My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 10


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"Oui. Merci, Monsieur."

"Roberta is going to be very busy Wednesday," I said. "There's not much you can do with my mop, but Evelyn, Hannah and Miranda might all want their hair done before the wedding. Perhaps more of the women as well."

"I'll notify her to be prepared," Hannah said. "The men may have to forgo massages tomorrow and Wednesday unless we put Cunt in the massage room."

"Cunt?" Sam asked.

"Our RN, cross trained in massage therapy. She's a new slave," Hannah said, "one of Lynn's. She hasn't earned her name back yet. Her male slave is Cock."

On that note, we broke up for the evening. Hannah escorted our guests to their rooms in case they didn't remember where they were. When we got to our cabin, Master fucked me hard and fast while I licked Miranda's cunt. When we asked to cum, Master told us we didn't have permission. Of course, we both orgasmed anyway, which would give Master a chance to punish us in front of his guests. I didn't mind. I was certain he would use something which wouldn't leave marks showing when he tied the knot. He allowed us to cum the remaining times we crested.

Miranda cleaned me after as I cleaned Master. I wouldn't have minded fucking longer, but Miranda warned me I had to be up early for a very busy day.

"Master, I should tell you I invited William and Sam to join us while we sailed to Guadeloupe. I hope it's okay?"

"I was thinking of doing the same myself, Beth. I don't mind at all. Are they coming?"

"William wanted to ensure it was okay with you first, but they were both interested."

"I'll confirm the invite tomorrow. It's fine."

"I didn't have time to reward Leo for winning the weekly drawing Master. We were both busy, but I suppose I should ask if you still want to share your slaves."

"You'll make it up to him on another day," he said, "and I'm not going to change my policies yet. I might have a mutiny on my hands."

He kissed me, then Miranda, and she kissed me. I was feeling very good when I snuggled against them and went to sleep.


Six o'clock found Master fucking both of our asses after having spanked them red; his usual morning spanking, eventually depositing his cum in Miranda's derrière. We used the shower to clean off and had a brief breakfast in the crew's mess before the the announcement for a punishment evolution on the Helo deck. The ship had anchored again during the night, so most of the crew were able to attend. Even our guests came out to witness what was going on. Both of their slaves were still naked, though the men were wearing shorts and polo shirts, though barefoot.

Miranda was placed in the stocks first. Master made his usual announcement prior to her punishment.

"For those of you who haven't already been told, US Representative Miranda Ward consented to be my wife yesterday. Apparently, she thought becoming my wife allowed her to cum without permission. She was sadly mistaken. For cumming without permission, ten strokes with a paddle. Lynn, please administer her punishment. Miranda, thank her for each stroke."

Miranda had believed no such thing and Master knew it. He'd toyed with us. Lynn gave her ten stiff strokes. Not so stiff she wouldn't be able to sit fairly soon but a good reminder she was still Master's property. Then it was my turn.

"Beth has agreed to extend her submission past the year she agreed to initially. I'm pleased to say she will be a member of all future cruises." There was quite a bit of clapping and cheering when Master announced it. "She thought her new position might allow her some slack as far as her discipline is concerned. That is not the case at all. Ten strokes for cumming without permission. I'll administer these myself. Count and thank me for each one."

"Yes, Master. Gladly."

As spankings go, it wasn't bad. I counted and thanked him. I know my ass probably glowed in the dark, but I wasn't crying at all when he finished. Knowing he was now my Master forever probably made it easier to take.

When I was released, William asked to borrow the stocks and Master's paddle. Evelyn was locked in with her naked ass facing the crew.

Bill made his announcement as Master had done.

"Every morning, my wife, Evelyn, is given fifty swats to remind her of what she was and what she should strive to be. Lynn, if you'd be so kind, please administer Evelyn's punishment today."

Fifty was an awful lot. Both William and Master kept a close eye on her as she started in on the spanking. It began as hard as she'd done Miranda, but she eased off as she went along, keeping a close eye on Evelyn's bottom to ensure she wasn't bruised or battered. Both Masters were satisfied with her handling of Evelyn's punishment.

She was released and William said, "Now lick her cunt to orgasm in thanks for the fine job she did on your ass."

