My Descent into Slavery Ch. 12


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"Thank you, Beth. Do you know I've gotten fucked more on this sightseeing trip than I have in the past five years?"

"We're not done yet. Ethan is going to take over driving. You're going to suck Thomas off while Kilo fucks your slutty cunt so you can have two cocks in you at once." Marilyn shivered. "We need to get you used to cleaning up after yourself though. After Kilo cums in your cunt, you have to suck his cock clean. A slut like you would have to change her bed linens a couple times a day if you don't tidy up after yourself. You keep as much cum inside of your body as possible. If you ask Belle politely, perhaps she'll lick your cunt clean after Kilo is finished."

Belle did, and the thought her daughter-in-law was licking her made Marilyn cum fast and hard. By the time we reached the resort again, in the course of a single day's drive around the island, Marilyn had been fucked three times, sucked three cocks, though only two to completion, and licked three cunts, plus had hers licked.

Before dropping her off at her room, I told her that tomorrow, she was to wear her shortest dress or skirt, no underwear, the laciest, sheerest bra she owned with the most transparent blouse if she wore a skirt, from the time she got up, including any meals.

"Boats will be coming to pick us up on the beach at 1300, that's one PM in military time, to bring us out to the yacht. As soon as you get to the ship, strip off all your clothing and hang it in the locker by the ladder on the main deck, where the helicopter is kept. There will be a muster at some time after everyone is aboard. You'll be introduced to the crew at that time, and we'll explain how you're to be treated as the ship's slut, including the first drawing for your nocturnal fucking. You'll also have an anal plug installed to start stretching out your anus for ass fucking in about four days. After the muster, you'll report to sick bay for your physical.

"You'll have supper in the dining room, but expect for those invited to choose a number from one to a hundred and the closest to the number Joshua chose, will need to be orally pleasured before you're relieved to fuck the crew member who drew your name. At 0700 hours, seven AM, go to the mess for breakfast, attend the next muster, then report to the gym where Sahar will begin your physical training. After lunch, we'll start your slut training, properly sucking cocks and licking pussy. Any questions?"

"No, none yet. I'm sure I'll have some later."

"You might not get fucked as often as you were fucked today, or you may be fucked more, depending on the other things occurring, such as how your physical or slut training is proceeding, but I guarantee, you will be fucking at least two people per day, men or women, every day you're on that ship."

"Yes, and thank you. I enjoyed myself a lot today."

She got out and we went back to our residence. On the short drive, Master said, "Marilyn took that much better than I thought she would."

"Easier than I thought she would too, sir. I was almost hoping she'd drop the idea of coming with us so we didn't have to keep any secrets, but I guess not having sex for three years will make you damn eager to be a slut."

Master smiled at me. "I want you to take good care of Miranda tonight. She didn't get any sex on the drive today, so at least a dozen orgasms. Sahar may do some of them if she wishes, but she's to get them, regardless. Sahar may also give you the twenty swat spanking you earned for cumming on Marilyn's tongue twice, without permission, even though I knew you couldn't ask me for it. You may have five orgasms tonight, in any way you choose. I need to pay some attention to Francesca and Belle. They haven't received nearly enough this trip."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, Master."


Sahar and I had a lot of packing to do. We'd bought quite a few things in Switzerland, in terms of lingerie and sexy, slutty clothes. Despite that, we were still two of the first to line up to go back to the ship. I'd missed it so much, not just in terms of missing my Master, but missing all of the other people I'd spent eight intimate months of my life with. I'd seen them in fits and starts during the last five months, primarily Sahar and Roberta, but not usually all at once, except for the few days between my freedom and my treatment.

Dr. Sadiq and Felicity were there early, as were Edgar and Fatima, who would be plotting our course out of Hawaii. My Norwegian relatives were there to say goodbye, as were Sam, Marcia, William, Evelyn and Regina.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to spend more time with you," I said to Sam and Marcia.

"It's okay. You were getting married. We didn't expect to dominate your time," Marcia said. "Besides, we should be seeing you in roughly two weeks from what I understand. Bill said that Joshua had stops in Vancouver, Seattle, and San Francisco, before making his way to Los Angeles. I'm sure we'll see more of you there. Bill has got some big party planned, and I know Brianna would also like to meet you."

