Sam Spade 10: Demon Tears


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"Alvin, I know you are family, and I love you very much. But there are two things I want you to understand right now," I said standing and moving towards to him. "I want you to remember first and foremost," I stood almost nose to nose with Alvin and said, "That this is my office. When the door is closed you will knock before entering." He started to sputter and I held my hand up and touched his lips, "Second, you should have seen the last person Kitten got mad at and be thankful she loves you." Turning him around I opened the door and said, "Go have Jasmine fix you up dear and we will talk about this later ok?"

I was in the process of pushing him out the door when I heard Kitten ask, "Why Mil-dred wear chastity belt?"

Alvin dug in his heels and said, "What?"

I pushed him the rest of the way out the door with the sound of Mildred's laughter behind me. I walked back to the chair and sat down, like Kitten, I too wanted to know the story behind the chastity belt.

Chapter 6

Mildred looked at Kitten and then at me, "So you know about the chastity belt." Motioning Kitten to get up she stood also, "That's good to know, this outfit is such a pain to wear." Removing her jacket, she stopped and looked at me, "You don't mind if I get comfortable do you Samantha?"

"No not at all Mildred, strip down bare if you want." Personally, I wanted her to strip all the way down so I could look at the belt closely. I had heard of them from history, but had never seen one in real life. I watched as Mildred undressed. When she was finished all she had left on was nipple rings, corset with garters, chrome chastity belt, seamed stockings and of course, the locking boots.

Pulling a pin out of her bun, Mildred shook her head letting her hair fall down around her shoulders. She reached up and fluffed it and smiled, "I don't know how women can stand to wear their hair in buns, hurts my head."

Looking at her now, I realized that Mildred was quite attractive. If I had a picture of the before and after looks, you would swear that the two pictures were two different women. As a private detective, I knew the importance of clothes in changing your looks. However, Mildred's transformation was nothing short of remarkable.

Kitten went up to Mildred and touched her here and there, as if she was testing to see if the woman was a real person. Finally, she looked Mildred in the eye and said simply, "Mil-dred different."

"Yes Kitten, Mildred different," she replied as her hand caressed Kitten's cheek. Turning to look at me she added, "Mind if I smoke?"

Shaking my head, I said, "No go right ahead, as long as you explain the chastity belt."

Walking over to the cigar humidifier, Mildred picked out a cigar and lit it. She turned and came back to sit down in the other chair and looked from Kitten to myself. "My...partner put it on to make sure I am good while here."

"How terrible," I replied. Thinking quickly, I added, "I bet ether Crystal or Jasmine can get it off you in two shakes." If Crystal could not crack that lock, I knew Jasmine could do something to get it off her. Mildred's reply, when it came surprised me.

Patting it she said, "No thanks Samantha, it is a game we play. You see, he is wearing one also and I have the only key." She giggled.

Kitten looked at her confused and said, "Game?"

"Yes Kitten, game. Does Kitten like to play with Samantha?" When Kitten nodded she continued, "This is the same type of game." Turning her head to address me, she said, "Back to your change." She paused and found the notebook and pen, "How did it manifest itself to you?"

I explained how Jamie had been partially transformed by Angela's nanite technology with the exception of true hooves. I had been wishing she had real pony hooves when it had changed her. Then everyone around her acted as if she had always been that way. "That was the first real clue I had that something had changed in me," I concluded.

"May I meet her please?"

"Kitten get," Kitten said and disappeared. Standing I went over and unlocked the door before getting a cigar myself. It did not take long before there was a knock at the door and Jamie walked in with Kitten in tow.

"You wished to see me mistress?" she said looking at me.

"Mildred wanted to meet my sweet pony," I said smiling at her.

Mildred stood and walked over to Jamie. She looked her over and even knelt to look at her hooves. Finally standing she said to her, "You are a beautiful pony girl and it is my pleasure to meet you."

I could tell Jamie was pleased with the compliment because her nipples tightened up and her tail swished happily. "Could you take this tray back to the kitchen for me dear?" I asked picking up the coffee service and handing it to her.

"Of course mistress," she said. Then, before she left she added, "Will we be going for a ride today?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I replied and then kissed her. I added softly, "I want to show off my pony to Mildred, do you think you can pull the two of us?"

"Of course mistress," she replied proudly before leaving.

