While the Cat's Away


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"We got lucky, to be honest. If WIWE hadn't come in with the lease offer for the turbines, I think Momma would have had to put this place up for sale a couple of years ago. Those cheap pricks at the church don't pay her much. We rent out the farmland, and Donny contributes some of what he makes, but property taxes add up. There's no mortgage, thank God, so we own the place free and clear. But sooner or later the money would have run out. Mom's been honest with us. If Donny wanted to go to school, we would have had to sell. Six hundred acres and a hundred and fifteen years in the family, and it would all have been gone." Her lip trembled.

"Well, maybe Donny will find himself a farmer girl to marry," Cindy said. "Or maybe a farmer boy," she teased as Dawn choked on her drink.

"God, Mom would have a stroke! No," she said, dabbing at the water spots on her blouse, "Donny's not gay. Not that I would have a problem if he was," she said hurriedly. "And neither would Mom. But I think she finds it a bit easier to think about gay marriage in the abstract. It's OK when it's someone else, but when it's your son..."

"Or daughter..."

"I'm not gay either, Cindy. Good grief. What is up with you today?" Her brows pinched down in a frown.

"Relax, Dawn. Neither of you two has said a word to me about boyfriends or girlfriends, so I was just...checking out the territory. Perhaps you were indulging in the love that dare not speak its name," she said, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Mom scares them away," Dawn grumped morosely. "Whenever I bring a boy home, she meets him with those clothes and that look on her face. You know, that one that makes you think she can see straight through you and see every terrible thing you've done since you were six?"

"God, do I ever," shivered Cindy. "I remember the time she caught me sneaking cookies out of the pantry. I must have been about nine, and she had me confessing even before she asked me what I was doing.

"What about Donny, there?" she asked, as he came back around the corner with the mower, heading towards the far end of the yard. "You can't tell me he hasn't had girls drooling all over him."

"Oh, they do," sighed Dawn. "Then Mom sits them down for a chat, and you never see them again."

"Too bad," sighed Cindy. She gazed at Donny's lithe form, pushing the mower across the grass. "He makes me feel all squirmy inside."

"What?" Dawn asked, wondering if she had heard her cousin correctly.

"Oh, you know," Cindy said dreamily. "Don't you? You look at a guy, and you say to yourself, well, he's kind of cute, but nothing to call home about. But you watch him a little bit more. And before you know it, you're all wet. Down there," she added, nodded towards her crotch.

"And you start to wonder what he would be like in bed. If he knows what to do with his hands. If he is a good kisser or not. If he is good at foreplay. What his cock is like. Is it one of those sad little pencil-dicks, or is it a nice long thick one that you can have some fun with?"

Disbelieving, Dawn watched as Cindy pulled her skirt up into her lap and pushed her panties down her legs, pooling at her ankles. Her pouting lips gleamed red in the late-afternoon sun, her shaven mound glistening. Still talking, she drew a lingering finger up her slit, sighing as the tip parted her folds. She glanced over at her cousin, the swing slowly rocking.

"Don't make me do it alone, Dawn," she breathed.

"You're crazy," Dawn hissed. "Donny's right over there! He'll see you. He'll see us."

"People see what they expect to see, country mouse. He's fifty yards away. Do you think he's

going to be staring at our coochies from that distance? And besides, it's so much better if he can see. It makes me feel so hot. So nasty." Her free hand was on her breast, gently kneading, and she cursed the fact that she had worn a bra today.

Despite herself, Dawn was getting turned on by Cindy's blatant sexuality. Her own experience was limited to a few furtive gropes inside cars, and one regrettable experience in the bed of Barry Fitzsimmon's truck at a barn dance last summer. How easy it would be to surrender control to someone so much more experienced.

"Come on," Cindy said, her head closer, her breath hot in her ear. "You know you want to, Dawn-girl. Show your cousin your hungry little pussy." She shivered, and Cindy laid her lips on her shoulder, sucking lightly, her tongue tracing delicate patterns of desire on her flesh. Fascinated, she watched as two fingers plunged into the depths of her cousin's sex, then emerged, coated with her nectar.

As if she were dreaming, Dawn watched as her fingers drifted towards the buttons of her shorts. She undid them, then, gasping, pushed them and her underwear to her feet, shuddering convulsively as the warm air hit her sweat-damp skin.

