My Descent into Slavery Ch. 12


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"And you do the same thing, Sahar?"

"I'm not as good at it as Beth is. Not as good at reading bodies as she is. Plus, to be honest, I find it easier to do with her, both because I know her better than I know others, but also because I'm less interested in giving that much pleasure to anyone else. Beth does it automatically, because she loves to pleasure people. I have to work at it. I'm mostly interested in pleasuring her, but I do enjoy sharing others with her. I'm proud of her sexual abilities and want others to know how good she makes me feel all the time. It's like bragging on her abilities, and my luck to be hers."

"So you'll tell me if I'm doing it right, Beth?"

"It's best you practice on your own. I want to relax and enjoy your fresh young tongue without having to think about it. Just pay attention to my body. It will tell you its secrets if you let it. Every sound, every muscle twitch, every inhalation of breath, will tell you what my body craves without a word being said. Read my approaching orgasms, then stop doing what you're doing until it seems I'm not at risk of cumming. Then start again."

I laid back and closed my eyes. I felt Apikalia start, tentatively at first, then with more confidence as she realized she could read my road map. She had me close to an orgasm within ten minutes, recognized it and backed off. She puttered around, keeping me aroused, but not setting me off. Two other times she brought me close before she finished me and I released with a fevered moan and a gush of fresh fluids on my lover's face.

"Wonderful," I murmured, pulling her up to kiss when the waves ebbed.

"I did good?"

"More than good, considering your experience." We kissed awhile.

"One more thing, before we stop," I said. "You should learn how to sixty-nine. I want you and Sahar to give each other pleasure at the same time. I want to try something while you're doing that, with your permission."

"What do you need my permission for?"

"Do you remember how I said your anus was a possible trigger for you? I want to explore that a little. I may insert a lubricated finger, or even a vibrator in you bottom when you orgasm, but only if you say it's okay."

"Are you going to make her squirt?" Sahar asked, "while I'm under her, licking her cunt?"

"It's a possibility. Your squirting is somewhat tied to anal stimulation."

"If I hadn't squirted all over you last night, I might be a bit peevish right now. But we use the towels again?"

"We use the clean towels," I agreed. "Is it okay if I play with your bottom, Apikalia?"

"For a chance to squirt? Hell, yeah."

We got up and used the six clean towels we hadn't dirtied last night and put them under Sahar, from her waist up. We showed Apikalia how to mount Sahar and they settled in for some serious pleasure. I got our smaller vibrator and the lubricant while they warmed each other up. I began by licking her pucker while Sahar pleasured the other side. As expected from my previous explorations, Apikalia showed all the signals for being able to experience anal pleasure. She quivered every time my tongue brushed over her rosebud, and her orgasms seemed more frequent and longer lasting when I rimmed her.

Now having her permission, I lubed a finger and inserted it to the second knuckle when her orgasm started.

"Oh, fuck!" Apikalia moaned. "That's amazing."

I eventually worked a second slim finger in beside the first and started finger fucking her back door. Sahar had to cling to her hips to keep her tongue in contact with Apikalia's cunt. Her moans became impassioned, and I knew she probably wasn't paying any more attention to Sahar's cunt. Sahar had dozens of orgasms last night and this morning, so I didn't feel too sorry for her.

As Apikalia got close to her next orgasm, I turned on the vibrator and put it in contact with her soaking sheathe. As soon as her orgasm started, I pushed it all the way up her pussy, while my two fingers buried themselves in her rectum. She squirted.

I could hear Sahar sputtering below her as we were inundated with the oily discharge of her squirting cum. Apikalia was screaming, unable to consider she could smother her cries of pleasure in Sahar's cunt. She was rocking back and forth against the objects in her body, while simultaneously shuddering like she'd been plugged into an electric socket. She was still quaking two minutes later, though the squirting only lasted around fifteen seconds. I removed the vibrator and my fingers as her spasms slowed.

"Oh, God! Oh, fuck! I've never felt anything like that before. I must be a lesbian."

Sahar laughed. "A common misconception after you've been with Beth," she said. "Although it's unlikely you'll ever refuse sex with a woman again if she's halfway talented. Chances are, you'll still enjoy sex with men though."

"But I've never orgasmed like that before in my life!" Apikalia exclaimed.

