While the Cat's Away


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"There?" she asked.

"Oh God yes," Dawn returned. "It needs you, Cindy. Kiss it."

Smiling, she did so, covering the heated patch of skin with her mouth, kissing it like she would a lover's lips, tongue coming out to lave deep slow strokes across it, the rough pad inflaming her cousin's desire.

Dawn's hips stuttered upwards, and she felt her thighs clench under her touch. Fingernails scraped the skin of her ass as Dawn clutched her taut globes.

"Cindy, oh fuck, Cindy. I'm coming. I'm coming!" she gasped. Her belly rippled, muscles releasing in shattering spasms as her climax swept over her, leaving her limp and exhausted, spent with pleasure.


"If I was a cat, I'd purr," Cindy said softly, as they lay entwined in the aftermath of their lovemaking.

Dawn laughed softly, then shivered as her cousin's fingers stroked the delicate skin of her back, raising goosebumps.

"Well," she said. "I never expected this to happen."

Cindy hugged her. "First time with a woman?"

"First time with anyone, really," Dawn said, her voice slightly bitter.

Her cousin looked at her astonished. "What? You're a virgin? With guys, too?"

Dawn shrugged uncomfortably. "No, not really. There was one guy last summer. Barry Fitzsimmons. We went out for a couple of months.

We were at a barn dance, right after senior year started. And I got all horny dancing with him. So we went outside to his truck, and we drove off into the fields, and did it in the bed of the truck."

"Not the best place to lose one's virginity," said Cindy.

"No," Dawn agreed. "It was hot, and buggy, and uncomfortable, and he didn't know what he was doing any more than I did. By the time I started to get into it he was already done. Poor boy," she said sympathetically, her eyes slightly amused. "I think he was surprised that I was so randy and ready to go.

"He kept his mouth shut afterward, at least. You know how boys are. Wanting to tell everyone how they scored.

"But he kept pressuring me after. To do it again. He couldn't figure out that I wanted to feel safe, and comfortable, and not...not in a big damn hurry. Not worried about being caught. And Mom was always around here, and his mom was home taking care of his younger sisters, so there was no way we could go to his place.

"So he kept coming up with these ridiculous ideas. Do it in the truck again. Or at a friend's house. Or God help me, sneak off to Macomb or Havana to get a hotel room.

"That's the one that made me break up with him. I was not going screw him at the No-Tell Motel. So I told him to get lost."

"Well, that explains that," Cindy said, her eyes distant.

"Explains what?" Dawn replied, her face intent.

Cindy sighed, and moved in closer to her cousin, their faces almost touching on the damp pillows. "I didn't really want to talk about this, but I think you should know.

"Our family..." she trailed off. "God, it should be Aunt Katherine having this talk with you, not me." Her face firmed. "Our family has a history of being over-sexed. Lots of kids. High sex drives.

"Look at Grandpa Swenson. Oldest of seven kids. And that was right after World War Two, in the baby boom. Go back in the family tree and you see that all over."

"Yeah, but that was before people knew about birth control, right?"

Cindy snorted. "Come on, Dawn. Do you think that the pill was brought down from on high by an archangel in the sixties? Women knew about birth control way before that. Farm families just didn't use it much. Can you imagine how much physical labor it took to run a place this big a hundred years ago? They had kids because they needed them. And because they really, really liked sex.

"My father calls it a survival trait. That families with high sex drives were better adapted. Darwinism at work. The more sex you had, the more kids you had, and the better your chances of surviving for another year, since you had more labor to draw on.

"But now you don't need that labor. Mechanized equipment and electricity and computers and everything else kind of made it obsolete. But our family still has the sex drive."

"So we got it from Grandpa Swenson?" Dawn asked curiously.

"Dad thinks so. He's looked back at some of the family history, diaries, and all that. And he caught some hints from Grandpa as well. Do you ever remember him asking Grandma if she wanted tube steak for supper?"

Dawn nodded, then blushed as the double entendre registered. "Oh my God," she giggled. "Grandpa was asking Grandma if she wanted to screw! That's so funny!"

Cindy grinned. "Yup. But it's not all unicorns and rainbows, kiddo. Having a high sex drive is awesome. When you have someone to share it with. But once it's turned on, it's pretty hard to stop."

Dawn's lips parted as the import sunk in. "So you and Todd..."

"He couldn't handle it." Cindy's lips thinned in frustration. "He was a nice, normal guy, but he couldn't keep up with me. He couldn't believe that I needed a good pounding at least once a day, usually more.