"A natural blond," her cousin said, eying the golden curls of her pubis "But then, I've known you since you were born. Bet those college boys will be happy to find that out."

Voiceless, Dawn cuddled close to Cindy, taking comfort in her presence. Their thighs softly stroked against each other as she tried to relax enough to ease into the gentle joy of masturbation.

"Look at him," Cindy breathed. "He's not your brother now. Not my cousin. Just a man. Check out that nice tight ass of his. Look at those arms. Nice and strong. Wouldn't you like to see those braced above you as he pumps his cock into your hot little coochie?"

Dawn gasped in shock, momentarily jolted out of the spell her cousin's voice wove about her. But as she looked, really looked at her brother, she realized how cute he was. How hot.

How much she desired him.

With a convulsive movement, her hand ground down on her mons, sending a bolt of pleasure through her. In response, she felt her body flush, hot blood flooding her face, her breasts, her nether lips. An urgent ache began to grow in the hollow of her belly, and her nipples peaked, growing into tight buds on the blushing tips of her breasts. Her thighs spread wide, and she slipped a finger into her tight channel, her thumb circling the engorged flesh of her clitoris, sending her arousal even higher. At her side, Cindy was panting, and her arm suddenly came around her, her hand palming the warm flesh of her breast.

She arched into her touch, pushing her tit into Cindy's palm. She was nuzzling close to her face, cheek rubbing against flaming cheek, and in a moment Dawn knew her lips would cover her mouth, her tongue invading...

She turned her face away. "No," she said hoarsely, her fingers furious on her fiery bud. "I'm not kissing you out here. Donny would be sure to notice that."

Cindy squeezed her breast in agreement, then moved away slightly. Her eyes were fixed on Donny, her other hand flashing in and out of the depths of her folds. Her teeth clenched, and her hips began to rock, sending the swing swaying. Beside her, Dawn drove to her own climax, whimpering as desire drove her hands and fingers.

God, Dawn panted, it's never been so quick before! Her lusty cousin beside her, boldly discussing the possibility of forbidden love with Donny, drove her passion to a peak, spiking with almost frightening speed. Her hand felt like it was drowning in her juices as they flowed out of her, her fingers making lewd squelching noises as they imitated a hard cock, thrusting urgently.

The muscles of her belly cramped, tightened, released, and then suddenly the mind-numbing rapture of her orgasm swept over her, a thin wail breaking from her lips, her body shaking, sending the swing in an erratic pattern as she fought to control her body. Her free hand clutched at Cindy's leg, hard enough to leave bruises. Beside her, her cousin's hot eyes watched her, wise with knowledge. Perspiration gleamed on the slick skin of her thighs, and her hand slowed, drawing out her pleasure.

Cindy suddenly gasped explosively and lurched in the swing, her pubis jerking forward, all but engulfing her hand as she thrust it into her dripping crevice. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her hand tightened convulsively on the tender flesh of Dawn's breast, almost painful in its intensity.

"So good," she moaned. "So goood." Dawn flinched as she met her eyes, for they were almost animalistic, fierce with passion and desire. Shaking, she pulled up her panties and shorts, grimacing in distaste as she pulled the garments over her damp cleft, sticky with her juice.

For her part, Cindy simply flipped the hem of her skirt back over her legs and picked up her underwear.

"Aren't you going to put those back on?" she asked dazedly.

"Waste of goddamn time, if you ask me," her cousin replied. "Ain't no one going to see me tonight anyway. And you would not believe, Dawn, how good fresh air feels on the skin of your coochie after you've just come. The skin is sooo sensitive. I might be able to come again, just by thinking about the last time I had sex." She shivered happily.

Dawn watched, slack-jawed, as Cindy waltzed back into the house, strutting sexily. For the first time she looked at another woman with desire in her heart, wondering about the shape of her breasts, the taste of her skin, the smell of her...

"Were you two having a good time?" a quiet voice asked from beside her.

Dawn nearly jumped out of her skin as she turned to face her brother, who had finished mowing and was standing by the side of the porch.

"What? No. What did you see?" Dawn asked, half-panicked. Her skin lit in a blazing flush. Oh God, please tell me he didn't notice anything, she begged.

