Sam Spade 10: Demon Tears


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After showering and cleaning up, I walked to the closet to figure out what to wear. On one side hung a few suits while the majority of the closet was filled with lovely latex. The closet reeked of the seductive scent of it. Looking through the outfits it did not take me long to pick out what I wanted to wear. The short dress was the one I had first bought. Unlike the others, it was special to me. I had worn it when I was on the run and posing as a hooker. Sliding the dress on and pulling up the latex hose, I felt right for the first time that morning. I felt as if I was meting an old friend who had been away for a long time. Picking out a pair of fingerless gloves to wear and putting on five-inch heels completed the outfit.

As I came out of the closet, I noticed that the bed had not been made nor had the tray picked up. Every other day, while I was dressing Heather would have the bedroom made and dishes taken away. Frowning I picked up the tray and headed to the kitchen. As I walked through the house, it seemed quiet, too quiet. I knew from experience that ten women living together would make much more noise then there was.

Reaching the kitchen, I found Alvin sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee. I looked at him in shock. Gone was the frumpy looking middle-aged professor, in its place I saw a man in his early thirties with a body that could only be gotten from working out with free weights eight hours a day for a year. "Wow Alvin you," the words just slipped out of my mouth.

I felt a sudden wave of lust fill me. It felt as if I had gone without sex for years instead of the hour since Jasmine and I made love. I wanted him and I wanted him now. In my mind, I saw him stand, take the tray from my unresisting hands, throw me to the table and ravish me.

Just as fast, as that vision filled my mind, another one popped up. It was a memory attached to a picture on my desk. In it, Alvin, looking as he does now, was standing with Daddy and me at the Grand Canyon. We three had taken a little family trip to get away from the house after momma died.

Blinking I saw him standing nose to nose with me, his hands on the tray. The fiery lust in his eyes faded as a sad tender look replaced it. "Oh pumpkin I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to remind you of," his voice broke and he turned away.

Not knowing what to say I put the tray on the counter. Not looking at Alvin I said, "It's ok Alvin, she has been gone a long time." I had to bite my lip hard to keep from sobbing, I missed momma very much. Taking a breath, I turned and looked around, "So where is everyone?"

Alvin shook his head and tried to smile, "I don't know Sam. The only one I saw this morning so far was Jasmine." He paused and said, "Speaking of Jasmine," he looked away. "Why will you not let her become fully female?" Looking back at me, he raised his hands, "I don't want to fight pumpkin, I just wanted to know."

"I gave her the choice Alvin," I said simply. Ok I know I did not really give her a choice, I wanted to keep that nice plump cock of Jimmy's.

Looking around and listening to the quiet house I said, "I for one am going to find out what happened to everyone. It's not like them to be so quiet." Alvin nodded and fell in beside me as we searched the house. Of course, we found them in the last place I expected them to be.

Opening the playroom door, I was hit by the combined scent of nine excited women and latex. I would have fainted from it but luckily, Alvin caught me. Before me, all the girls were in the process of making love. Each one of them was bound in some manner. Watching them from the doorway, I felt the lust overpowering all other emotions. I could feel my flower leaking down my leg as it lubricated it's self in preparation for sex. From behind me, I heard a low moan. Turning I saw Alvin's face filled with need. Guiding him into the room, I said softly, "Enjoy."

I felt myself walking woodenly, as if someone else was controlling my movements, across the room to sit on the raised platform. All of the girls were wearing some sort of latex, including Tigress and Kitten. The two cat women were wearing latex corsets. Watching Tigress, I realized that she could turn into a sex kitten, pure animal lust with no off button. For a moment, it seemed as if our minds connected and I turned a switch.

Tigress looked at me stopping what she was doing. I could see the surprise in her eyes and a look of hurt. In a matter of moments, it was wiped away and replaced with raw lust. She went back to pleasuring Angela's flower and from across the room I could feel the lust she generated. Gone forever was Rachel who became Tigress, a cat woman for Angela. In her place was nothing more than a sex-crazed animal.

I felt the horror of what I had done. The excitement I had felt a moment before washed away by the crushing guilt. Bile rose in my throat as I ran from the room and the sight of what I had done. I made it out the back door and fell to the ground, my breakfast purged as I threw up. Repeatedly I threw up until there was nothing except dry heaves, the vision of Rachel's accusing eyes staring at me filling my mind.

