My Descent into Slavery Ch. 13


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"Plus there are the issues raised by their slavery trauma. If Henry gets sent somewhere for two weeks, and you don't, will you be able to resist Maahnoor if she craves sex if you're living with her. Or even, would Ateefah and Maahnoor have sex with each other if you were both gone, and would either of the men care if they did? Living together raises those issues."

"You're right," James said, "but if they're still having those types of issues, wouldn't it be better if someone is there who is aware of those issues, and could perhaps nip any slip ups in the bud, instead of Maahnoor seeking her sex from some stranger in a bar?"

"Are you saying you think you might prevent Maahnoor from straying if you were living there to stop it?"

What James said next threw what I'd been thinking, out the window, shedding a completely different light on what they were thinking or discussing.

"Maybe. Or maybe it would be better if Ateefah had sex with Henry instead of having sex with someone else, or Maahnoor had sex with me instead of someone else?"

"And all four of you have discussed that scenario? You think that living as a four person household unit, might keep the sex within the house, instead of it spilling outside the house?"


"Ateefah, this is something you've discussed with Maahnoor? That fucking each other's husbands might be better than slipping the rails with someone else, like a Randy Andy?"

"We've talked about it, yes, Beth. Perhaps it satisfies a need for outside sex without opening up our marriages totally. We do get along well with each other. Perhaps we could have sex with both men at once. We both still think of it at times. It would be more controlled than the sex in your marriage."

"I'm trying to get more control of the sex I'm having, not give up control. If you do this, there's no guarantee that Ateefah's next child will be yours, James; or Maahnoor's next child would be Henderson's. It would completely be the luck of the draw. At least I know my child will be Master's. He'll withhold my engaging in sex with other men without condoms while I'm fertile."

"Maira and Sadi are not ours either," James said, "and we both consider them our children. If it happened again, does it make that much difference if we don't care. At least I'd know who the father was and know and like him."

"Dr. Sadiq, what do you make of this?"

"My first instinct is that it would never work. Other than religious, you raised most of the objections I could think of. I would want to have discussions with all four to ensure no one was feeling coerced or pressured into this arrangement, and I think they should have major discussions about the other topics you raised, such as compromise between four people and how they partition the chores and responsibilities to avoid conflict. The issue of privacy disappears if they all intend on having sex together. Obviously, it's a huge step, and it could easily fail, yet I thought your relationship was doomed to fail, and it seems as strong as it ever was, despite adding Sahar to the mix."

"What do you think, Sahar?"

"I think crazy happens. A year ago, I couldn't imagine a world in which I wasn't dead, let alone married to a woman who's in a submissive relationship to a man, with three other submissives. I couldn't imagine willingly having sex with a man again. What do I know? Life is fucked up. Are they making lemonade out of lemons, or trying to make lemonade out of breast milk? Who the fuck knows."

"Have you had sex with each other already?" I asked.

"Not yet," Ateefah said. "We were thinking of bringing it up in group to see what the others said, and talking to you and Dr. Sadiq. We have spent several hours talking amongst ourselves. It gave us something else to talk about instead of the children."

"Making a guess, I would think James and Henry would have the hardest time accepting this arrangement because their normal thinking hasn't been fucked up by a slavery," I said. "We know how upset Henry was when Maahnoor had sex with someone else. I remember how opposed Ateefah was to my teaching her to suck cock by showing her on James. You're talking about watching someone else have sex with your spouse, right in front of you. Obviously, you have several months before you're talking about buying a place together, but if I were you, before you jump into fucking and sucking, I'd test the waters by seeing how well you respond to someone else kissing your spouse, which is a whole lot less threatening than watching someone else fucking your spouse. My personal opinion."

"Yes, that makes sense."

"We'd better get dressed for our helicopter ride," I said. "We're leaving in twenty minutes."

As we left, Dr. Sadiq said, "I swear I could write a book about what happens on this ship."

"I'm not one to stand in the way of anything people want to do if it doesn't harm anyone else, you know that. But I can't help but think this is another black mark on the souls of the bastards who took both of those women as slaves. Dollars to donuts the women were the instigators of that idea, and both of them from a culture that would have stoned them for thinking of it. It's nothing against Islam, Dr. Sadiq. I admire the way they attempt to instill a little modesty and chastity in their women. I don't agree with the penalties if it doesn't take, but the concept is good."