Evelyn complied. Lynn orgasmed within minutes, so Evelyn was no stranger to pussy.

Master had one further announcement. "Due to wedding activities scheduled for the next couple days, we won't be able to hold our normal drawings." The crew groaned. "The good news is, when the drawing resumes on Thursday, we'll make up for the two missed days and since Miranda will be extending her stay for the honeymoon, she will remain a feature of the drawing for the duration." That brought out the cheers and applause again.

William whispered to me, "What's this drawing he's talking about?"

"The Department Heads nominate the highest performing crew member each day and the six names are placed in a hat and two names are drawn out. The first one gets me for an orgasm, the second one gets Miranda. There are also drawings for sailor of the week and month. They get us for two hours and six respectively. Leo was supposed to get me for two hours yesterday, but he didn't have time. I'll have to make it up when I have time."

"Have you had sex with the entire crew?"

"Not full blown intercourse, but at least oral sex with all of them at one point or another."

"Joshua is more generous with his slaves than I would be."

"Up until yesterday, Miranda wasn't going to be his wife and I was his only for the duration of the voyage. He only had Miranda under submission for a week and was doing what he could to enforce her slavery upon her and felt we should both suffer the same fate, so more sharing was done than normally expected. He's had the drawings with all the other submissives he's had, though they were more temporary, but he didn't want to stop his normal practice because he likes us more than the others. I also have to reward anyone who takes my survey with oral sex. He made sure everyone was willing to participate in it for me. I normally only do two of those per day."

"So, you'd have to give me a blow job if I took the survey?"

"And lick Evelyn's cunt if she took it."

"Good to know."

Master came up to me and handed me a credit card. It had my name on it. I looked at him.

"For me?"

"It has a hundred thousand dollar limit. It's not that special."

"I doubt I've ever seen a hundred thousand dollars in my life, Master. It's pretty special to me."

"I paid for most of the stuff for the wedding yesterday, but Lynn and Cunt are getting flowers and you will pay for them and for the dresses and whatever other gewgaws you women need for the wedding. From now until after our guests are all gone, I can't have you traipsing around Gustavia nude or mostly nude with a mask to hide your identity. You're representing my vanilla life now. Hannah has some clothes picked out and in the clothes locker. You will wear them today. Darla will go with you in case you need French to English interpretation. Edgar and Jake are going with you while Ethan stays with the tender. Keep your phone handy in case we need more stuff. Darla knows where everything can be found. You'll need to stop at the jewelry store to pick up the rings. They're paid for, but under no circumstances are you to look at them."

"Yes, sir."

"Would it be okay if Sam and I tagged along, Joshua," Bill said. "We didn't really pack anything suitable for a wedding. I think we'd like to pick out something nice for the women. Sam, you need Chantelle's dress size if she's going to help Pierre with the cooking today."

"You can do anything you damn well want, Bill. I'm not your keeper. By the way, I confirm Beth's invitation for you to join us as long as you're able."

Bill laughed. I went to the clothes locker with Angelique and we both found clothes for our trip to town, including panties, though they were only g-strings. The t-shirt was thin and my nipples were pronounced, but covered. We had to wait for Evelyn to put something on as she was going with us. A total of eleven which is why we needed the tender.

On the boat trip to the pier, I asked William how he and Master became friends.

"We grew up in the same neighborhood after my family moved to New York. I liked him and kind of looked after him. When he graduated from Wharton, I hired him and he worked for me for a half dozen years. Finally, I told him I was holding him back, he could do a lot better for himself on his own. He started his own company and there was no stopping him. He made his first million working for me, his first billion in five years. I imagine he's worth eight to ten billion now, maybe more. I don't keep track that much anymore."

"When you say you looked after him, what does that mean?"

"It means Jewish kids didn't fare well in our neighborhood. I don't know how many times I heard the words kike or hymie come out of someone's mouth. He didn't care about the words. It just inspired him to get smarter and tougher. He took a few beatings though, until I stepped in. I was somewhat older and they didn't give him as much shit when he was with me."

"Thank you for protecting him."

"He didn't need much. Started boxing, other martial arts, lifting weights. After he kicked a few bully's asses, they started leaving him alone. He was a tough bastard, and I can see why he likes surrounding himself with other tough nuts. He hates seeing the weak get picked on."