Once we three were alone Mildred asked, "And you say she was human before the change?" I nodded and she continued, "Remarkable, if I had not known I would have said she was one of the non-humans on this planet, much like Kitten." She sat down once more before continuing, "What about you? Can you change yourself also?"

"What do you mean?"

Mildred paused searching for the right words, "Can you change how you taste, smell, look, sound or feel?" she continued when she saw the blank look on my face, ">From what I understand, succubae can transform themselves to what the person they are vamping, for lack of a better word, desire. I was wondering if you can do the same."

"I...I don't know," I replied. I had never thought about that aspect.

"Well, let's give it a try then, how about smell," Mildred replied. "Can you smell desirable?"

I wanted to ask how do I do that, but she was not the right person to ask. I really needed Maradith to guide me. Rather than seem like an idiot I would try to tackle it myself. 'Ok, what turns me on?' I thought. The answer came right away, 'a woman in heat and the smell of latex.' I tried to capture the scent of the girls in the playroom when they are going at it hot and heavy. Once I had it in my mind, I imagined the scent rolling off me in waves and filling the room.

Kitten's head moved around, her head lifted as she sniffed. She turned to me and started sniffing my body. "Momma smells good," she said purring.

A moment later Mildred chimed in, "Oh that does smell nice," she said as she shifted in her chair. She looked like she was doing the pee pee dance.

I felt the lust rising in me and it was a struggle to stop. I wanted to follow the line of questions that Mildred had brought up. "So the answer to smell is yes I can smell desirable. But, you or anyone could do that just as easy Mildred."

"Perhaps," she replied as she calmed down. "What about taste?"

"Taste..." I thought about all the things that I loved the taste of. The list ran from chocolate, a good cigar, honey, whiskey, and finally women. Those were only the highlights of the various items that popped in my head. 'What was it about each that triggered the pleasure center in my mind?' This one was much harder than scent. Finally, I think I had it. I pictured myself tasting a mix of all those and more as I stood and walked over to Kitten.

Bending down I took her head in my hands and kissed her. Her tongue darted into my mouth and she grabbed me, holding me close. Her purrs buzzing loudly in my ears as she licked and tasted my saliva. Breaking off the kiss, she looked at me, her eyes large and said softly, "Momma taste even better."

"Dare I try?" Mildred said from one side. Smiling I turned and walked to her. Bending down I kissed her, my tongue sliding past her open lips. Just as with Kitten, she moaned in pleasure as her tongue thrust into my mouth and searched every nook and cranny, as she tasted me. Breaking it off, she looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Wow..."

I smiled and went back to sit down. I was feeling a huge boost of confidence. While the scent of a woman in heat could be done by any woman, the taste aspect was mine and mine alone. "Let's try feel next," I said. I looked at Kitten and smiled, I knew how to do touch. It was a lot like taste. I channeled all the pleasurable feelings to my fingertips. A simple touch would transfer them to Kitten. The longer the touch, the stronger the feelings would be. Reaching forward I caressed her head, running my fingers through her fur. In response, Kitten mewed in pleasure. Her head moved into my hand keeping the contact as long as possible.

I turned to Mildred, "Shake?" She looked at Kitten as a rabbit would a snake and nodded slowly. Her hand reached out and I took it in mine. In the seconds it took to shake hands, I pushed the pleasure out of me and into her. In moments, her head was thrown back, her mouth open, and free hand pulling at a nipple ring.

When I let go, Mildred opened her eyes and looked at me. Her voice, breathless said, "Much more like that and I will literally rip this chastity belt off." She shook her head and stood up, walking unsteadily, she went to the decanters and opening the whiskey one poured herself a large glass. Talking a big gulp, she came back and sat down. "Ready to try the last two, sight and sound?" she asked.

Nodding I thought about it and thought some more. However, I could not come up with anything at all. I was clueless. Looking from Kitten to Mildred I said, "Any ideas?"

Kitten answered, "Momma, feel what other need and become it."

Standing I paced back and forth as I thought about what Kitten had said. Looking at her, I tried pushing my way in to see what she really desired but drew a blank. Therefore, if trying did not work, what if I relaxed and tried? Letting my mind go blank just as if I were meditating, I reached out with my mind gently and knew what Kitten wanted to see. I turned to Kitten and said, "Come to me baby."