I had to get away... I ran blindly branches and thorns tearing at my skin and clothing. When I finally fell exhausted to the ground, I was far from the house and the evil I had created. I lay under a great oak tree next to a small pond. Any other time I would have marveled at how lovely and peaceful it was there, but now, it's beauty only reminded me how flawed and wrong I was. Curled up in a ball sobbing I could not get her eyes, her accusing eyes out of my mind.

Chapter 3

Kitten found me. I don't know what caused me to look up but when I did I saw her, in cat form sitting about fifteen feet away just watching me. I saw Tigress, also in cat form walk up and sit beside her. I became aware of bodies moving through the woods and stopping just outside of my vision. Sitting up I looked around, there, in a semicircle sat all of the girls. The just looked at me not speaking, on their faces, expressions ranged from worry to fear. Drawing my legs up I rested my head on my knees not looking at them.

Finally, Alvin walked up and sat next to me. He sat not speaking for a few minutes just sitting beside me. When he spoke, his voice was soft and tender, unlike his normal loud and somewhat gruff tone. "Do you want to talk about it pumpkin?" he asked, as his hand rubbed my back.

"Something is wrong with me." I said not lifting my head. When he did not reply, I glanced to see if he was paying attention or not. "When Maradith fixed me, she tainted me also."

"What do you mean tainted you?"

"Alvin, Maradith is a succubus, a creature of lust." I said looking him in the eye. He shook his head and I protested that she was indeed. What if I was the only one who remembered her transformation in front of everyone. What if none of the girls remembered her as anything more than a well-trained courtesan. The idea filled my mind and seemed to spread to the others before I could stop it.

"Samantha," Alvin replied. "I was there remember? I met Maradith. She didn't look half as good as any woman here including you. If she were as you say, would not she look more beautiful than anyone else?"

"Yes but she had been held captive and was being drained or something Alvin." I replied. "Of course she would look a little rough around the edges." I added defiantly.

"Ok assuming you are right, and she is a succubus," He said holding his hands up in mock surrender. "How has she tainted, as you call it, you?"

"When I think about something it happens." I said sadly looking out across the pond.

"Like what? You think about rain and it starts raining?"

I thought about how I would answer so Alvin would understand. Kitten's speaking ability? Jamie's pony hooves? The obsession with latex the girls have now acquired? The last one, "No Alvin, I am talking things like how the girls are obsessed with latex now. They can't get enough of it, the smell, the feel of it under their fingers, against their skin, drives them wild with sexual desire and need."

"Samantha..." Alvin started, "Look at me please," I turned and looked at him. "It has been long documented that latex rubber is an aphrodisiac in some people. Of course, the girls would love the feel and touch of it. You do, there is even a room that is covered floor, walls, and ceiling just for the purpose of surrounding yourself in the feel and smell of it." He shifted a bit to get more comfortable before continuing, "Sorry dear, I don't buy that example. You have to do better than that."

"Ok what about Jade deciding she wanted to be female fully?" I shot back. Jade was there and could back up that it was a spur of the moment thing.

"Mistress," Jade spoke up, "I had been working up the courage to ask you ever since we found out you could not have children."

I looked sharply at her, "Why didn't you speak up sooner?"

"I didn't want to disappoint you, mistress." She said not looking at me, "forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you pet," I replied. Looking at Jasmine I said, "And I guess you have been wishing you would be allowed to wear toe shoes and walk on tip toe for a long time?" Not speaking she nodded and looked down. I looked at Alvin, "None of those compare of what I just did this morning. Tigress turned into a sex kitten, losing Rachel forever." I could not bear to look at her. Just the thought of my actions made my guts churn.

"Is this the same Rachel who was your receptionist?" Alvin asked. When I nodded he laughed, "Oh Sam, that's rich. Rachel was and is the most oversexed woman I have ever known." Wiping tears away, he calmed down. "Oh Samantha, you did not make Tigress into a sex kitten, she was that long before she became a cat woman."

I could see no one believed me; they thought I was off my rocker. "Great, now you think I am delusional." I sighed.

Alvin rested his hand on my shoulder, "Pumpkin, I didn't say that. My guess is that it is just a chemical imbalance making you think these things. Come on back to the house and we make you right as rain."

"You all go on ahead; I will be along in a bit." I replied not moving.

