Forbidden India Ch. 02


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"They are so much bigger than mine." Savitri said, fondling her in-law.

Nipa's hand slid over Pritam's lower back and rump, while her other still pushed at the banana. Her older sister was excited enough to grope at the parts of Pritam that were left unattended to, including her breasts and shoulders. With the siblings battering at her from so many places at once, Pritam was soon left gasping and crying out. Her climax struck her from all of those stimulated places like a storm.

"Nipa, move." Savitri ordered, as the last of Pritam's tremors subsided.

The younger sister was pushed to one side. Savitri brought Pritam up to her feet, where the darker girl's eyes saw that the older sister was not finished with her. Pritam went back on the table, on her back this time. Savitri used, not her hands on Pritam's fat breasts, but her lips, causing Pritam to moan all over again. Pritam's thick thighs were spread far as Savitri lay on top of her.

Standing behind her older sister, Nipa considered the tight skirt and slender body before her. She still had the wet banana in her grip, and twice already she had listened to Savriti's climax. This would be the third time, she decided, as she went to lift her sister's skirt and to lower her sister's panties.

It was some time later, when both Pritam and Savriti stood before Nipa. Their madness was still present between them, as the two women considered the youngest.

"Nipa, give me the banana." Savitri requested.

"I can't." Nipa held it up. "It's all smashed up now because of you."

"I'll get another from the kitchen."

"No, I don't want that."

"What do you want?" Pritam asked.

"I don't want to say it!" Nipa refused.

"After all of this, you can tell us anything." Savitri said.

"Tell us and we'll do it." Pritam agreed. "It wouldn't be fair to leave you in want as you clearly are in want."

Nipa took a deep breath. "My husband has never tasted me, in the same way I have tasted him. I don't know what that is like."

Pritam giggled, while Savitri bit her bottom lip. The older girls moved in on the younger one.

The three sisters wore their saris when they went to wave the men off. The men boarded their bus as they did every day, and the bus was soon seen clambering down the road. At once, the sisters retreated into their house, leaving behind their saris and donning in their place the clothing they'd made only the night before.

When the sisters emerged from the house, they were dressed in their clothing of the Western style. The colors were bright, because colorful clothing was the norm in that place, but the blouses and skirts were nothing like what the other local women wore. Old men and old women stared at them, and so did the children. It was their social peers, the many married women as well as the few single ones, who expressed the strongest reactions. Most of their contemporaries hated their clothing at once, for it was so at odds with their traditional ways of dressing.

The sisters had not expected that a handful of single women actually came to admire what they had on. Those women had fancied what they'd seen in the cinema, but were too shy to try to make similar clothes on their own. All at once there followed a small flurry of action, where the single women went together in a rush to the fabric shop, in order to have a new set of clothes ready for when the local men came back that evening.

Pritam had much more confidence than she had the day before, when the gaggle of local women had approached and harassed her. She walked with a flourish before those who had accused her, flaunting her backside by swaying it from one side to the other.

"Keep your fat rump away from my husband!" One of her accusers growled at her.

"Keep your fat husband away from my rump!" Pritam shot back. "Is it my fault that my rump is so much more appealing than yours? One billion people live in India, or so I was told. Half of those people are men. Why would I waste my time with your husband when there are so many other men I could choose from? Tell me, woman, does your husband have a prick of gold that I must go only to him?"

A few of the other women giggled, while Pritam's worst accuser glowered.

Savitri tried to smooth things over, otherwise they would be arguing all day. She pointed at the angry woman. "Listen to me. We never have any adventure here. All we do is sit around and watch children all day, and we complain about the heat while we do tasks that are meaningless. Let us have our diversion. Let us dress like the girls in the cinema and don't be so jealous that we are trying so hard to steal husbands."

Because many of the local women knew that Nipa was the most conservative of the sisters, they turned to her for her opinion.

"I think I look very pretty." Nipa said. "The same as the girls in the cinema. I don't know if I will dress like this for many days, but for today I can pretend that an audience is sitting in the cinema and watching me as if I were the actress on the screen. I don't disapprove of what I am wearing and you shouldn't disapprove of me either, when all I want to do is to try something new."

It was enough to calm some of the detractors. When the single women were seen coming back excited and with bundles of fabric in their arms, a second group of married women split off from the rest and went to the fabric shop. There was an abundance of colors and materials, as every woman wanted to create something unique for herself.

Eventually, the harsh heat of the day prompted the sisters to make their way to the vendor of shaved ice.

"We will have the usual." Pritam told the seller.

"And one very large banana!" Savitri added, causing them all to laugh.

When their laughter subsided, the two most adventurous women were seen casting glances at each other.

"We don't need a large banana today." Pritam said, in a low voice. "Not when we could all take a walk to the river together."

Savitri's face flushed. "The women will see where we are going."

"We will take a detour in another direction." Pritam conspired. "Besides, the women are all busy making Western clothes. The ones that aren't making clothes are saddled with the task of watching the children; so all the women are busy. The only women we have to worry about are the old ones and they won't step outside because of the heat."