Kitten swarmed into my arms happily exclaiming, "Momma has her wings."

We hugged and kissed before I turned to Mildred and asked, "See anything different?" I wondered if she would see the wings also.

"No Samantha, you look just the same to me as before," she answered with a slight smile.

Looking at Mildred I asked, "May I try with you?" not speaking she nodded. Again, I let my mind go blank and looked at her. The words, "Miss me?" came out of my mouth. The voice sounded different, a male's voice. Kitten took one look at me and backed away not speaking. Apparently, she saw the change.

As I walked towards Mildred, she stood and said, "Remarkable Samantha. If I didn't know..." Her voice trailed off.

I walked towards Mildred while keeping my mind calm, I said, "Still in the belt? You know that was only a joke for Sam." I blinked several times, coming to myself as I finally recognized the voice. Son of a bitch, it was Jason's voice. If her partner was Jason, then that could only mean... "Maradith!" I reached her and hugged her tightly, "You have no idea how glad I am you're here!"

Maradith hugged me back, "Very good Samantha," she said with pride in her voice.

Chapter 7

The one thing I had needed since I had realized I had been changed was in my arms hugging me back. If anyone could help me get a handle on my life and the lives of those around me, it was Maradith. Letting go of her, I walked to the decanter and poured myself a strong one. Even though it was morning, I felt the need for a shot of ole Kentucky rat poison to settle my mind.

Once I had calmed my mind, there were still thousands of questions running around my mind. However, before I asked any of the others I wanted an explanation. "How did you get here? What happened to the real Dr. Mildred Johnson?"

Maradith giggled, her laughter sent tingles of pleasure through my body. "There never was a Dr. Mildred Johnson, Samantha." She paused a moment to puff on her cigar, "You see, a few days ago, Alvin called Jason to say you had gone crazy." Leaning back in her chair she contemplated the cigar as she spoke, "Jason was in favor coming right away. However, I knew or at least believed, if we rode in to save the day, you would be worse off. Therefore, we three worked up a plan that Alvin would call us, if as he called it, your delusion became worse. Meanwhile we would fly up here to Dark Desires so we could be close."

I should have been upset, however I was so glad Maradith was here and Jason close that I forgot my anger at being kept in the dark. There was one thing she said that raised a red flag, "You said worse off. What do you mean?"

Kitten who had been watching me closely finally reached a paw out and touched my face, "Momma?"

I looked at her and said, "Yes Kitten?"

"Momma not momma. Momma a man," she said still looking at me.

I looked at Maradith in confusion and she nodded. It came to me in a flash; I was still looking and talking like Jason. Blushing I relaxed and became Samantha once more. "Sorry about that."

Kitten flowed back into my lap purring happily, "Momma, momma again."

"It's ok, though it did feel odd sitting here talking to you while you looked like Jason." Her smile slid off, "Samantha," Maradith leaned forward in her chair and looked at me. "Of all the people I have...turned for lack of a better word, all of them gave into their desires of lust." She broke eye contact, "You, of all my children, are someone I care about. If we had come earlier, I believe you would have let me handle your mistakes instead of you fixing them yourself and become nothing more than a creature of lust." Maradith looked back at me, "I knew if I stayed away, you would win out over the desires that even now are trying and rule your mind. Of all my children, only you Samantha have won."

"What about Jason?" I blurted.

Maradith's somber expression broke into a smile, "Jason was a special case. He had to work for it." She winked and added, "Ask him about it sometime. I am sure he would love to share that with you over a week or so."

Ok so I had the reason why she did not come sooner. I still wanted to know how to beat the desires of lust that was filling me. In addition, I needed to know how to undo what I had done to poor Tigress. "I understand why you waited, but now that you are here. How do I beat the lust that fills my mind? How do I fix my mistakes?" I asked

"Oh Samantha, you already know how to beat the lust, you have done it several times this morning with me." Maradith replied. "As for mistakes, what mistakes have you made?"

What mistakes? Oh my god, how could she not see the errors I had wrought on my girls. "Kitten stuck as a clingy child mentally and verbally, poor Rachel who is now lost inside a cat who thinks about nothing but pleasure." I could not look at Kitten. "Those are two that are a good start. There are others, many others Maradith."

"Kitten like being this way for Momma. Momma happy, Kitten happy." Kitten said as she turned my head to look at me.

