My Descent into Slavery Ch. 13


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"Cunt. He licked your cunt."

"He licked my cunt to a couple orgasms until he erupted in my mouth. I swallowed all of his cum. Then we rested for a while, and he was playing with my breasts. He got hard again while he did that, so he fucked me some more, then he said he wanted to fuck my tits. He put some lube on his cock and my boobs, and he made me hold them together, while he fucked between them until he climaxed again, shooting his cum all over my face and neck. He made me wipe it off with my fingers, then lick my fingers clean.

"This morning, he made me mount him and fuck myself on his cock while he sucked on my tits."

"How often did you cum?"

"Five times last night, twice more this morning. Two when he was slamming me from behind, two more when he licked me, one when he was fucking me before he switched to my tits."

"He's the fourth different man you've fucked since Monday morning. Do you feel like a slut?"

"God, yes!"

"How does it feel to be a slut?"

"A lot better than it did when I wasn't."

"I'm going to start on your cunt licking training tonight after supper, so you'll be better prepared when you have sex with Darla tonight. If you're going to be a slut, be a good one. Don't forget to take care of Vincent this afternoon. Thank him for working hard for Joshua. He'll be your fifth different man."

Felicity did report she was tired and sore, and Dr. Sadiq told her she could schedule an appointment for a massage with Roberta, but she'd need to keep her panties on during the massage. She got an appointment for four. She asked for permission to use the top deck spa for an hour right after lunch and received it.

After lunch, Dr. Sadiq and I went looking for the other ex-slaves. Knowing it was Maahnoor's turn in the nursery today, we started there. Maahnoor was breast feeding Sadi. Maira was asleep in a crib. Maahnoor greeted both of us warmly.

"Where's Henry?" I asked.

"He's on watch until 1600. He'll be down after he gets off."

"We had an interesting conversation with James and Ateefah last night."

"They told me."

"Are you really thinking about getting a house all together? Living together as they mentioned?"

"Yes. I think it's a good way to take care of the children without being tired all the time."

"And you're in agreement that Ateefah can fuck Henry and you'll fuck James?" Might as well get into the nuts and bolts right off.

"Not all the time. Just if we need it."

"Are you prepared to see Henry's cock in another woman?"

"I can't say for sure. I think I am. We've talked about it a lot, but who knows."

"There's bound to be a lot of other issues that come up besides sex," Dr. Sadiq said. "Division of labor, monetary issues, children issues, discipline issues."

"Discipline issues? What do you mean by that?"

"Disciplining the children," Dr. Sadiq replied. "Will you be in agreement in how to discipline the children since you'll be raising them jointly. Will everyone agree that spanking a child is permissible, or sending a child to their room without supper, or taking away certain rights and privileges such as TV, games, or computer? Can you and Henry punish Maira, or James and Ateefah punish Sadi, and to what extent? Or will the parents of the misbehaving child be told by the parent who witnessed the behavior, then conduct the punishment themselves? What if one child doesn't get punished as severely as the other for the same offenses? Even two parent households have disagreements over such issues. Four parent households will be more complex.

"Money. Do both parents contribute the same amount to the household even if they earn different amounts of money? What if one of the primary wage earners loses their job? Do they get a break on the house payment, or do they still need to pay? What if one of the people has a drinking or gambling problem and wastes their money and they can't pay their share, what happens? What if you want a clean house, but James and Ateefah are slobs. Will you constantly clean up after them, or will you attempt to make them change their behavior? Living on this ship doesn't give you the full experience of what living together will be like. Your laundry is done by the laundry, your food is cooked by the cooks. Common areas of the ship are cleaned by everyone. On the ship, you're only responsible for your own room.

"Almost everything is bought and paid for by Joshua. You're not buying groceries, paying for a car, or petrol, or car insurance or house insurance. You're able to put away money, but what happens when you have to spend it? You're probably not even paying for your diapers. Joshua is probably stocking them because there are babies on his ship. Breast milk is feeding your children now, but eventually they need baby food. You'll need cribs and basinets and clothes and schooling and day care. Do you share the expenses for the food you buy for the house. What if one of you likes steak all the time? What if James eats twice as much as Henry. Does he pay more for food, or do you split it down the middle? In the case of marital discord, does one of the members of the household go sleep with the other couple, or do you set rules preventing sex with the others if there's strife, so you don't have a reason not to work on your problems? Before you do anything, you need to figure these things out. They won't be easy. It's not just about whether or not you're going to fuck each other's husband. It's everything else."

