Sam Spade 10: Demon Tears


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Heather frowned, "I don't think that would be a good idea Mistress."

I looked at her in confusion; I thought it was a great idea. A day spent relaxing and skinny-dipping is just what we needed.

Angela picked up, "What Heather means is that that is where her father and his friends would go to drink, smoke and fish. There must be broken glass all over the place and in the water."

Frowning I nodded, "Yes you're right of course." I still didn't want to give up on the idea though, "Is there anywhere we could just get away for the day, a place where we could skinny-dip if we took a mind to it and have a nice picnic lunch?"

Heather brightened up, "Of course Mistress. There are several nice swimming holes around here. Some on our property and some over on Jade's parents back property."

"Great!" I said smiling. "Would you two personally check over the different spots tomorrow and pick the best one."

"As you wish Mistress," Heather replied smiling. She seemed as excited as I was about the project.

Just then, there was a knock on the door and Sue Ann poked her head in. "Mistress, Alvin is back."

"Thank you," I said to her, glancing at Heather I added, "Please make sure everything is in order." She nodded and hurried out of the room. Taking a last puff on my cigar, I looked at Angela and said, "Shall we go greet our guest?" Nodding she followed me out of the room.

We met Alvin and Mildred at the entrance hall. The smile on my face froze in place when I saw them. Alvin was dressed in slacks and the most god-awful Hawaiian shirt I had ever seen. It looked as someone had painted it with day glow colors and then nuked it until it glowed.

The woman, Mildred, was dressed in a dull brown tweed jacket; matching skirt that went down over her knees, penny loafer shoes and knee-high hose, the left one sagging below the skirt. Looking up at her face, the first thought that occurred to me was that she must have sucked on prunes during the whole flight. Her hair, a mousy brown shot with gray, was pulled back into a tight bun. To complete the picture, her lack of makeup and thick black rimmed glasses made her look like a constipated librarian.

Leaning slightly towards Angela, I said softly, "I wonder if that bun hurts to wear as much as it looks."

She smiled and bent back, "She looks just like you did before your make-over." I turned and looked at her and she nodded. "Have fun Mistress," she said leaving me alone with Alvin and the woman.

Alvin, oblivious of the looks Mildred and I were giving each other, said, "Samantha, may I present Dr. Mildred Johnson." He looked at her, "Mildred, this is my niece, Samantha Spade."

Instead of shaking hands, or hugging a friend of Alvin's, I tilted my head slightly and said, "Welcome to my home Dr. Johnson."

"Miss Spade," She said in reply. Mildred looked at Alvin and said, "Alvin could you take my bag to my room while Miss Spade and I get started?" I was shocked; her voice instead of being clipped and sharp was slightly husky and out of breath. She had a natural bedroom voice.

"I guess my office would be the best place," I said and led the way. Leading her over to the armchairs off to one side, I offered her a drink or cigar when Kitten came in and jumped up on my lap.

"Miss Spade," Mildred said as she leaned back in her chair across from me. "I can tell already what part of your problem is."

"Oh? What is it?" I asked. Perhaps she was as good as Alvin proclaimed she was.

"Your decedent lifestyle, and living with a filthy animal," She replied smugly.

"Excuse me?" I replied not believing my ears.

"Look at you, dressing like a harlot, and that filthy cat. Miss Spade," she continued smugly, "The down fall of society is directly related to the decedent lifestyle of its inhabitants." Mildred said wagging a finger in my direction.

Kitten growled deeply in her throat and I could feel her muscles tightening up to pounce. "No Kitten," I said sharply and grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. When she turned her head up to look at me, I let her go and stroked her back, "She is a guest in this house. Be nice."

"So you talk to dumb animals as if they could understand you also," she said with a frown.

"Dr. Johnson, I may not have gone to college like you," I said holding back my anger. If she had been anyone else other than a friend of Alvin's, she would have been out the door in a New York second. "However, I learned to have proper manners which I see you missed out on."

She smiled smugly and did not speak for a moment, "Sticks and stones Miss Spade."

"I'll have you know; Kitten is the smartest person I know. For that matter, what is wrong with how I dress in the privacy of my own home?" I shot back. I must admit I was pissed. Friend of Alvin's or not, no one insults Kitten and gets away with it. "As I see it, you are only here for me to prove that I am not delusional. Correct?"

