While the Cat's Away


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"Not like this." In short, stuttering sentences, she described the incident on the porch, leaving out what had brought it on; Cindy's obvious and frightening attraction to her brother.

Donny slumped back, bumping his head against the frame of the bed. "Ow. Let me get this straight. You masturbated outside with Cindy? Together?"

"Yes," Dawn said in a tiny voice. She looked down at her feet, ashamed.

"Okay," he said. "Let's take this one step at a time. Did she force you to do it? In any way?"

Dawn shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "She asked me to join her. She was talking about this guy she was attracted to, and just pulled off her underwear right in front of me like it was the most natural thing in the world, and just went to town on herself. And her voice...it's like she put a spell on me. I got so horny all of a sudden. And I wanted to join her. By the end, I wanted her. Wanted to be with her. In bed."


"That's all you have to say? Wow?"

"Well, what do you expect me to say? I'm not going to tell you it was a sin, because that's stupid. And I'm not going to tell you it's wrong, because we both know we do that sort of thing in private. And I'm not going to say you shouldn't be attracted to a woman, because how could I make you stop?"

"I don't want to be a lesbian!" she wailed. She looked up and her eyes were full of tears.

"Oh for God's sake. Sit down," he said. She came over to the bed and sat next to him. He put his arm around her in a comfortable hug.

"Come on, Dawn. Do you think five minutes of...of jilling off with Cindy means you're playing for the other team?" Dawn sniffled. "Have you ever been attracted to other women before?"


"Then it's probably a one-time thing. Don't get all worked up about it. We're all so dang repressed here it's a miracle we're not all in therapy," he grinned.

"Well, what about the...the incest thing?" she said, looking anywhere but at his face.

"I can't see how what you did qualifies as incest," he said, trying to keep a straight face. "Besides, it's not as if you two are going to be able to make babies together, is it?"

"Well, no." She nodded to herself, face brightening. "All right. Thanks," she said, getting up.

"Do you want me to talk to Cindy tomorrow?" he offered. "I can tell her that you're not comfortable with her being so open, if you like."

Dawn shook her head. "No. I think I just needed to talk this out. Don't worry about it."

"Okay then." He reached for his book. As he did, Dawn's eyes were caught by the obvious bulge at his crotch, his penis straining upwards, tenting the cut-off sweatpants he wore to bed.

"God," she said, eying his erection. "You sick little pervert. Did thinking about me and Cindy get you all worked up?"

He blushed, but answered honestly. "If you think I can sit here with you beside me while you tell me about two of the most beautiful women I know playing with themselves and not get a hard-on, you're nuts. I'm a man. Of course I think that's hot."

"Of course you do," she echoed. "Jesus, men are disgusting." No pencil-dick here, Cindy, she thought smugly. And I'm the one seeing it, not you. Hah. She shook her head in mock-disgust at her brother and left the room.

And when Dawn and Donny masturbated that night, neither one knew that the other was thinking of them.


The next morning Dawn woke late. Saturday morning was the one day a week her mother let her sleep in, and she took full advantage. She stumbled down the stairs around ten o'clock, yawning happily, her nose catching the smell of sizzling bacon and sausage.

Donny must have gotten tired of waiting for breakfast, was her first thought. Instead, she was surprised to see her cousin at the stove, dressed in a long pink Hello Kitty t-shirt, transferring bacon from the griddle to a waiting plate. Donny was in the kitchen as well, watching bemusedly, one hip cocked against the counter.

"Good, you're up," said Cindy, pouring pancake batter onto the griddle. Each dollop spread out in gentle waves, edges turning brown where they met the bacon grease. "I was about to send Donny up to wake you." She eyed the batter critically, then reached for her spatula, turning the pancakes over deftly.

"You didn't have to do this," Dawn protested.

Cindy made a rude noise. "You've been feeding me for the past three days. The least I could do is make breakfast. And breakfast is pretty hard to screw up, though my ex was perfectly capable, if you gave him a chance." She moved pancakes onto a plate, adding them to the stack already there.

Taking a look around, she nodded in satisfaction. "Donny's got the table set. Grab a plate and let's eat."


Breakfast was filled with cheerful conversation. Dawn managed to lose the last of her left-over jumpiness from the night before. Cindy was in a happy mood, and had them laughing with stories of some of her adventures in college, before she got married.

"...and so we took all of her furniture out of her room, and rearranged it in the lounge. She went into her room to study and it was bare as a baby's butt. We'd even hauled the carpet out to make it more realistic."