Donny frowned. "Not much. I was busy mowing the lawn and listening to my music," he said, displaying his old iPod. "But when I looked over the two of you looked like you were laughing fit to bust, the way the swing was jerking around and how close you two were together. I thought you might be having a little hen party and talking about guys, or something."

If you only knew. "Yeah, it was something like that. Are you ready to get the meat on the grill?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, hell, yes," he replied. "I've been looking forward to this all day."


"That," said Cindy. "Might be the best hamburger I've ever had. What the hell is your secret, Donny?"

Dawn eyed her brother as he smiled with shy pride. "Mostly it's Dawn," he said. She rolled her eyes as he tried to pass off the credit. "No, it's true," he said. "She figured out the ingredients. Once the meat is mixed it's pretty hard to screw it up."

"I don't know, Donny," Dawn said, taking part in the supper conversation for the first time. "Mom manages to almost every time she tries."

"That's because she's a woman," Donny said loftily. "It is a scientific fact that women don't know how to barbeque." He shied away as Dawn threw a cherry tomato at his head.

"But honestly, Dawn's burger recipe is awesome," he continued. "What all do you put in there, Sis?"

"Well, you thaw out a couple-three pounds of good hamburger. Then you crack an egg in and let the egg white mix with the meat. Then you dribble on a couple tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce.

"After that's soaked for a while you dice up some onions real fine, and crumble up some oyster crackers. Then you mix it all together. The crackers and the egg help hold the meat together, and the Worcestershire sauce and the onions give it some kick.

"Then you give the meat to Donny and let him work his magic on the grill, and eat until you're about to pop."

"Well, I've sure as hell done that," Cindy grunted. The remains of their supper were spread on the patio table like the bones of a defeated army. Leftover burgers, corn on the cob, baked beans, and salad waited sadly for their eventual removal into the refrigerator. "Forget that crap about going into town for ice cream. I'm just going to sit here and try not to explode."

"Oh, no you don't," said Dawn. "If you don't do anything tonight you'll whine evening about how much weight you're gaining. Just like you did after we ate last night. Come on, let's go for a walk at least."

Groaning pathetically, Cindy levered herself to her feet. They walked around the house and down the driveway, eventually emerging onto the highway.

Donny frowned as Dawn hung back with him, letting Cindy take the lead. His usually voluble twin had barely spoken during supper, which was a first in his experience. Her bubbly good cheer was a contrast to his quiet humor, and he was worried that something had happened between her and Cindy that had caused her to clam up.

Though they had, he thought, been getting along together when they were hanging out on the porch swing earlier in the evening.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

She slanted a look up at him and his heart stuttered in his chest. Fifteen days, he thought desperately. Fifteen days before she leaves. He knew, in his heart, that staying home was the right choice for him, just as leaving was the right choice for Dawn. He had no desire to spend the next four years in classrooms and dorm rooms and sucking up cheap beer in campus bars.

But he didn't want to lose his sister, either. She had always been there for him, a cheerful, chatty companion, her constant stream of happy conversation there to balance his mother's quiet fury at the entire world and everyone in it. He didn't know what he was going to do when it was just the two of them together.

I'll probably snap one day and bite her head off, he thought sourly.

"I'm fine," Dawn replied quietly. "I just..." she trailed off. She looked up at him, and Donny caught something strange in her gaze, something frightened and trapped. "Can I come by your room later on? I'd like to talk. And not where she can butt in."

"Sure," he said, mystified.

"Right, then," she nodded, and stretched her short legs, walking more quickly to catch up with Cindy.



Katherine Swenson gathered up the sheaf of handouts, printouts, booklets, and other material which she had accumulated during the day's conferences. Stuffing the entire mass in her bag, she was headed for the hallway that led to the elevators when she felt a hand grasp her elbow. Turning, she saw the plump, slightly sweaty face of Pastor Sternhagen.

"Katherine, dear," he smiled jovially. "Done for the day?"

"Yes," she smiled back. "I'm ready for a long hot shower and a good book," she said, "and a good night's rest before we start again tomorrow."

"Katherine!" he admonished. "It's Friday night and you're in the big city. You can't hide in the hotel during our entire stay.

