Forbidden India Ch. 02


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One man after another stepped off the bus, tired, dirty and smelly. Where is Pritam, the local women asked, with the sisters present in that same crowd. When they saw her many eyes bulged and many mouths dropped open.

Pritam was not wearing the blue sari she had on that morning. Instead, she had her hair styled in a way popular with actresses from the cinema. She wore a blouse that left no doubt that her breasts were large, and denim pants that hugged her backside and legs as if she were wearing nothing at all. When Pritam approached the gaggle of women, they also saw make-up on her eyelashes and on her lips.

The local women loved their gossip, and now Pritam had given them something to talk about for weeks. Did you see Pritam that day? Did you see what she was wearing? Such questions would undoubtedly be passed from one set of lips to another. All but forgotten was that Pritam had left her cot one night to have a dalliance with some unknown man. Instead, the local woman flocked to her, comparing her new appearance to what they usually saw at the cinema. Many of the women marveled at Pritam and at her bold clothing. Her smile radiated ten, twenty, perhaps fifty times more brightly than before, thanks to her styled hair and her cosmetics.

"What have you done to yourself, Pritam?" One of the women asked.

Pritam smiled again, revealing her bright white teeth through ruby red lips. "I will not wait for the panchayat to annul my marriage. I believe I must seek out a husband to support my daughter and myself, to lessen the burden of my family that feeds and houses us. I traded a few pieces of my gold jewelry and used the currency to purchase these Western clothes. If I cannot find a new husband here locally, then perhaps I can find one in Chennai. I will be traveling to Chennai to look for a husband or for employment, or both if I can find them."

The sisters knew exactly what Pritam was doing. Now, the local women could gossip about Pritam and what she was doing out of the village, instead of inside of it.

"So this is what Indian women wear in Chennai?" One woman asked. "Just as we see at the cinema?"

Pritam looked tickled to be the center of attention in a good way, after being nearly despised during the last few days. She forgave the other women for speaking ill of her so much, both because she was a good woman and because after all, they were all relatives or close friends who had grown up together since childhood.

"Your backside looks like the backside of a horse!" A woman remarked.

"This is one horse that needs a rider." Pritam replied, setting them all to laughter.

Pritam went to Chennai the next day, and the day after that.

The stir she had first caused was still a great topic of conversation, with many of the single women wondering if they should purchase Western clothing as well. The idea began to infect the married women as well, as the single men were more apt to be seen talking to Pritam than before. Perhaps their husbands would give them more attention if they wore tight pants as Pritam did.

A few days later, it was the sisters' turn to watch all of the little ones. Most of the mothers were weaving blankets or baskets or gaudy trinkets. When enough of these were produced, they would be taken to the local market and sold to a wholesale dealer, who loaded all of it into a truck and took it to the city. The older children were part of this small industry as well.

This left a dozen little ones to be watched. The children ran about from here to there, making it a great game to avoid being caught by the sisters. They climbed trees and hid behind walls, and made a great, happy clamor whenever the sisters dragged them back to where the others were.

"Oh, these brats have caused me to swim in my own sweat." Savitri complained. "Sister, I feel a great headache coming over me. Will you watch them for a short while, so that I may lay down and rest?"

Nipa frowned. It would be twice as difficult to keep the children in line if her sister was gone. Still, Savitri looked even more worn out than she was. "You may go, but come back directly once you feel better."

"I will." The other woman said, already starting away.

As the sun climbed higher and higher, so did the temperature. The sun finally quelled the antics of the children, giving Nipa less trouble when she corralled them together for a midday nap. They took their cots to the shade of a large tree and simply lay there instead of roasting in the sunlight.

After a time, Nipa thought her sister should have been back. She began to worry about Savitri, hoping she hadn't fallen ill. A couple of the other young women walked over, tired of weaving just as Nipa was of running around after children.

"Will you watch them, while I see if my sister is well?" Nipa asked.

When the women agreed, the younger sister went off to find the older.

Nipa took the shady route home, except for a few stretches where she had no choice but to be scalded by the hot day. When Nipa reached the house, she didn't simply call out because her grandmother or Savitri might have been asleep. Moving quietly, she made her way inside. Her grandmother was in fact asleep, lying down on her old cot as she usually did.