"Brianna is the one with the sex slave, Lucia, right?" Sahar asked.

"That's correct," Sam said. "Has Bill mentioned her to you?"

"Yes. He said I reminded him of her."

"Well, you don't look alike. He must have been referring to your bad ass attitudes," Marcia said.

"I was," Bill said.

"Yes, he said Lucia saved a pregnant woman from a rapist. I wanted to meet her."

"That she did, and I'm sure she'd enjoy meeting you as well. Perhaps we can do some sparring. Chantelle is working out like crazy to get rid of her baby weight."

"I want to see Chantelle and your baby. So much has happened and I've missed out on a lot. I'm also interested in Brianna's jewelry," I said. "Since I've agreed to bond permanently to Master, I feel I wouldn't mind if he put his marks on me. I also resisted having my pubic hair laser removed for a year of bondage, but since that's no longer a question, and I've got a nice cunt licker I'm married to, I could give her a smooth surface to lap without shaving constantly."

"Brianna is now offering a tattoo service for her upscale clientele in her Rodeo Drive store. I've been thinking of getting a nice one for Sam that doesn't proclaim I'm his occasional slave, but does mark me as his. Perhaps a nice 'S' that I could tell everyone stood for Sam, but actually stood for Slave. I'm still thinking about it."

"I could put an S on me that stood for Sahar, or an SS for Sahar's Slut, but it could also stand for slave slut," I laughed. "I'll have to think about that as well. Thank you ever so much for coming to my wedding. I did enjoy what little time I got to spend with you." I hugged and kissed them all goodbye.

Saying goodbye to my relatives was difficult. I knew my Great Aunt Petra was quite old. I told her how much I enjoyed seeing her again and thanked them for coming. Aüne translated for me.

She said a lot to me in Norwegian. Aüne told me Petra said I was a strong person who reminded her of her uncle. I'd had so much bad happen to me, yet I was still happy and cheerful and able to find love with another person.

"I come from hardy stock, Auntie. Look at how old you are, how much you've seen, how the world has changed in your lifetime. You lived through the Nazi occupation. I obviously come from a long line of strong women."

She smiled at me and patted my cheek and said a few more words. "'God Bless you, my child,' is what she said," Aüne informed me.

I gave her a gentle hug and the others fiercer ones. "When I get back to New York, I'll try to fly straight to Norway to see everyone again. Try to spend a week or more, so I can become better acquainted."

"We'll look forward to it," Lars said. "Don't forget to bring Sahar. She was a lot of fun."

"I'll bring a bigger strap-on, Lars," Sahar said, a big grin on her face.

"Not too much bigger, kvinne."

"Aüne, was he being polite, or do I have to break an arm?"

"Kvinne is Norwegian for woman. Please don't break him," she said, laughing. "He makes me feel good."

Master and Miranda were saying goodbye to everyone too. He'd paid for the guests to stay until tomorrow if they wanted to, so Mistress Layton, Frank, Gloria, Ranger and Luke were staying the extra day. He was talking to them with Francesca and Belle, who were saying goodbye to Francesca's father.

"Have you told Frank you might have a present for him in a few months, Master?"

"I haven't."

"Why would you be giving me a present?" Frank asked.

"It's not for certain I will. A lot would have to work out for it to occur, but it is a possibility if yesterday was any indication." Francesca and Belle both giggled. "I won't say anymore in the event it doesn't occur, but it is an intriguing possibility."

"Please tell me one of those ex-military guys of yours wants to become a pony so I can finally beat Ranger?" Frank said.

"I think they're all pretty happy right where they are," Master laughed. "If I run across a submissive male who would meet your needs, I'll let you know."

"It's too bad Sahar isn't a submissive. She could probably beat most people she went up against," I said, "but she's far more likely to kill all your current stock instead of compete against it."

"I've got to admit, when we were double timing it up to Mahmoud's hideout in that fucking blizzard, sir, I was gasping and she wasn't," Ranger said. "I was proud to serve with her."

"Ranger, you just earned yourself another fucking," Sahar said.

"Looking forward to it."


