Heather Jenkins


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"Yes, it is. What about you, Carla?

"I can't tell you that anal sex appeals to me, but my experience in that area is limited to implements and not organs. Be honest with me, is anal sex something that you'd be willing to give up?"

"You mean cocks, or would I have to give up dildos too?" I asked.

"Just keep out the cocks," Carla replied. "Toys are fun with the right person."

She probably wanted me to stop having sex with men. "I'd like your hypothetical for a relationship with me. Just so I know what your boundaries are."

"Fair enough," Carla nodded. "I'd like your heart and body , Heather, I've already told you that."

"So you want Heather," I said.

"You are Heather. Heath is who the world thinks you are, but you're not."

Carla knew what Laura only suspected, I was Heather deep deep down in my soul. To Laura, I was a plaything, and the games were fun until today. I could see Carla was serious, but why? "Go on."

"I want your body as well, but before I give you mine, I want to set terms."

"You don't want me to have sex with anyone else?" I asked.

"I don't want you to have sex with men. I would eventually like to see you with other women, but no men," Carla said. "There it is, the boundary I'm not willing to cross."

"That's an agreeable term," I nodded. "Now I have mine: If I were to have a relationship with a woman..."

"Another woman," Carla corrected. "You are Heather."

"If I were to consider a relationship with you, Carla, and we were to open it up, it will be together. That means any woman we bed, it will be the both of us. If she doesn't want me to wave the sword around, fine; I still want to be there."

"Agreed," Carla nodded. "Now let's get to know one another."

"I have to call the office and let them know I am in town," I said.

"Don't they think you are on vacation in Vegas?" Carla asked.

"They might need me to consult on something. I've just got to leave a message for my boss. Grab some munchies from the kitchen and pick a movie off the shelf. Okay?"

"Sure," Carla nodded. She didn't seem sure, probably because she was more used to giving orders than following them.

My warning to Carla about going into my study was real. The room had an alarm system separate from the rest of the house, and it had a physical and near lethal burglary response. Once I was inside, I locked the door behind me. That action caused my desk lights to come on and my computer monitor to wake up.

Carla had a sharp eye. Laura didn't usually look at the weight bench until after I was done, so she didn't see that the weights were much higher every once in a while. The weight, one-ninety, was a code from my boss to check in when I got home.

The computer accepted my login, and I entered an sixteen digit code based on today's date mixed with a few other days in the year.

My secure messaging client opened and pulled me into a specially designed chat room. I left a note on the bulletin board and was getting ready to leave when my boss's avatar appeared. "I thought you gone for two weeks, Heath."

"I thought so too, but Laura said that 'yes' to someone else," I replied. "I'm still going to take the time off, but I'm here if you need me."

"FinCEn can survive without you for two weeks, Heath. Enjoy life, it isn't all work."

"Later," I typed.

"Much later," she replied.

I had worked for FinCEn for six years. I moved up the ladder, but left after a particularly nasty trial involving a rather temperamental mafioso.

My resignation didn't stop said mafioso from sending people to try and kill me. After the second attempt, I went into hiding. When a year had passed, I made contact with my boss's successor and I was hired on as a consultant to FinCEn. Working from home, I helped the active agents to follow their mandate.

Whenever they needed my help, a third-party contractor would come to my house and shift the weights on my bench. One day when I was home, John was coming to set the weights and we ended up having a good conversation. His next visit was planned, and there wasn't too much conversation.

When Lauren had been having her weekends with Kaylee I had my occasional weekend with John. That is probably why had missed the signs that Laura was on her way out of my life.

Would Carla be any different? I was going to find out. I shut my system down and went up to the living room. Carla was sitting on the sofa, veggie plate on the couch, idly munching on a carrot. She was watching 'Taken,' with Liam Neeson.

"I wouldn't have pegged you for a Liam Neeson fan," I said, sitting on the other side of the veggie plate.

"Because I like female action heroes?" Carla asked.


"It's a good movie. Just because it has a male lead doesn't mean I won't like it," Carla explained.

"What about Jason Bourne?" I asked.

"Love those movies too. Especially the first one. The very first one," Carla replied.

"I have the DVDS around here someplace," I offered.

"Later," Carla promised.