When Nipa reached the room where Savitri's family usually slept, she paused before the door. Strange sounds were coming the room. Nipa heard her sister's soft panting, as if a man were in the room with her. No locks were on the doors to bar her entry, so Nipa gently pushed at the door until it swung open. Savitri had placed a chair by the door, Nipa soon discovered, as if to keep someone from entering her room. Nipa wondered why her sister would have done this.

If she pushed too hard the chair would make noise, so Nipa did not push hard. She only slid the door open by an inch or two, so she could hear what man was in the room with her sister, as her husband was off at work for the entire day. There was no man, Nipa felt, only her sister alone. Becoming intrigued, Nipa opened the door further, enough for her hand to reach in and push the chair aside. The chair did scrape, but the sound was low and covered up by Savitri's loud panting.

Nipa saw everything. Her sister was lying nude on a cot, with her legs spread wide as if she were touching her middle. In her hand, Savitri held a large banana. She was using the fruit as if it were a man. More than that, as Nipa immediately connected the large banana with the Cock of Windsor.

"Sister, take that thing out!" Nipa scolded.

Savitri sat up to stare back at her. "Why are you here? Who is watching the children?"

"Worry less about the children and more about what you are doing." Nipa snapped. "It is no wonder you didn't return right away, when you are here putting things between your legs!"

"Close the door, sister." Savitri said, waiting until Nipa had done it. "I cannot help myself. I've been thinking of what Pritam did ever since she told us about it. I've become obsessed with what she did."

"You must not say such things! Put on your clothes!"

"I tell you, I have become obsessed with it!"

"You are married!"

"So is Pritam!"

"No, Pritam's husband has run off to the city!"

"So has my husband!"

"Your husband has not run away! He will arrive on the bus tonight! What has gotten into you, sister?"

"This!" Savitri held the banana up. "This has gotten into me! Come here, sister. You must hold it for me."

"What do you mean hold it?"

"You must hold it steady. If you do this, I can close my eyes and pretend."

"Pretend what, sister?"

"If you hold this I will do whatever you ask. Ask me for a golden necklace or a golden ring and I will give it to you."

"Sister, you have gone ill. I want nothing except for this madness to stop."

"It will stop, if you come and hold this banana upright for me. If you don't do this, I will ask Pritam to hold it when she returns."

"Sister, you are possessed by demons." Nipa said. Before long, the two women watching the children would become angry with the sisters for having taken so long to get back. Even now, someone could be arriving at the house to find out where they were. She stepped closer to the cot.

"Will you hold it?" Savitri asked.

"I don't know!" Nipa admitted. "Why would you do such a thing?"

"Ask me nothing. Only hold this banana before I go mad. Here, like this."

Wanting to get things over with, Nipa kneeled before her sister's cot. Savitri already had the banana positioned, so it was an easy transfer between her hand and Nipa's.

"Are you really going to sit on it?" The younger woman asked.

Savitri did not answer. Instead, she spread her legs to both sides of the cot and brought her body lower to the fruit. Nipa had seen her sister nude ever since they were little, and frequently enough because they both bathed together at the river. She knew that Savitri had a thick tuft of hair between her legs, but she'd never seen the blossom of her sister's sex being spread apart as Savitri was doing now. The banana was slick with her woman's moisture, before a good length of it slid smoothly out of sight.

"Sister!" Nipa exclaimed.

"Are you holding it tight?"

"Yes, I am. Hurry on with this mad thing you are up to! Someone is bound to come soon to find us!"

Savitri shut her eyes and bit on her bottom lip. She started up a quick and steady bounce on the banana, while it was held steady by Nipa's grip. The younger sister wondered that Savitri didn't cause the entire fruit to disappear, as she was bringing her entire form down far enough to reach Nipa's hand.

Because they all lived so close together, Nipa had listened to her sister sleeping with her husband before. Likewise, Savitri had heard Nipa and her husband doing the same thing. It was unavoidable in such a small house, although everyone was quiet when they made love to give the illusion of modesty. Nipa had never caused her sister to come to a climax before, and she never expected to either. Yet here she was, feeling her sister's rump and private hair pushing against her hand.