"Yet look at yourself."

"My upbringing took for a long time. At least until I was old enough to make a rational decision for myself, instead of a bunch of stupid ones when I was much younger, like getting pregnant before I even finished high school. Even as promiscuous as I am now, I'm not fucking everything on two legs, don't mess with married people in committed relationships, care about the people I have sex with and what happens to them. I try to be careful of their feelings, never promising more than I can deliver."

"Just out of curiosity, would you have sex with Felicity or I if we had an open marriage?"

Felicity seemed startled by the question, though I don't believe Mahdi intended anything by it other than idol interest.

"In a heartbeat, Dr. Sadiq. I find both of you to be very attractive people who are both smart and caring. I would never act on that attraction. I might have before Sahar worked on fixing me. I was begging everyone to fuck me, though I still stayed away from the slaves' husbands. I was desperate enough to consider it, which is one of the ways I knew I was broken; that I'd even contemplate doing something so base and callous."


Sahar and I were ready by 2000. We'd both put on gym sweats and our Norwegian coats as we didn't really have anything else that didn't expose a lot of skin. Farah was in the copilot seat again. The rest of us got in the back. I still had no idea what we were going to be looking at. It was twilight now. It would soon be dark.

"How far away are we from whatever we're going to see?" I asked.

"Fifteen to twenty minutes," Leo replied before cranking the engine at which point speech became more difficult.

We all got ear protectors, although Sahar also got a headphone set so she could communicate with the front if we needed to speak to them. The rest of us would just shout at each other. I saw Mahdi and Felicity holding each other's hands, so I took Sahar's.

Francesca and Belle must have been feeling frisky. As they were sitting all the way in the back and not in front of the good doctor and his wife, they were fondling each other, slim fingers sliding through slick folds underneath their clothing, kissing, their moans covered in the whop, whop, whop of the blades overhead. Well, they were on their honeymoon. Since I was sitting in front of the Sadiqs, I couldn't do the same thing, but I imagined I would be doing some major fucking with Master and Sahar later.

Around fifteen minutes later, we heard Leo's voice over the speaker in the passenger compartment.

"Good evening, passengers, thank you for flying on American Entrepreneur airlines. Your pilot today is Leo Havner, your copilot, the lovely Farah. Coming up on the left side of our bird today, we have the first of our two scenic attractions this evening, Mauna Kea volcano, at nearly 14,000 feet whose top is still visible in the setting sun, due to its height. There is no need to unfasten your seat belts, as we'll be circling the volcano both clockwise and counterclockwise so passengers on both sides can have a good view. It is one of the five volcanoes that formed the island of Hawaii over the last 300,000 years. Mauna Kea is currently dormant, though still considered active, as it could erupt in the future. Many geologists consider this the tallest peak of the world if you take its total height from the sea floor, slightly taller than Everest.

"Mauna Loa volcano, which you can also see the top of from here, is slightly shorter, but considered the largest subaerial, and second largest overall volcano in size. It covers 2035 square miles of land, with a maximum width of 75 miles. Mauna Loa last erupted in 1984, and is also considered active, though now dormant."

As he said, Leo circled the peak in both directions so we could see out of our own windows. It was amazing seeing a snow topped peak in Hawaii. After circling this peak, Leo headed southeast. In ten minutes, we could see a reddish orange glow below us. Sahar squeezed my hand.

"Mount Kilauea is currently considered the most active volcano in the world. It erupted continuously from 1983 to 2018, and began its latest eruption this past December to the end of May, just six weeks ago. Scientists are predicting further eruptions within the next few months. The lava lake formed in the last eruption is 751 feet deep and still has an active surface in places. If it was erupting, you could see massive amounts of bubbling lava spilling from the active caldera, looking like a big boiling pot of water. The area around Kilauea is part of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. I hope you enjoyed your little tour today."

I had enjoyed the tour. It was too bad it wasn't erupting at the moment, but to think hot rocks and steam still simmered on the ground below us was amazing.