From behind me, Jamie spoke up, "Mistress, will you, I mean can I, pick you up in the cart and give you a ride please?"

Looking at her my refusal died in my throat. Jamie looked eager and wanted to pull me, "That would be nice dear." I replied forcing a smile. My smile turned real by her joyful reaction. One by one, they all left until I was alone, or at least I thought I was alone. I was surprised then when Kitten walked over and sat down next to me in cat form.

One moment she was a cat and next a cat woman. I had wondered idly how she would be able to transfer from one form to the other while wearing a corset. Apparently, when she became a cat, the corset slid off her, she was not wearing it. "Kitten love momma no matter what," She said as she nuzzled my face with hers.

"You believe me don't you Kitten?"

"Kitten not sure, Momma but not. Momma more momma." She said slowly struggling with the words. She looked at me and I felt myself falling into her golden yellow eyes. I could hear her in my mind as she continued. "Momma different somehow... Kitten real kitten for Momma now."

"Why didn't you say something?" I wondered back.

I could feel her mental struggle, "Kitten cannot, she need... Momma strong" there was a pause and I could feel her trying to lift an unmovable weight, "I need..." It felt as if something broke and after a moment she continued, "I need your control Samantha... Please turn me into what you wish, your kitten forever."

I did wish it; god help me but I did. "Kitten as a kitten, unsure and clingy...Always needing me, needing my guidance and love." I was not sure who thought it and who agreed. Nevertheless, the changes took root. It was interesting to see how they shifted her whole personality. Instead of being horrified as I had in the past with other changes, this one felt like the right thing to do.

Breaking eye contact Kitten looked down and said, "Can Kitten thank Momma properly?"

"Of course pet, I wouldn't have it any other way." I said smiling and lying back with my legs open. She had just gotten started licking my inner thighs when I heard Jamie coming back. Looking down at Kitten I stroked her fur and said softly, "To be continued..." She looked up at me and mewed pitifully. Shaking my head no, I sat up. I saw that Jamie had indeed pulled the cart across the field and through the woods. She was standing at attention waiting for me to mount the cart.

Walking back to her, I caressed her face and cupped a breast. "Good pony." She nickered in reply and pawed at the ground, her tail swishing happily. Mounting the cart, I pat the seat next to me and in a flash Kitten, in cat form, jumped up and sat. "OK giddy up," I said as I took the reins. I was truly impressed with Jamie, she pulled us back to the house across the fields high stepping the whole way. When we stopped, Crystal was standing there waiting for us. Dismounting the cart, I walked up to Jamie, she had not even broken a sweat in her pulling. "Well done pony, thank you." The smile through the bit gag and twinkle in her eye made me feel much better. Turning to Crystal I said, "Make sure you pamper my little pony, she needs a big reward for her pulling today."

Crystal blushed and nodded, "Of course mistress."

As I walked to the house, I could hear their joyful reactions to my praise. Once inside Alvin, Jasmine, and Jade were waiting for me. Without as much as a moment to rest the whisked me down to the basement for tests. Once down in the infirmary I said to Kitten, "Why don't you go play with your sister. No need for you to sit and watch this." With a cat like nod, she turned and ran through the closed door.

Again without mincing words I was stripped and laid on my tummy, my head turned away from them. I was hooked up to something and I could hear someone typing on a keyboard. "Ok now we wait," said Alvin.

I decided I would prove to them that I was not crazy. I imagined Alvin making love to Jasmine up the ass, while Jade knelt under her, sucked her off and fingered herself at the same time. Soon I could hear their grunts and moans of pleasure as the musk from their bodies filled the air. The ding from the computer finishing the test was the cue for them orgasming.

"I caused that," I said without preamble.

Alvin walked around to the other side where he could see my face, "Caused what?"

"I made you take Jasmine's ass while Jade sucked her off and masturbated at the same time." I replied smiling. I had proved my point.

Alvin laughed and patted my bottom, "What did you expect us to do? Play go fish?" He walked around to the other side still chuckling. He made a hmmm sound as he looked at the results. Coming back around he said, "Sam, I want to call a friend to take a look at you if you don't mind. She is top of her field and I think, would be some help."

Looking at him, I knew he was thinking I had delusions of grandeur. His so-called friend had to be a head thumper. "If that's what it takes to convince you that I am not crazy Alvin, call her, call in anyone you want."