"Come on," he said. "Let me take you out to eat. This town is famous for steaks. You can't order room service for a whole week.

"I'm not taking no for an answer," he said, as she opened her mouth to protest. "I'll see you in the lobby in an hour."


"Nice place," Katherine said nervously, sipping at a glass of water. They were seated at a table in one of Omaha's best steakhouses. The restaurant was crowded, and she frowned to herself as she recalled how Walter had slipped the maitre d' fifty dollars to move them to the head of the waiting list.

"Rank has its privileges," he said with a coarse laugh. He was already on his second glass of wine. "What do you think of the conference so far?"

"Good, for the most part," she said, happy at the diversion. "Though I do think the synod's...preoccupation...with gay marriage is misplaced. Does the church really think that the Supreme Court is going to change its mind if we scream louder? Nobody in our church is being forced to perform marriages. It's purely a civil matter.

"And I have to say," she continued, unaware of the hostile gleam in the pastor's eye, "that the court's ruling seems to me to be based on sound legal reasoning."

"Really?" Sternhagen drawled. "How interesting that a person of your meager academic accomplishments seems to know more about the law of the land than the synod council." She flushed dully under his jibe.

"Happily, however, your view is not the prevailing one. The people of this country, and especially of our church, must be taught that gay marriage is an obscenity that must be revoked, before it drowns the entire land in corruption. What's the next marriage that will be declared legal? Polygamy? Incest? Bestiality?" His lips curled in revulsion. "I would advise that you pray on these matters, Katherine."

Fortunately for her, their food soon arrived, and Sternhagen transferred his attention to his plate.

"As it happens, I have another concern which I wanted to bring to your attention, pastor," she said, changing the subject. He grunted and waved a hand at her to continue, taking a huge forkful of buttered potatoes.

"There have been several large cash advances made on our church credit cards in the last few months," she said. "As well as checks written out for cash, and several withdrawals of church funds that have not been accounted for. I am sure," she continued, "that the withdrawals are legitimate. But I am answerable to the board, and I have to be sure that all these transactions are properly documented.

"I have the paperwork upstairs. I was hoping I could go over it with you and we could get the issues resolved before we go home on Wednesday."

Sternhagen smiled, fat lips greasy with beef fat and butter. "Really, Katherine. I admire your dedication to your work, but don't you think this is a little much? Our parishioners expect us to live in a way that is befitting one of the Lord's Chosen. Do you think they would thank us for pinching pennies?

"There is such a thing as being too rigorous. Remember. Our Lord chastised those who ignored the spirit of the law, insisting on following it to the letter." His hand reached out and held hers, chunky fingers stroking her knuckles. He had, Katherine noted in the small part of her brain which was not screaming in impotent fury, left his wedding ring in his room. "And someone who knows where to turn a blind eye might find her financial situation improved."

Does he really think to buy me so cheaply? Katherine thought in disgust, hoping her revulsion didn't reach her face. A quick fling and a raise? As if I found him attractive in the first place. She noted his narrowed eyes. Or maybe he hopes to pin it all on me, and tell the board how I attempted to seduce him. The missing cash can be blamed on me as easily as on him, she thought with a shudder.

She forced herself to smile, and bent her head to her plate. "Thank you, pastor," she said. "That is exactly what I was hoping you would say."


"Come in," Donny said, later that night, as Dawn knocked on his half-shut door.

It was after eleven, and the house was quiet. Cindy had gone to her room more than an hour ago; there, she said, to try to digest all the food she had eaten that night.

They had spent a quiet evening at home, watching the Cardinals' game on TV. Both of the siblings had inherited their grandfather's love of the game, and Donny had played outfield for the high school team before he graduated.

Dawn entered quietly, face serious. Donny sat up in his bed, putting his book on his nightstand as she came in. His mind raced, trying to figure out why she looked so solemn. For an instant his heart leaped. Was she going to tell him that she had changed her mind about going to WIU?

"Can I ask you a question, Donny?"

"You already did," he replied, lips twitching.

She sighed in aggravation and he raised his hands. "Sorry. I can see that you need to talk about something. What's up?"

"I'm worried about Cindy. She's...she's a strange person. She's acting differently than when we see her with Mom around."

"Well, of course she is. I act different when Mom's not around riding herd on us, too. And so do you."