My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 10


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Master wasn't in the cabin when I got there, nor was Miranda. There was a brief, white guest relations uniform laid out on my bed. Before donning it, I shaved my mons and pubes, my underarms, brushed my teeth and took my birth control pill. I hadn't worked on my dissertation or exercised in days. Hopefully we'd get in another routine soon. I'm sure some of the women were having their hair done. My hair was short enough you didn't really do anything with it but wash and dry it.

Since I was dressed, I didn't need to be leashed. I went back to the sundeck and helped set up chairs for the ceremony. At least ten of the crew were dressed in guest relations white, almost equally divided between men and women. Several of us were going to be in other clothes later, so the proportions might change. Other than Bill and Sam, we didn't have any other guests yet. Most of the guests would be arriving around four, the photographer around two, LuAnn at ten with the flowers. Since we'd have one additional bridesmaid for this ceremony, Miranda's sister, Master was going to have an additional groomsman, Ethan. Both of Master's guests were sitting naked in the spa with Evelyn. Chantelle was working with Pierre and Reggie in the kitchens.

Angelique was also in a guest relations uniform for now. I was working beside her, setting up an altar like area for the ceremony.

"Are you becoming as uncomfortable wearing clothes as I am?" I asked her.

"Amazing isn't it. You go a lifetime wearing clothes and think nothing of it, then go a few weeks without and suddenly everything is too confining."

"It's been more than a few weeks for me. I was naked on Mistress Layton's farm too. I suddenly wonder why everyone doesn't go naked all the time."

"It's still needed for protection, of course. Joshua's guests seem comfortable naked, and not just the slaves."

"Chantelle told me everyone goes naked on Brianna's estate and even William has spent a lot of time there while his home is being built in LA."

Just before she needed to leave, I asked her, "How are you doing in the other aspects of your slavery?"

"I love it. I love all of it. Mistress licks my cunt less, I lick hers more, and it makes no difference. I cum harder, sometimes even when I'm punished. She makes me cum more on her fingers and with a strap-on. Even when she fucks my ass, I cum. I didn't realize anal fucking could be so nice."

"I'd like you to take my survey again, to see if it's changed at all now you know you're submissive."

"Would you have to give me an orgasm like the rest of the crew?"

"Of course."

"Sign me up. I never needed sex as much as I do now. I crave it."

"When we have more time."

She left to start helping with hairstyling at nine-thirty. Around quarter to ten, Master's guests abandoned the spa and got dressed before other people started showing up. LuAnn arrived with the florists and I greeted her down below, taking her garment bag which I assumed had her dress. She looked much like her sister, though younger by about five years.

"Welcome to the 'American Entrepreneur', Miss Ward. My name is Beth Wilson. Let me escort you to a room where you may rest and change clothes."

"I wouldn't mind resting around noon to prepare for the photos, but what I really want is a tour of the ship right now."

"Of course. I'll show you where your room is and we'll leave your dress there and I'll give you a tour."

We climbed the stairs up to the main deck. "This deck is the main deck. This particular area is the helicopter deck, or alternatively, the sun deck when the helicopter isn't aboard like today. Normally, it's got several lounge chairs for sunning, talking and drinking from the bar over near the spa, though today, it's where the marriage ceremony will take place. Just beyond the altar for the ceremony is the pool and a spa next to it with the formal dining room. We need to go up one deck for your room on the starboard side."

We went up and I led her to a mid-range room, since she wasn't spending the night.

"You'll be able to change here when it's time for photos, currently scheduled for 2:30, Miss Ward."

"Any chance of a a bite to eat and some water."

"Anything in particular? Sandwich, fruit?"

"Perhaps half a sandwich, and some yogurt if you have it?"

"Of course. Let me call down your order and we'll continue the tour and it should be ready when we get to the mess."

"The mess?"

"On board a ship, the crew's dining room is called a mess. Most meals are taken there, although Joshua does use the dining room when he's entertaining important guests. The kitchen is the galley. We're on deck one now, the deck above the main deck. Above us is deck two, which has the beauty salon and massage room, game room and poker room. Would you like to have your hair done up in the salon?"

"I'm not going overboard on the hair. Mine is easy enough for me to style. Is that a collar around your neck?" She fingered it. "It doesn't look like a necklace."