"When he suggested I needed therapy as a sex addict, that was the last straw. I'm not a fucking nymphomaniac, who can't control herself. I just happen to want good hot sweaty sex as often as I can get it. If I don't, I get jumpy and angry and I'm no fun to be around.

"So I left him. And I'm very sorry, Dawn-girl," she said softly, running a lock of thick blond hair through her fingers. "But I am willing to bet your sweet little pussy is going to be very hungry soon. And for the foreseeable future. Because once we get started, our bodies have no desire at all to stop."

In response, Dawn looped her arms around Cindy's back pulling her close. She shivered as Dawn's tongue licked out, tasting the sweaty skin of her neck. Oh, God, she's good, she thought hazily.

"In that case," her cousin said, "I might as well get as much practice as I can. College," she continued smugly, "is going to be a lot of fun."


Donny came home just before six; hot, sweaty, and fuming. He didn't say a word as he went upstairs to shower. By the time he came back down, however, he had managed to lose most of his bad temper.

"Less than fifteen thousand miles on the engine," he said, in response to Dawn's question. "Spent all afternoon getting it out of the car. And it's completely ruined. The block is cracked and there's no way to fix it. That idiot Vern was out at the campground and drove it across a meadow to the lake when he was drunk. Didn't even notice that a rock had tore a great big hole in his oil pan. And didn't notice when he had a puddle of oil under his car the next morning.

"His dad," he said with grim satisfaction, "is going to take it out of his hide. He gave it to Vern for his graduation last spring."

"Goodness," said Cindy, eyes dancing merrily. She took a bite of pizza. "Cousin, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are when you're angry? Those flushed cheeks. Those flashing eyes." She touched the tip of her tongue to her lips, drawing it across seductively as her wicked eyes met her cousin's. She fanned her face with one hand as Dawn laughed out loud.

"All right then," Donny said, abashed. "I'll stop talking about it. Nice pizza," he said, changing the subject. "Where did you get it from?"

"I drove through Macomb on my way down here on Wednesday," Cindy replied. "New place named Mama Juliana's opened up there, and I saw it as I drove by. A girlfriend of mine from Iowa always talked about it when we were in school. So Dawn and I drove up there this afternoon and picked some up," she said, one hand stroking Dawn's arm as her cousin smiled.

Donny looked between the two of them, wondering. Dawn's tense nervousness of the night before seemed to be completely gone. To the contrary, she seemed extraordinarily relaxed, and she held Cindy's hand briefly before taking a big swig of soda.

He ruthlessly sat on his suspicions. None of my business, he thought, shifting nervously, trying to pry his mind away from the arousing image of his sexy sister and his hot cousin playing with themselves the afternoon before. Or was it even more today?

"So, joining us for church tomorrow morning?" he said instead. "I hear that Pastor McCullough has a real barn-burner ready for us. Wouldn't do you any harm at all to get some of that oldtime religion," he finished, as both Cindy and Dawn made gagging noises.

"Fuck and no," she said flatly, grinning. "The only way you'd get me inside of that place is if you dragged me. What about you two? Why don't you skip?"

"If only," Dawn said disgustedly as Donny nodded. "Mom would find out inside an hour of getting home. Someone would be sure to tell her how we blew it off, and then there would be hell to pay.

"Besides," she continued. "After tomorrow I'll only have one more service to go to before I move in at Western. And if you think I'm going to keep going to church once I'm in school, well, I have to admire your rejection of reality," she finished as Donny and Cindy both laughed.

"You, Donny?" Cindy asked.

He shrugged, missing the way Cindy's admiring gaze traced the line of his shoulders. "I go to keep Mom happy. I'll move out of here eventually, though. I've given Mom enough hints to let her know that when I leave I'm not going to be going to church very often. Or at all.

"It wouldn't kill you to do the same, Dawn-girl," he said to his sister. "At least that way she won't badger you about it once you're away at school."

Dawn nodded, considering. Better to tear off the band-aid at once, she decided, than to try to peel it off slowly. "I'll tell her when she gets back."


Later that evening, Dawn pushed open Cindy's bedroom door, trying to stay quiet.

"Hungry again already?" Cindy teased, laying in bed. She wore onto the briefest of panties, cut high at the hips, and a lace bra. She spread her legs, showing her cousin the spot where her moisture had dampened the fabric.