Carla was scary during the end of the movie. The slave auction brought out her angry side, and trying to tell her it was only a movie didn't help her mood at all.

I watched passively, taking my leave when the credits started to roll. I stopped in the kitchen to drop off the now-empty plate and Carla followed.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, Heather. I enjoy that movie because it evokes emotions, and that part is pretty heavy."

"You're also used to being alone. No need to hold back when you're alone."

"Yes, and that's sad," Carla held out a hand. "I'd like to sleep with you tonight, but just holding, no sex."

"I can do that," I promised.


I felt Carla slip out of bed in the middle of the night. When I finally got up, I found her curled up on the sofa. She had started out covered with a throw, but it had slipped off showing me that she had shed her clothes.

She was glorious. When I had undressed her the previous evening, I caught glimpses of her body, but not the whole picture. I left as quietly as I could, going to my bathroom to rub one out with my masturbator.

I chose the casual look from my wardrobe. Printed leggings, not too loud, strappy padded sports bra with loose tank and off-the-shoulder tee to complete the look.

As I was brewing the coffee, Carla came into the kitchen wrapped in the throw. "Smells good."

"Not your normal store brand," I said. "Do you want some?"

"That's my one vice," Carla admitted.

I poured two cups, sliding one over to Carla. "What's your agenda for today?"

"Hanging out with you," Carla replied. When she reached for the cup, the throw fell off her shoulder, exposing her right breast. I felt my cock twitch in its prison.

"Don't you have a convention to oversee?" I asked.

"That's why I have a Vice President," Carla countered. "Also, it's time for me to start planning a future with someone. I wasn't planning on starting the search so soon but so much the better."

"Isn't the NLA your baby? Didn't you want to foster understanding of the lesbian life choice to the conservative masses?"

Carla smiled. "I see you've been paying attention to my speeches. We've come as far as we can with those conservative masses, they think lesbianism is some mental disorder that can be fixed. The internal divisions are going to break us apart long before we can achieve my dream."

"Yes, they are," I nodded. "Why is everyone so afraid of you?"

"I express my point of view with passion, I always have. Along the way, some have tried to impose their points of view upon me, with force. I responded with greater force in defense."

"Talk about defending your point of view," I said.

"Anything else is pretty much exaggeration. The bulls fear me and the flowers worship me. I give an order, it's supposed to get done. More recently, I've had to repeat the orders, and that means there is another challenge coming. I'm going to bow out before that happens."

"Was bowing out always your intention?" I asked.

"Honestly, yes. Whether my withdrawal is in six days or six months, I'm still getting out," Carla answered. "Enough shop talk. What's for breakfast?"

Carla went to get dressed while I diced fruit for a salad. She came back looking remarkably like me, all the clothes coming from my closet and not Laura's.

I took a moment to study her in my clothing. The sports bra was a little tight, pushing her boobs up and showing more cleavage. The tank was just right and the leggings looked awesome. "Couldn't leave my shoes alone?" I teased her.

"There were no sandals in my purse," Carla retorted with a raspberry. Where did you get these?"

"Florence, a little shoemaker there made them for my mother," I replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Carla said.

"Go ahead and keep them. They are a size too small for me."

"Thank you," Carla smiled.

"Did you want to go do some shopping or something? I'm sure that wearing my clothes is going to get old."

"Your clothes are quite all right for me, unless you have a problem with me wearing them."

"No, no, you're quite fine in my clothes," I smiled. "Very fine. How long were you planning on staying?"

"Until the last day of the convention. Then I'll go back and hand over the reins to Tera Schumacher and say my farewells. After that? I don't know. My home is in Denver, some of my things in D.C."

"Or?" I prodded.

"Here is nice. Let's see how the next days go."

Carla and I went shopping, gathering six days' worth of miscellaneous clothes including two dresses for clubbing. We had gotten to my home and I was fixing dinner when Laura called.

"Heath?" Laura asked, not even giving me a chance to say 'hello.'

"Well, hello, Laura. To what do I owe the non-pleasure of this call?"

"Do you know where Carla is at? Laura demanded.

Why Laura would even call me was strange, but calling to ask me about Carla? "Huh?"

"Where is Carla?" Laura demanded.