Dawn snickered. "I'm going to have to remember that one if some girl makes an ass out of herself. We don't need anyone like that making everyone else miserable."

She was picking one last strip of bacon off her plate when the phone rang.

"I'll get it," Donny said, rising to his feet. They could hear muffled conversation from the kitchen, and a few minutes later he came back through, face thunderous.

"What's the matter?" Cindy asked.

"The owner's damnfool son somehow managed to put a hole in his oil pan and ran the engine until he cracked a head. He's in the shop now, wailing about how he needs the car next week for his job. Larry asked me to come in and help out. It's overtime, and he offered me an extra hundred for my time and aggravation, so I'm going in."

"Will you be there all day? I thought you wanted to go fishing," Dawn asked.

He snorted. "I did. Maybe tomorrow." He grabbed a piece of sausage and bit down savagely. Muttering about idiots who didn't know how to maintain their vehicles, he stomped upstairs.

Cindy raised her eyebrows. "Wow. I don't think I've ever seen him so upset."

Dawn nodded. "He's got a temper on him. It's just buried deep. If you mistreat a good piece of machinery, though, look out." She started gathering plates to wash, and her cousin quickly joined her.

Ten minutes later, she was elbow-deep in suds. Donny had stormed out of the house, the screen door banging shut behind him. She didn't think the idiot who had wrecked his engine was going to enjoy the earful he was going to get.

Behind her, Cindy watched her swaying, graceful movements, eyes hot with lust. She fought to tamp down her desire, but it was too late. Quietly, she helped dry the dishes and put the utensils and cooking materials away.

"All right," Dawn said briskly, turning away from the draining sink. The last of the water disappeared down the drain with a satisfied gurgle. "What else needs doing today?"

Cindy pulled her shirt up over her head and dropped it at her feet. She was naked beneath.

"I do," she said, her voice husky with longing. "I need doing."

Dawn stepped back, the small of her back bumping painfully into the counter. She opened her mouth, even now unsure of what she was going to say. Her eyes locked with her cousin, and suddenly she saw, underneath the dirty talk and the bawdy jokes and the brazen attitude, the nervousness in her cousin's face. The terrible fear of rejection.

And so, instead of lashing out, instead of pushing her away, she walked into Cindy's arms, mouth raised for a kiss.

In the last moments before Cindy's lips touched hers, she murmured, "Be careful, cousin. I've never kissed a woman before." Her skin was silky soft under her hands, and she could feel Cindy's carnal heat rising to meet her shyer arousal.

The kiss lasted only a moment, but in that splintered second of time, Dawn Swenson's world changed, and it would never be the same again. Her fears, her worries, her misgivings were all swept away, wiped clean by the oncoming surge of desire, rushing over her life like a flood tide washing over the sands of a beach.

Under her lips, Cindy's mouth opened. Expecting a ravishing plunderer, Dawn was surprised to find that her cousin's tongue was as gently inquisitive as her own. It met hers softly, warm and trusting, but irresistible in its power. How sweet it was, sliding over the fragile flesh of her lips, gliding over her teeth, and now plunging deep into her mouth, the rough pad stroking her own.

She sighed, her hands stroking the warm skin of her cousin's back. Breaking the kiss, she looked down, at Cindy's breasts. Smaller than hers, they stood proudly upright, her large, dark nipples turgid with want, firm buds thrusting out from the smaller globes. She slid her hands upwards, past the curving span of her ribs, and cupped a breast in her palm. Cindy sighed and shuddered as her cousin explored her body, testing her reactions to her naked desire.

"I might not have a great set of titties like yours, Dawn, but I've got world-class nips," she said softly, twitching as the pad of Dawn's thumb grazed her erect nubbin.

"So I see," Dawn said cheerfully. She dipped her head slightly, dropping kisses on her neck and chest as Cindy sighed and wove her hands through Dawn's hair. "But if we're going to do this properly, and we are going to do this properly," she continued, voice hard and fierce, "we're not going to do it on a linoleum floor. Let's go upstairs."

She led the way up the front stairs, and Cindy could barely keep her hands off Dawn's sexy ass as it swayed invitingly in front of her, her more rounded curves making a delicious counterpart to Cindy's angular form.