Maradith nodded, "Kitten has it exactly right Samantha. I don't see any mistakes you made." When I started to interrupt her, she held up her hand, "No let me finish first. Look inside yourself, remember back when I gave you the...desire for latex?"

Desire hell, I needed the scent and feel of latex against my skin more then I needed the air I breathe. "Of course Maradith, how could I forget?" I asked with a slight smile.

"Good, now if you think of your mind as a pad and the desire for latex as a page written on that pad. You will see how to remove it." Maradith calmly explained. "The question is; do you want to remove it?"

I thought for a moment. 'Yes, I could just remove that page and the love of latex, the driving need would be gone.' I realized that I did not want to lose it. I really enjoyed the feel and smell. Looking back at Maradith I said softly, "No, no I don't."

She looked at Kitten, "Could you bring your sister here Kitten? Could you get Tigress for Momma?"

Kitten nodded and turned into a cat, jumping off my lap she ran out of the room. I loved watching her run through closed doors.

Maradith looked at me once more, "Just as you do not want to remove your love for latex, all the other changes you made in people, they would not want to go back to the way they were before." She lifted a foot and admired the boots still locked on her feet. "Even I, I who is older than mankind, who has done all you could imagine and more. Find I really enjoy the look and feel of high heels now." She grinned at me, "I can remove it anytime, but choose to leave it in place because it gives me pleasure to do so. You have given me a gift Samantha and it is my wish to repay you. Name it and if it is within my power to grant I will." Maradith said simply.

I would have answered quickly however at that moment Kitten came back in with Tigress in tow. They both changed back into cat woman form and came over to snuggle. Maradith looked at Tigress and smiled, "What a beautiful creature you are," Tigress started purring and went to sit in Maradith's lap. "Tigress, shall Samantha change you back?"

Tigress jumped up as if she had been shocked. Shaking her head violently she looked at Maradith and then me. "NO! No change Tigress back." She looked at Kitten and started meowing quickly.

Kitten went to her, held her close and meowed back at Tigress. After a few minutes, she looked at Maradith, "That mean thing to say to Tigress." She looked at me, "Tigress want know how she displease Mistress so much to make mistress want to change her back."

Maradith looked at me, "I rest my case."

I looked at all of them and thought hard. Standing, I went to Tigress and said softly, "You can stay as you are dear. I am sorry I troubled you. Forgive me?"

She looked at Kitten. It was not until Kitten nodded that she turned back to me and hugged me hard. Damn she was strong. Rubbing my face with her cheek she said, "Tigress forgive."

"OK dear, you can run along now." I said refilling my bourbon. When I turned back, Tigress was gone. Sitting back down I said, "Ok so my mistakes were not mistakes." I was not sure that Maradith was right; however, I needed time to think about it. "Will you train me? Teach me what you know?" I asked coming back to her reward offer.

I heard a soft ringing but could not figure out what it was when Maradith said with a giggle, "Samantha, your wall is ringing, aren't you going to answer it?"

Smiling I walked over to a painting and pulled it away. Behind was the wall safe and once opened I found everyone's phones. Grabbing the one that was still ringing I answered it, "Hello?" It was Angela, they had found a great place over at Don Brice's for the picnic. She also called because Jade wanted to know if she could ask her parents over for dinner.

A vision filled me, Maradith on one end of the table, myself at the other. A formal dinner party with everyone dressed in latex where I prove that I am not crazy by coming out and showing my wings off. In that moment, I could feel the vision grow and expand around me. "Yes, at 7 pm." I said hanging up.

When I turned around, Maradith was staring at me with huge eyes not speaking. "What is it?" I asked concerned.

Instead of answering me, she looked at Kitten, "Did you do that?"

"Kitten help Momma."

Maradith tilted her head as if listening to an inner voice, "Jason wants to know where, and I quote, where am I going to find a maroon latex tux between now and seven pm?"

"He saw my vision?"

"Samantha, we all saw it." Maradith said breathlessly. "I would be willing to bet; everyone will be dressed as you commanded." She paused and said under her breath, "I know I will be." Shaking her head as if to clear it, she looked at Kitten, "How did you help Momma?" She looked at me, "Samantha, you are my daughter, it is impossible for you to be stronger then I and yet." She paused and I saw a look of confusion cross her face, "I have to be at the dinner dressed as you wish it."