As soon as I was on the ship, I stripped. I didn't put my clothes in the locker, I left that for Marilyn. I folded mine to carry to Master's cabin. Dr. Sadiq and Felicity came aboard with my group. He was not surprised that I took my clothes off since I'd warned him. I could see Felicity blush as I stripped off. Hannah had called earlier and had a cabin prepared for them, and she took them to it. It was the largest of the port side guest cabins.

I led Sahar to my cabin. "It's small, Sahar, as I didn't spend much time in it except for working on my thesis, spending most of my time in Master's cabin and bed. The bed is big enough for us both as we both like to snuggle. I imagine most nights, we'll still spend in Master's bed, although if you want to be alone or spend the night elsewhere, I have no problem with you doing it. There isn't a lot of storage space in here. My clothes were kept in Master's cabin so they were under his control. I could probably empty out a drawer for you in here, but most of your things might need to go in his closet as well."

"I haven't accumulated much in the way of possessions," Sahar said, "mostly gym clothes and the ship uniforms, some fatigues. I could probably box up things I don't expect to use on a regular basis. If I were still living in Oman, my room would probably be about this size. I'll survive."

I kissed her. "You and Master need to determine what role I'm going to play with the ship's company. Am I going to continue being a prize for the crew; how often and how much."

"What do you think, honestly?"

"I think if we're going to temper my slutty behavior, I need to tone down the frequency of the sex, and the number of people I'm having it with, limiting it more than I have been. Dr. Sadiq may be able to offer an opinion, although his upbringing would probably argue against any sex outside marriage, though marriage to a woman is also outside of his religious upbringing. I think he is a good man who attempts to do right by his patients, and not what his religion would dictate. He didn't seem torn up I was marrying a woman, and a Muslim woman at that. As for the prizes, you probably wouldn't want to join me in daily prizes anyway. It's only fucking to a single orgasm. The weekly prize was two hours and the monthly prize was six. Those you could join in if you wished to."

"I'd be willing to cut down on sex outside of the obvious. I'm mostly in it for the sex with you."

"I know, my darling, and I'm glad you understand my needs and make allowance for them. I'll ask if Dr. Sadiq has any suggestions. I'd almost like to undergo hypnosis myself, but don't see how it would be applied to me, without making me cease sex with the people I really want to have sex with. Perhaps he'd have an idea. You should talk to Master before the crew muster. Whatever you decide to do should probably be announced to the crew, so they don't have expectations for things to continue as they were. He might be in his cabin. Let me know what has been decided. I'll go wait for Marilyn to arrive."

Sahar kissed me and went into Master's cabin. I left through the play room in case Marilyn was already on board. I positioned myself at the stern where I could see the boats arrive. Marilyn wasn't on the next boat to tie up, that was all crew, who needed to get the ship ready to weigh anchor and make way, but she was on the next one. She didn't see me waiting for her on the aft of the helicopter deck. I expected her to make her way up the ladder before stripping off next to the locker. Instead she removed her clothes immediately, under the wide eyed stares of the others who arrived with her. She was blushing profusely as she stripped off. It appeared that one of the things she'd done this morning was shave her pubes. Marilyn now sported a bald cunt.

Marilyn's luggage was grabbed by some of the crew and she made her way up the ladder with her clothes tucked under her arm. She saw me waiting for her up top. She was so glad to see me naked, knowing she wouldn't be the only one.

"Is this the locker that my clothes go in?"

"For now. You or someone else will move it when we know what room you'll be assigned. Have you thrown away the rest of those ridiculous panties?"

"Yes, though I bought some sexier things at the resort store."

"Good, you can use those when you go ashore. You definitely won't need them on the ship. I do think your girls will require support while you're exercising. Do you have some sports bras?"

"I never really did exercise except for walking. I used my normal bras for that, but I did buy some of those as well since you said I'd be working out vigorously."

"That's good. They really should be anchored good and tight for running. It wouldn't do for them to be flopping all over the place, would it."

She smiled. "God, I hope not. Is Francesca here yet?"

"I'm not sure. She was talking to her father when I left. She could have come while I was showing Sahar our cabin."

"Mrs. Layton is a nice woman. I wanted to hate her since she's dating Frank, but I genuinely liked her."