We were back on the ship by 2230, and said our goodbyes to the others at that time. I gave Leo and Farah a hug before heading back to my cabin, entering through the playroom. Marilyn should be in her room getting fucked by Norris at the current time, but I didn't want to take chances if they took a food or drink break.

Master was in his room with Miranda. He was fucking her from behind, both of them lying on the bed. He wasn't fucking her hard due to her condition, but she was still a needy slave, and loved a good cock plowing into her. After Sahar and I stripped, I had Sahar hold Miranda's leg up and nibbled on her clit while Master fucked her, ensuring she got several good orgasms, continuing until Master emptied himself in her damp cunt.

"Enough," Miranda panted. "Fuck, that felt good, but I'm feeling too sensitive to continue."

Master pulled his softening cock from her shaved pussy, and since I was in the neighborhood anyway, I quickly cleaned up after both of them, before Sahar lowered Miranda's leg.

"Sahar," Master said, "I've decided to grant your request."

"What request?" Miranda asked.

"Sahar wanted to peg me," Master said, "though I'm picking out the strapless to use and I'm going to be prepared like you're preparing Marilyn for anal sex, and this stays between the four of us."

Miranda's eyes opened wide in surprise.

"Thank you, Joshua," Sahar said, grinning. "I don't know if you'll do it past the first time, but if you do, I might like to peg you while you're fucking my wife's ass. That might be a feast for the senses."

"Since you're going to peg me, you can prepare me. Go with Beth to the playroom and have her get four progressively larger plugs, starting from the smallest and working up to two and a quarter inches in diameter. You can insert the first one now. There is one additional requirement I'm making. Each time anything goes in my ass, I get to fuck yours. So as soon as you insert the first plug in my ass, I'm fucking you."

"I enjoyed my ass fucking. I can live with that."

"If we do it again in the future, and I'm not saying we are, every time you go up my ass with a strapless, I'm going up yours with my dick."

Sahar smiled. "So an ass for an ass."

"That's the idea."

"I'll make that deal."

"If you're going to fuck Sahar's ass, Master," I said, "perhaps you and I can do a double penetration on her. Me with a strapless in her cunt and you in her ass."

"I'm sure we'd both enjoy that," Master said. "A strapless vibrating right next door to my hard cock should stimulate both of us."

Sahar and I went back to the playroom and picked up four stainless steel plugs, starting at one and a half inches, and going up in quarter inch increments to two and a quarter. The length of the smallest was four, and the largest, was six inches. Since the shortest strapless we had was seven, I thought Master should get used to length as well as width.

We returned and Sahar lubed Master's rectal rim and the smallest plug, slowly inserting it up his bum with a few manly groans thrown in as it passed the widest point. We put the other three in the bedside drawer.

"We'll change them out before supper each night, sir," I said, "so you can sit on it during the meal."

"Thanks," Master said, sarcastically. "I'm sure that will be enjoyable."

Miranda and I giggled. This seemed like it would be fun.

"At least we didn't pick one with a tail, Master," I said.

"You're getting all to much enjoyment out of this, Beth. Just for that, you don't have my permission to cum tonight, the first four times you orgasm. We need to start testing your limits again."

"Yes, sir. I agree. I want to make sure I don't start begging again if I'm punished."

"If you do," Sahar said, "you can rest assured the next round of treatment will be worse. You won't get any sex at all until you've done a hundred strokes, three times a day, with no oral sex until you're at two hundred, three times a day. No fucking backsliding, you hear me?"

"I hear you." I believed her too.

I got on the bottom of the sixty-nine, Sahar mounting me. I could see Master greasing up his pole and Sahar's brown star, although he let me give her a couple orgasms before he pushed through the gate and claimed her ass. I didn't use a vibrator on her cunt, hoping she wouldn't squirt. She didn't, and since Master had cum already, he plowed Sahar's back door for quite some time. She seemed to enjoy it though, climaxing a number of times during her fucking. I orgasmed five times, with four of those going toward a punishment whenever we found the time to do it.

Miranda had a wet towel waiting when Master finished, not willing to risk my inclination to clean a cock after an orgasm. I hadn't done it since right after my rescue, but she wasn't taking any chances. We went to sleep afterwards, Miranda and I in the middle, Master and Sahar on the outsides, their arms wrapped around us.