Dawn nodded jerkily, thighs shifting nervously under her cousin's gaze. Her belly ached with want.

God, if I knew it was going to be like this, she thought.

Fuck it. I'd have done it anyway.

"Well, too bad for you. Do you really think we could screw in your Mom's bedroom without Donny hearing us?"

"I thought, if we were both quiet..." Dawn started.

"I can't be quiet when I am making love, honey," she said gently. "And I doubt that you can, either. And anyway, if you stay in here for that long, don't you think he's going to get suspicious?"

"Well, what are we going to do?" Dawn whispered. "I want you again. So bad it hurts." Her nipples were tenting the front of the long t-shirt she was wearing, and Cindy wanted nothing more than to throw her sexy cousin down on her bed and lick her. Lick her all over. Lick her until she came under her mouth, shuddering in rapture.

"I know," she said soothingly. "Listen. After you two get back from church tomorrow, go into town. Didn't you say you needed to take some of the vegetables to the co-op anyway?

"When you do," she continued, "I'll talk to Donny. I'll make him understand, somehow. And we'll be able to sleep together until your mom comes home."

"Okay," Dawn agreed softly. She bent down and gave Cindy a long, lingering kiss. When she stood back up, Cindy was trembling, her eyes dilated with desire.

"Get out of here," she rasped uncertainly, one hand pulling on her nipple through the cloth of her bra, "before I change my mind."


If the night was torture, church the next day was excruciating.

Dawn sat beside Donny in their pew at the back of the half-empty church, her pussy on fire, her empty cleft aching to be filled. Sweat beaded her upper lip, and it had nothing to do with the temperature of the building.

Cindy was right, she moaned silently to herself. Once the body knows what it wants, it isn't going to settle for anything less. She squeezed her thighs together, trying to dampen her hunger. Her eyes were unfocused and hazy, looking into the middle distance, her attention turned inward, concentrating on the delicious desire within her womanly core.

Beside her, Donny glanced at her worriedly, brows pulled down in a frown. Dawn was usually calm during services, content to zone out and sit and stand and sing in a sequence that they had both memorized by the time they were seven years old. Her nervous, twitchy jumpiness had him concerned that she would draw the attention of Pastor McCullough, who was not above interrupting a service to berate those who he thought were paying insufficient attention.

He sighed with relief as she shifted again, then relaxed. His eyes drifted to the clean lines of her calves, clearly visible below the hem of her dress.

From the corner of her eye, Dawn could see her brother sneaking a look at her legs. Her heart began to suddenly pound, bright blood rushing to her face. Could Donny be as attracted to her as she was to him?

Only one way to find out, a voice whispered in her head. It sounded suspiciously like Cindy.

She set her hands in her lap. Gripping the fabric of her dress in her fingers, she slowly pulled the material upwards, shivering in sensual delight as the cool air of the room played over the heated flesh of her legs. Be agonizing inches, her hem was drawn higher, exposing more and more of her legs to her brother's unwilling eyes. First her knees, then her thighs, and finally her hips were displayed wantonly. Finally, the entire lower half of the dress was gathered in her lap, and she spread her legs, damp panties shamelessly visible.

Reaching forward, she plucked a pencil out of the back of the pew in front of them. She flipped over the worship pamphlet, and using a hymnal as a writing block, scrawled Like what you see? Lips curled in a wicked grin, she tilted the hymnal towards Donny.

He was sweating, she saw, and his neck bobbed as he swallowed around his tie. He mimicked her trick, and showed her what he had written down:

You're crazy!

She shifted languidly, thighs rubbing against each other. The urgent ache at her core redoubled.

No, I'm horny. BIG difference, Bro.

A hymn started, and they rose up to sing, her clear contralto melding effortlessly with his sure tenor. They sat back down and she pulled her dress up again, this time laying her hand against her pulsing cleft.

Mmmmm, she wrote. I'm all hot and sticky. Would you like to feel it?

His eyes darted from side to side like a trapped animal.

Stop it. Someone's going to see you. What are we going to tell Mom if we get kicked out?

In response, she threw her arms over the back of the pew. Arching her back, she used the increased leverage to grind her crotch deep into the rough fabric of the seat, lips curling up in an ecstatic smile as her pleasure grew. Fascinated, Donny watched her, eyes glued to her proud breasts, thrusting outward, straining at the material of her dress.