"Yes, Miss Ward. I'm a submissive. My Mistress is Lynn Farber, who has a cabin just down from yours."

"A lesbian, huh?"

"More of a pansexual."

"I'm unfamiliar with the term."

"It means I'll have sex with anyone, man or woman."

"Well, how much sex do you get with men if you have a Mistress?"

"Enough. She also has a male slave."

"Interesting. Would you have sex with me?"

Ding! I thought Miranda's parents were dyed in the wool Southern Baptists with racist and anti-gay sentiments, yet Miranda was now Master's sex slave and LuAnn was asking if I'd have sex with her. Apparently, the apple not only fell far from the tree in her family, but got kicked several feet away.

"I can't have sex with anyone without my Mistress's permission, not even to masturbate. Might I ask a question please?"

"No masturbation, that's a bitch. I doubt I could get through a week without masturbating. What's your question?"

"I was given to understand Miranda's parents weren't attending the wedding because Joshua was Jewish. She described them as racist Nazi's truth be told. I guess I assumed you might feel much the same way given they raised you."

"Yeah, I was raised that way, and I suppose I've got some of their attitudes rattling around the attic," pointing to her blonde head, "as I haven't managed to purge it all yet, but if they wanted me to stay ignorant, they shouldn't have sent me to college. God, was that an eye-opener, finding out it wasn't only athletics and rap music black people were any good at. People smarter than me, more sophisticated than me, better taste in music and books than me. Even nicer than me. I quickly grasped the concept people were people and you don't judge anyone by anything other than their individual actions.

"Some rat-faced white frat brother tried to date rape me and it was a black man who saved me, kept me safe until the roofie wore off. I ended up dating him a few months. It's taken awhile, but I've managed to trash most of the garbage they tried to fill me with."

"Which is why you're attending the wedding?"

"Damn straight. Joshua is rich, handsome and available. Randa couldn't do better if she tried."

"You call Miranda, Randa?"

"I couldn't pronounce Miranda when I was a child, so I called her Randa and it stuck for me. I don't think anyone else calls her that."

"Miranda will be so pleased to know you welcome her nuptials to Joshua."

"Let's go. Times wasting. Where to next?"

"Would you care to see the bridge? There won't be anything going on there since we're anchored."

"I want to see everything you can show me."

I led her down to the bridge, on this deck and she looked around. A lot of TV screens and very few controls.

"This doesn't look at all like the ship's bridges in war movies."

"Many of the controls are computerized and digital now. Other than the wheel, almost everything else is controlled like you control an iPad."

"Amazing. More like 'Picard' than 'Red October'."

"I'll show you Deck Two now."

We went up a deck and I showed her all we had up there. I told her the spa up here was less traveled if she wanted to sun herself or soak nude. In the salon, Miranda was having her hair done by Roberta. Angelique was doing Hannah.

"Miss Miranda, your sister is here," I said.

Miranda turned as much as the hood over her head allowed. She was wearing her engagement ring, but not the wedding ring as she wasn't "officially" married according to the rest of the world. Her collar had also been removed. The only sign of her slavery were the fine gold chains on her ankles and wrists.

"LuAnn, sweetie, give me a hug. I'm so glad you could make it. The parents give you much shit?"

"The usual ration. In one ear, out the other." She gave her a brief hug. "You hooked yourself a winner, Randa."

"Don't I know it. Wait until you meet him."

"I'm giving her a tour of the ship, Miss Miranda."

"Has she seen Joshua's cabin yet?"

"Not yet. We'll be heading there after the game room and poker room. LuAnn, the person working on Miranda's hair is Roberta, our primary beautician and masseuse, and ex-Marine sniper. Hannah, also having her hair done, is Joshua's personal assistant. Angelique, doing her hair at the moment, is Hannah's wife and a model. You may have seen her a few times if you follow fashion."

"Pleased to meet you," LuAnn said. "I believe I have seen you in a few magazines. You're so tall and gorgeous."

"Thank you."

"Married, huh. Too bad. All the good ones are taken."

Both Hannah and Miranda looked at me, questioning. I didn't really know, so shrugged my shoulders.

"LuAnn, are you hinting you're a lesbian?" Miranda asked.

"Well, I would have said bisexual, but Beth taught me a new word today, pansexual, so let's go with that?"

"Do Mom and Dad know?"