"Out of curiosity, why does he hire so many ex-military types?" Sam asked Edgar.

"Sometimes the waters we sail in aren't so friendly. Need to discourage piracy and the like, plus the usual danger of rich folks getting kidnapped. Plus he'd have our balls if anything happened to any of the women we have aboard."

"Does he always send some of you out when you go ashore?" Sam asked.

"In the friendlier, safer countries, a minimum of two to discourage pickpockets and muggers. Four to five for the rougher places. Depends too, on how many we're protecting."

"He makes all of us take self defense lessons. Edgar here is our primary instructor. I just had my first red man suit session."

"How'd she do," Sam asked. "Marcia's had to go through the same thing."

"She's tough enough," Edgar replied. "I don't really train the women to fight, per se, unless it's something they really want to learn. We train them that anyone who comes after them is intent on rape or worse, so play helpless until you see your chance to strike, then kill, going for lethal strikes, put 'em down hard and fast. Don't dance around pretending you know what to do when it takes years to get good. Use the element of surprise. Beth won't have any trouble defending herself if the time ever comes."

"Lucia, a very good friend of ours was brutally raped by a bunch of soldiers in Latin America when young," Sam said. "After getting asylum in this country, she worked with my wife and Chantelle to learn self-defense, unarmed and firearms. She's damn good. Relentless. Her attackers damaged her reproductive organs to the point she didn't think she could have children.

"She was undergoing treatment while staying with some friends in Fresno. A loony tunes ex-Force Recon Marine who'd divorced one of the women, thought he'd get her back. He knocked out a police officer, took his car, gun and uniform and came to the house one day. He got into the house because of his disguise and was holding a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach.

"Lucia was sitting very calmly in a garage, sanding a piece of wood, pretending she didn't speak a word of English when the guy came in there looking for his wife. She had a gun under the wood she was sanding and as soon as he was distracted enough to take his gun off the pregnant woman, she shot him four times in the brisket."

"My kind of woman; is she married?" Edgar asked.

Ethan was pulling up to the pier and Jake tying us off. We climbed onto the quay.

"Sorry, lesbian submissive," Sam responded.

"Damn! Just my fucking luck. Did you pay attention to that story, Beth? That's exactly the way you do it. Play dumb and helpless until you see your chance, then explode into action. The fuckers don't deserve a warning. Put 'em down like a rabid dog."

"I paid close attention. It's a good lesson."

"I'd like to meet her some day, lesbian or not."

"Do you plan on stopping in Los Angeles on your world cruise?" William asked.

"It's on the itinerary," I said.

"It can be arranged," Sam said. "She probably wouldn't mind more training from some ex-special forces types. She never wants what happened before to happen again. She'll die fighting."

"Did the treatment work?" I asked. "Is she able to have children?"

"Baby girl, born last month," Sam replied. "Worked like a charm. She always wanted children."

"Who's the father?" Edgar asked, "her being a rug muncher and all."

"The husband of the woman who's life and baby she saved."

Edgar nodded. "Where we going first?" he asked.

"Dress shop," I replied. "We need to be fitted and if alterations need to be done, they need time to do them. Darla, you know where we're going; lead the way."

Darla led us to a vintage style clothing shop. "Miranda did not want a color theme for the dresses, she wanted a retro time period theme. You may pick out any dresses which match the Roaring 20's theme in light colors, no blacks, dark browns, etc." She looked at Angelique. "Your height may be a problem, but the style of the time included short dresses so you may get lucky."

Angelique, Evelyn, and I headed to racks with our sizes. Sam went to one with Chantelle's sizes. Lynn and Cunt went to a flower shop a block down the street, Jake going with them. Darla had a seat and waited. I called her over to me.

"Do you want a dress?"

"I'm not in the wedding party."

"Doesn't mean you can't have a dress. Means you don't have to be locked into the light color scheme. You can get anything you want."

"I can't afford any of these; they're too expensive."

"I'll pay for it. Master gave me a lot of money to keep myself entertained in New York while I was being chosen. I spent less than half of it."