"Nor has anyone else who ever had sex with Beth. She's the very best."

It made me feel good to hear Sahar talking about me like that. It seemed one thing I could truly be vain about.

"But if no man could make me cum like that, why would I want to bother?"

"You haven't had sex with men, Apikalia. You've had sex with boys your own age. They didn't know what to do any more than you did," I said. "Boys are eager, impatient, quick on the trigger, unskilled in giving women pleasure because they've had no experience, nor much practice. An experienced man will know how to take his time, ensure you've received pleasure from the experience. Boys need to be educated. Men already are. Before you give up on the idea of sex with men, have sex with someone who knows what he's doing. In the meantime, you can start educating boys."


"Teach them how to lick cunt like you just did, so they can provide you pleasure that way, before you even begin to fuck. Make sure they cum at least twice before they enter you. Believe me, they'll have no problem getting hard again with a little encouragement and the third time, they're almost guaranteed to last long enough for you to orgasm, and maybe a little longer. Try to choose someone who isn't looking to make you a notch on his bedpost, and instead choose someone who genuinely seems to like you and care for your feelings. That person may not be the most handsome or popular, but those people will tend to be stuck up and think that they deserve you and deserve to fuck you, no matter if they're crap or not. The other type will appreciate your interest, and try to keep it."

"Is there anyone you recommend I try?"

"For someone who's going to be around for more than a couple days, Kealohilani was a good fucker," I said. "Stay away from married men, even if they do have the experience you want. They'll never be anyone you want to form a relationship with, because if they cheat on their wives, they'll cheat on you. If they're in an open relationship like I am, and you know this because you've spoken to both of them, then you can experience sex with both of them at the same time. That will be an enjoyable experience if you like sex with both men and women. Sahar and I have to shower now. You made us a bit messy. You can eat, have some water, and take the towels off the bed and for now, toss them in the bathtub. You can take a shower when we're finished. Our time with you is done. We've shown you what you wanted to be shown."

"We can't do this again?"

"No. I'm sorry, but I fully expect to be busy the rest of the time I'm at the resort. We plan on going sightseeing tomorrow and we're leaving Tuesday."

"I understand. Thank you for this. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it."

"You're welcome."

Sahar and I went to shower and otherwise prepare for the rest of the day, since we'd gone straight from sleep to sex. Upon exiting the shower, Apikalia entered. Sahar and I tidied up the bed, which had taken quite a beating, waiting for Apikalia to finish. We helped her to dress again, with a little bit of fooling around, because she was so damn cute, but no more orgasms, which would tend to mess someone up again.

Coming out of the bedroom, Miranda said, "Well someone certainly enjoyed her walk on the wild side," and Apikalia knew everyone had heard her last big orgasm. She blushed red in embarrassment.

"You're not the only one Beth has made scream," Francesca said. "Don't feel ashamed for expressing your pleasure."

As no one else made comment about it, Apikalia soon forgot about it. Master invited her to lunch and we all sat down to a leisurely meal Hannah and Angelique had prepared.

"What are you going to do for the rest of the afternoon, Apikalia?" Hannah asked.

"Is anyone using Kilo as a driver today?" she asked.

"Not that I know of. I think most people are taking it easy today after the carousing at the reception last night," Hannah replied. "I'm sure there were more than a few hangovers this morning. Why? Do you need to go somewhere?"

"Beth suggested he might be just the man I needed to convince me I'm not a lesbian, as I just believed I might be."

"I need to prevent Beth from having sex with women, or there won't be anyone left for us men," Master said. "Don't keep Kilo up too late. He needs to drive us around Maui tomorrow, early, so we can see the majority of the island."

I smiled at him, bent down to kiss him, then kissed Miranda, just to show I wasn't playing favorites with her husband.

After Apikalia left, I took Miranda to her bedroom and had sex with her for a couple hours since I was stealing Master tonight. May I say now that it's damn hard to sixty-nine with a pregnant woman. Tribbing still worked rather well. I could spread my legs around one of hers until we could rub our cunts together. Sahar came in to look in on me. She saw Miranda's milk laden breasts and started sucking on one of them, quickly discovering they produced milk. For fifteen or twenty minutes, she alternated between Miranda's nipples, suckling on them as we rubbed pussies together. Miranda got several great orgasms in the process.