"What do you think?"

"No fucking way."

"Yeah, every so often, I'll trot a white boy by them so they think I'm still looking for someone, but they're only about ten percent of my sexual partners."

"When did you start having sex with women?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Republican from North Carolina. Why do you think?"

"Why are you telling me now?"

"Because you're marrying a 'damn Semite' and you're relaxed enough to have a collared submissive running around on the ship, unless you didn't know Beth was a submissive. The collar is a dead giveaway, if you didn't know."

I could see Miranda's wheels spinning. Apparently, she didn't have a lot of heart-to-hearts with LuAnn, both afraid the other was still locked in the Victorian Era.

I could see her come to the decision even as she said, "I know very well what a collar means. I wear one myself. Beth is my sister slave."

"You're both submissives to this Lynn person? Why would you be marrying Joshua? Wait, you need a beard."

"Not a beard. It means we're both submissive to Joshua."


"Yes. He collared me about two weeks ago."

Luann sat in a chair, then burst out laughing, so hard she could scarce catch her breath.

"Our parents would have a cow," LuAnn said, gasping. "Not only marrying a Jewish boy, but kneeling to him as well. This is so fucking rich. Where's your collar?"

"I'm not wearing it for the ceremony. Too many photos, too many people who might know what it means, like you."

"And Joshua knows about our parents?"

"He does. He said it would serve them right to fill me full of Jewish and black cocks and licking a black cunt, and send them videos of the whole thing. Worse yet, breed me to a black and give them a bi-racial grandchild."

LuAnn nearly collapsed on the floor she was laughing so hard. She started to hiccup. "Are you going to..hic...vacate your...hic...congressional seat?"

"No, which might be the only reason he won't do it."

"If you ever...hic...change your mind...I'll suck a black...hic...cock right...hic...beside you. Why...hic...not tell me?"

Miranda pointed to herself. "Republican from North Carolina, duh."

LuAnn laughed harder. "We...hic...need to...hic...have a, sis."

"Would you care to spend a couple days with us? We were trying to get rid of you so we didn't have to hide our relationship any longer than necessary, but if you don't care, there's no reason you can't stay for several days. We plan on leaving tomorrow morning, but we move slow and we can fly you back to St. Barths for a flight back."

"I'm rush to get...hic...back to North Carolina. Hic...I wouldn't mind...hic...staying for a week...hic...if you'll have me. I out from...hic...anywhere."

Hannah said, "I'll tell Joshua of the change in plans, Miss Miranda. Do you need any luggage or anything from your hotel room, LuAnn?"

"A single...hic...carry-on. I've got everything...hic...else."

"We'll arrange for the room to be paid for and your bag brought here. We have to bring other guests back anyway. Give Angelica your room key. I'll arrange for you to be moved to a larger cabin. Roberta, do you have some water to give LuAnn for her hiccups?"

Roberta handed LuAnn a bottle of water and eventually, they stopped.

"Beth, you lying sack of shit. Is there even a Lynn on board?" LuAnn said.

"Yes, and she does have two submissives, just not me."

"So have you had sex with my sister?"


"Have you ever done a sister to someone else you were fucking?"


"We'll have to see if your Master will allow it."

"She's very good," Roberta said. "Best cunt licker on board as far as I know. I haven't tried Hannah or Angelique yet."

"How many people have you given oral sex to?" LuAnn asked.

"I think everyone on board," I replied.

"You Randa?"

"Most everyone."

"Any other kind of sex?"

"Yes, but total numbers unknown. We're frequently blindfolded for other types of sex," Miranda answered. "Master was trying to imprint his Dominance on me rather quickly before I went back to Washington."

"You dirty dog. I thought you were so fucking straight-laced."

"I was before my submission. Not so much anymore."

"I'm going to treasure this moment forever. I'll masturbate to it tonight. How many submissives are there on this ship anyway?"

"Seven. Five of our own, and two of them guests. All female except for one of Lynn's," I answered. "There are a couple other females who go naked fairly frequently when they're not working. If you see someone naked without a collar, they're not submissive, only exhibitionists."

"Let's finish up this tour. I want to meet the man who turned my sister into his submissive slut."

"We'll head to his cabin, but I don't know if he's there."