"Laura, I told Carla off shortly before I broke up with you. I have no clue as to why you're calling me about Carla's whereabouts."

"Tera said that Carla told her that she was going to chase her unicorn. Carla has no unicorn but you," Laura huffed.

"I don't know where you got that idea but I'd appreciate it if you would lose my number, Laura. Goodbye."

"You're so very pleasant even when you're being mean," Carla commented from behind me. "You should be more direct, lest people get confused."

I smiled at her. "I was keeping my voice level for a reason. I've never been called a unicorn before, and I was trying hard not to laugh."

Carla came over and pulled me close to her. "You're special. I saw that today up close. Being a woman comes natural to you, you shouldn't fight it."

"I'm not a woman," I protested.

"You're not female," Carla corrected. "There's a difference. How long have you been riding your fence between man and woman?"

"Six years, Heather here, Heath there. More Heather than Heath the last few years, even before I met Laura. I think the balance was tipped the day I first wore flares and heels, with a blouse and blazer, to work. There were jeers, but Dylan shut them up minute one."

"Dylan?" Carla probed. She took a step back so I could continue preparing dinner.

"Dylan Stanton, one of the senior partners for the firm I work for. I think security had warned him, because he was coming out of his office as I was walking to mine. The guys in the cubbies were calling me a fairy, wondering where my wings were, etcetera."

"That's what you're missing," Carla poked me. "You could carry us away to never-never land."

Most of the times when I had been called a fairy, it was an insult. This wasn't one of those times. "Did I drop a bombshell of fairy dust on you?" I asked.

Carla giggled. "You most certainly did. Has anyone else ever called you fairy and not been derogatory about it?"

"Patricia, one of the secretaries in the pool. We went out a couple of times, even got to show her my wand. Dylan promoted her to his executive secretary a few months before I met Laura. We still get together at lunchtime for girl-talks, it's fun."

"Got to show her your wand," Carla snickered. "That's good."


We watched another movie that night, snuggled in bed as we went to sleep, but Carla stayed in bed the whole time. She was spooned up against me when I woke up. My hard-on was straining against my panties nestled between her naked ass cheeks. My right arm had snaked around her and was clasping the nearest tit.

The position was highly erotic, made even more so when she started pressing my hand against her breast with her hand. I started to tweak her nipple and she pushed back against me. I tweaked harder, and she started moving her hips around, stimulating my cock even more.

I snaked my other arm around her and clasped her other tit, my arms crossing her chest. With this newfound leverage, I started to hump her from the back and grope her in the front. I didn't expect Carla to squeal like she did, but I was glad she got something out of the session as I filled my panties with cum.

"Was that an orgasm, Carla?" I asked when I stopped squirting.

"Yes it was, Heather. I never fake an orgasm, I swear."

I untangled my arms from around her torso so she could turn over. "Did you start this?"

"Yes, I did. The night before last, I was all ready to seduce you in your sleep. Then you started mumbling something, and it scared me off," Carla explained.

"What did I say?" I hoped I didn't say anything about Laura, or anybody for that matter.

Carla hesitated. "I didn't know what you said then. I do know what you said last night, because I waited. Heather, you said that I was a goddess."

"Well, you know what they say about the things you mumble in your sleep." I wasn't really sure what to say to that revelation. I did remember the dream, but in a different context.

"Yes, I do," Carla nodded. "I'm going to go shower now, Heather."

She wanted to shower alone, I got the hint. "Yeah, me too. I stay here any longer I'm going to have to peel these panties off."

Carla rolled away from me and off the bed. She did a twirl, then another, letting me drink in her naked form before she strutted out of my bedroom.

Sighing, I slid out from the covers and peeled off my panties before getting out of bed. The bedspread didn't have any goo on it, so I threw it on the floor and stripped the bed down. After balling the sheets up, I went to take a nice long shower.

The room was clean and the bed made when I emerged from the bathroom. I knew I hadn't been in the shower long enough for Carla to shower clean up the mess, so I got dressed and went to investigate.

A Chinese woman was in my kitchen, deftly fixing breakfast for three and I talking to Carla in Mandarin when I entered the kitchen. I pretended to be ignorant of their discussion, which was mostly about what was going on at the convention.