We went out to dinner, the Cane and Canoe again. I was wearing some of my sluttier clothes. For one thing, I didn't have much in the way of presentable clothes in the first place. I enjoyed the thought of people seeing me, speculating on what I was wearing and why it was so little.

Bill, Evelyn and Regina came in shortly after we did and joined us at our table, since it was only the four of us and the table could hold eight.

After we ordered, and were well into our meal, Regina asked, "Beth, what was the most sexually outrageous thing you ever did before becoming a submissive?"

"You're wondering if I would have licked Sahar's pussy at a wedding reception before I became a submissive," I laughed. "Before Master, before Mistress Layton, or any time when I wasn't wearing a collar? I assure you my life was pretty damn vanilla before I wore any collar."

"Any time you weren't wearing a collar," Evelyn said.

"I'd trained for a couple weeks with Mistress Layton after seeing Master's ad in the paper, so I now had some extensive, though brief experience. Master brought ten people to New York to determine which of the respondents he wanted to take on a year long cruise. At this time, I had no clue who it was. I knew he was rich, because he could afford to cruise around the world for a year on his private yacht, but I didn't know if he was young or old, ugly or handsome, tall or short, thin or fat. I was completely in the dark as to his identity. What I didn't know, is he was using this time to evaluate us anonymously, so he scheduled things for us to do in New York, while sitting beside us. I was at an opera, and this young, handsome man sits beside me and strikes up a conversation.

"I enjoyed his company but didn't leave with him, because someone else had paid my way to New York, and I didn't think I should be fucking strangers on someone else's dime. Later, he has Hannah tell me that until someone slaps a collar on me, I'm free to do whatever I want, including go home with and fuck strangers I meet at the opera. One afternoon, I tell Hannah I'm going to visit the exhibits at MOMA. Master has some spare time, goes there and tells the staff to direct young single women to particular exhibits, hoping I'll show up. I see him there and think, aha, my handsome stranger again. What luck running into him again in a city of ten million people. We strike up another conversation, have a nice time, and he invites me to supper at Le Bernardin's.

"If you New Yorkers have gone, you know they have these marvelous long, white tablecloths at their tables. I'm thinking that this stranger beside me, might get lucky tonight, and I direct him to a table off the beaten path where we won't have a lot of foot traffic going past us."

"Luigi's," Regina said. Seeing our look of consternation, she said, "It's an Italian restaurant in Fresno with long, white tablecloths. I'm familiar with the concept."

I laughed. "Exactly. This is like my second quasi date with this gentleman and he's taking me out for a $300 dollar a person, tasting menu with wine pairings. I figure I can give him a hand job under the table and just when he's about to cum, go under the table and capture it in my mouth, so as not to soil the linens, or his expensive slacks. So of course, the waiter comes up to the table with another plate just as Master is ready to explode. I throw a spoon on the floor and go diving under the table cloth to finish him in my mouth. The waiter wondered what was taking me so long because the cum just came pouring out of his balls like a faucet sprung a leak.

"That was the most sexually outrageous thing I did until Master put his collar on me. As soon as I accepted his collar, he had me kneel in the middle of La Fiore at the Langham Hotel, put a blindfold on me, stripped me naked and had me suck him off. I sat naked at a table with people dining all around me, fed, fondled and fingered to orgasms. I wondered why we weren't all being arrested. He'd bought out the entire restaurant, invited a bunch of his employees to eat, and paid off the staff to ignore the naked wench sitting in their midst."

"I like the word wench," Sahar said. "It's a very colorful word, and much nicer than whore or slut."

Master laughed. "I could have held out longer at Le Bernadin's. I thought it would be interesting to see if you'd really go under the table while the waiter was there."

"I always suspected the timing of your release was a little suspicious, sir. Just as I should have been suspicious I'd seen the same random stranger twice within a couple days in New York City. Was that the incident which told you I was the one?"

"That didn't hurt your cause any, but if I'm totally honest, my conversation with Mistress Layton sealed the deal for me. I'd never heard an experienced Dominant speak so highly of a submissive she'd only know for two weeks. She couldn't sing your praises enough."

"Hannah, Jìngyi, Angelique and I all commented the night before the wedding, how fortunate we all felt that you chose Beth as your submissive, Joshua," Sahar said. "She impacted the lives of everyone significantly when she was chosen."