"Yes, I see what you mean. Dr. Sadiq, if we decided to go through with this, could you adjust my hypnotism conditioning to allow me not to feel sick if I think of sex with James?"

"It can be adjusted, but I wouldn't do it unless I know that everyone is all in with this plan."

"That was one of my concerns; that I'd feel sick if I had sex with James, but Ateefah wouldn't feel sick if she was fucking Henry."

"Dr. Sadiq is right, Maahnoor. You have a lot more things to work out than if you'll feel ill fucking another man. May I ask who first broached the subject of buying a house together?"

"I'm not sure. We talked a lot about how much better everything was, sharing the load with the babies. It just seemed to pop up. I couldn't say for sure who first mentioned it. Once it did get mentioned, it sounded better and better the more we thought about it."

"What about the idea of fucking each other's husbands. Who suggested that?"

"Again, I can't say for sure, but I think it was Ateefah, or maybe Ateefah and James, or maybe James, and Ateefah agreed it might be a good idea. I don't know positively. Does it make any difference?"

"It is one of those things that's out of character for a Muslim raised woman. Remember I told you to be on the lookout for things that would normally be out of character for someone raised as you are. If Ateefah came up with the idea, it may be indicative she's having problems that will cause a rift in her marriage if she's not careful. If it was one of the men, it wouldn't be as concerning, because it's unlikely they were raised as strictly as you and Ateefah were, although it's not necessarily true.

"If I'm being honest with myself, I also wonder how much the Dominant/submissive activities on the ship might play a part in altering your perceptions of right and wrong. You see the relationship I have with my Master, and through him, to others, male and female. It perhaps looks easy, easy to fuck around with other people without visible consequences. The consequences may not be there for us, because we're different people. As a submissive, I don't get jealous. Master can fuck anyone he wants and I don't care, and in fact, may want him to enjoy himself with others because I'm pleased when he's happy. As my Dominant, he has control of me. I can't have sex with anyone except Sahar without his permission. If he becomes jealous, or upset by something I do, he can prohibit it, and I won't do it anymore. It's not a marriage, even if it might appear like one from the outside.

"Your husband can't prohibit your behavior in the same way. He can protest your behavior, divorce you if you don't alter your behavior, but he can't punish you. Physical punishment without my consent is a crime. If Henry struck you the way Master strikes me, he'd be arrested. Master isn't because I granted him that power. If he becomes anything other than what I want as a Master, I can say my safe word, and leave him. If he touches me after I've said my safe word, he becomes a criminal. But what we do as a couple, is tied into our personality traits, how we perceive the world and our places in it. If it were a marriage, it wouldn't be successful. We'd end up divorced. If things go wrong between you and Henry, neither one of you can say a safe word and make the problem stop. Your only recourse is divorce. Every time you do something different, you have to ask yourself, 'Is doing this new thing worth the possible cost, a divorce from my husband'. If it's not worth that cost, don't do it.

"You can't undo most of the things in life. You can't unfuck someone else. You can't unkill someone you struck while drunk driving. You can't unshake your baby if you give them brain damage by getting angry and shaking them. Very seldom do you get a do over for the bad things you do in life, so it's important to figure out what's important to you and pay attention to those things. As a submissive, and as a wife, fidelity is not important to me. It might be important if Sahar thought fidelity was important to her, because Sahar is important to me. Because she's important to me, I don't want to hurt her, or cause her pain. That is what becomes important to me. Will this cause Sahar pain. She's already suffered so much pain, I can't add to it. I want to take it away.

"Before you do anything like buying a house together and living in this communal relationship, you need to figure out what's important, and what you're willing to give up if it all goes to shit, because I can guarantee that something always goes to shit, especially if you're not paying attention. Just think about that, and make sure you're prepared for the consequences. Doctor, let's go find Hibbah and see how she's doing."