Her eyes lit up. "You mean it? I've always wanted one. I came in here every couple weeks just to drool."

"Of course. Pick anything you like under $5000. I'm a kept woman now. What will I spend money on?"

"I know the perfect dress. I've had my eye on it for three months." She ran over to another rack.

William was standing behind me, having witnessed our exchange. "That was a wonderful thing you did."

"I'm serious, sir. What do I have to spend money on anyway? Master was giving me enough to pay off most of my student loan debt if I gave him a year of my time."

"I'll take care of her dress. I don't want you to spend a dime."

"It's not necessary, Master Bill, really."

"No, it's not necessary. It's a gift."

"Don't argue with him, Beth," Sam said. "You'll lose anyway and end up with indigestion. He told me once he could spend ten million dollars a day and never give up a cent of principal. Just the interest he makes on his investments. Remember, you're a submissive and spending his money on you will give him pleasure. It's kind of your job to give him pleasure isn't it?

I laughed. "It's not usually how I provide it, but okay."

Darla was already in the dressing room trying on the dress she picked out. I picked out six in my size and took them into another room. I tried them all on. The one I liked best fit me like a glove, an off white satin which my nipples spiked in, playing peek-a-boo with gold colored beaded fringes over the boobs, waist and hips. The actual hem of the dress was only five inches below my cleft, but the fringe extended five inches more, to just above the knee. I checked the price tag. $2199. My normal food budget for over half a year. I wondered how much Master could spend every day without touching the principal. Well, he gave me a hundred thousand limit credit card and said it was nothing. Maybe it was. If he was like William, maybe giving away a hundred million to Bermuda was less than a month's worth of earnings to him.

The clerk helped me find a head band which went with the dress. She tried to sell me on a matching necklace, and wanted me to remove my collar.

"It's my Master's collar. It never comes off."

She looked shocked until I told her it was entirely voluntary on my part. Instead of the necklace, I got a black and gold beaded garter belt. Even without stockings, it would look good with the dress.

William paid for Darla's, Evelyn's and Chantelle's dresses. I paid for the rest, including Hannah's and Miranda's which had both needed slight alterations. Art and Edgar wanted to keep their hands free, so Bill and Sam ended up carrying the packages. We went down to the flower shop where Lynn and Cunt were still picking floral arrangements. Angelique looked at what they'd picked out so far and helped pick out the rest. Another fifteen thousand, but it included them coming out to the ship tomorrow to set everything up.

It left only the jewelers. I picked up the items Master had already paid for which had been sized for him. I wanted to pick something out for Miranda and Master myself.

"What would you get for a man who can have anything and a woman who's marrying the man who can have anything. I want something personal and meaningful for them both. I'm paying for it out of my own money, because it's from me," I warned Bill, "so I don't have unlimited funds. Something to show my love for them both and perhaps hint at our sex slavery."

"We have friends who had a bonding ceremony recently. The women were given steel rings which looked like manacles," Sam said.

"It doesn't look like they'd have anything steel here, Master Sam. All gold, silver and platinum, plus I couldn't give Miranda something like that, she's not my submissive."

They were both silent, thinking it over.

"You know," Sam said, "together, you have what our friend described as a throuple; a threesome relationship unit. What you want is something that reflects that. Three stones, three bands, anything triple."

"Lovely idea. Thanks, sir."

I looked around and found rings with three different colors running through it all twined and twisted together. Regular gold, white gold and rose gold. It was fairly expensive, but doable. I told the jeweler I wanted three for the right ring finger, two in the same size as the rings I'd just picked up and one for me. He measured my finger and sold me the lot. Sam liked the idea so much, he started looking for something for Chantelle, Marcia and himself, finding rings with three smaller diamonds in a triangle. William reminded him the triangle is the most rigid mechanical structure which is why it's used so often in construction.

"If we weren't all invested in our relationship, it would crumble like the straw shack the big bad wolf blows down. It is built on pretty strong foundations. I hope Chantelle's parents realize it."

After calling Master to see if he needed anything else, we headed back to the tender. Ethan had been reading, but stopped as we got there.

"Ethan, we need to have another tender here tomorrow at 1000 for all the flowers and three florists workers. They'll be coming to the ship to set everything up for the wedding."