She relaxed, and her eyes drifted to his groin, widening at what she saw. Inside his dark slacks, his cock stuck up, hard and urgent. She could almost believe she could see it pulsing in time with his heartbeat. Fascinated, she saw a tiny spot on the cloth darken, and knew that he was seeping moisture, preparing his body for sex.

With her.

Look at you. You're hard. For me?

He was trying to form a response when he noticed that the church had grown ominously silent. He looked up to see Pastor McCullough glaring at them from the altar, a vein throbbing on his damp forehead.

"Do we have a problem, Miss Swenson?"

"Not at all," his sister responded calmly, ignoring the indrawn breath of dozens of parishioners. Hidden from his view, she quickly flipped the hem of her dress back down to her legs. "I had a cramp in my back and was stretching it out. These pews are really terribly uncomfortable, you know."

The pastor's lips folded back in a smirk. "I'll let Pastor Sternhagen know. Meanwhile, if you can't pay attention, perhaps you'd like to leave."

"All right." She stood up and picked up her purse. Gathering Donny up with a glance, she said, "Let's go." She walked up the aisle, her brother following her.

"What? Wait! Where are you going?" Used to people cringing and begging forgiveness, McCullough was completely unprepared when someone called his bluff.

At the entrance of the nave, she turned back around, her look frosty.

"You invited us to leave. I'm accepting that invitation. You might want to consider the fact that there are other churches in the area. You don't have a right to be abusive.

"Oh, and one last thing. You gave the exact same sermon about Abraham and Isaac back in February. In my view, being willing to murder his son doesn't make Abraham a good man, it makes him a psychopath. And any god who would demand that isn't a god I am interested in worshiping." She spun on her heel and marched out of the church.


As soon as the door to the church closed behind her, Dawn whooped in glee, laughing as she spun in place. Her dress swirled around her legs, exposing a generous expanse of her sweet young thighs, tanned with sun.

Donny watched her, his heart in his eyes, then turned away and climbed into the pick-up. She jumped in beside him, still laughing, and buckled in as he pulled out of the parking lot, the engine growling.

"I hope you're happy," he said. "You're going to be away at Western in a couple of weeks. And I am going to have to be the one who deals with the fallout from this."

She made a rude noise. "Bullcrap. He tried to embarrass me in front of the whole congregation, just because I wasn't hanging onto every word like the rest of those sheep."

He eyed her warily. "God. You're acting just like Cindy."

"Am I?" she smiled. "Maybe." Her hand found his thigh, squeezed it, and moved unerringly to his groin. Finding him sadly deflated, she pouted, even as he jerked and fought to keep the truck on the road.

"Christ, Dawn! Keep your hands to yourself!"

"As if."

He slowed down and looked at her.

"What happened between you and Cindy yesterday?"

"Something wonderful," she replied, eyes happy.

"You slept with her, didn't you? Christ. Two nights ago you were so scared of being a lesbian you could barely talk about it, and now you're practically stripping naked in church."

"I didn't sleep with her."

He turned a disbelieving face to her.

"We did a lot of things, but sleeping wasn't one of them." Deep dimples met his outraged glare. "Close your mouth, Donny. You'll catch flies."

Fuming, he turned away, hands tight on the steering wheel. He took deep breaths to try to calm himself, finding his center.

Not your business, Donald, he said. You told her yourself you didn't think what they were doing together was wrong. So who do you have to blame when it comes back to bite you on the ass?

Man, being tolerant was a hell of a lot easier when it came to gay people getting married in Tennessee, rather than your sister sexing up your hot cousin.

He snorted, amused despite himself, as they pulled in to the farm's driveway. As they stopped, Cindy came out to the porch, eyes full of questions.

"You're back early," she said. Donny brushed past her, heading upstairs.

"Talk to little Miss Sex-A-Lot," he grunted, climbing the stairs to his bedroom. "And if she can keep her hands out of her crotch for ten fucking minutes, maybe she can tell you what happened at church today. Enjoy yourselves. I'm going fishing.

"And leave me the hell alone," he snapped, turning to glare at them both from the top of the stairs. "I don't want to talk to anybody until I get back."


"What the hell did you do?" asked Cindy, stunned by Donny's display of temper.

As Dawn told her what had happened, she took deep breaths, forcing herself to not bang her head against the wall of the house. She saw Donny walk across the yard to the garage, having taken the back stairs in a transparent effort to avoid them both. In a few minutes, he came out, with fishing rods and tackle in his arms. He pitched them into the bed of the truck, then climbed in, pulling into the meadow and heading for the ponds near the back of the property.