At morning muster, Vincent was chosen as the Employee of the Day. Marilyn was told she could service him after lunch. She drew Darla's name out of the hat for her night time fuck. I figured I'd start her slut cunt licking training on a woman then, so Darla could get the best loving Marilyn was capable of with her limited experience. I wasn't punished as it would have been public. Master told me to expect punishment after supper, and Lynn would provide it so Marilyn could watch

After breakfast, Felicity, Marilyn, Sahar and I were in the gym. Marilyn and I were naked but for a sports bra, Sahar had on a sports bra, t-shirt and shorts, Felicity, the outfit Sahar had given her yesterday. The t-shirt she was wearing over it, one of her husbands by the look of it, wasn't big enough to conceal the delicious curves she had, which her husband could see, as he was in the gym with us.

Sahar gave Marilyn and me twenty pound packs. "Beth, you start running as fast as you think you can maintain for three hours. Marilyn, start walking seventeen minute miles, but after two miles, increase it to fifteen minute miles, and after another two, increase speed to thirteen minute miles. Maintain that pace as long as you can. Try to do ten miles today." To Felicity, she said, "Do you walk for exercise now?"

"A couple miles every day."

"Double it. Walk four miles today, as fast as you usually walk. We'll shoot for six tomorrow."

"No weight pack?"

"Not yet. We'll see if we want to add weight later. You really don't need to lose weight as much as tone up."

Since there were only four treadmills and one of them was busy, Sahar went to the heavy bag and started beating hell out of it. At some point, Edgar came down and Sahar got on the mat with him, sparring. She held her own despite his weight and reach advantage. The machines were facing the rest of the gym, so I could keep an eye on her.

I settled into my marathon run speed, and was surprised at how much I'd lost since The Bahamas, not exercising every day. I had to drop to a lower pace, especially carrying twenty extra pounds. Dr. Sadiq watched Sahar's spar with Edgar and I got the feeling, he was impressed by what he saw. When Sahar finished her sparring match with Edgar, she came back to the treadmills, gave both Marilyn and me smacks on our asses, and told us to speed up.

Felicity had finished her four mile walk, so Sahar showed her how to make a fist, then told her to punch the heavy bag, both left and right arms, until she couldn't hold her hands up anymore, then she could rest. Sahar put on a forty pound pack and started running on the other open treadmill. I was impressed at her speed despite carrying the extra weight and working out first.

Sahar still complained. "All your lazy ass fucking around has screwed me up too." She still ran twelve miles with the pack on. I managed twenty since I'd been running longer. All four of us had to start lifting weights when she finished. She showed us a half dozen exercises which worked on our arms, upper body and cores. We were all panting by the time we finished, when at eleven-thirty, Sahar sent us to shower and dress for lunch, at least those of us who dressed.

Before we split up, I asked Dr. Sadiq what he thought of his wife getting a massage from another woman.


"No a professional, licensed masseuse, who also happens to be a sniper. She helped Sahar save my life in The Bahamas. After working out this morning, I'm sure Felicity might need it, but if you don't want her touched, she could go to the top deck and use the spa up there. We can put it off limits to the male crew. After lunch, I'm going to start hunting down the other ex-slaves and see how they're doing. I'd like to confirm with Henry and Maahnoor that they're on board with the whole getting a house together thing. When we see Hibbah, I know she wants to be hypnotized. She had sex with another woman the day before her wedding. For a while, we weren't sure if they'd be getting married. If it had been a guy, they probably wouldn't have."

"I'll think about the massage thing during lunch."

"Felicity should probably have an appointment."

I showered and showed up for a buffet lunch wearing my birthday suit. Marilyn joined a few minutes later.

"How did your night with Norris go?" I asked her.

"It went well."

"Tell me about it."

"We had sex three times last night and again this morning."

"Marilyn, you're a slut now. Use your slut words. Be specific."

"After Norris had me suck his cock to an erection, he fucked me doggy style. After he orgasmed in me, I remembered what you said about cleaning up after myself, so I sucked his cock clean. He liked that so much, that he had me get over him in a sixty-nine and he licked my pussy..."