Savitri squealed as her insides responded to the stimulation. The woman's lean body shook with tremors, causing a series of stunted gasps to exit her mouth. Abruptly, Savitri leaned forward, holding on to the cot's edges as her womanly reaction began to sweep over her. Her motions slowed, as her body coursed the length of the banana. Another wave of bliss soon overtook the woman, causing her to lean all the way back on the cot with her legs spread. Nipa had moved the banana out of the way, but now Savitri was urging her to put it back into action.

"Do it, sister." Savitri said. "I am nearly at the end of it."

"I cannot!"

"I will give you my favorite ring!"

"I don't want your ring!" Nipa said, becoming determined to see this through so that it might be over quickly. People were probably looking for them right now.

Nipa stuffed the banana into her sister, causing Savitri to squeal again. Savitri held onto Nipa's hand, starting up a motion with it to please herself. Once Nipa understood the rhythm, she took over. Savitri let go of her arm and set her hands to grip the sides of the cot. She bucked her hips upward, just as Nipa was pushing the banana into her.

Finally, Savitri became a bundle of gasps and erratic jerks, as her slender body went into sexual revolution. Her hands went to grab Nipa's forearm, and then to pull the younger sister close enough to wrap her arms around Nipa's back.

"Sister!" Nipa cautioned, to no avail. "Let go of me!"

Savitri tightly embraced her sister, as the final moments of ecstasy passed through her. The moment Savitri's fervor died down, Nipa pulled away from her and hurriedly left the room.

"Pritam has found a job in the city." Savitri said the next day, when the two sisters were bathing in the river. "She will work three days and rest four. Tomorrow she will spend the entire day with us, just as before."

Nipa had talked to her sister very little following the unexpected sexual act of the day before. She only talked when other people were around so she wouldn't be seen as rude. When Savitri and she were alone, such as they were now, Nipa said nothing. This did not look to bother her older sister at all, as if the strange incident had never taken place.

"It is a relief not to have to watch so many brats today, after the running around they gave us yesterday." Savitri continued. "We can take as long as we want to bathe. Is this not a comfort, sister?"

Nipa merely kept bathing. She was extremely embarrassed by having participated in something so carnal as she had yesterday.

"We could take hours to bathe." Savitri said. Her eyes seemed to be looking in one specific direction. "We should wade down the river a bit."

"Why?" Nipa finally spoke out.

"Perhaps we can find a better bathing spot."

"This has always been our bathing spot. If someone were to come looking for us, this is where they will look."

"You can stay here." Savitri decided. "If someone comes, simply tell them that I went into the brush to relieve myself."

Nipa watched as her sister began walking through the water, away from her. "Where are you going?"

"Only for a short walk."

There would be trouble, Nipa knew. She looked to the shore, where their clothing was strung out on branches. Next, she saw her sister steadily wading away from her.

"You've gone mad, sister." Nipa suspected. "Mad for the Cock of Windsor!"

Savitri turned back and giggled, before she resumed her walk through the water.

There would be so much trouble, Nipa told herself again, as she started after her sister.

The sisters found Windsor hammering nails into the frame of what one day would become a window. He stood there with no shirt on, canvas shorts with many pockets on them, and leather sandals. The cabin the man was building was about halfway complete. Before the home were several logs of a medium size, along with a rusty saw and a pair of old sawhorses. Measuring tape, a bucket of nails and other tools were also strewn about all over.

Long ago, the sisters had become accustomed to having the eyes of strangers falling upon their nude bodies, and so neither woman was ashamed to be seen by the older man. Savitri did not exit the water yet, but stood in it up to the waist. Nipa moved up to her sister's side.

"When will you finish your house, Mr. Windsor?" Savitri called out from the river.

The old man had not seen them yet, as he had his full attention on pounding nails into place. When he heard the woman's voice, he leaned back and looked toward the path that led back to the cantonment, where a visitor should surely come from. After not finding a person there, he turned and looked around, finally spotting the sisters in the water. Clearly, the old man was not expecting two nude women.

"Well, hello ladies." The man said, once he'd recovered from the sight of them. "I suppose in a month or two it will all be done."

"And will it have electricity?" Savitri asked.

"I'm afraid not." Windsor shook his head. "It would be too expensive to dig a line way out here. No matter. I can live without the telly."