"Yes Miss Spade that is essentially correct." Mildred said nodding. "Though, I must say you have not started off very well, stating that you believe that a cat can be anything more than a dumb animal."

Ok I was pissed, so sue me. Crossing my legs, I showed off my five inch heels. "See these shoes?" I said softly, "By the time you walk out that door you will be obsessed with high heels." I imagined her at my feet licking and nuzzling the shoes, worshiping them as if they were a god to her. Though Mildred stared at my feet, she made no move to get up and come worship them. Why had it not worked? Perhaps I was delusional after all.

I moved my hand to pet Kitten and realized she was gone. Looking around I realized she was not in the room at all and I wondered where she had run off too. Mildred looked up at me and smiled smugly, "Miss Spade that will be a cold day in hell."

God I hated that smile. For that matter I was starting to hate this stuck up woman with a passion. Luckily for me, there was a knock at the door. Jade peaked in and said, "Excuse me Mistress."

"Yes Jade?" I said as she came fully into the room.

"Heather mentioned she was going over to my parents' tomorrow to look at something." Jade said holding her hands in front of her.

Kitten hurried in and jumping on my lap sat and stared at Mildred. I looked at her and then at Mildred. "Go on," I said looking back at Jade. In my mind, I imagined Mildred's body filling with need and lust from the sight of Jade's ballet boots. I could see her sitting prim and proper, with one hand buried between her legs masturbating, while unaware of it. All of a sudden, the vision came into sharp focus.

"I was wondering if I could go also." Jade finished unaware of the little drama playing out in Mildred's chair.

"Of course you can. But make sure all three of you are showing only street clothes." I smiled and then added, "For that matter you had better take off your boots now Jade." When she pouted I added, "Don't worry you can put them back one tomorrow evening dear." I glanced at Mildred, her eyes were glued to Jade's boots as if they were the Holy Grail.

Once the boots were off and Jade had left, I said, "Please forgive Jade's intrusion."

Mildred, who kept looking at the boots turned towards me for a moment said, "In the future I expect not to be interrupted while treating you. What did Jade mean when she called you mistress?"

"I am mistress of the house. It is a meaning of respect, just as calling you Doctor is." I replied calmly.

"Deviant," she said snottily.

Personally, I found it funny. Here she was, staring at a pair of boots while masturbating and she called me a deviant. I imagined her standing up, taking the boots with her, with the excuse that she was tired. I could see Mildred going to her bedroom, stripping down, putting the boots on, and masturbating all night long. Each orgasm she has burning the need to worship high heels deeper. Just as before, it seemed as if an amplifier was added to the signal. Everything came into sharp focus as if I were watching a movie instead of playing with my mind.

Mildred standing brought me back to reality. Her hand came out from under her skirt as she said, "It has been a long day for me Miss Spade. We will continue in the morning." Nodding I watched unsurprised as she walked over to the ballet boots and picked them up. Tucking them under her arm, she left the room.

Kitten transformed into a cat woman and snuggled against me. As I caressed her back she said, "Kitten not like bad woman. Kitten help Momma."

I realized that somehow Kitten was the amplifier to my signal. "Momma not like bad woman ether Kitten." I said nuzzling her face with mine. I would have to think about the possibility more and ask her about it. First I wanted to get the bad taste of Mildred out of my mouth. Smiling I said, "Let's go to bed baby, you still have to thank me."

Kitten jumped up, grabbed my hand, pulled me to my feet, and led me to the bedroom. She acted like a child at an amusement park dragging a parent to a ride.

Chapter 5

It was several hours later, both Kitten and I were well sated when I asked her, "Did Kitten help Momma change bad woman?"

Kitten, raised her head from my chest and looked at me with her golden eyes, "Kitten help."

"How?" I thought to her. I knew we could communicate better in our minds than with language.

As best I could translate her answer, was that Kitten could feed from my imagination and echo it back to me, the cycle making it stronger. There was more to it but I did not understand what she was trying to show me that she did. The other thing was that I could feel Kitten's blind devotion and her hatred towards Mildred. Kitten saw things in black and white, ether she loved you or hated you. There were no shades of gray, no middle ground with her.