LuAnn took a brief look at the rest of this deck, then we headed down to Master's cabin. Master was in there, still working out the kinks in his schedule caused by his sudden marriage. We passed the Alaskan King before we got to his work corner.

"Is that a cage under the bed?" LuAnn asked.

"Yes," I responded.

Master looked at me sharply, his eyes promising pain to the blabbermouth.

"LuAnn knows everything, Master. When Miranda learned LuAnn was pansexual and not shocked by my slave status, she told her. We're making arrangements to move her to the ship, sir. LuAnne would like to spend a little time getting reacquainted with her sister since it seems they don't talk to each other about their real lives."

"I'm not terribly shocked by your Dominance, Joshua, only that you managed to turn Miranda into your slut. That was surprising. I want to hear that story sometime. Did you just tell her to get on her knees and she dropped and started sucking your cock?"

He smiled. "Not quite like that, no."

"Did she come aboard hoping to be your submissive?"

"She came for some friendly fucking away from DC. Single women can't have sex and be in politics."

"Tell me about it. Just being her sister keeps me from enjoying myself as much as I'd like. She can't have a bisexual family member either. I've hidden so much of my life from everyone because she's my sister."

"You won't have to hide anything here once all the guests are gone. Everyone else on board can be trusted to keep their mouth shut."

"Good. I was hoping to try this one. Roberta said she's the best cunt licker on board."

"So I'm told. I can't answer that question. She is the best cock sucker I've ever had."

"A dual threat. Well, I can see we'll have a lot to chat about for the next week. Do you three sleep together?"

"Most of the time. Miranda had Master by herself last night. Her real marriage ceremony took place last night, as a naked slave. Today is window dressing for the press," I said. "I felt it appropriate the bride should have her marriage bed alone with her husband."

"I wish I'd been invited to that ceremony," LuAnn said.

"Knowing what we know now," Master said, "I do too."

"Thank you for inviting me to this one. Beth, may we continue our tour now?"


"By all means."

"Let's get you your food next," I said. "We'll go to the mess."

It was mostly empty, most people working and not yet lunch time. We got LuAnn her half sandwich and yogurt, sitting down at one of the tables to eat. I explained sick bay and the personnel office were next door and a lot of the crew quarters were behind us, two to a room normally, only the Captain having his own. We then went to the lower levels and she saw the gym, the shooting range, exercise rooms. Occasionally, she'd ask questions about the ship or our relationship which I answered honestly. There was nothing more to hide.

"Are you normally dressed up in this uniform you have on?"

"All slaves are usually naked while they're aboard the ship, unless their Dominant gives permission otherwise. We're allowed as few clothes as are legally required when we leave the ship. In St. Barths, that was topless."

"My sister went topless here?"

"Wearing a mask so her identity was hidden, yes. We both wore masks. Master didn't feel my identity should be known either as it might affect my future profession."

"What profession might that be?"

"Psychologist. I'm working on my dissertation for my doctorate."

"What's your dissertation on?"


LuAnn laughed. I explained further. "I did not know I was submissive before deciding to study it. Master advertised for someone to take this cruise with him. I saw the ad and wanted to study it. I was perhaps the least submissive person you might ever meet, and I couldn't understand the whole concept of submission; why someone would willingly cede so much of their will to someone else, which made it fascinating to me. It made me want to study it.

"However, I realized I knew nothing about it and it might be difficult for me to spend a year as a sex slave without the slightest clue of what it entailed. Before I submitted the application, I needed to learn more. A Mistress near my school offered to teach me. For two weeks, I was her submissive as she showed me much of what my future Master might expect of me. She arranged many different scenes for me so I could find out if I could do this for a year. Hers was the first cunt I licked. She arranged for my first anal sex and group sex. I worked a glory hole at a BDSM club. She exposed me to pony play.

"In the course of her instruction, I realized I was a submissive. I not only wanted to study it, I wanted to find a Master, even if I wasn't chosen for this position. Fortunately, I was chosen."

"How did Randa get involved?"

"That was partly my fault. She was part of a congressional delegation which came aboard to do business with Master. There was some innocent flirting which went on and she and Master arranged for her to sneak on board for a week of sex and relaxation. She would likely have left after that week, but she took a survey I developed to study Dominance and submission. Both Master and I thought Miranda would fall into the Dominant range. Her general behavior might have indicated she would. The results were otherwise. She tested as very submissive.