"Why would you care who dated Frank? You got divorced twenty-five years ago, didn't you, moved out of state, haven't kept in contact. Why should it make any difference?

"I don't know. It's stupid, but I can't help thinking I made a huge mistake in divorcing him. I loved him, loved him deeply."

"Then why did you get divorced?"

"His sexual appetites were huge, and even though I enjoyed sex with him, especially at the beginning, he started doing things, you know, Dominance and submission things. I didn't mind being tied up a little, and even the spankings weren't all that bad. But I began feeling it was sinful, doing it in anything but the missionary position, and then he wanted me to have sex with another woman. That felt like even more of a sin, especially since I was married and promised to have sex only with him.

"Then he got the idea for the pony farm, and I couldn't do it anymore. I didn't think I should expose Francesca to any of that. I guess I went too far the other way after leaving him. That if everything he'd been doing was a sin, all of it was sinful, and I shouldn't do any of it. I tried dating other people, people I thought were 'normal, God fearing' men. Even they wanted me to suck cocks and engage in anal sex and since I'd divorced Frank for some of the same perversions, I couldn't do it. I became a spinster before my time.

"You weren't horribly off the mark when you called me frigid. That was certainly the way I acted. Men quit asking me out. I guess since I'd been married before and not a virgin anymore, they expected I'd loosen up a little, but I'd become even more chaste in my actions. I wanted the lights off when I was naked, or having sex. I wouldn't shower or take a bath with the men I was with.

"I even tried to do the same with Francesca. I would have put her in a chastity belt if I could have, hoping she'd wait for some nice man who'd wait for their marriage before they had sex, and wouldn't expect anything disgusting or perverted."

"So now you're prepared to go the other way. Be nude all the time, even eating and exercising, and having sex in public?"

"I realize now I was foolish, stupid even. I was so lonely all the time, especially after Francesca went to live with Frank. I didn't even have girlfriends. I somehow expected them to live by the same rules I was living by and when they'd talk about sucking their husbands off, or getting fucked in the ass, I'd admonish them for their immoral behavior. They quit asking me to coffee or out for lunch because I was such a prude. The life I thought I should live didn't exist anymore, and I'm not sure it ever did. Even people proclaiming their Christian and family values were sleeping around. The Bakker's, Jim and Tammy Faye, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard, Joe Barron, Billy James Hargis, George Alan Rekers, Doug Phillips, and Tony Alamo."

"I guess I believe that the people who are telling you how to behave, are the people you should least likely listen to. True leaders lead by example. People follow a true leader because they see that person living a life to be proud of and aspire to, not because they tell you how great they are. Not a 'Follow me; see how great I am' sort of person."

"Do you feel you're an example to follow?"

"Hell no! Even the life I was living before I was enslaved was not for everyone. On the other hand, I don't hold myself up to be a moral authority. When I try to deal with the other slaves we've freed, I don't try to tell them how they have to live their life. I tell them that their actions may have consequences they don't want to live with. I can't tell them never to have sex with someone who isn't their husband. It may be difficult, if not impossible to do that. I tell them that if they do, their husbands may leave them, may not support them or their children, and it would be the husband's right to do so. I try to get them to realize what's more important in their lives, and what they stand to lose. It's not easy for them. It's not easy for me. I'm not a moral compass.

"If both the husband and wife have no problem with extramarital sex, that's up to them, not me. If one of them does have a problem with it, there is where the issues lie. You can't enter relationships with differing expectations. Sahar knows that I won't only have sex with her. She accepted that before she married me, and I've given her the same right. Francesca and Belle don't expect fidelity. They do expect their partner to love them and to demonstrate that love on a regular basis. Obviously, they have bonds other than marital bonds holding them together. I sometimes think, from my research, that their D/s bonds may even be stronger than the matrimonial bond.

"Come along. Let's see if you've been assigned a room yet."

"Is Sahar going to be naked as well?" Marilyn asked as we walked.

"Doubtful. She sleeps naked, but she doesn't like being an object of desire. She was trying to avoid sexual contact when she came aboard, so she kept everything covered. I doubt she'll change. It's possible a few others will be naked at various and sundry times. They're submissive, usually. Nudity is usually practiced by the submissives, to set them apart from the non-submissive."

"How many submissives are there?"