"It is a hot day, isn't it, Nipa?" The older sister looked to the younger. "You look so hot, Mr. Windsor. Perhaps you could come into the river to freshen up, as we are doing."

At first, Windsor appeared as if he were going to continue with his work. Now, he let his gaze linger on the two young women, for how could any man turn away from a site as pleasant as that?

"You're, uh, you're friends of Pritam, aren't you?" The old man asked. "I've seen you in town with her."

"Yes." Savitri answered him. "Pritam is our sister by marriage."

"I see she's causing quite a stir in town, by wearing those pants she has now."

"She hopes to land a new husband with those pants."

"I do believe she will, if she keeps wearing them." Windsor laughed.

"Do you know that the water is very cool and you are very sweaty?" Savitri hinted.

"What do you want with me?" Windsor asked, becoming suspicious. "Why have you come here?"

"We only want to see you in the water."

"Sister, stop provoking him." Nipa leaned closer to whisper. "Let us go away at once!"

"Be still." Savitri said.

Windsor stared out thoughtfully at them both. "You want to see me in the water, you said?"

"Unless you prefer to stay as hot and sweaty as you are."

"Pritam put you up to this, didn't she?" The old man gave in. "I suppose I should go in for a quick dunk. I've been sweating nearly since the sun came up this morning."

The sisters watched as Windsor left his tools behind and went to the edge of the river. He kicked his sandals off and pried his shorts apart. Once the man was as nude as the sisters, he stepped into the water, but not in their direction. Both Savitri and Nipa saw the man go in, then crouch, then splash water on his head. Windsor moved further into the drink, until he could fully immerse his body in the river. When he came up, he had small streams running from his head, down his chest and back.

"So Pritam told you something and you came out here to take a look for yourselves?" Windsor guessed. "Is that it? Well, here I am so take a good look."

After this, the old man started out of the river.

"Pritam said you are bigger than the largest banana in town." Savitri said.

Windsor laughed again, as he trudged onto the shore. The old man went and pulled a blanket from his half-finished house and set it on a shady spot on the ground. As the sisters watched, he used a towel to dry his body, before he went to lie down on his blanket.

"Come with me, sister." Savitri said.

"Have you not had enough yet?" Nipa cautioned.

Savitri turned to give her sibling a look. Clearly she had not. The sisters walked onto the shore, both gazing at that spot where Windsor and his great cock lay.

Savitri pretended to look at the pile of logs to one side. "It will be a good house, when it is complete."

Windsor laughed, which caused Savitri to laugh with him. They both knew her words were a ruse, and what the woman had really come to look at. The older sister went to stand by Windsor's form, surveying from his chest down to his thighs. Her gaze became transfixed at the sight of his large, dormant member.

"It is bigger than a banana now." She marveled. "I cannot believe that Pritam slept with you."

"She told you all of it, did she?" Windsor asked. "Well, you came to take a look and so you are. Have you had enough of a look yet? If you have, it is best that you take your leave. If you haven't, I wouldn't mind if you had a touch as well as a look."

Nipa opened her mouth to try and deter her sister, but she wasn't fast enough. Already, Savitri had gone down to her knees. Nipa remembered the day before and what her sister had done with the banana. Savitri looked enthralled to stare at that sleeping giant that lay before her.

Without warning, Windsor reached out to grab Savitri's arms. He pulled the woman over his body so that their chests came together. There was the beginning of a struggle, where Savitri squirmed and pushed away with her legs, but Windsor was much stronger than her and kept her in place.

"Sister!" Nipa cried out in alarm, wondering if together they might pry Windsor away from her. Perhaps if she hit Windsor with the hammer, he might let her sister go...

Hardly had Nipa taken the first step toward the weapon, when she saw that her sister was not struggling at all. It was another of Savitri's ruses. Windsor was kissing along the side of her sister's face, while Savitri turned this way and that to avoid him. Then it was her sister and not the old man who was pushing her mouth forward. Nipa watched them kiss, before Windsor ran his hands over Savitri's breasts. Only moments later, her older sister was groping the old man's shoulders and chest. In no time at all, Savitri's needy hand had come down to the man's thighs, her fingers surrounding that infamous Cock of Windsor.