"I think it's safe to say that Beth has impacted the life of everyone on your ship, Master," Miranda said. "I can't imagine where I'd be today if I hadn't met her."

"Safe to say, probably not knocked up and ready to pop out a kid," I said to general laughter. "Would you like me to recreate Le Bernardin's for you tonight, Master, without the handjob."

"They don't have long tablecloths, Beth," Master said.

"What we do have is a regular forest of legs under the table, sir. I didn't have a long tablecloth when I licked Sahar to an orgasm at our wedding reception."

He smiled at me. "Go right ahead."

I didn't even bother looking around. I just slid under the table and unleashed Master's cock and started sucking on it. I wasn't intending to give him a full blown special, but I was shooting for a nice ten minute blow job. About five minutes into it, that jackass who bothered us Master's first night here was back again.

"Congresswoman, do you realize there is a young woman sucking on your husband's cock right now under the table?"

Oh, oh. I immediately retucked Master away and slid over to Sahar, pushing her dress up, attacking her clitoris and immediately making her gasp, both in surprise and because I nipped the little bugger.

"I'm sure you're mistaken, sir, whoever you are. The young lady said she was going to lick her new wife's cunt," Miranda said. "I'm quite sure that was her gasping just now, not my husband."

I pushed my head up from between Sahar's legs. "Sahar, is that the same nosy asshole who was bothering us the second night we were here?"

"It is the same asshole."

I looked at said nosy asshole. I already had Sahar's fluids gracing my face. She was usually nearly as wet as I was, since we tended to keep ourselves in a state of frequent arousal. Getting my face wet wasn't a problem at all.

"What did we decide to do if he bothered us again?"

"Let's see. You're feeling tense and high strung as a result of your recent captivity by human traffickers and people who pestered you, got into your personal space and generally made a nuisance of themselves, could be considered threatening to you under the circumstances, and I could kick their asses."

"Would someone coming to our table, uninvited, making scurrilous accusations about me sucking the Congressman's husband's cock while I'm dining on your most excellent bald pussy, be considered to be pestering me, getting into my personal space and making a general nuisance to all the people at this table, including a Congresswoman, be considered threatening in your humble opinion?"

"In my humble opinion, yes."

"You have my permission to kick his ass."

Sahar stood up and got that look on her face she got when violence was imminent. It was not a kind look. Asshole recognized it for what it was. He started backing away, but not as fast as Sahar was moving forward. She had him in her grasp in no time.

"No, don't hurt me," he whimpered.

"Wait!" I said. He started to relax. "Take him outside if there's going to be blood."

Sahar smiled and started to take him outside.

"Please, don't hurt me," he said, almost falling to the ground.

"Sahar, wait again."

She smiled at me. "Please let me kick his ass."

"I know he deserves it for making that incredibly rude and inaccurate accusation. Seems he can't tell the difference between a prick and a pussy, which makes me think he doesn't have experience with either one. I tell you what, Sahar. We'll give him a break, if he immediately apologizes, loud enough the whole room can hear him, that he was mistaken, that he did not witness the Congressman's husband doing anything inappropriate and he made a false accusation to our entire table, misrepresenting what actually happened. If he's not willing to do that, you can kick his ass."

"I'm sorry. I made a mistake."

"Louder. I don't think everyone can hear you," Sahar said.

Practically screaming so everyone could hear, he said, "I'm sorry. I was in error. The congresswoman's husband wasn't doing anything wrong. My eyes deceived me. I made a mistake. I apologize for my delusion and making a false accusation."

Almost done, disaster averted, but perhaps a little more. I stood up on my chair and addressed the room.

"I'm sorry, everyone, for the interruption to your meal. My name is Beth Wilson, and at the beginning of February, I was taken captive by a human trafficking slavery ring in Morocco. For a month, I was trained to be a sex slave and the most horrendous things were done to me while undergoing that training. I was raped repeatedly and beaten to force me to be sexually promiscuous and obedient. I was rescued, through the efforts of a great number of people, led by Joshua Greenbriar, William Thornhill, Congresswoman Miranda Ward-Greenbriar and others too numerous to mention, including my current personal bodyguard, just before I was to be branded by a hot iron.