant said. "What does this have to do with Windsor?"

"Hold it!"

Savitri relented.

"Now put it into your mouth, in the same way you would do to a man."

"Why?" Savitri asked.

Beside her, Nipa giggled.

"This is my way of telling you." Pritam went on. "Will you do it or not?"

Savitri did, provoking Nipa into laughter. Even Pritam couldn't help but smirk.

"There, I've done it." Savitri said. "Why did I do this, Pritam?"

The other woman mumbled one sentence, before turning away in embarrassment.

"I didn't hear you, Pritam. Say it again so that I can hear it."

"Sister, I heard her." Nipa said, turning to make sure the ice vendor was not close to them. Regardless, she lowered her voice even further. "She said that Windsor is much bigger than that banana."

Savitri's eyes bulged wide, when she finally understood what her sister in-law had done.

As the three conspirators had expected, the local women began a full investigation. The rumor of Pritam having left her cot had spread like wildfire. Everyone wanted to know where she had gone that night. A few of the bolder women had the courage to walk up to Pritam to ask her directly. Pritam had much trouble hiding the truth, saying only that her husband was gone and she had no one to support her or her child. Because she was evasive, the investigators went to verify the whereabouts of any and every local man, no matter whether they were married or not, to find out if any man had left his cot at the same time Pritam had left hers. The women watched Pritam like a hawk. Because Pritam was always seen with the sisters, they watched the sisters as well.

"I cannot bear it, sisters." Pritam said, late one afternoon when their children played together. The husbands of the sisters were due to come home at any time. "These women speak even worse of me than before. With their eyes they accuse me, as if I am sleeping with their husbands when they are unaware."

"We will stand with you." Nipa resolved.

"Imagine if they discover a connection between you and the Windsor Cock." Savitri said. "It would become as a soap opera scandal!"

"Why do you call it that, sister?" Nipa laughed. "Why do you call it the Windsor Cock?"

"Because that's what it is." Savitri shook her head as if it should have been obvious. "The Cock of Windsor has taken Pritam and now she must keep the affair hidden."

"Such a large affair is not easy to hide." Pritam added, which set all three women to laughing.

"There is good news, sister." Savitri said. "Windsor is keeping to his rounds in the usual way. He has not let on about the affair."

"Has he approached you, sister?" Nipa asked.

"No." Pritam answered. "I have seen him twice since that night, when he is on a stroll through the streets. Windsor waved to me both times, but it is the same wave he will give to anyone, be they man or woman. I don't think he wants our affair to be known, either."

"He doesn't." Savitri agreed. "If it becomes known that he slept with you, the local men will begin to think he might try the same with their wives. The scandal would be so great that Windsor would be chased away."

"Windsor doesn't want that." Pritam said. "Because he has done so much work to build his house already."

"Would you sleep with him again?" Nipa wondered.

"Never say that again!"

"It is only a question." Nipa said.

"If it were found out that I slept with Windsor, I would be too ashamed to be seen in public." Pritam told her. "Our relatives would chase me away, just as they would chase Windsor away. All of the local women, they will keep up their investigations until they find the truth." She paused for a few moments, full of thoughts. "I must cause their suspicions to fall away from the local men and onto me. I must cause something to happen so that the local women will only be focused on me."

"What will you do, sister?" Savitri asked.

"I am undecided. Give me time to think on this."

Because the men were fed before they left, all of the married women in the house woke up early to cook their breakfasts. The night before, Pritam had asked the sisters to wake her, and also to watch her daughter that day. Neither Savitri nor Nipa knew what she was up to. Both women were very surprised to see Pritam walk to the bus stop with all of the workers, and to board the bus that would drive out to Chennai.

It was the talk of the town, to see Pritam in her blue sari, leaving the local area when she had not left in many months. Rumors flew east and west, the moment the bus left its stop. Pritam was going to Chennai to find her husband, some said. She would be bringing him back by the ear that very afternoon. Other, more jealous local women thought that Pritam's guilt over sleeping with another woman's husband was compelling her to run away. The sisters were confronted and asked many questions, but of course they were as surprised as anyone to see that Pritam had gone.

An even bigger whirlwind of rumors erupted when the bus came back. A lot of local women went to the bus stop with the stated purposed of greeting their husbands. What they were really doing was trying to find out of Pritam would return or not, and if she did, if she would bring her husband back by the ear as so many were saying.