"Hi," I waved. "I'm Heath Jenkins."

"I'm Ai Ming." She reached out and took my hand, "Nice to meet you, Heather."

"Nice to meet you, too," I smiled at her. Except for being in my house without me inviting you.

"I'm Madame McCauley's assistant. I had to go into hiding, everyone was interrogating me as to her whereabouts."

Something about the way Ai said 'assistant' didn't sound right to me. "Well thank you for cleaning up my bedroom. I can't imagine that was pleasant for you," I said.

"It was my pleasure, Heather," Ai smiled. "Maybe the three of us can dirty the new sheets later."

That was it, the threesome trap. I cast a look at Carla. "Assistant?"

"Unpaid. Ai is my assistant, lover, secretary, housekeeper, cook, playtoy. It's a choice, Heather."

"Companion," I clarified. "Just so we're clear?"

"Companion," Ai confirmed. "I'd like to be yours as well, Heather."

"No, I don't think so," I shook my head. "I'm not looking to just fill up my bed right now. In fact, I'd like both of you to leave. Please."

There were no questions, no tears, nothing. Carla went to the guest room and got her clothes while Ai called for a car. They both grabbed Ai's bags and left via the front door.

Their conversation didn't start until they reached the curb, and even then it was in Mandarin. From what I could piece together over the background noise is that Ai was pissed at Carla and really letting her have it.

That was strange, given what I knew about Carla. She was supposed to be the one in charge, the face of The Alliance, the ass-kicker, the speech-maker.

Maybe Ai was the woman behind the woman, so to speak. An organization like The Alliance would need backing, even with donations from supporters. Ai could be the source if that money, but why was she at my house?

With my clearance from FinCEn, I could easily go through the organizations public filings, see what the financial structure looked like, but I wouldn't; I wanted all of that behind me.

On a hunch, I went back up to my bedroom to see if anything was out of place. Everything was there, including Carla's panties from our first night laying on my bed. There was another pair of panties underneath those, sopping wet. Underneath the new panties was a plastic card with a phone number and a message: 'If you want to smell this again, just give me a call.'

After taking a whiff of the new addition, I set the three items on my dresser and went back downstairs to see what Ai had been cooking.

What had been cooking on my stove wasn't edible any longer. Ai had been nice enough to shut the burners off, but what remained was only half-cooked.

I cleaned up the mess and decided to get breakfast at a restaurant, get out of the house. When the waiter brought me the check, I noticed that I was being watched. It was a serious-looking woman about thirty years old, five foot seven, maybe a buck forty and some change. The severe ponytail was sexy as hell, but the suit is what gave her away, It was a man's suit, cut loose around the waist to hide the guns she was wearing. My thinking was that she was a cop, more than likely a Fed. That was just great, being tailed on a day that I wanted to be by myself. The reason I was being followed didn't matter, it was something I dealt with being a former employee of a government agency, but I didn't feel like that bullshit today.

You would never think that Columbus, Ohio was on the must-visit list of any covert organization, but it is. John's wife, Dana, who works for the State Department, let me in on this open secret one night. The next day, they took me out and showed me that Columbus is actually spy central.

Every single country with a worthwhile intelligence organization has a presence in Columbus. This fact is not lost on the FBI's Counterintelligence Division, which tries to tag and track all the foreign operatives in the country.

Despite what you may see in the movies, most intelligence organizations don't go around bumping each others' agents off. They do spy on one another, but they sometimes get together for drinks, too.

One of the many places they meet is The Prodigy Mall. It is a good place to find out who's tailing you and to lose tails as well. Certain levels are filled with halls and hidden doors leading to shops that are available to a select few. Other levels boast dozens of mirrors and reflective surfaces, and hundreds of cameras.

The presence of cameras is accepted by all who enter the mall because they keep everybody straight. Technology allows variable positioning and a multitude of different types of cameras so nobody knows where they all are. A select group of watchmen and women provide security for the mall. They are selected by a panel of the major players from volunteers, usually retirees, of those same organizations.

When I first entered the mall, I went straight for a booth surrounded by one-way glass. The woman from the restaurant, along with three other women, came in close behind. They must have realized where they were, because the discussion was heated. They split up into pairs and headed in separate directions.