Sam Spade 10: Demon Tears


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I went back to sit on the chair with Kitten, "Kitten somehow, takes my thoughts, my visions and boosts them. That much we figured out."

"Kitten help momma," Kitten nodded.

Maradith smiled, "Kitten help momma make me love boots?"

Nodding Kitten replied, "Kitten pick boots out for you."

Maradith looked at me, "Yes Samantha, I will teach you. I had planned to talk you out of it. However," she looked to Kitten, "I can see you will need to learn better control then you can on your own." Looking back at me she said, "This might hurt a bit." Standing she transformed into her true form.

Looking at Maradith I was stunned. She was gorgeous. If my girls were a 10 then Maradith must have been a 100. Standing I walked to her and felt her wings close around me. In the warm darkness that was her embrace, we kissed. Time seemed to stretch out as our minds joined. If Kitten was old, Maradith was ancient. It seemed as if she read my history in a glance and then I could feel raw data all that she knew, all that she was, flowing into me. It was too much. It felt as if my head was going to explode.

Just when I thought the data dump was going to kill me, I felt Kitten's mind join me and give me strength. Even with her help, it was painful. Then as fast as the data came, it ended and Maradith released me from her leathery wings. Had she not been holding me up, I would have fallen. Looking into her eyes I said softly, "Thank you." Though she had crammed all the knowledge of how to do things into my mind, it was still jumbled and I did not understand one concept in a hundred.

Maradith stroked my cheek and said, "You are welcome daughter." She smiled and added, "And now, I must take my leave of you. I have a dress to find before tonight."

Just like Kitten, she disappeared before my eyes. I caught the slight hint of sulfur hanging in the air. With a shock, I realized I knew how she did it; I finally understood what Kitten had tried explaining to me long ago about teleportation. "How about a nap Kitten, Momma a little tired." Kitten nodded and we headed to the bedroom. As we passed through the house, we found Jasmine, "Please make sure dinner is ready at 7pm, there will be guests."

Jasmine nodded, "Yes mistress, we know. Sue Ann and Crystal have already started the preparations."

"Good girls. Also, please tell Jamie that I need a little rest and will not be able to go riding with her as I promised," I replied. Jasmine assured me she would make sure to tell her and watch over things while I rested. With that taken care of, I headed to bed.

Chapter 8

It took a long time for me to fall asleep. My mind seemed to be going in a thousand different directions at once. When I did finally sleep, I dreamt that all the girls came into the room and suckled. One by one drinking my milk and then kneeling before the bed. Instead of feeling their mouths on my breasts, I was standing at the foot of it watching them drink. Unlike the dream before when they had drunk and then left, this time they stayed kneeling with their faces to the floor. After the last girl had drunk, Kitten suckled. When she was finished, she got up and kneeled at the center of the semicircle of girls kneeling around the bed.

As if on cue all the girls sat up, turned their heads, and looked at me standing at the foot of the bed. Their eyes were shinny black orbs instead of normal. I wanted to run away instead I was rooted in place. One by one, they stood, walked to me, knelt, rested their heads against my foot, stood staring black eyed at me and left the room. When the last girl, Angela, left I turned and followed them out the door.

The atrium was the same as before except for the statue in the center of the hot tub. Instead of me looking like a stylized Venus, the statue now had bat like wings and two small horns. The statue's face bothered me the most. Before, the carving looked peaceful and serene, now it conveyed a look of pure sexual lust. The girls were kneeling around the outer edge of the tub staring in rapture at the statue as they worshiped it.

I heard a voice behind me, "Kitten help momma." I turned around and there stood Kitten behind me. Her eyes were as black and shiny as her fur.

I woke up in a panic. I could feel my heart, or what passed for a heart, pounding hard in my chest. "A dream, just a dream," I said to the empty room. Glancing at the time I saw it was already 5:30 and I had not even started to get ready. "Shit!" I said as I ran to the closet. I knew what dress I wanted to wear. I had seen it and was saving it for a special day.