He looked across the table and said, "Where is the closest phone Jasmine? Kitchen?"

Jasmine replied, "There are no phones Alvin. Sue Ann disconnected the phone service for all the phones and cells for the month."

"No phones?" He shook his head and pulled out a cell phone. Walking away, he dialed a number and after a moment said, "Mildred? How are you...I'm fine...Nope not coming back, I'm semi-retired now." He glanced at me and walked to the far corner of the room. "So, the reason I am calling..." Alvin's voice took on a quiet tone, "My niece, Samantha...Yes that's right...I know it's asking a lot, but could you come and see her?" He paused and listened, "Please Mildred, she's all I got left...Thanks dear, I will make it up to you I promise." Turning around Alvin smiled, "It's a done deal, all I need do is make the flight reservation and pick her up."

Rolling over I sat up. Looking at Jade I said, "Will you please have Sue Ann get with Alvin, book the flight, and cut a check for whatever he thinks is enough for his friend." Standing I said, "Someone let me know when she arrives and see that she has a room here." I looked at the shredded latex clothing I had been wearing and shook my head sadly. Standing in the doorway not looking back, I said, "I know you all think I am crazy." As I walked out, the door closed behind me. I could almost hear Jasmine call out to me but it must have been my imagination.

Jasmine caught up with me while I was soaking in the hot tub. Frankly, I was vexed, I knew what happened, and even kitten knew I had changed. However, I could not seem to get the others to understand or believe me. "May I join you, mistress?" she asked as she walked up. When I nodded, she stripped of her latex and slid into the tub with me. Snuggling up against me, she sighed happily not speaking. Her hands tenderly caressed my body, not in the manner of sexual foreplay, but rather in a comforting and calming way.

After a while of her caressing my body, I felt the stress, worry, and tension drain away. I asked, "What was it you said as I walked out baby?"

Jasmine moved over until she was straddling my hips, "Red," she started looking me in the eye. "We, my sisters and I, don't care if you are delusional or if you are tainted as you believe." Leaning forward she kissed me before continuing, "We love you no matter what you are." Looking towards the kitchen she added, "Don't be too hard on Alvin. He doesn't understand you like we do Sam. He's just worried and trying to help the only way he knows how."

I smiled softly and kissed her back, "I know Jasmine." Kissing her once more I added, "Thanks for the vote of confidence dear one."

"Your welcome mistress," She said as she slid off me and went back to snuggling against my side.

It had been a while since I had had a good long soak in the hot tub. Even longer with someone, I love snuggling up against me. One by one the other girls' joined us in the tub, each snuggling for a time before moving away to let someone else in. Even Jamie, Tigress, and kitten came to sit by the tub. We did not speak; no words were needed to feel the love we had for each other.

Chapter 4

It was early evening, when Alvin's friend Mildred arrived. I was in my office dressed in a latex body suit talking to Heather and Angela. Like me, they too were dressed in latex and looked fit to kill. Alvin was right; on a scale of one to ten, every one of my girls were a 10+. I sat looking at Heather for a long time before her blush brought me back to reality.

Lighting a cigar, I puffed it into life before starting. "Heather, while I am all for spending every moment in the play room enjoying yourself. Basic household chores need to be kept up." I looked at Angela, "I am counting on the two of you, not to lose yourself in pleasure to where you forget everything else." I leaned back and puffed on the cigar a few times, "For example, has my bed been made? A spare room made up for Mildred?"

Heather bit her lip and shook her head. In a childlike voice she replied, "No mistress, not yet." She looked as if I had stolen her lollypop.

"It's ok dear, will you see to it now please? I don't want Uncle Alvin to be embarrassed by a sloppy house." As Heather started to get up I waved her back down, "No dear, I don't want you to do it personally, there are several other people in this house who damn well better be helping out."

"Oh they are mistress," Heather spoke up quickly.

"It's being taken care of as we speak mistress," Angela piped up.

I knew that at one time the girls were telepathic with each other due to when they were under the control of the behavior modification masks. It was nice to know they still were able to talk to each other as needed. "Thank you Angela." I said looking at her. "The other thing I wanted to talk to you about was about the idea I had of us, all of us, having a nice picnic. Perhaps back at the pond we were at earlier today?" I looked from one to the other in expectation.