"All we must do is stay away from their windows!" Savitri giggled.

The sisters were sitting in a small courtyard, enjoying their flavored ice and near enough to the school to see when the older children were let out. They waited patiently until the old man was seen exiting the building.

"Oh, Mr. Windsor?" Pritam raised her hand and waved. "There is something we must ask you!"

At this, Windsor stepped over, his eyes clearly seeing and appreciating that all three women were not dressed in the typical way. "Yes?"

"We only have one question." Pritam went on, flirting but pretending not to. "We were wondering if you were heading to your house on the river now?"

Windsor looked from pretty face to the other. "I suppose I will be soon. I've been sweating like a dog all morning, so a dip in the river will cool me down a bit."

"You never know who you might come across, by the river." Pritam added. "And especially on a hot day like today."

Windsor assumed that only Pritam would be paying him a visit. "I suppose I should have a bottle of wine ready, in that case."

The old man waved and went on his way.

The sisters giggled among themselves, for Pritam had never been so bold before.

After a time, and a good walk around the perimeter of the cantonment, the women arrived at Windsor's campsite. The old man was lying on a blanket near the water, but sat up when he noticed their approach.

"You've started a fashion revolution, haven't you?" Windsor called out. "I saw half the women in town running around with yards of fabric earlier."

The sisters wore traditional sandals on their feet, as they were much easier to use on the bare and uneven ground. On rest of their bodies, they wore their styled blouses and skirts, all colorful and all cut close to their curves.

Pritam made an alluring pose for Windsor, which made the old man grin. When Savitri saw this, she made a pose of her own. This surprised Nipa because her older sister was married and obviously flirting with another man. The youngest sister only watched, as she refused to do likewise.

"Do you like my skirt, Mr. Windsor?" Savitri asked, as she performed a full turn.

As saucy as Pritam was, she turned also and shook her bum.

They were both giddy, Nipa understood. She wondered if her sisters would fight over who would bed Windsor first. They didn't fight, as only moments later both women were undressing and setting their clothes on nearby branches. They went into the river to cool their bodies, leaving Nipa alone and still dressed. Even Windsor was nearly nude, wearing only his shorts and exposing the rest of his body to her.

Nipa did not want to undress in front of him, but she had no choice. She went to the bushes with her sisters' clothing strewn all over them and started pulling her own attire off. Nipa felt as if Windsor was staring at her the entire time. When Nipa turned to look at the old man, she saw that his eyes were indeed resting on her.

The sisters were only in the water for a short time, as they had more enjoyable matters to pursue. Pritam looked like a dog in heat, eager to leave their fold and go to Windsor. She splashed water at both sisters, before her dark and thick body could be seen bounding onto the shore and toward the old man.

With a rapt interest, Savitri watched Pritam's form settle between Windsor's legs. She removed the old man's shorts, before she crouched over his middle. Soon, the front of Pritam's body was bobbing over Windsor, while her fat backside was exposed to the women watching from the water.

"Sister." Savitri gasped. "Come with me."

Nipa followed Savitri into Windsor's unfinished home.

"Stay here." The older sister said, before she ran out.

Nipa knew where her sister was going. They had brought a small bag with them on their walk out to Windsor's little camp. Inside that bag was yet another large banana from the fruit vendor.

"Use this on me." Savitri said, when she returned and handed the banana to Nipa.

Already, the older sister was breathing hard, panting into Nipa's face as she reached out and clasped her arms around the younger girl. Nipa understood her sister's need for feeling a warm body close to her while making love. It must have been comforting for Savitri to do this.

It was also comforting for Nipa, to feel her sister's wet hair and moist breasts on her body. She thought of how she enjoyed the feel of Pritam's large rump the previous night, and of how she'd brought Savitri to her climax several times already.

As the two women held each other, Nipa dared to slide her hand downward, so she could touch her older sister's backside. It felt taut to her fingers. Both women shuddered, the one from getting felt and the other from doing the feeling. Nipa saw that her sister had bitten off the end of the banana, so its end would be easier to use. She prodded the large fruit between their bodies.

"Hold it, sister." Savitri said, as the end of the banana went into place.

It was the older girl who ground her hips onto the fruit, while Nipa simply kept her hand steady. It was Savitri who clasped and clutched at Nipa's back, and who blew breaths of fire at Nipa's neck and shoulder. Only then did Nipa realize how much she liked the feel of the other woman's moist hair against hers. When Savitri went to put her hands on and squeeze Nipa's backside, the younger girl was overcome with her own stuttering gasps and sudden shivers. It was so unnatural, Nipa felt, for two sisters to be in such a sexual union, and with Nipa's hand holding a piece of fruit so that her sister could thrust her womanhood onto it. It was so unnatural to do such things without the presence of a man.

When Savitri moaned into Nipa's ear, Nipa returned with her own steamy utterance. Savitri was bucking into the younger woman's hand, while their chests were still hard pressed against one another. Savitri's breaths blasted against Nipa's neck, and then on her cheek. It wasn't until those breaths pushed against her mouth that Nipa realized what her sister was doing.