Pulling the long black latex stockings on, I picked out the mistress dress I had been saving. It was floor length with short puffy sleeves; the black latex had red latex flames sewed into it so it looked as if the bottom half of the dress was on fire. Next, I pulled on opera length black latex gloves, red pumps and finally wore my ruby necklace and earrings. Checking my hair, I could see my wings and horns in the reflection. I fixed my mind on the scent of desire that I had discovered earlier in the day, and walked out of the room.

Walking through the atrium, I glanced at the statue and stopped dead. Just like in the dream, it was changed. It had wings, horns and extruded lust. A voice in my head said, "That is as it should be Samantha. It is what and how you are now, like it or not." Turning I walked up to the living room and saw that other than Alvin, I was the first one there.

Alvin was dressed in a conservative suit. The only difference was that it was made from latex instead of cloth. "Samantha, you look stunning," he said as he came up to me and hugged me. "I must say this dinner party idea of yours was a capital idea."

"Thank you Alvin," I replied. I started to give him a light kiss, however his tongue pushed its way into my mouth and his kiss lit my pent up passion. We lingered kissing, our hands caressing each other's bodies before breaking off.

"Mmmm, not only do you look divine, you smell yummy and taste even better dear." Alvin said softly still holding me.

The doorbell rang and we looked at each other for a moment, as one we said, "Saved by the bell." Giggling I turned to answer it. Angela beat me to the door; she was dressed in a floor length purple gown made from latex, she too looked lovely. As if on cue, the other girls wandered into the living room. Each was dressed in latex; however, they looked beautiful instead of sexy. That is not to say that they were not excited or that I would not love to ravish each one of them now. I was just saying that even in latex, they looked sophisticated.

First, to arrive were Jason and Maradith. She was dressed in a matching gown to my own, while Jason wore a maroon tuxedo made from latex. Once everyone greeted the couple, Jason pulled me to the side and looked me in the eye, "How are you really doing Samantha?"

Dropping my volume to match his, "I don't know Jason, I keep having a dream and then..." I pulled him out of the living room and down the hall to the atrium. "I noticed this a few minutes ago."

Jason looked at the statue as he walked around it slowly, "A very good likeness; don't you think?"

"Jason, that was not like that a few hours ago," I said my voice becoming shrill.

"Ok, ok, calm down Samantha." He said hugging me. "It is not unusual for the mind to do little things while you are sleeping to make your space more fitting for you."

His words calmed me and we headed back up front just as the doorbell rang once more. Getting the door, myself, I saw Don Brice and Sue standing there. Sue was wearing diamonds and a lovely, though, slightly off white latex gown. The Don was wearing a black tuxedo with a white ruffled shirt both made from latex. Like Sue's his latex seemed to be old and slightly faded.

Sue flew into my arms and hugged me tightly, "Samantha, how wonderful to see you again." She looked at Jason and said, "And who is this dashing young man at your arm?"

Jason clicked his heels together and bent down to kiss Sue's hand, "Jason Maurice, at your service." She smiled at her and looked at Don Brice. As he shook the older man's hand he said smoothly, "You must be Don Brice, I am glad we were able to resolve that minor misunderstanding a while back."

Don Brice seemed at a loss until I said, "Jason is the co-owner of Dark Desires."

Smiling he started walking towards the living room with Jason in tow, "It is nice to meet a young businessman who are willing to take a chance and liven up an old trade."

Looking at Sue I said, "I love your dress."

She blushed and said, "Honey, it can't hold a candle to that outfit you're wearing. She lowered her voice and added, "Would you believe this is the dress that I wore when Lenny and I got married?"

I looked at her in surprise, Lenny and Sue, or Don Brice and wife, were the most powerful figures in the underworld. While I knew that Sue was the brains of the outfit, I had never had an inclination that they were swingers. "Really?"

Sue smiled and patted my arm, "It came to me when Heather asked us to dinner. I could just see us all sitting down at the table wearing rubber clothing." She giggled, "I can't wait until Frankie sees my dress."

"Well let's go show her," I said and walking into the living room with her.

Frankie, in case you did not know, is one of my girls. Because of mob issues, she had to pretend to die and thus her changed name and oriental looks. Jade caught sight of her mother and hurried over, "Mother? What on earth are you wearing?"