Between my dislike for Mildred, and Kittens pure hate, I grew angry again. However, my anger was the cold calculating kind. With each breath, I could feel it growing as if feeding on something. "Good Kitten. Let's go to her room and fix her little red wagon." Standing I picked up the shoes I had been wearing earlier and smiled. Kitten disappeared and came back a moment later with a pair of ankle boots with outrageous six inch heels. What made them shocking was that there was a wide strap at the top with two locks. Once the boots were laced up and locked on, there would be no way to remove them without the key.

Looking at the boots Kitten carried in her paws, I set the shoes I had picked up back down and took the boots she had picked out. Caressing her fur covered cheek I said softly, "Anything else you can think of?"

Kitten looked at me and said softly, "Make bad woman see Kitten not dumb."

"Momma knows Kitten not dumb, that only thing important." When that did not seem to mollify her I added, "You are right baby. When you and I are done, she will know all about how smart you are. However, not tonight, tonight momma has other plans for her." I said as we left the bedroom.

Opening the door to Mildred's bedroom, we peaked in. I was sure that if she awoke, with Kitten's help, we could bamboozle her into acting as if it were normal for us to be there. Just as I had envisioned earlier in the evening, Mildred was laying on the bed with Jade's boots laced on her feet. What I had not envisioned was the tight corset, pierced nipples, and a chrome chastity belt.

Before I could set the boots down, Kitten was in the room and hovering over Mildred. She looked at the chastity belt, pawing it in confusion. She looked up at me and said softly, "What this thing Momma?"

As I moved closer, I could see the hint of a smile on Mildred's face. No doubt, it was from the pleasure she was dreaming of with her new obsession. Setting the boots where she would see them when she awoke I motioned Kitten to come out of the room.

Once the door was closed, I started to giggle. Little Miss prim and proper was kinky. I was going to have to get to the truth out of her. Taking Kitten's paw, I led her back to my bedroom and said, "It is called a chastity belt baby. It keeps the wearer from making love."

Kitten looked over her shoulder and back at me, "Why Momma?"

"Why indeed?" I replied.

Once back in the bedroom I glanced at the mirror. It seemed as if the phantom horns and wings were more distinct. I wondered if Kitten could see their reflection or not. Pulling her over I pointed into the mirror and said, "What do you see Kitten?"

Kitten looked long at the mirror and then at me. Back and forth she looked, when she reached up to touch my forehead I knew the answer. Just like me, she could see them in the reflection.

Pulling her close I imagined my wings closing in around us. Between the feel their leathery texture sliding across my face and body and Kitten's muffled purrs acting as a huge vibrator against my body, a sudden wave of lust swept through me. Opening my eyes, I half expected to see the wings, however, they were ethereal still even though I could still feel them. Looking down at Kitten's face, it mirrored the feeling of pure bliss that her mind was emitting.

Somehow we made it back to the bed together still wrapped in ethereal wings. Kitten's purrs became louder as her mouth latched onto my breast. After a moment, I could feel her paws pressing on either side of it as she suckled. There was something about her suckling that lulled me to sleep. I dreamed each of the girls coming into the room and suckling, drinking from a never-ending supply of my milk. When each came to me, I wrapped my wings around them holding them tight as they drank. Last in line stood Mildred, still dressed as I saw her earlier, her eyes glazed over. She walked up and just as the other girls did, lowered herself to my breasts and suckled from them. When she had drunk her fill, she stood and walked out.

When I awoke, Kitten was nuzzled tight against me purring softly. I imagined Mildred waking, removing the ballet boots and replacing them with the locking boots Kitten had picked out. I saw her dressing while leaving on the corset and chastity belt in place. As she finished dressing, she picked up the ballet boots and rubbed them against her face and mewing in pleasure. She then walked out of the room, and to my office replacing the boots just as she had found then the day before. Unlike the other visions I had which time was compressed this one ran at normal speed.

When I was dressed, I headed to the kitchen to tell Sue Ann to bring a coffee service for two to the office. By the time, I reached it; Mildred was seated in the chair she used last night. On her feet were the locking boots and of course Jade's ballet boots were placed on my desk. Following a few steps behind me came Sue Ann with the coffee.

Mildred frowned at Sue Ann's outfit and turned to me, "I thought I would have to wait all morning for you to get up Miss Spade. As you know, the early bird gets the worm." She sipped the coffee and added, "Exquisite," with a smile.