After we left, Dr. Sadiq said, "At least you still recognize a lifestyle like yours is not for everyone, and you're beginning to realize it may be having an effect on others. You do make it seem very appealing."

"Do you feel like you're being corrupted?"

"There's a definite allure. I'm subject to the same human frailties as everyone else. I might be able to say more when we've reached the mainland after I've been exposed to it for a week. I worry about Felicity more than myself. I was immersed in Islam from birth. Felicity chose it for herself when she decided to marry me."

"I don't believe anyone will strive to tempt her outside what's permissible."

Hibbah was also easy to find, being in sick bay working with Sherry and Manuel.

"May we borrow Hibbah for several minutes?" I asked.

"Sure, Beth. Not a problem," Manuel said.

We took her to the stern room where we could have some privacy for her hypnosis.

"Any repercussions from having sex right before your marriage ceremony?"

"Only that Jake wanted me to start my hypnosis treatment right away. He's been rather forgiving other than that."

Dr. Sadiq put Hibbah in a hypnotic trance. He confirmed her feelings of love towards Jake, and her general feelings towards women, then did the same thing he'd done for Maahnoor, except he added any desire to have sex with any man or woman other than Jake, she would start feeling ill. Her post hypnotic trigger words were, 'The ocean is a place of constant change and infinite wonder'. He sent me the exact words in a text so I'd have them to reinforce Hibbah's conditioning.

"Doctor, we might wish to adjust the wording of Maahnoor's hypnotic orders to include women. Given what happened to Hibbah and the possibility that Ateefah and Maahnoor would be living together, it's entirely likely they'd be having sex with each other as well."

"You can do that if Maahnoor agrees. We only undertook hypnosis to temper her desire for sex with other men."

"What about hypnotizing all four of them so they're not tempted to stray outside the bonds of their marriage?"

"Not without their consent and agreement," Dr. Sadiq replied. "If communal sex is something they truly want to to engage in, it would be unethical of me to do so." Another way he demonstrated to me he didn't let his religion drive his therapy.

"But it could be done, even if they decided they wanted to keep sex among themselves, and not involve any others?"

"That could be done, if they're all in agreement that is what they all want."

"As you know, I find myself more inclined to promiscuity than I was before. Previously, I only wanted sex with others in obedience to my Master. Now, I crave sex with others irrespective of what Master wants. I think that Sahar has dealt with the issue of my begging for sex with others, and I'm hoping future sex will be limited by Master's will, but I wouldn't mind tempering that craving so it would be easier to obey, but I haven't figured a way to do that without screwing up the rest of my submissiveness. If the suggestion was to not crave sex with anyone but Master, my wife gets screwed. If to my wife, then sex with Master gets ruined, plus the sex I'd want to have with Francesca, Belle, and Miranda for sure, and anyone else Master gives me to. I'm still the prize for Employees of the Week or Month. I don't want to change what I was willing to do before my enslavement, but would reduce the temptation to be disobedient now."

"That is a more complex problem, but not insurmountable"

"How would it work?"

"That you would always enjoy sex with Sahar and Joshua, but feel ill if you thought about sex with anyone else, unless you had Joshua's permission to have sex with them. Thus, you'd alway consider sex with those two as fun and pleasurable, but anyone else would upset you, unless Joshua told you to have sex with them. Once Joshua removed his approval, anyone else would revert back to the preexisting nausea until he gave you permission again. Sex with others would once again be by his will and could be removed when he no longer willed it."

"Yes, I see how that could work."

"It would require a lot of reinforcement and there's no one else on the ship qualified to do it, so it would necessitate frequent video sessions with me until we were sure that the conditioning took. We'd have to be very careful with the post hypnotic suggestion phrase. It might be relatively easy for someone to subvert it to make you obedient to a person other than Joshua. I assume you trust him he wouldn't use it to make you even sluttier than you feel you are now?"