Savitri's lips slid over hers, yet Nipa did not deny her. That madness that had afflicted first Pritam and next Savitri was coming to her again. The night before, Nipa had brought two women to climax. These were her closest relatives, yet here she was ready to repeat the same carnal actions. She kissed her older sister, bringing heat against heat, even as her hand became a blur of motion between Savitri's legs.

Savitri's mouth broke away, as her moans declared that her climax had arrived. Her sounds of rapture tumbled from out of her throat and onto Nipa's face. Those sounds were so similar, Nipa compared, to the sounds she might make when making love to her husband. At the end of Savitri's bliss, she coddled against her younger sibling, touching her and in a way surrendering to Nipa. It was such a seductive and intense pleasure, for Nipa to have another woman submit to her this way. Savitri was like a satiated cat purring against her leg and rubbing against her flesh so nicely. In that moment, Nipa decided that she wanted to show this same surrender to her sister.

"Give me the banana." Savitri said.

Both sisters glanced down at the fruit.

"It's all smashed up now." Nipa said.

"Why didn't Pritam purchase two of them?" Savitri complained.

The sisters giggled, when a pair of new, much stronger arms reached around Nipa's waist and pried them apart. It took Nipa a moment to realize that Windsor was carrying her out and over to his blanket. She felt the man's hard cock against her legs, even as she saw Pritam lying on her side, with her large breasts and hips there for the world to look at them.

It was Pritam's doing, Nipa decided, as Windsor set her down on her back. Pritam had told the old man to go and fetch her, so he could deliver the Cock of Windsor to the third and final member of their group.

On any other occasion, Nipa would have balked. Because she was so stimulated by what she'd done with her sister, and because there was no ripe banana for her, Nipa went along with her ultimate seduction.

The old man lay her down and pulled her legs apart. Nipa closed her eyes, as the man's body loomed over hers. She felt the Windsor Cock knocking at her door. The start of it came in, pushing a sensual shriek out of Nipa. More of it came in, and more and more until Nipa was moaning more than she was not.

Nipa thought of her husband, who would come to her in the night and see that he was no longer a snug fit for her. She thought of Savitri's husband coming to the same understanding, and of how many days might pass before their womanhoods were back to what their husbands expected from them. She also thought of Pritam, who had been so enthralled at one point that she demanded the sisters bring their husbands into the house to satisfy her. Would her husband accept such a demand, Nipa wondered.

Windsor became a machine that pulsed into her time after time. Nipa's eyes opened, catching the look of hard concentration on the man's face. Her body was throttled back and forth; enough that she had to reach up to brace her hands on the man's chest and arms. Windsor's limbs were much longer and more muscular than her husband's, Nipa noticed. A torrent of ecstasy escaped Nipa's lips.

The Cock of Windsor burst into her, provoking Nipa's climax during its expulsion and vibration in her body. The entire time, she'd kept her arms up, keeping the old man from bringing his chest down on top her. Now that the deed was finished, she pushed for him to go away. The old man was panting and shaking enough that he complied.

Nipa knew what she wanted. Pritam still lay beside her. The dark woman's eyes were in bewilderment at what she'd seen taking place, just as Nipa had been bewildered several times over the course of the last few days. Nipa rolled over closer to Pritam, adjusting her slender frame so that her head came to Pritam's bosom. She sucked at the darker woman's large breasts, just as Nipa's husband would do to hers.

Something new and wild had woken up in Nipa. When she heard Pritam's excited moans, she went to kiss that woman's mouth. When Savitri came to lie down on Nipa's other side, she was pulled into the orgy as well. Nipa wanted nothing more than to lie with these women who were the closest to her and to kiss them all day.

They would need many bananas, Nipa knew, many, many bananas. And there was old man Windsor, who was largely becoming irrelevant in the matter. Windsor and his Windsor Cock would become their banana, whenever the women ended up there on the edge of the river.

Eventually, the man hardened up again. He took Savitri from behind, and then Nipa. As the sun started falling through the trees on its way out of the world, Windsor came to lie on top of Pritam. It didn't matter where Windsor was, Nipa thought, as long as her lips were on the mouths of her sisters and her hands on her sisters' breasts. The old man could be their accessory, as long as the sisters had each other.

Both Savitri and Pritam looked to realize this as well. Windsor came and went, yet the three women were most active when they were on top of each other or under each other. Nipa liked most to be between them, where she was in a constant sensual confusion over whose lips she would taste next.

As the evening arrived and then the night, Windsor and his mighty cock retreated. The man could be heard slumbering gently to one side, on another shabbier blanket he'd pulled out from his things.

The three sisters became like sirens, with their bodies intertwined and pressing tight against each other's. If they got too hot, they would go to the river, which was cool enough by then to fill them with shivers. Always, they would return to the blanket and to each other.

"Put your mouth here, sister." Nipa would say to either woman, several times during that deepening night. "And you," She would tell the other. "Put your hand here."

It could be said that the three sisters discovered a great many things that night about each other, as a result of their meeting the Cock of Windsor.

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