I was about to give her a snappy reply about early not being very good for the worm when I was stopped dead by her compliment. Instead, I said simply, "I am glad you like it."

Setting the cup down, Mildred opened up a small notebook, clicked a pen several times, looked at me and said, "Where shall we start today, Miss Spade."

It must have been a sign from heaven to be given a straight line like that. Crossing my legs, I wiggled my foot a bit to let the 5-inch red patent leather pump dangle from my toes. "We could start where we left off," I said. I watched as Mildred's eyes were drawn to the high heel shoe before continuing, "If I remember right, I said you would leave the room obsessed with high heels." I tilted my foot and the shoe dropped to the floor. "Oh dear, could you get that for me please?" I said silkily.

Mildred stared at the shoe on the floor. Moving as if she were in slow motion, she got down off her chair and reached for it. Picking it up she placed it against her face and sniffed the leather. She then licked and sucked on the heel as if it were a slender cock, her eyes closed in pleasure.

Clearing my throat brought Mildred back to reality. Her eyes flew open in shock with the stiletto heel buried in her mouth. Smiling down at her I said, "You may replace my shoe and worship the other one now." When she made no movement I added, "Come now, we both know how addicted to high heels you are."

Mildred slowly removed the red shoe from her mouth and with a final nuzzle she placed it on my foot. She then kissed it tenderly as a mother would when putting a child to bed. Bending down she started licking the other shoe slowly. Her voice muffled said, "How?"

"I have been changed by a succubus and now can change people." I said. I paused a moment and added, "You believe me don't you Mildred."

Mildred looked up and said softly, "Yes, yes I do Samantha."

Even though she was looking up at me, Mildred's hands were still caressing one shoe while her face was against the crossed one, rubbing it slowly. "Do you like the boots you are now wearing?" I asked smiling. Mildred looked down at her feet and stroked the leather slowly. Her hands reached the locks and she looked up at me in confusion. "To remind you that you are now and forever a slave to high heels," I said simply.

"What a wonderful idea," she exclaimed and standing walked around watching her feet. It took Mildred a few minutes to sit down and even then, she kept staring at her own boots and my high heels throughout the morning session. Sipping on her coffee once more she said, "So tell me about this succubus who changed you? Was she as beautiful as they say?"

Picking up my cup, I refilled it before answering. Without going into too much detail, I explained what had happened and how she was the only one who was able to give me back the use of my legs. When I reached the part about her crying Mildred broke in, "Oh were they really blood tears?"

Smiling I replied, "No Mildred, you're thinking vampires. They are the ones with blood tears." It was funny, yesterday Mildred was a stone cold bitch, and now we were now chatting like old friends. Kitten walked in about that time and sat on my lap staring at Mildred.

She looked at her locking boots and said, "I guess the charade is over." She looked up at me and then bent her head down to Kitten's level, "Please forgive my bad behavior yesterday Kitten. From what Alvin has said, you are a lovely, intelligent woman in your own right." She sat back up and said, "It was Alvin's idea Samantha. He thought that if I was a bitch that it would snap you out of your delusion." She bent down and caressed her boots, "Instead you opened a wonderful new door for me to explore and love."

Kitten looked up at me, I knew what she was asking and nodded slightly. She transformed into her cat woman form and said, "Uncle Alvin make Mil-dred say bad things?" Mildred looked at her in shock and nodded. Standing quickly Kitten said, "Kitten go talk to Alvin!" and disappeared.

"It's a good thing Kitten loves Alvin," I said just as a male's voice hollered in pain from somewhere in the house.

We sat staring at each other, Mildred in shock and I hoping Kitten would not hurt him too much, when Kitten popped back into the room. She walked over to Mildred and sat on her lap. Rubbing her face with Mildred's, Kitten said, "Kitten forgive Mil-dred." She sat there with her arms wrapped around Mildred's neck and softly purred.

"Thank you Kitten," Mildred replied as she stroked Kitten's fur. She must have been a cat person because she knew how to treat Kitten properly.

Alvin stormed into my office just then. His shirt had been shredded and I could see four parallel scratches running diagonally across his chest. "Sam! Look at me! Do you see what Kitten has done?" From his vantage point, I don't believe he saw her sitting on Mildred's lap.