"I'm certain he wouldn't mind my cravings for sex outside of his will were reduced, and I don't believe he would use them indiscriminately. Sex for new submissives is generally used to reinforce your feelings of submission and the Master's Dominance, but once submission and Dominance have been established, it can be resorted to less frequently. Since he knows I'm his submissive, he'd probably temper my sex with others anyway. There's no need anymore, and I think he'd prefer I weren't so eager to fuck other people, unless it was something he really wanted me to do. He enjoys me for himself more than he enjoys seeing me have sex with others. It's why I encourage Sahar to have sex with him when I do. He has no reason to resent her for the love I bear her."

"It's something you should discuss with Joshua and Sahar. I'd like both of them to agree to your hypnotic conditioning before I attempted it."

"I'll discuss it after fucking them both tonight, when they're in a good mood." He laughed. "We'll probably find Yasmine on the bridge with the Captain. Maybe Fatima too. Did you know Fatima was the only one of the freed slaves who has her own submissive?"

"I didn't know that. How did that occur and how is it working out now that she's married?"

"It occurred because she was a Dominant personality before her slavery. Slavery superimposed submission on her. It might have increased the number of beatings she received from her owner, although I also suspect he was a sadist, who required violence to get an erection. After she was freed, our chef, who is submissive to Dominant women, asked for someone to Dominate him. The only other two Dominate women couldn't accept him. Hannah is a lesbian who wasn't interested. Lynn had two already, including a male, and entered a romantic relationship with the Captain. Fatima volunteered to take him, though she didn't know what to do.

"I think her Dominance of Pierre and the Captain putting her in authority on the bridge, helped her to overcome her slavery more quickly, than might have been possible otherwise. Edgar seems to accept the relationship, including the resultant sex, as long as it doesn't affect his access to his wife, and that he is the only one who may father a child. I haven't spoken to Pierre about his feelings on the subject; how possessive he feels towards his Mistress, since the romantic relationship with Edgar took place more after I was captured, than before. They also both seem willing to continue having sex with me as the Employee prize, but I'm unsure how much that might extend to others."

When we reached the bridge, both Fatima and Yasmine were there. I asked Björn if we could speak to both.

"Which one first?"

"Fatima first, sir. She might be the quickest, because I have spoken to her recently due to the wedding."

"The Captain has the con," he ordered.

"Aye, aye, sir. The Captain has the con," Fatima parroted. "I am relieved."

"The doctor and Beth would like to speak to you. Report back when you're finished. You can use my cabin if you need privacy."

"Aye, aye, sir. Thank you. This way." She led us into the Captain's cabin, right behind the bridge. As soon as we took a seat she asked, "What's up?"

"I'm trying to reacquaint myself with the members of my slave group before the groups start again. See how you feel about the groups, if you still feel you're accomplishing anything, if you feel there should be changes, anything really. Let's start with the marriage first. Does everything seem to be going okay now that you're married. Any signs of trouble between Edgar and Pierre?"

"While Pierre hasn't said anything negatively, I find myself disciplining him more frequently?"

"To what do you attribute that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. Pierre hasn't expressed anything. He's just more disobedient."

"I imagine that you're kind of in a honeymoon phase now, engaged in sexual relations with your husband more frequently than you were before?" Dr. Sadiq asked.

"Some, sure. I love my husband and we spend a lot of time together now. Pierre accepts that."

"Does he? People don't always accept change well. Being submissive, Pierre might have a hard time expressing that. He may be accustomed to a certain amount of your time and attention, similar to what he was getting before. Most of that attention was probably positive. Praise, rewards, being assigned to satisfy you sexually. If he doesn't get the time and attention he was used to previously, it upsets him, whether he's aware of it or not. In order to get more of your time and attention, he becomes disobedient. Even if the attention is now negative, it's still attention. He's managed to get some of your attention back.

"This happens in families when a second child is born. The first born was used to all the attention as an only child. Now he has someone else competing for his attention. Someone who's more helpless and requires more help. Number one can be depended on to look after themselves somewhat, entertain themselves, maybe feed themselves if they're old enough. To regain some of the attention he was getting, he begins acting out, misbehaving, so he can get more of your attention, even if it's not the type of attention he really craves. It becomes a balancing act; giving number one some of the positive attention they was getting, while still taking care of the new baby. Sometimes, the parent will try to involve the number one with the care of the new infant. He's now getting attention from you again and being treated more responsibly.