I left mother and daughter to talk and mingled. I noticed that, Kitten, Tigress, and Jamie were nowhere in sight. Looking around I noticed that Angela was also missing. She had been here when we started this evening. I was about to go looking for her when she came back in. Walking over to her, I raised my eyebrows in question.

"You'll see Mistress," Angela replied smiling. It worried me when Angela smiled like that. It generally meant I was in for a surprise.

Angela nodded once and I heard Heather's voice, "Samantha? Could you join me for a moment?"

Turning I went to Heather, she was standing at the fireplace holding two champagne flutes, "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to propose a toast." When everyone was looking at her she handed me a glass and said, "To Samantha Spade, detective, friend, mistress, and lover."

Turning towards her, I said softly, "Stinker," as I wiped tears away.

When they drank the toast, I heard Alvin's voice, "Speech, Speech..."

"Bloody hell," I muttered. Looking up at Alvin I stuck my tongue out. "If I had known I was supposed to write a speech I would have written one." I paused, my mind came up with a saying I once heard. Of course, it was talking about a ship, but no matter, "I do have a toast instead that comes to mind. To Samantha Spade." I looked at Alvin, "Yes Alvin, that's me." He stuck his tongue out back at me. "May all who sail in her find joy and fair skies." They looked at me as if I had grown two heads.

Sue giggled first. Then, like a raging fire of dry tinder, the laughter spread through the room.

The sound of a tinkling bell broke the laughter. As one, we all turned towards the arch. Jamie, in full harness with the exception of the gag stood in the doorway ringing a little crystal bell. Her mane had been braided with latex ribbons and tail had latex streamers in it. When she had our attention, she said crispy, "Dinner is served."

With us following, she walked to the sliding doors to the dining room and stood to one side at attention. The two doors were pulled back by Kitten and Tigress. Both of whom were wearing little aprons and maid's hats made from latex. Not speaking they showed us to each of our seats. I sat at one end with Angela on my right and Sue on my left. Maradith sat at the other end with Jason on her right and Lenny on her left.

When the two cat women had seated us, they and Jamie went into the kitchen. A moment later, they came back and served everyone. Finally, when everyone had salad and dinner plates before them, the three seated themselves. Frankly, I was worried they would end up doing all the donkeywork while the other girls slacked.

When we had finished eating and the dishes cleared away by the other girls. We sat back enjoying the meal and a bottle of fine brandy. Standing I looked across the table at Maradith, her small nod gave me the encouragement I needed. "As you know, ever since we finished the last case, I have behaving a bit," I paused, "oddly." I looked around the table and then back at Maradith, "Maradith was called in to help me find my way back. Maradith please stand hon." She stood and smiled at me. Smiling back, I continued, "Thanks to her help, I want to show you the results."

I glanced down at Kitten and caught her smile. She knew what was coming and was excited about it. I felt the pheromones rolling of me, the pleasure scent as I came to think of it. Still looking at Kitten I let my mind relax and feel her need. The sounds of gasps from around the table were like music to my ears. "Next?" I said looking at Maradith. Her body shifted and flowed as wings, horns and a tail sprung from it. I could feel and smell her scent as her wings slowly waved back and forth.

I looked at Alvin, "You see, we were both wrong Alvin. It is not in my head as you believed and I was not tainted, as I believed. I was given a gift." As I opened my mouth to say more the building was rocked by the sound of a large explosion outside. In mass, we thundered to the front door and outside.

Looking around I caught sight of a large fireball rocketing to the sky at Don Brice's house. A moment later, the sound of a second explosion reached us. An axel from a truck landed in the front yard with a crash. From a corner of my eye, I saw Sue and Jade fainting. I looked at Lenny as the girls hurried to the two fallen women. I corrected myself, the man standing beside me was not Lenny, he was Don Brice and he was pissed.

As the pair were being hustled inside I looked at Kitten and Tigress, "Party's over, go, check it out, give me a body count and if it is safe." They both nodded and disappeared; their hats and aprons lay on the ground forgotten.

Jason stepped forward handing me his coat, "I might be able to help them a bit." He ran towards the wall that separated our property and Don Brice's.

Don Brice turned towards me and said coldly, "Sam. Find out who did this, I don't care how much, I don't care who, I just want their heads on a platter..."

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