Dawn briefly considered leading Cindy into her mother's room, but decided against it. As exciting as it was to think about making love with Cindy on her mother's bed, she chose not to mock her in this way. Instead, she reached behind her, took Cindy's hand, and guided her down the hall to the small bedroom which was hers.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Cindy gathered Dawn into a passionate embrace. The last vestiges of restraint disappeared from her mind, leaving her a being of pure physical desire. She clutched her cousin by her hips and drew her roughly towards her, her mouth already descending.

And Dawn did not fight her. Rather, she embraced the blazing passion which Cindy had felt for her since she had stepped out of her car. God, was it only three days ago? She moaned against Cindy's mouth, nipping at her lips with her sharp little teeth, her hands clutching the sweaty skin of her ass.

"Naked," Cindy panted as she fought free of Dawn's embrace. "Sweet Jesus, I need to see you naked." She pulled her t-shirt up and over her head, only to be defeated by Dawn's bra, functional cotton chastely embracing her delectable young breasts. Lips thinning, she bent to Dawn's shorts, shaking fingers undoing the button and zipper, yanking the offending garment down to Dawn's feet.

She stepped out of it, smiling sunnily, clever fingers working the clasp of her bra. With a snap and a shrug, the cups fell away, followed closely by her panties, as for the first time she bared herself in front of her cousin.

"God, Dawn," Cindy could barely speak. "You're fucking incredible."

She blushed, looking at her feet, barely able to meet her eyes. "I'm not that pretty."

"The fuck you aren't," Cindy responded. "Weren't you homecoming queen? Or was that someone else?"

"Well, yeah. But you have to understand, Cin. There's only something like forty-seven girls in my entire high school."

"Oh, to hell with that false modesty bullshit," Cindy exclaimed. "You're as pretty as your mom was, back in the day. Or mine, for that matter."

She cupped one of Dawn's breasts in her hands, overcome with joy that her stupendous body was now hers to ravish. It sat before her, plump and beautiful, the pink nipple tipped over-so-slightly upward. She looked into her cousin's eyes and bent her head, taking the erect bud between her lips, tongue flicking over its turgid fullness. And as she did, her other hand reached lower, softly stroking the folds of her cousin's pussy.

Dawn twitched in her grasp, unable to fathom the pleasures that her cousin was sending through her body. Under her clever fingers, the folds of her sex moistened, the lips growing hot and puffy, slowly parting. Cindy gathered wetness at her fingertips, and when she grazed her clitoris, Dawn's legs buckled and she slumped back onto the bed, laying back with her legs spread, blatantly aroused, her hips yearning upwards.

Cindy crawled into bed with her, her hand cupping her sex, fingers stroking her lips once again. "I wish I'd had the good sense to bring my strap-on," she said regretfully, taking a nipple into her mouth and suckling eagerly. She let it free from her lips with a lewd pop. "I'd give you such a good fucking."

Dawn reached her hands above her head, stretching languidly, her taut breasts pointing upwards, her hips pushing her steamy cleft harder into her cousin's loving grip.

"We'll leave that for next time." She rolled over on her side and kissed Cindy's chest, then her breast. Somehow, a nipple found its way between her lips, and she kissed it tenderly, then drew on it like a nursing child. Shuddering in pleasure, Cindy's hands traced patterns of desire on Dawn's back as their legs entwined, warm, slippery skin melding together. Her ankles locked around one of Dawn's legs, and she slowly humped the strong muscle of her thigh, her aching sex grinding against Dawn's hot firm flesh.

Dawn's head was spinning. The entire world had shrunk to this room and the wonderful, sexy woman in her arms. She rolled onto her back, pulling Cindy with her, needing her weight on top of her. Wanting her, wanting to be filled by her, wanting to merge with her until they were one sexual being, each satisfying the carnal desires of the other.

"Mmmm," Cindy said softly, her mouth tickling the sensitive skin of her neck, breath hot in one ear. "I think someone wants to come, doesn't she?"

"God, Cindy, I want it so bad. I need it. Please. Make me come," she replied, pelvis thrusting higher, her nether lips mashing against Cindy's groin. Their juices were mingling, and Dawn shut her eyes in pleasure as she felt Cindy's wetness dampen the short thick curls of her pubic hair.

Her hand reached down and tickled at her entrance again. Almost casually, a finger found her clit and teased it, barely moving, the tip of it gently tracing circles on the sensitive flesh.

"Well, I could eat you, but that wouldn't do much for me," she said, considering the choices. "Or I could just do this until you come," she continued, matching actions to words as her cousin gasped, writhing under her. "Or," she said, eyes hot and wicked, "we could sixty-nine, and we could both get off."

Dawn's eyes widened. Sixty-nine! She had heard the term before, but no one she knew had even attempted it. She swallowed and looked deep into Cindy's eyes.

"You'll have to show me how."

She grinned, her entire face lighting up. "Oh, I'll show you, all right," she breathed. She shifted, turning around, kneeling on the bed, her ass facing Dawn's wide-eyed gaze. "Spread your legs, honey," she murmured, then buried her face in the junction of Dawn's thighs. At the same time, she lowered her body onto Dawn's, her cleft hanging a few scant inches above her cousin's head, allowing her to see the glistening slit of her sex.

Tentatively, Dawn reached up and placed her hands on Cindy's back. With gentle pressure she eased the brunette down until her shining lips were near her own. She was just about to kiss her glistening folds when Cindy took the first hungry swipe of her tongue against her pussy.

Her reaction was immediate. A startled squeak left her lips as Cindy's tongue lovingly traced the contours of her labia. Unthinking, she pushed upwards, grinding her pubis into her cousin's mouth, wanting nothing more than more. More pressure. More tongue. More More More, she moaned, uncertain whether she was speaking aloud or simply screaming with pleasure in the chambers of her own mind.

Cindy's head lifted and she nearly cried out at the sense of loss.

"Hey there, kiddo. Two-way street, remember?"

"Sorry," she murmured, face flushed. As Cindy bent to her task again, she pulled her hips down to meet her mouth, her nostrils filled with her cousin's musk. Cindy's weight settled across her chest, squashing her breasts flat, and she moaned her pleasure even as she made her first tentative kisses at the warm skin of her inner thighs.

Unable to speak, Cindy wiggled her hips impatiently, mouth latched onto her nether lips. Taking one last deep breath, Dawn pulled Cindy's hips all the way down and pressed her mouth to her cousin's quivering sheath.

She started with shy, closed-mouth kisses on her lower lips, feeling the heat of Cindy's breath on her thighs as she moaned appreciatively. Then, she opened her lips and for the first time tasted the tangy dew of another woman's arousal.

This isn't so bad, she thought. She opened her mouth wide and extended her tongue in a long, deep lick up Cindy's folds. Her cousin's hips bucked against her mouth and her hands clenched on her legs. She lifted her face from Dawn's lap, neck tilted back, the cords of her throat standing out tensely.

"Do that again," she urged.

Even slower, Dawn repeated her motion. Cindy spread her legs wider and sank down, all but smothering her cousin.

"Right there," she groaned, as yet another long lick traveled the length of her slit, this time dipping into her inner recesses. She canted her hips slightly, helping the angle. "Right. Fucking. There. Just keep that up," she said, lowering her head so she could meet Dawn's eyes over the length of their gasping, sweating bodies, "and you'll have me screaming your name inside of five minutes."

She bent to her own task, the hot blood in her head making her dizzy. Or was that the hunger which drove her? Her hands came around the soft skin of Dawn's thighs, spreading them apart, the better to gain access to her hidden treasures. Lowering her head, she tongued her beautiful pussy, so sweet, so sexy. Finding her clit, she let her lips linger on it for a time, enjoying Dawn's muffled moans as she opened her mouth to let the tip of her tongue dance on her bud.

In revenge, Dawn raised her head, searching for Cindy's own pearl. There! Lunging high, neck craning, she caught it between her lips, suckling on it as she had her cousin's nipples.

Cindy went wild. With a shriek, she fell flat on Dawn's body, pushing her groin in her cousin's face. In a desperate effort to pull her attention away from the astonishing pleasure she was receiving, she shoved her own face deep into Dawn's pussy, tongue lapping frenziedly at her sex, her nipples hard and aching, grinding into Dawn's belly. She shifted her body to tweak the tip of one breast, and felt Dawn's free hand come around her side to urgently squeeze the other, sending bolts of pleasure deep into her core.

She fought to stave off her orgasm, to try to come at the same time as her cousin, but it was too late. The urgent ache in her belly expanded, tightening though her chest, her nipples, her groin, then shattered, sending pulsing waves of pleasure through her body. She screamed into Dawn's delicious pussy, thighs tightening around her head, her swollen slit sliding over the lips of her lover.

Chest heaving in the aftermath, head spinning, she sought to return the favor to Dawn. She raised up her hips and bent her head to the task one last time, her clever tongue lapping at her folds, then plunging deep into the recesses of her chamber. Coming out, she danced across the swollen flesh of Dawn's bud, and felt her cousin's breath catch.